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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 februari 2014 14:03
    Bitcoinbeurs Mt. Gox wil uitstel van betaling

    Gepubliceerd op 28 feb 2014 om 11:32 |

    TOKIO (AFN) - Mt. Gox, ooit 's werelds grootste bitcoinbeurs, heeft vrijdag faillissementsbescherming aangevraagd bij een rechtbank in Tokio. Dat meldden diverse Japanse media vrijdag.

    De website van de in de Japanse hoofdstad gevestigde onderneming ging afgelopen dinsdag al op zwart. Daarna deden verhalen de ronde over diefstal van honderden miljoenen dollars aan bitcoins bij het bedrijf. Een advocaat van Mt. Gox zei dat het bedrijf afgelopen maandag ontdekte dat er bitcoins zoek waren.

    Teikoku Databank, een Japans bedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in onderzoek naar faillissementen, meldde vrijdag dat Mt. Gox 750.000 bitcoins van gebruikers verloor en 100.000 eigen 'munten'.

    Het Japanse persbureau Kyodo wist te melden dat de schuldenlast van Mt. Gox 2,6 miljard yen (18,5 miljoen euro) hoger is dan de waarde van de bezittingen van het bedrijf. In de bij de rechtbank ingediende paperassen staat volgens Kyodo een schuldenpost van 6,5 miljard yen.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2014 15:53
    Yellen: Fed kan bitcoin niet reguleren

    VRIJDAG 28 FEBRUARI 2014, 13:49 uur | 349 keer gelezen

    De Federal Reserve heeft geen mogelijkheid om de bitcoin reguleren of om er toezicht op te houden. Het congres zou regelgeving rond de digitale munt verder moeten onderzoeken.

    Dat zegt Janet Yellen, voorzitter van de Amerikaanse centrale bank, in een toespraak voor beleidsmakers.

    ‘Omdat de munt niet centraal wordt uitgegeven, is het lastig hem te reguleren’, geeft Yellen aan. ‘De Federal Reserve heeft simpelweg de mogelijkheid niet om de bitcoin te reguleren, of om er toezicht op te houden.'

    Mt. Gox

    Deze week ging Mt. Gox, ’s werelds grootste handelsplaats voor de bitcoin, op zwart. De koers kelderde daarna behoorlijk. De digitale munt heeft al langer last van extreme volatiliteit.

    Uit angst dat miljoenen dollars aan bitcoins verloren gaan of gestolen worden, gaan sommige eigenaren op zoek naar meer veiligheid. Ironisch genoeg zoeken zij hun toevlucht tot papier: Iedere virtuele ‘portemonnee’ voor de bitcoin heeft een uniek nummer. Dat nummer kan op papier of op een stick in bijvoorbeeld een kluis worden bewaard.


    ‘Door de recente verdwijning van Mt. Gox denken mensen wel twee keer na waar ze hun virtuele munten bewaren’, zegt Vinny Lingham tegen CNBC. Lingham is medeoprichter van Gyft, dat cadeaubonnen verkoopt en waar een groot deel van de transacties in bitcoins plaatsvindt.

    ‘Bitcoins offline bewaren vergroot het risico op inbraken en roofovervallen. Sommige mensen scheuren het papier met de code zelfs in verschillende stukjes en bewaren ieder stukje op een andere plek’, aldus Lingham.

    Door Lucia Rodenburg

  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 februari 2014 17:14
    Mt.Gox:bitcoins weg door hackers
    Update: vrijdag 28 feb 2014, 15:32

    Bitcoin-beurs Mt. Gox heeft uitstel van betaling aangevraagd. De Japanse handelsplaats voor de digitale munt zegt dat hackers waarschijnlijk alle bitcoins hebben gestolen.

    Directeur Mark Karpeles van Mt. Gox bood op een persconferentie excuses aan. Hij zei dat de hack te wijten was aan een fout in het systeem van de coin-beurs.

