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ACCSYS TECHNOLOGIES PLC Terug naar discussie overzicht

Accys Technologies,Juni 2014

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  1. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 11:16
    nieuw draadje v/d mnd Juni,

    Accsys To Launch Masisa Tricoya Super MDF Across Latin America.

    LONDON (Alliance News) - Accsys Technologies PLC Monday said it has extended its licence option agreement with Tricoya Technologies Ltd and Chilean panel producer Masisa SA, which will see the launch of Masisa Tricoya Super MDF throughout Latin America.

    Masisa Tricoya Super MDF is a durable, stable and sustainable wood-fibre based panel product, which guarantees against rot and decay with dimensional stability for 50 years when used externally, Accsys said .

    Accsys said that under the agreement, Masisa has agreed to carry out evaluation of Tricoya including market testing, production testing and development of finished end-products with the launch of Masisa Tricoya Super MDF.

    The environmental science and technology company said Tricoya Technologies has extended its two-year licence option agreement signed in April 2012 which, if successful, grants Masisa exclusive production and distribution rights for Tricoya for the Latin American market. However, it said that this excludes Brazil, for which the sales and marketing rights are non-exclusive.

    During the evaluation phase, the Tricoya product will be supplied by Medite Europe Ltd, Tricoya Technologies' joint development partner and licence holder for which a supply agreement has also been agreed.

    Shares in Accsys were up 1.2% at EUR0.218 in early trading Monday.
  2. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 11:18
    in relatie,

    American Wood Council responds to report recommending use of structural wood products
    13 May 2014

    American Wood Council president and ceo Robert Glowinski has made the following statement regarding the US Global Change Research Program’s recommended use of structural wood in its Third National Climate Assessment, which noted that “the carbon emissions offset from using wood rather than alternate materials for a range of applications can be two or more times the carbon content of the product” and that “forest product-use strategies include the use of wood wherever possible as a structural substitute for steel and concrete, which require more carbon emissions to produce.”

    "We're pleased that wood products have again been recognised for their inherent carbon sequestration qualities. Wood products facilities use all parts of the raw material not only in the manufacture of carbon-sequestering products used in everyday life, but also do so using carbon-neutral biomass energy, offsetting any CO2 that would have otherwise been released to the atmosphere from more carbon intensive products produced using fossil fuels.," said Mr Glowinsky.

    "Use of our products also creates an economic incentive for private landowners to replant trees - making an additional positive contribution to the carbon cycle - rather than result in conversion of land for development.

    Moreover, the US Department of Agriculture recently recognised wood products as 'one of the most advanced' building materials in the world. All told, we believe our products are part of the solution in mitigating for climate change."

  3. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 11:33
    Accsys: Masisa's optie op licentie verlengd

    MAANDAG 2 JUNI 2014, 09:37 uur |

    LONDEN (AFN) - Tricoya Technologies, een samenwerkingsverband tussen Accsys en Ineos, heeft de termijn waarin Masisa een optie kan nemen op de technologie Tricoya verlengd. Dat maakte Accsys maandag bekend zonder een exacte looptijd aan te geven.

    In april 2012 tekende Masisa de oorspronkelijke overeenkomst, die nu met 2 jaar wordt verlengd. Masisa, volgens Accsys een toonaangevende producent van houtpanelen in Latijns-Amerika, gaat Tricoya testen. Mochten die tests succesvol blijken, dan krijgt het bedrijf de exclusieve productie- en distributierechten voor Tricoya in Latijns-Amerika. Voor Brazilië zijn de rechten niet-exclusief.
  4. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 12:43
    Finally, on the technology front, we have more details on the already very popular Wood Flow Logistics 2014 event being run for forestry managers, harvesting contractors and transport operators in both countries in mid-June and a story linked to the Wood Innovations 2014 event being run in Australia and New Zealand in September. Accsys Technologies Director of Business Development, Eddie Pratt based in the UK who founded Accsys Technologies has confirmed that he'll be speaking to local companies on the wood modification technology and the growth of the company as part of this event.
  5. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 13:02

    MADNESS schreef op 2 juni 2014 12:45:

    Stilte voor de storm zou ik zo zeggen...
    positief nieuws uit China, zoals een nieuwe License overeenkomst,and Boem the train goes....
  6. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 13:35

    beeldscherm schreef op 2 juni 2014 11:18:

    in relatie,

    American Wood Council responds to report recommending use of structural wood products
    13 May 2014

    American Wood Council president and ceo Robert Glowinski has made the following statement regarding the US Global Change Research Program’s recommended use of structural wood in its Third National Climate Assessment, which noted that “the carbon emissions offset from using wood rather than alternate materials for a range of applications can be two or more times the carbon content of the product” and that “forest product-use strategies include the use of wood wherever possible as a structural substitute for steel and concrete, which require more carbon emissions to produce.”

