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  1. [verwijderd] 20 december 2015 17:03
    Bedankt voor de nieuwsberichten Voda, ben zeer content met de nieuwsberichten welke jij hier telkens plaatst, het is vaak info welke anders niet zichtbaar is voor mij. Elke dag hoor je meer nieuws waardoor het moment van uitvoering maatregelen heel hard dichterbij komt.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 20 december 2015 17:04
    Japanese domestic HR and CR steel prices at 11 year low

    Nikkei repoirted that the price of steel sheet continues to fall in Japan and has now sunk to the lowest level in 11 years due to a growing oversupply at home and a slowdown in exports caused by a deteriorating Asian market.

    The price of cold-rolled steel sheet is at JPY 68,000-70,000 (USD 554-570) per ton in Tokyo, 2.1% cheaper than in September. Hot rolled steel sheet is 4% less expensive at around JPY 59,000 a tonne. Prices of both have fallen more than JPY 10,000 since a recent peak last year and are at their lowest levels since 2004.

    Nearly half of domestically produced cold-rolled steel sheet is exported, but international prices are weak due to overproduction by China. As a result, October exports tumbled 15% from the prior month, but domestic shipments remained virtually unchanged because steelmakers have begun turning to the domestic market in an attempt to maintain production and sales.

    Manufacturers are continuing to reduce stockpiles but there has been little change in inventories at the distribution level, including wholesalers and processors. Distribution inventories of the three main types of steel sheet were at 2.25 million tons at the end of October, up 2% from the prior month for the third straight monthly increase. This has put downward pressure on prices.

    Falling Asian prices have caused the price of steel products imported from the likes of South Korea and Taiwan to fall. The average import price of cold-rolled coils fell 6% over three months to JPY 58,500 a tonne in October, making competing domestic products seem expensive. The perception in the market is that if foreign markets do not stop falling, domestic prices will not either.

    Even domestic demand, which was expected to recover starting in autumn, has not rebounded as much as anticipated. Given an uncertain outlook for emerging-market economies, capital spending by manufacturers has not picked up, resulting in weak demand for steel sheet used in construction machinery, industrial equipment and construction materials for plants and warehouses.

    Source : Nikkei

  3. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 16:13
    China presenteert economisch plan 2016

    BEIJING (Dow Jones)--China heeft maandag zijn economische prioriteiten voor 2016 bekendgemaakt, zonder daarbij een groeidoelstelling voor volgend jaar te noemen. Beijing wil zich ondermeer richten op het verkleinen van de overcapaciteit binnen de industrie en de verzadiging op de vastgoedmarkt, gezien het flinke aantal onverkochte woningen. Dit heeft het Chinese staatspersbureau Xinhua gemeld.

    Volledige details van het plan, dat werd vastgelegd tijdens een eindejaarsbijeenkomst van de topeconomen van de Chinese regering, zijn niet duidelijk. Een groeidoelstelling maakt Beijing meestal pas in maart bekend.

    Wel benadrukte een overheidsofficial maandag aan The Wall Street Journal dat de zorgen over een mogelijk harde landing van de Chinese economie 'ongegrond' zijn, omdat Beijing voldoende speling heeft binnen het monetaire beleid en de begroting om de groei aan te jagen. Volgens de functionaris zal het beleid volgend jaar hoe dan ook 'accommoderend' blijven.

    Economen binnen en buiten China verwachten dat de groeidoelstelling van China volgend jaar lager zal zijn dan de 7% die voor dit jaar wordt verwacht, hoewel het nog maar de vraag is of die 7% uberhaupt wordt gehaald. Het zou hoe dan ook de traagste groei in 25 jaar zijn.

    Eerder gaf de Chinese president Xi Jinping al aan dat de Chinese economie de komende vijf jaar gemiddeld zeker met 6,5% moet groeien, om de groei en het inkomen per hoofd van de bevolking in 2020 te hebben verdubbeld ten opzichte van de niveaus in 2010. Op basis daarvan verwachten marktkenners dat de groeidoelstelling van Beijing voor 2016 zeker rond de 6,5% zal uitkomen.