    Het bedrijf heeft een schuld van zo'n 46 miljoen euro en dat is meer dan Mt. Gox waard is. Er zijn ongeveer 127.000 schuldeisers. Bij Mt. Gox konden mensen bitcoins kopen en verkopen. Ook konden klanten er hun virtuele munten in bewaring geven.
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 februari 2014 17:21
    Fortress Investment Group Purchases $20m in Bitcoin

    Posted on 28 February 2014.

    Fortress Investment Group purchased $20m worth of bitcoins last year, according to a recent filing with the SEC.

    Back in December it was rumoured that Fortress had plans to launch a bitcoin investment fund. The news was first reported by CNN, but it could not be confirmed until now.

    Fortress is said to be developing a new investment vehicle based on bitcoin which is expected to be an unlisted Exchange Traded Fund (ETF).

    The move appears to have been connected to San Francisco-based Pantera Capital. Pantera then registered an investment advisor entity called Pantera Bitcoin Advisors LLC and it filed the necessary paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 februari 2014 21:54

    sevenOdouble schreef op 28 februari 2014 21:06:

    Bitcoin Innovations And Obstacles
    By Troy Adkins on February 25, 2014 A A A
    Filed Under: Bitcoin, Currency, ETFs, US Dollar
    Tickers in this Article: CAT, MMM, KO, AAPL
    The Bitcoin peer-to-peer digital currency system has experienced a dramatic increase in popularity. Since the Bitcoin currency system was created in 2009, over 12.3 million Bitcoins have been created as of Feb. 13, 2014. The total market value of Bitcoins now exceeds $6.8 billion, and millions of Bitcoins are now being exchanged daily to purchase items such as food, tickets, electronic equipment and automobiles.

    Given the dramatic rise in the use of this new type of high-tech crypto-currency system, many people are starting to contemplate the merits of using Bitcoins as a mainstream exchange medium. Now, with the creation of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) under way, many people believe that the Bitcoin currency system is poised for dramatic growth, increased price stability and mainstream acceptance as a viable currency for conducting ecommerce, as well as an alternative investment opportunity. With these points in mind, it is important for people to have a better understanding of the Bitcoin currency system.
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 maart 2014 21:43
    TREZOR Updates Customers on Hardware Bitcoin Wallet
    Eric Calouro | February 27, 2014 | 1 Comment

    Bitcoin TREZOR 27 FEB 14

    TREZOR hardware bitcoin wallets should have been delivered to customers by now, but some technical issues have caused a delay.

    When we caught up with the company in early February, they told us there were some complications on the production line. Specifically, the company’s hardware producer made an error with the cases, requiring the whole batch to be redone.

    On Thursday, the company provided customers with an update via their Facebook page.


    TREZOR says they’re working on polishing the code and finalizing screens. They’re also tuning up the browser plugin for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Server-side, the myTREZOR.com web wallet should be operational some time this weekend.

    The company is testing their software extensively, and is even having it audited by security firm Nethemba, who will make the results of the security audit public.


    TREZOR says they’re still having issues with the cases that caused the delay we reported on previously. They will be finding out more about the issue Friday, they say, noting they “are negotiating alternative production” if the issues aren’t resolved.

    “Metallics are here looking good and we’re sending the first ones to bitcoin developers to do early testing just in order to have a fast check by multiple experts,” they wrote.

    Moral-wise, the team is apparently “nervous, madly working, not sleeping, eating badly, [and] drinking energy drinks”, but they’re getting excited to ship the first units to customers.

    No specific delivery dates have been provided yet, but we’ll keep you updated.

    Tags: bitcoinw, hardware, trezor, wallet
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 2 maart 2014 11:28
    BitPay ziet niks in alternatieven voor Bitcoin

    Door Olaf van Miltenburg, vrijdag 29 november 2013 17:53, reacties: 56, views: 26.154 • Feedback

    BitPay, de grootste betalingsverwerker van Bitcoin, gaat geen ondersteuning bieden voor alternatieve cryptomunten zoals Litecoin. De topman van het bedrijf noemt als reden dat de alternatieven 'technologisch inferieur' zouden zijn.