    "We're pleased that wood products have again been recognised for their inherent carbon sequestration qualities. Wood products facilities use all parts of the raw material not only in the manufacture of carbon-sequestering products used in everyday life, but also do so using carbon-neutral biomass energy, offsetting any CO2 that would have otherwise been released to the atmosphere from more carbon intensive products produced using fossil fuels.," said Mr Glowinsky.

    "Use of our products also creates an economic incentive for private landowners to replant trees - making an additional positive contribution to the carbon cycle - rather than result in conversion of land for development.

    Moreover, the US Department of Agriculture recently recognised wood products as 'one of the most advanced' building materials in the world. All told, we believe our products are part of the solution in mitigating for climate change."

    Obama to unveil historic climate change plan to cut US carbon pollution

    President Barack Obama will unveil a plan on Monday that will cut carbon pollution from power plants and promote cap-and-trade, undertaking the most significant action on climate change in American history.

    The proposed regulations Obama will launch at the White House on Monday could cut carbon pollution by as much as 25% from about 1,600 power plants in operation today, according to those claiming familiarity with the plan.

    Power plants are the country's single biggest source of carbon pollution – responsible for up to 40% of the country's emissions.
  7. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 14:14

    MADNESS schreef op 2 juni 2014 13:43:

    Inderdaad, de perceptie toont ons dat we met een enorm potentieel te maken hebben.
    alleen moet bij sommige nog het Dubbeltje vallen..
  8. Beursgoeroe 2 juni 2014 19:50

    beeldscherm schreef op 2 juni 2014 14:14:


    alleen moet bij sommige nog het Dubbeltje vallen..
    ben erg benieuwd wanneer ineens iedereen dit fonds in porto wil hebben, want dat gaat heel snel .........
  9. forum rang 4 alida1 2 juni 2014 21:19

    1 2 3 schreef op 2 juni 2014 19:50:


    ben erg benieuwd wanneer ineens iedereen dit fonds in porto wil hebben, want dat gaat heel snel .........
    Er zijn 200mln aandelen die niet bij grote beleggers zitten. Dus er zijn 8000 beleggers nodig die er 25000 zouden willen kopen, een investering van 5.1K. Er zijn grotere risico's. En er zijn kleinere kansen.
  10. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2014 23:15

    1 2 3 schreef op 2 juni 2014 19:50:


    ben erg benieuwd wanneer ineens iedereen dit fonds in porto wil hebben, want dat gaat heel snel .........
    Kan inderdaad héél snel gaan waarbij de hamvraag natuurlijk het tijdstip is.
  11. [verwijderd] 3 juni 2014 09:09
    En alweer een positief stuk vandaag over Accsys technologies m.n het Accoya's acetylation proces

    Germaine Greer: Our hunger for wood is destroying forests

    Sustainability? Huge tracts of indigenous forest are being hacked down to make way for fast-growing commercial timber to embellish our homes.


    ps,al doet de koptekst anders vermoeden.
  12. Buts 3 juni 2014 09:12
    Duurzaamheid is een geweldig idee. Wat hout betreft kan het meer van een idee dan een realiteit worden. Er is slechts één manier om te produceren van hout, en dat is om te doden van bomen.

    Zoveel als we kunnen worden gerustgesteld door de zekerheid dat geen oude-groei reus of bedreigde regenwoud heeft stierf zodat onze keuken planken, kunnen we zo misleid zijn als we zijn wanneer we onszelf vertellen dat er zoiets als eerlijke handel tussen rijk en arm is zijn. Zelfs als het hout hebben we geen andere keuze dan te gebruiken, in welke vorm dan ook, heeft zijn gegroeid in een plantage in plaats van in het wild geoogste, het heeft een enorme kosten. Wij een volledig overzicht van de herkomst van het hout uit bron aan eind-gebruiker kan eisen, en we meestal een soort certificering gerust ons duidelijk te maken dat het hout dat we nu gaan gebruiken is geoogst van verantwoord beheerde bossen wordt getoond.

    Lees voor "bossen" in deze jaarrekening "plantages", waar bomen worden geplant in monoculturen, geveld in rotatie en herplant.

    Dergelijke plantages doen niet spontaan; opspringen zij allen vertegenwoordigen de afschaffing van inheemse vegetatie om ruimte voor verhandelbare hout te maken. Hun duurzaamheid heeft mogelijk gemaakt door ecocide. Als inheemse vegetatie is uitgeschakeld voor ieder gewas, gaat alles van de schimmel elementen in de bodem aan de wezens die genest en gevoed op de bomen. De talloze dieren die er in het wild woonden zou niet kundig voor vondst een leefruimte, zelfs als de boom rassen niet selectief gefokt had om te bieden geen onderdak voor hen.