    Door Lingling Wei; vertaald en bewerkt door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200; marleen.groen@wsj.com

  4. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 16:26
    Staalproductie zakt verder

    Gepubliceerd op 21 dec 2015 om 13:35 | Views: 3.590

    BRUSSEL (AFN) - De wereldwijde staalproductie is in november met 4,1 procent gedaald ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Daarmee werd voor de negende maand op rij minder staal gefabriceerd dan in dezelfde maand een jaar eerder. Dat maakte de brancheorganisatie World Steel Association (WSA) maandag bekend.

    De totale productie van de 66 aangesloten landen kwam uit op 127 miljoen ton staal. China bleef veruit de grootste staalproducent. Het land produceerde bijna 2 procent minder staal dan een jaar eerder, maar nam met ruim 63 miljoen ton wel de helft van het totaal voor zijn rekening.

    Andere landen als Japan, de Verenigde Staten, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Rusland en Brazilië leverden eveneens minder staal. Alleen in Oekraïne en Italië werden plussen gemeten.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 16:27

    Smike schreef op 20 december 2015 17:03:

    Bedankt voor de nieuwsberichten Voda, ben zeer content met de nieuwsberichten welke jij hier telkens plaatst, het is vaak info welke anders niet zichtbaar is voor mij. Elke dag hoor je meer nieuws waardoor het moment van uitvoering maatregelen heel hard dichterbij komt.
    Graag gedaan hoor! :-)
  6. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 16:52
    Japanese steel mails an Korean shipyards yet to start talks on SBQ plate supplies for Q1

    Tex reported that negotiations on steel plates for Korean shipbuilders have not started yet for shipments of the first half or the first quarter next year. It is usual to be the time when Chinese mills would have already concluded contracts but they are unlikely to have commenced negotiations yet as with the Japanese mills. Negotiations are delayed by around 1 month, of which reason is directly because of personnel changes of the purchasing department of Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). HHI's purchasing department is not ready for negotiations due to its changes in personnel.

    Delayed negotiations have no impact on the Japanese mills at all. It is because as plate prices in Asia are falling too much, they are advantageous to proceed with negotiations after awaiting a price recovery rather than rushing. Therefore, the Japanese mills are unlikely to make offers within the year. Meantime, if they are required to make offers at this stage, any mill is certain to offer levelling off of prices.

    Not only for Korea but also for other Asian countries, plate prices had dropped by more than $150 in the past year. Among Asian plate mills, many mills to have cut their marginal profits seem to be appearing in succession. The reason why Chinese mills have not entered negotiations yet can be said because they come close to a state to be unable to accept a decrease in prices any more anticipating Korea's request for a large decrease in prices.

    The Japanese mills are watching moves of Korea's POSCO. It is because POSCO is supposed also to come close to a limit to cut its prices, which is no different from the Japanese mills.

    Korean shipbuilders except Samsung Heavy Industries seem to desire a half-year contract with the Japanese mills. However, seeing that the time to be able to correct the current plate prices having fallen too low will surely come, the Japanese mills' stance to desire a quarterly contract avoiding a long-term contract is strong.

    Anyhow, negotiations on plates for shipbuilding for Korea will not be commenced soon. Accordingly, the Japanese mills are observing that negotiations will be concluded around in March.

    Source : The TEX Report
  7. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 16:54
    AISI support lifting of oil export ban

    The American Iron and Steel Institute last week expressed support for a measure to remove the current ban on the export of domestic crude oil that is included in the year-end spending and tax package announced today. This legislation is scheduled to be voted on this week before Congress adjourns for winter break.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 16:56
    EU steel deal comes too late for SSI Redcar

    The Northern Echo reported that UK’s steel industry has been handed a lifeline after the European Commission approved state aid that will reduce the sector’s energy costs. The move, which comes too late to save more than 2,000 jobs at SSI Redcar, is aimed at helping heavy industries reduce power bills, which they say are a major cause of the steel industry’s crisis.