    Anthony Gallippi, oprichter van BitPay, ziet het nut van alternatieven voor Bitcoin niet. "Ik vind de technologie inferieur, je kan er nauwelijks ergens mee betalen en de liquiditeit is te laag", zegt hij tegen Vice. Zijn bedrijf zal dan ook geen ondersteuning bieden voor Litecoins, Feathercoins, Namecoins of andere alternatieve cryptovaluta: "Er is geen enkel plan, nu of in de toekomst, om ook andere cryptomunten te gaan gebruiken."

    BitPay handelt onder andere het Bitcoin-betalingsverkeer voor Thuisbezorgd af, dat onlangs de ondersteuning voor de valuta bekendmaakte. Gallipi liet ook weten dat zijn bedrijf binnenkort een hoofdkantoor voor Europa in Amsterdam gaat openen. BitPay werd in 2011 opgericht en heeft inmiddels meer dan tienduizend klanten die betalingen in de muntsoort accepteren.

    De verwerker heeft er belang bij dat een enkele cryptovaluta uitgroeit tot algemeen geaccepteerde standaard; fragmentatie zou de groei van Bitcoin in de weg kunnen staan. Als grote faciliterende bedrijven als BitPay alternatieven niet ondersteunen, wordt het voor andere cryptomunten moeilijker door te groeien.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 2 maart 2014 12:34
    zo 02 mrt 2014, 10:29
    |Opnieuw storing bij ING

    Klanten van ING hebben zondag opnieuw te maken met een storing. Er kan via ING niet met iDeal worden betaald en zakelijke klanten hebben ook problemen met MijnING. Particulieren kunnen wel mobiel en internetbankieren, alleen werkt iDeal dus niet. Dat meldde een woordvoerder van de bank zondag. „Er wordt hard aan gewerkt om dit zo snel mogelijk op te lossen.”

    ING wordt al maanden veelvuldig geteisterd door technische storingen. De vorige grote storing was afgelopen dinsdag, toen ING-klanten een groot deel van de dag niet konden internetbankieren, mobiel bankieren of betalen met iDeal. De bank onderzoekt nog waar de storingen vandaan komen.

    Misschien moeten ze iDeal afschaffen en overgaan op Bitcoin.....!!! lol
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 2 maart 2014 18:15
    Bitcoin true believers unfazed by losses in Mt. Gox collapse

    Reuters 2 days ago By Kevin Krolicki and Nathan Layne of Reuters

    TOKYO (Reuters) - Like other bitcoin evangelists, Ken Shishido is ready to write off the money he lost in the bankruptcy of Tokyo-based virtual currency exchange Mt. Gox as the price of revolutionizing global finance.

    "In the early days of the automobile, there were traffic accidents because you didn't have traffic lights or pedestrian crossings," he said hours after Mt. Gox said on Friday it had lost up to half a billion dollars of investor funds, including some of his own. "But we didn't ban automobiles."

    Shishido, who lives in Tokyo, was one of about 10,000 investors in Japan who became creditors in Mt. Gox's bankruptcy when the company capped a tumultuous period of weeks by filing for bankruptcy on Friday.

    He lost about a tenth of his investment in bitcoin in Mt. Gox, he said, and expected none of that money to come back.

    Early enthusiasts for the five-year-old crypto-currency were drawn to its revolutionary ideals of transparency and a lack of central or official control. There was also a heady mix of geek chic - the currency is "mined" through a process involving complex computer math - and laissez-faire Austrian economics.

    Mt. Gox's loss is eye-popping but so too is the number of creditors - 127,000 - in what had been the world's biggest exchange. That means the average trader lost the equivalent of $3,500 in the bankruptcy at current bitcoin prices, assuming no money is recovered in the court-supervised restructuring in Tokyo set to play out over the following months.

    Bitcoin's value spiked in April 2013 as the crisis-racked Cyprus government clamped down on withdrawals and seized deposits, rattling faith in "fiat" currencies.

    The crypto-currency soon crashed back. Late last year, as the number of exchanges and the virtual money's name recognition grew, it took off again.