    Als u wilt worden verhandelbare, hout moet groeien snel en rechte. Knotholes dienen te worden vermeden en dus zijn de bomen gesnoeid zodat de bole duidelijk is
  13. [verwijderd] 3 juni 2014 09:21

    beeldscherm schreef op 3 juni 2014 09:09:

    En alweer een positief stuk vandaag over Accsys technologies m.n het Accoya's acetylation proces

    Germaine Greer: Our hunger for wood is destroying forests

    Sustainability? Huge tracts of indigenous forest are being hacked down to make way for fast-growing commercial timber to embellish our homes.


    ps,al doet de koptekst anders vermoeden.
    na het bericht van Obama,Co2 uitstoot verminderen,zullen ook Inst. beleggers zodadelijk de overstap maken op meer milieu vriendelijke aandelen,het bewijs hiervoor zie je al dat de Archelor/AMG aandelen maar niet van hun plaats komen,om die producten van staal/Alu te fabriceren kost te veel en tast het milieu behoorlijk aan,immers een boom kun je herplanten,plus het product is een soort cradle to cradle
  14. [verwijderd] 3 juni 2014 10:20
    Architectural teams busy designing the future of Christchurch

    Many teams of Architects are busy working on designs for new builds and renovations in Christchurch, but actually Auckland is also very busy.

    April 2014

    Architectural teams busy designing the future of Christchurch

    The face of Christchurch is changing now and the sounds of construction abound. The use of Accoya for one new commercial building is just one example. We have just completed a supply of Accoya for several screen walls and a stair case for one commercial building. In the next job we are looking to supply an exterior screen batten to a building in the new CBD.

    We have completed tests and finished our first project using a new profiled decking made from Accoya which passes the Australian / New Zealand Slip resistance tests. The decking we are promoting is 190mm wide and 20mm thick.. a very interesting product. Looks fantastic. Waikato University has a new Accoya 190x20 deck with the first use made of our “slip resistant” finish ( that meets and beats the Australian & NZ standard requirements for slip resistance) the boards are 190mm wide to boot !!!!
    Boardwalk projects are a natural target for Accoya as we embark on helping fix up failing boardwalks around NZ where timbers are not lasting the distance. Walkways and Boardwalks are a big part of NZ's outdoor life styles. Choosing naturally durable, and well managed product is all important. Accoya is a gret fit for such a demanding application.

    CertClad projects we are working on include a new vertical weather board solution we have done with end matched boards and a 22mm thick finish.. this is done in Accoya but could be done in other timbers, the end matching allows for staggering of the joints in a high end of the building, thus no “line effect” across the wall, rather the joints are staggered.. another novel solution we have come up with.
  15. [verwijderd] 4 juni 2014 01:38

    alida1 schreef op 2 juni 2014 21:19:

    Er zijn 200mln aandelen die niet bij grote beleggers zitten. Dus er zijn 8000 beleggers nodig die er 25000 zouden willen kopen, een investering van 5.1K. Er zijn grotere risico's. En er zijn kleinere kansen.
    Als de conclusie zoals u schetst absoluut de werkelijkheid zou weergeven zou ik inderdaad als zijnde een kleine belegger het volledige vermogen in Accsys investeren
    Heb overigens ruim verder geïnvesteerd en mijn positie in accsys aanzienlijk vergroot.
  16. [verwijderd] 4 juni 2014 09:16
    The company has benefited from increasing environmental awareness and tougher building regulations, requiring carbon and energy neutral specifications.

    “Tropical hard wood is grown in the Amazon for 300 years,” says Mr Clegg. “The world can’t keep using it. It just isn’t sustainable.

    “Much stricter regulation was introduced for the timber industry. Material cannot be brought into the EU unless certified. It has to be sustainably harvested from commercial forests.”

    Accsys’s manufacturing process is entirely sustainable. “We have the only gold rating in the construction industry, there’s no net waste from our process. The product is carbon negative during its lifetime and can then be used to release energy.”

    As the market matured, the long-term cost savings of using Accoya over cheaper, soft wood became apparent.

    “A 40pc of heat transfer in and out of your house is through doors and windows. Our product is as stable as PVC or aluminium, and doesn’t let out that heat,” says Mr Clegg.

    The maintenance cycles at large property companies were also extended by Accoya: surfaces had to be painted less frequently.

    The material also became a hit with theme park and velodrome architects. “Theme parks have to be hosed down every night and ordinary pine swells and rots,” says Mr Clegg.

    While other modified and engineered woods are available, no other companies have successfully commercialised Accsys’s proprietary acetylation process.

    The market potential for Accsys is huge. Wood is the second-largest commodity in the world, with global production currently exceeding 3bn cubic metres. The challenge for the company is meeting demand – “a great challenge to have”.

    To date, the fully listed company has generated €120m through capital raising.

    Mr Clegg is keen to prove to investors that Accsys will generate significant returns. After a tough few years, he believes that the company is on a sound footing. In the past six months, the share price has increased by almost 40pc to 20p.

    “Demand has exploded,” he says. “All these wood distributors and mass producers are accepting Accoya as a product they want to use.

    “As a small company, there’s only a limited amount of time that you can be loss-making, and we certainly suffered growing pains.

    “But the world wants to use our high performance wood and it is prepared to pay for it.”

    klinkt als muziek in de oren......
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