    Mr Gareth Stace, UK Steel Director, said “This is a hugely significant and welcome announcement which will bring some much-needed relief to a steel sector saddled with spiralling energy policy costs which has undermined its competitiveness. We are relieved that compensation payments can finally now start for most of the steel sector and that we now have long term certainty of relief following the commitment to permanently exempt the sector from renewables policy costs.

    He said “But this is far from job done. The dumping of Chinese steel continues and must be stopped.”

    He said “The business secretary has done well to deliver this first stage of the state aid package. But the Government cannot afford to let up on ensuring that all major procurement projects, from rail to tidal barrages and airports, all use British steel to give this vital UK industry confidence for the long term. And ministers can do more by reforming business rates to exclude some of the penalties steel companies and others face if they invest in plant and machinery.”

    He said “Government must also act decisively over the next year to ensure exemption from policy costs start promptly in April 2017. We must not allow this process to again get caught up in a regulatory quagmire in Brussels.”

    Source : The Northern Echo
  9. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 16:58
    PwC unable to find buyer for Ductile Stourbridge steel rolling mill of Caparo

    Express and Star reported that the closure of the Ductile Stourbridge steel rolling mill in Willenhall brings to an end the saga of the Caparo Industries group that was, until just two months ago, one of the dominant engineering businesses in the Black Country.

    The writing had been on the wall for Ductile after it was left out of last week's rescue of most of Caparo by Liberty House group, owned by the Gupta family. More than 600 jobs were saved at firms including Ductile's sister steel strip businesses JB&S Lees and Firth Cleveland, both based at the Trident Works in West Bromwich. But Ductile Stourbridge was left unwanted and unsold as the PwC administrators renewed their efforts to find a buyer for the business.

    The time ran out, and the administration team had to break the bad news to the workers at the Charles Street factory. It means nearly 500 workers have lost their jobs in the Caparo collapse, but more than 1,100 jobs have been saved. While 33 workers lost their jobs immediately yesterday, four more will be kept on temporarily to wind down the factory.

    Mr Matthew Hammond, PwC partner and lead administrator said: "After saving a total of 1111 jobs at Caparo, it is with regret that we have made these decisions. Despite sustained efforts to find a solution, including approaching key stakeholders in a bid to preserve funding, it was not possible to find a buyer for the business. Without a buyer or the ability to continue to trade economically, we were forced to take the difficult decision to close the unit with immediate effect. We thank those former members of staff for their service to CIP; we will work closely with them, their representatives and agencies to provide support and ensure that their redundancy and other claims are handled efficiently at this difficult time."

    Originally known as Stourbridge Rolling Mills, the business was founded in 1905 and employed more than 200 people in the 1960s, producing strips of steel sheeting used for making cars and fridges. The original Stourbridge site was closed and the business merged with another site in Willenhall in 2000, creating Ductile Stourbridge.

    Source : Express and Star
  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 17:03
    CSIMA seeks cut in iron ore royalties and logistic costs

    Press Trust of India reported that Chhattisgarh Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association said that the logistic cost and royalties on iron ore should be brought down in order to make domestic steel industry more competitive as the domestic steel industry is facing a tough situation due to cheap imports from countries such as China, Japan, South Korea and Russia, among others.

    Chhattisgarh Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association General Secretary Mr Vijay Jhanwar said “Royalty on iron ore should be reduced to INR 100 per tonne.”

    He said at present the cost of royalty and other taxes being levied on iron ore by the state government is around INR 450 per tonne.

    Asserting that the railway logistic cost has to be brought down to the level of 2003-04, he said "Railways logistic cost today is INR 2 per tonne per km which needs to be brought down to INR 1.25 per tonne per km."

    Mr Jhanwar also said that the maximum sale price of iron ore lumps should be freezed at INR 1,000 per tonne on ex mine basis.

    He also said all the existing steel companies should be given coal linkages immediately through allotment and not through auctions.

    Mr Jhanwar further said that long steel products should be given protection from imports by increasing import duty and a levy of anti dumping duty and a minimum floor price for imports.

    He said "If this is considered the steel industry can revive and compete with cheap imports and also this will help in keeping the steel prices competitive in India . This will also help banks in recovering a considerable amount of their Loans which have become NPA's.”