    Bitcoin gained wider acceptance - and took off again in price - late last year. It attracted high-profile proponents, like the investor twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss of Facebook fame, and speculators.

    Investors interviewed after the exchange collapsed faulted the Tokyo exchange and Mt. Gox's French CEO Mark Karpeles, but they remained committed to the bitcoin idea.

    Roger Ver, a big investor in Mt. Gox, said he did not know if he would ever get any of his lost bitcoin back.

    "But the important thing to realize is that Mt. Gox is just one company using bitcoin. The bitcoin technology itself is still absolutely amazing," he said.

    "Even if one email service provider is having a problem that doesn't mean people are going to stop using email. It's the same with bitcoin."

    Ver spoke of "all of the positive ways in which bitcoin is going to change the world ... if anything, it is kind of for the better of bitcoin that the irresponsible players are going out of business."

    Shishido said he does not expect to get his virtual money back, but that the rest of his bitcoin investments had soared 10-fold in value.

    Keiichi Hida, a bitcoin investor and member of the Japan Digital Money Association, lost 100,000 yen ($980) worth of bitcoins, which he got involved with as a form of "study". But he was unfazed.

    "We should make it a national project to have bitcoin used nationwide at the time of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics," he said. "I think then everyone would come to Tokyo in an instant."

    Mt. Gox CEO Karpeles, even after bowing to apologize for the exchange's bankruptcy, later said the currency will endure. "The bitcoin industry is continuing and the most important thing now is to limit the impact of (Mt Gox's collapse) on that"
    ($1 = 102.0850 Japanese yen)
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 maart 2014 09:36
    Bij Bitstamp zie ik nu een kooporder op 587 voor ca 3000 stuks, dat is goed voor ca 1,8 miljoen USD.

    Ik vraag me af, wie of wat deze koper is en waarom ze zo'n grote order plaatsen, ik neem aan dat het óf een speculant is óf een gebruiker.

  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 maart 2014 10:50
    The Most Popular Bar in Florida Accepts Bitcoin, $100k Sales in 3 Days

    MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Imagine waking up tomorrow and your bank account has twenty-percent more money in it–or perhaps 20-percent of your hard-earned cash is missing? You probably would lose sleep right? Well it is happening right now with a new currency called Bitcoin.

    Some South Florida business are now accepting it including the Clevelander. The South Beach hotspot will happily take your cash, credit card, and as of this month Bitcoins.

    Jeff Turgeau with the Clevelander explained, “The way we saw it as a better guest experience for our international guests. The impact has been very high. Throughout the course of three days we have generated an additional $100,000 in food and beverage and hotel room revenue.”

    If you have never heard of Bitcoin, your not alone.

    It’s fairly new and a bit complex. Bitcoin is digital money. Think of it like cash and an app, put together.

    You can send Bitcoins to anyone through that app, a webpage, even print a Bitcoin code out and you can deposit it…with an app.

    Florida International University economics professor explained it’s growing in popularity. “Right now we probably have 10,000 venders all over the world who accept Bitcoin and we have 100,000 users.” And who says it’s worth something? “That community says it’s worth something.” Bustamante replied.

    Bustamante showed us just what that community thinks it’s worth. $800 dollars. No $950 dollars. No $624 dollars. As we watched a computer screen the price went up and down. “Within 10 seconds you just lost a dollar if you had one Bitcoin,” he said.

    As it turns out, Bitcoin is more volatile than the stock market. Any given day Bustamante says the value can go up or down 20%. Remember this is digital money backed by, well, no one. ”Bitcoin exists because we believe it exists,” said CBS4's David Sutta. “Absolutely. It’s just like Santa,” Bustamante said.

    Santa for 20 and 30 something’s perhaps–that’s the average age of a Bitcoin user.

    Moe Levine, a Bitcoin entrepreneur, believes this is a revolution.

    “I truly believe that in ten years teachers will show their students paper money as a history example of people used to spend money using paper,” he said. Levine is certainly a Bitcoin believer, using it for just about anything he does. He showed us the advantages of the system.

