BEN belegt schreef op 25 december 2014 10:27:
speciaal voor Henkie: Permanent pessimism kills.I’m not saying that everything needs to be sunshine and roses every day, but if you can’t generally agree that the world is becoming a better place and that capitalism has a part in that, you’re not going to have much luck as an investor in the long term. If you let your political feelings blur your vision or tell yourself a story that the end is near, you’ll end up paying for it. This is why my friend Josh talks about having optimism as a default setting. Yes, sometimes things are bad. Recessions are real. Bear markets are painful. But they do end. Markets recover, new businesses are built from the ashes of failed experiments and those who refused to change over time. People keep going to work, inventing things we didn’t know we needed and squeezing new efficiencies from markets. We keep raising families, building lives, improving ourselves and our communities. Believe it.