    Source : Press Trust of India
  11. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 17:04
    Deutsche Bank analyst cuts US steel industry outlook and warns of bankruptcies in 2016

    Even after a horrible year for commodities, Deutsche Bank is predicting continued pressure on the space in the year ahead. In a 2016 outlook note entitled "The Hour of Reckoning," Deutsche research analyst Mr Jorge Beristain forecasts lower steel prices, and consequently cuts his ratings few steel and miners stocks. But he is not just slashing earnings estimates and price targets, but also warning about the potential for bankruptcies.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 17:06
    EU to register imports of reinforcing steel from China

    Bloomberg reported that the European Union ordered its customs officials to register imports of steel from China used to reinforce concrete, expanding the threat of tariffs on the shipments.

    European Commission said on Friday in the Official Journal “The shipments from China will be made subject to registration for the purpose of ensuring that, should the investigation result in findings leading to the imposition of anti-dumping duties, those duties can, if the necessary conditions are fulfilled, be levied retroactively on the registered imports.”

    Registration will start on Saturday and last into the second half of 2016.

    The step is part of an inquiry into whether Chinese producers of high fatigue performance steel concrete reinforcement bars sold them in the 28-nation bloc below cost, a practice known as dumping. Registration allows the EU to impose duties on past transactions. Levies against below cost or dumped imports are known as anti-dumping duties.

    The commission opened an inquiry on April 30 into whether Chinese makers of high fatigue performance steel concrete reinforcement bars -- also called HFP rebars and known for their resilience -- unfairly undercut European competitors including the Celsa and Riva groups through dumping. The commission must decide by end-January whether to introduce provisional anti-dumping duties and by end-July whether to impose “definitive” five-year levies.

    Source : Bloomberg
  13. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 17:13
    IBM report confirms illegal iron ore dumping at Renjda railway siding in Odisha

    Prameya News reported that in a jolt to the Odisha Government which has been denying no illegal burial of iron ore at the Renjda railway siding in Sundargarh, the Indian Bureau of Mines, which probed the incident, has confirmed dumping of the mineral in about 2,400 cubic metres of area.

    The IBM team’s report recently submitted to the Union Ministry of Mines revealed that seven out of 16 samples are high grade iron. Further the report revealed that iron ore was dumped in an area 80 of metre width, 20 metre length and 1.5 metre depth.

    However, the Sundargarh district and Mines administration and also the State Mines Department officials had given a report of no dumping of iron ore. Even State Steel and Mines Minister Prafulla Mallick too denied any illegal dumping of iron ore.

    The Union Mines Ministry had ordered for a probe by the IBM team following a request from Sundargarh MP and Union Tribal Affairs Minister Jual Oram.

    Source : Prameya News

  14. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 17:14
    Brazilian judge freezes assets of Vale and BHPB over Samarco accident

    Latino Foxnews reported that a Brazilian judge has blocked the assets of mining giants BHP Billiton and Vale in the South American country to cover potentially costly damages stemming from last month's massive tailings dam accident at a mine complex.

    Judge Marcelo Aguiar Machado issued the ruling in response to a suit filed by Brazil's federal government and the southeastern states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, which were hardest hit by the massive deluge of water and mining waste that killed 16 and left three others missing on Nov. 5.

    The judge gave the companies 45 days to present a comprehensive socio-environmental recovery plan for the Doce River Basin and the entire degraded area and a one-month deadline for submitting a socioeconomic revitalization plan for populations affected by the disaster.

    The suit filed against Anglo Australian BHP Billiton, Rio de Janeiro-based Vale and their joint venture Samarco, the operator of the iron-ore complex in Minas Gerais where the accident occurred, was aimed at guaranteeing that 20 billion reais (some $5.15 billion) would be set aside to cover the potential social, environmental and economic damages.

    Courts in Brazil had already blocked 592 million reais (around $152 million) of Samarco's funds in recent weeks to guarantee the company meets its future obligations to the victims of the accident.