    -First there are no banks involved. So no big bank fees for you or a business selling you goods and services.

    -Second you can send money anywhere to anyone. No government can stop the transaction.

    - And lastly there is no fraud. None of your personal information is attached. In fact it’s completely anonymous.

    And millions of dollars are being moved in the system often with an app on their phone. The app, referred to as a digital wallet, is manufactured by a number of companies.

    Nicolas Cary is the CEO of one of the more popular wallets called Blockchain.

    “Think about how obsolete a lot of things have been in the past. We switched from having photos to go digital and then books went to digital. DVD’s went from VHS and things like that to digital. And now there is no reason to think that money wouldn’t do the same thing.” Cary said.

    Buying Bitcoins is as simple a 30 second signup online. You can also sell Bitcoins for good ol’ American dollars just as fast. If it sounds good to you, imagine what it sounds like to criminals? No banks. Complete anonymity. No regulation for anything. “It seems like it’s the next version of the Swiss Bank account,” Bustamante said with a smile. “It really is.”
  12. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 maart 2014 11:02

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 maart 2014 09:36:

    Bij Bitstamp zie ik nu een kooporder op 587 voor ca 3000 stuks, dat is goed voor ca 1,8 miljoen USD.

    Ik vraag me af, wie of wat deze koper is en waarom ze zo'n grote order plaatsen, ik neem aan dat het óf een speculant is óf een gebruiker.

    Zo te zien op www.fiatleak.com kopen de Chinezen weer op grote schaal.

  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 maart 2014 14:41
    ma 03 mrt 2014, 14:50
    Britse belastingdienst schrapt btw op bitcoin
    van onze redactie

    De Britse belastingdienst gaat het heffen van btw op bitcoins schrappen. Nu geldt op bitcointransacties nog een btw-tarief van 20%. Ondernemers klaagden dat hun diensten hierdoor te duur werden in vergelijking met de rest van de wereld.

    Hiermee volgt het Verenigd Koninkrijk een veel vriendelijker beleid dan veel andere landen ten aanzien van de virtuele munt. Hoewel de Britse overheid bitcoin niet ziet als een wettig betaalmiddel, wordt de munt in de praktijk wel zo behandeld. Op basis van Europese wetten hoeven er over transacties en betalingen namelijk geen belastingen worden geheven, zo schrijft Financial Times.

    Veel landen zijn nog aan het uitzoeken hoe ze burgers aanslaan voor hun bitcoinbezit. Een Amerikaanse toezichthouder uitte begin dit jaar kritiek op de Internal Revenue Service (IRS) dat er geen duidelijke regels zijn ten aanzien van bitcointransacties. ”Het is de taak van de overheid om het publiek te informeren over de regels waar ze aan moeten voldoen”, zei Nina Olson van de National Taxpayer Advocate, een apart onderdeel van de IRS. Het gebrek aan duidelijke regels zou waarschijnlijk zelfs leiden tot belastingontwijking.

    Fiscus worstelt met bitcoin
    In Nederland gelden bitcoins als een vorm van vermogen, en daar moet belasting over worden geheven. In de praktijk wordt daar echter niet scherp op gelet. Minister Dijsselbloem (Financiën) liet vorig jaar weten dat bitcoin in ieder geval geen geld is in de zin van de Wet financieel toezicht, en dat de virtuele munt daarmee niet is onderworpen aan financieel toezicht.

    Niet iedereen is even vriendelijk tegenover bitcoin als de Britse belastingdienst. Superbelegger Warren Buffett zei in een vraaggesprek met CNBC dat het hem niks zou verbazen als bitcoin over tien jaar van het toneel was verdwenen.
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 maart 2014 17:13
    Direct na het MtGox-debacle op 25 februari stond de koers bij Bitstamp even op 400 USD; nu staat de koers alweer op ca 620 USD.
    Er stromen vandaag veel grote kooporders binnen, wellicht (direct of indirect) uit China.
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 maart 2014 19:34

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 maart 2014 17:13:

    Direct na het MtGox-debacle op 25 februari stond de koers bij Bitstamp even op 400 USD; nu staat de koers alweer op ca 620 USD.
    Er stromen vandaag veel grote kooporders binnen, wellicht (direct of indirect) uit China.
    710 USD voorlopig hoogtepunt van vandaag...!! Ongelooflijk!

    Het lijkt wel of iedereen die z'n munten recent in paniek verkocht heeft, ze weer terug wil hebben tegen iedere prijs.
  16. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 4 maart 2014 00:12
    6 Totally False Myths About Bitcoin Everyone Thinks Are True
    Dylan Love

    Mar. 3, 2014, 1:04 PM 8,551 14

    It's a little hip right now to pile on and say that Bitcoin is over in light of the Mt. Gox scandal, but it's not over at all.

    Let's take a couple steps back to reestablish some of the fundamentals on how and why Bitcoin works, and cast aside clunky myths that aren't grounded in reality.

    1. Bitcoins are worthless because they aren't backed by anything.

    False! Just because there's no vault full of gold maintaining Bitcoin's value doesn't mean it's worthless. Bitcoin has value because people say it does.

    It might sound like a cop-out, but consider the subjective theory of value, which argues that a thing has value when it serves someone's purposes. As an anonymous digital currency, Bitcoin serves a purpose for many people.

    2. Bitcoin is illegal.

    Bitcoin is completely legal in the United States. In March 2013, the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issues a new set of guidelines on virtual currency, determining that "a user of virtual currency is not a Money Services Businesses (MSB) under FinCEN's regulations and therefore is not subject to MSB registration, reporting, and record keeping regulations." Simply put — you don't need anyone's permission to use Bitcoin.

    This post lays out various Bitcoin legalities in countries around the world.

    3. Bitcoin is untraceable.

    Bitcoin is completely traceable by design. These are financial transactions facilitated by open-source software running over the Internet. You should assume none of it is private.

    Every single Bitcoin transaction that gets made, whether it's to buy illegal drugs on the Silk Road or alpaca wool socks from a Massachusetts farm, is recorded at Blockchain.info. You probably should use Bitcoin the same way you use the Internet at the office — intelligently.

    4. Bitcoin has never been so volatile as it has been lately.

    Yes, Bitcoin's value has seen quite some speed bumps lately. But consider June 2011, when Bitcoin rose 40-fold from $0.75 to $30. It stabilized around $5 in early 2012. This was a far more volatile time in Bitcoin's history, but went largely unnoticed because no one was really talking about Bitcoin yet.

    5. Bitcoin is completely safe and secure.

    Nope. Bitcoins can be stolen, and the recent Mt. Gox scandal should be a reminder that as long as there are humans involved, it will not be perfect.

    6. There can only ever be 21 million Bitcoins in existence and that isn't enough.

    Of course it's enough. If we should start "running out," it's important to realize that a Bitcoin is divisible up to eight decimal places. The value of an individual Bitcoin may rise quite high, but we can keep dealing with smaller and smaller portions of it. As little as 0.00000001 Bitcoins, to be precise.

    We'll likely end up dealing with fractionally named Bitcoin measures, like millibitcoins and nanobitcoins.

  17. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 4 maart 2014 08:23
    South of the Border and Northward to Success: The Popularization of Bitcoin in Mexico

    by Hayden Gill

    In Mexico City, where history announces its presence by perpetual movement – by the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and the enterprising spirit of world-famous executives – there is the unmistakable stamp of activity. Where 16th century churches stand alongside skyscrapers of geometric wonder, in this architectural mosaic of Spanish tile and ancient masonry, there is also the shimmer of aluminum cubes and the green-glass atrium of Mexico’s tallest building, 738 feet above the clouds and countless cars below.

    In this national capital of federal and financial power, among 27 million people who hear the ringing of the church bells, in tribute to the Franciscan Friars and their holy order, to the ringing of the stock market bell – here, in the “City of Palaces” (La Ciudad de los Palacios), of the twin-legged towers of the Arcos Bosques office complex and the transparent walls of the “Phoenix Bird” fire station, history is alive with the power of Bitcoin.