    In late November, two United Nations independent experts on the environment and toxic waste called on Brazil's government, Vale and BHP Billiton to "take immediate action to protect the environment and health of communities at risk of exposure to toxic chemicals."

    The avalanche of 62 million cubic meters (2.2 billion cubic feet) of mining waste severely contaminated the Doce River, one of the largest in southeastern Brazil, and has been described by the government as the nation's worst-ever environmental disaster. The mudflow traveled for 650 kilometers (400 miles) down the Doce River before reaching the Atlantic Ocean on Nov. 22, polluting a section of the Brazilian coast that authorities say has a rich diversity of marine life.

    Source : Latino Foxnews
  15. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 20:08
    U.S. Steel Reaches Tentative Agreement with United Steelworkers
    Sat December 19, 2015 8:17 PM|PR Newswire | About: X

    PITTSBURGH, Dec. 19, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- United States Steel Corporation (X) (NYSE (NYX): X) today announced a tentative agreement with the United Steelworkers (USW) on a successor three-year collective bargaining agreement covering approximately 18,000 USW-represented employees at U. S. Steel's domestic flat-rolled and iron ore mining facilities as well as tubular operations in Fairfield, Ala., Lorain, Ohio and Lone Star (LSS), Texas. The tentative agreement remains subject to ratification.

    "We are pleased that we have reached a tentative agreement in the best interest of our company, our stakeholders and our employees," said Mario Longhi, President and Chief Executive Officer. "We believe this competitive three-year contract further supports the mutual success we have had with the USW in pursuing our Carnegie Way efforts and confronting unfair trade that is significantly impacting our industry."

    Details about the tentative agreement will be made available following the completion of the ratification process.

    To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/us-steel-reaches-tentative-agreement-with-united-steelworkers-300195591.html

    SOURCE United States Steel Corporation
  16. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2015 22:40
    Chinese degrowth shock would hit energy, shipping and steel the most – Fitch Rating

    Fitch Ratings said that energy, shipping and steel would be the hardest-hit sectors in Asia Pacific in the event of a sharp slowdown in Chinese growth. It says "The sector outlooks for APAC steel and energy, and global shipping, are negative even under our current forecast expectations where China slows only gradually. Asian manufacturing and technology sectors would also be significantly affected, given the scale of Chinese demand and its position in the regional supply chain."

    Fitch's core view remains that China will not experience a 'hard landing', with GDP growth forecast to slow to 6.3% and 6% in 2016 and 2017, respectively. But some risks remain of a disorderly structural rebalancing, where growth slows more quickly than forecast. Fitch has assessed the impact of a hypothetical scenario in which China's economy were to experience a rapid and substantial deceleration over a three-year period to end-2018, with shocks to both investment and consumption. Under this scenario, Chinese GDP growth would fall to an average of 2.3% per annum from 2016-2018.

    It said “A sudden slowdown in China would act as a significant drag on global growth. APAC countries with the most extensive trade and investment connections with China would be the most exposed, and include Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and Japan. Global commodity prices would stay lower for longer, and capital investment and export and trade-linked sectors would face the most significant effects on financial performance and credit profiles.”

    It added “APAC manufacturers of heavy equipment and machinery, and dry-bulk shipping companies, would suffer as Chinese demand and investment growth - and by extension, regional trade - would fall rapidly. Chemicals, ores and minerals are also among the largest categories of exports to China from the APAC region. Consumer product manufacturers such as office and telecom equipment supplies would also be exposed.”

    It said “If Chinese consumer demand growth were to fall significantly under this scenario, then domestic technology firms would also experience pressure on revenues and margins. Furthermore, the broad-based effects on global demand from China's slowdown would also weigh on regional technology firms, given China's heavily integrated position in the APAC supply chain. China imports large volumes of electronic components from the APAC region and exports finished products. If global consumer demand growth were to fall significantly, then price competition among producers would also be likely to rise.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 22 december 2015 16:43
    Steel scrap exporters seen shifting their focus to non Chinese markets

    The sharp plunge in iron ore prices has resulted in a shift in steel production from electric arc furnaces (EAFs) and induction furnaces (IFs) to blast furnaces, especially in China. The ramp-up in steel production by non-Chinese region has shifted the focus of steel scrap exporters to destinations such as India, Turkey and south Asian countries.

    In many of these countries, the domestic scrap output is found insufficient to meet growing steel scrap demand by EAFs and IFs. Also, unlike China, these countries have recorded significant rise in steel production during the year.

    For instance, India’s steel production has risen by 3.3% over the previous year to 75.1 million tonnes during the initial ten-month period of the year. This is at a time when global steel output dropped by almost 2.5%. Also Chinese production slumped by 2.2%. During the first eight months of the current year, India’s scrap imports have jumped higher by 18% to 4.187 mt. The fall in supply from domestic sources is likely to push imports of steel scrap by the country. Incidentally, the scrap consumption by the country is expected to double over the next ten-year period.

    The imports of steel scrap by Bangladesh has witnessed dramatic rise in 2015. The imports are likely to grow at the fastest pace in 2016 also. The steel scrap consumption by EAFs and IFs in the country are projected to total around 3 million tonnes, almost five times the consumption levels witnessed in 2015. The favorable import duty structure in the country will boost more imports of scrap into the country.

    The scrap imports by Pakistan too has picked up. According to 2014 data, South Korea is the largest importer of steel scrap in Asian region, followed by India. The region had accounted for almost 30% share of the global seaborne steel scrap trade during the year.

    Meantime, Turkish steel scrap imports have dropped by almost 18% over the previous year to 12.04 million tonnes during the initial nine-month period of the year. The steel output by the country during this period has declined considerably. However, the new government order that requires all steel finished products made from billets imported from China to be exported within nine months has led to rise in demand for scrap by EAFs.

    Source : Scrap Monster
  18. forum rang 10 voda 22 december 2015 16:45
    Tata Steel UK demands urgent action to support Scunthorpe steel works

    TATA Steel has issued a statement following the publication of a report this morning which criticises the government for inaction over the crisis facing the Scunthorpe steel industry and the rest of the UK. The company, which announced 900 job losses earlier in the year, said they welcomed the report, which demonstrates "urgent action is needed on trade, business rates and making sure new procurement guidelines deliver".

    The damning report was published by the business, innovation and skills committee which warned the government "was not alert enough to the warning bells sounded by the UK Steel Industry".

    A Tata Steel spokesman said: "We welcome the Business Select Committee's analysis of the issues facing the steel sector and how the government should respond. The Committee quite rightly highlights the need for more to be done to create a level playing field for the UK steel industry. Though a welcome step was taken last week to compensate for high energy taxes, the Committee's report demonstrates urgent action is needed on trade, business rates, and making sure new procurement guidelines deliver."

    The report said the other European countries had moved to safeguard their industries but there was "little action" in the UK - leaving firms like Tata Steel exposed to "a perfect storm".

    The Committee found that a lack of action at EU level, and a failure by UK Governments to push for EU action, helped leave the UK heavily exposed to Chinese dumping, a global oversupply of steel, and a 'perfect storm' of difficulties for the industry.

    Source : Scunthorpe Telegraph
  19. forum rang 10 voda 22 december 2015 16:47
    23 steel projects stuck on environment clearance - Minister

    IANS reported that there are currently 23 steel projects in India that are stalled owing to grant of environment clearance. Minister of State for Steel Mr Vishnu Deo Sai told the Lok Sabha in a written reply that “Presently, 23 steel projects are pending due to grant of Environment Clearance, out of which 2 steel projects are from Maharashtra.”

    The projects stuck include those of major companies like Tata Steel, JSW Steel, Essar Steel and Posco.

    Mr Sai said Tata Steel's expansion of crude steel production from 9.7 million tons per annum to 11 MTPA in East Singhbhum district of Jharkhand is stuck, as is JSW Steel's proposed 10 MTPA integrated steel and power plant in the same state.

    Similarly, Essar Steel's project of replacement of electric arc furnace of its steel making plant by basic oxygen furnace at Hazira in Gujarat is pending.

    Source : IANS
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