    Specifically, remittances to Mexico – from more than 12 million immigrants, many of them in the United States – are a prime opportunity for Bitcoin to flourish. The ultimate proof of this point is that, in this city of constant construction, where steel girders stand as icons of global influence and sovereign pride, there is another form of development: The creation of the first trading platform for digital currencies in Mexico and Latin America.

    That exchange, MeXBT.com (a Seedcoin-incubated startup) is a resource for Mexican citizens who send approximately USD $23 billion back to their country each year. These individuals, 98% of whom are in the United States and 57% of whom live and work in either California or Texas, prove many things: That – even among itinerant laborers in the San Joaquin Valley, with its searing summers and dense tule fog, and between El Paso County and the Hueco Mountains, where men and women fill the manufacturing plants of clothiers and food processing facilities – even in this environment immigrants know the limits of fiat money.

    They understand, with the receipt of each paycheck or envelope of cash, that every dollar is a note of ever-changing value by distant forces, powers well beyond the horizon of a cotton field in Central California or the basins of the Rio Grande River.

    These immigrants, who risk life and limb to taste a mere droplet from the receding waters of the American Dream; these workers understand, regardless of their levels of education, that the Almighty Dollar with its Great Seal, All Seeing Eye, Latin phrases and cursive signatures from various Secretaries of the Treasury – millions of Mexican immigrants know that fiat money is an ever-depreciating asset, printed like so many pages in a multivolume saga about the decline and fall of paper money.

    Converting Dólares into Bitcoin: The Rise of a New Exchange

    The overriding theme to this story is that, despite the tendency to view things within the prism of our own parochial interests, in lieu of our own situation in the United States or independent of the grandees of economics and media, we are participants in a global phenomenon.

    So, rather than bolster a false stereotype of Mexico’s economy – as if this republic of 121 million citizens, entrepreneurial by spirit and enterprising by design, is in some kind of stupor – I say: Look and listen to the people in a hurry; the university, law and business students, the shopkeepers and the expanding middle class – the faces of a dynamic nation, the forward movement of 170,000 doctors and 130,000 engineers, a country poised to become the fifth largest economy in the world.

    Expect Mexico to thrive. Indeed, watch more liquidity enter the country, as well as Latin America. Observe the rapid spread of Bitcoin throughout this region – record the ascent of digital currencies across a multitude of Spanish-speaking states – where demand is already high for this form of payment.

    Communities dedicated to popularizing Bitcoin continue to emerge, a spontaneous assemblage of merchants, vendors, investors, prospective traders, company founders and other interested parties. In meetings in Mexico City and Guadalajara, hosted by MeXBT.com, there is great interest to learn more about alternative currencies and the individuals at the forefront of this movement. That excitement symbolized the power of the green, white and red, for which we can all say: “Patria, Libertad, Trabajo y Cultura” (“Country, Liberty, Work and Culture”).

    If these events are any indication, the land – in Mexico, for Bitcoin – is bright.
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Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.051
Ahold 3.538 74.343
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.116
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.043
Alfen 16 24.961
Allfunds Group 4 1.506
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.825
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.443
AMG 971 133.832
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.697
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.025
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.787
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.814
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.327
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.745
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.357
ASML 1.766 108.426
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 519
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.688
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.404

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 05 maart

    1. Inkoopmanagersindex diensten februari def. (Jap)
    2. Inkoopmanagersindex diensten Caixin februari (Chi)
    3. IMCD Q4-cijfers
    4. Adidas Q4-cijfers
    5. Bayer Q4-cijfers
    6. Industriële productie januari (Fra)
    7. Inkoopmanagersindex diensten februari def. (Spa, It, Fra, Du, EU, VK)
    8. Producentenprijzen januari (eur)
    9. Campbell's Q2-cijfers
    10. Foot Locker Q4-cijfers
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht