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TomTom nieuws in 2015

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  1. forum rang 7 Beperktedijkbewaking 5 september 2015 10:27

    Girakian1 schreef op 5 september 2015 09:32:

    BMW gaat niet mee in pk-offensief AMG


    En dat moet samenwerken. ....concurrenten tot op het bot....
    Oudewetse PK-strijd?? Of gaat het om vermogen in Nm? Wie snapt hier echt het verschil?? In mijn tijd was het elementaire HBS-stof.

    Elementaire mechanica is niet meer aan managers of journalisten besteed. Daar doen ze bij Nijenrode niet aan, en ook niet bij de div. journalistenscholen.

    Toch lullen die amateurs er leuk over mee. Wie stopt ze eens?
  2. mjmj 5 september 2015 11:04

    R8GT schreef op 5 september 2015 07:51:

    goede post BDB zowel hier als op t andere draadje
    denk dat de pessimisten ook geen grond hebben, of je gelooft in het business model of in hun assets, of beide, ik ga duidelijk voor de onderwaardering want ik prefereer zekerheid dan verwachting, zeker als die zo overduidelijk aanwezig is, dus dan is het een kwestie van wie is happy aan welk exit niveau en wat is je horizon en op welke manier hoop je dat TT dit gaat bereiken en daar kunnen de meningen sterk over verschillen en ik geef toe een ieder pusht zijn mening wel naar zijn positie, ik doe dat zeker.
    ik lul niet negatief over een aandeel dat ik Long zit, dan verkoop ik, maar ik ben er wel eentje met een horizon.
    mooi dat je familie zoveel vd wereld ziet, dat is rijkdom op het netvlies, er is niet beter en voor zolang als je leeft en je herinneringen niet te mistig worden met de oude dag.
    Ja twee paarrden om op te wedden. Er was een hele tijd geleden iemand die stelde dat er een of meer hedgefunds short zaten in TT en tegelijkertijd long in Garmin en dat we vanuit die bril naar de shorts moesten kijken. Met de huidige ontwikkelingen rond TT kan het zomaar gebeuren dat een of meer hedgefunds nu 180 graden gaan draaien: long TT en short garmin.
  3. [verwijderd] 5 september 2015 20:01

    mjmj schreef op 5 september 2015 11:44:


    Uber wil pakketten gaan bezorgen en dat combineren met passagiersvervoer.

    Wie levert de applicatie voor route optimalisatie? Is TT daarbij betrokken?
    Tja, ze doen van alles, met Google (nu nog hun mapping provider, maar eigenlijk ook een concurrent), Microsoft (ze hebben pas nog een onderdeel van Bing Maps gekocht inclusief 100 bijbehorende werknemers), kopen ook andere bedrijven op (o.a. De Carta) en werken voor wat betreft HD en autonomous cars samen met universiteiten (Arizona, Carnegie Mellon), hebben een robotics onderzoekscentrum in Pittsburgh waar een research team, het “Uber Advanced Technologies Center” werkt aan “mapping, safety, and autonomy systems”, maar er zijn geen connecties met Tom2.

    Ze lijken het helemaal zelf uit te willen vogelen, hoewel ze ook in de race leken om HERE te kopen. De schatkist zal nog wel niet leeg zijn en een mooi bod op Tom2 is wat mij betreft welkom :-)
  4. forum rang 4 shaai 7 september 2015 12:19

    Beperktedijkbewaking schreef op 5 september 2015 02:51:


    Ik lees:
    "TomTom levert ‘gratis’ verkeersdiensten, flitserinfo en kaartupdates. Het abonnementsmodel van deze diensten is losgelaten, in ruil voor een iets hogere aanschafprijs. Voor consumenten een reden om hun huidige kastjes eens te upgraden."

    Niet helemaal juist. In de Automotive sector verkrijgt TT hun inkomsten uit traffic etc. gewoon tegen betaling. Met Daimler als leuk en prikkelend voorbeeld.
    Hoezo HERE?
    Ook Duitsers weten best wie verreweg de meeste probes heeft.

    Idd, waar de TomTom 5000 lifetime live traffic heeft, is dat bij de Truck 5000 niet zo, 1 jr gratis, dan jaar-abo.
    Toch een beetje rare segmentatie enerzijds, hoewel ik het anderszijds ook wel snap
  5. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 20:49

    Wer hat die besten Karten?

    TomTom natuurlijk !!

    Who has the best cards?
    Autonomous cars can not navigate without digital maps. However, the data must be as accurate and up to date? In this issue, car manufacturers and card services follow different concepts.

    It is quite a trivial note: so that an autonomous or highly automated car can drive safely, it must know first of all where it is at all. But the question of how exactly the location on the road must be done, is to answer anything but simple. Although, it seems clear that autonomous cars on the basis of the previous card material can drive not everywhere safely. But still the car manufacturers do not know what effort they must operate in the production of maps and their updating. Safe: the cost will be very large.

    A comparison between the German manufacturers BMW, Audi and Daimler shows how much the different concepts affect the automated test vehicles. While BMW is with its prototype able to turn at the Munich motorway junction Neufahrn, Audi can handle while long motorway sections with his test car, but only straight ahead. Daimler presented a modified S class cars, however, already 2013which autonomously managed the 103 kilometre long Historic Bertha Benz route between Mannheim, Pforzheim. However the trip was prepared for two and a half years meticulously through towns and along country lanes, centimeter to determine the vehicle's position with the specially recorded cards. Can this effort for the global road network operate?

    Accurate maps for interchanges necessary
    Where is the question of why the acquisition of the vehicle environment and road markings is not sufficient by the sensors in most situations. Finally, Audi shows that his Highway pilot in a position is highly automated to travel hundreds of kilometers to the piece. When it comes on the other hand, to move a highway, the permitted speed of the driver must assume so far back the steering wheel. Accurate Threading on the various intermittent turning lanes, as well as the tight curves in the departures and overwhelm the system. These sections can apparently only be accomplished if the car on the basis of the cards and his position almost centimeter knows where it is and what to expect it in the coming meters.
    Based on this experience, BMW precisely measured its test track and a high-precision GPS system treats his test car. It controls the car not only through the interchange, but also via the normal route. Here arises the question of how such a concept can be implemented as a standard. So BMW should have mapped exactly all routes for a highly automated Highway System. At Audi, the concept is, however, likely follows to access the maps only when difficult passages such as in highway cruising.

    Card services create your own HD cards
    Against this background, it seems surprising that are the three German producers have agreed together on the purchase of the card service Nokia here. Audi only has a cooperation with the card service TomTom announced in may 2015. Meanwhile announced Nokia herewith the help of laser scanners high-precision maps to create. A model of the streets should be developed from billions of 3D points, is accurate to 10 to 20 centimetres. In several countries, cards were created in this way can - be tested by the automakers in Germany by the A9 between Munich and Holledau. The Bertha Benz ride by Daimler was implemented with material from here.
    The accuracy is not as big as the current test vehicles from BMW. Werner Huber, head of which highly automated driving at the Munich-based car company, but said research group on demand of Golem.de: "we can with this accuracy live. Nokia here was already a previous project with on board and has noticed the requirements for highly automated driving on the road." A spokesman for Audi said: "the purchase affected by Nokia here does not use data of the company TomTom. "Come in the Volkswagen Group both data from Nokia here as well as TomTom used."
    The Berlin-based company Nokia here seeking to extend the limited range of the sensors with the high-precision material virtually to infinity, as stated in a blog post. So, an autonomous car for left beyond the reach of the sensors can look beyond to know the history of lanes and possible restrictions of the speeds. Years ago, Nokia here has enriched his cards with data on gradient, height, curvature of the track, as well as the posted traffic signs. For driving assistance systems, BMW uses such special cards for his Abstandsregelungstempomaten since 2006. However, these data are insufficient for automated driving.
  6. TimCh 7 september 2015 20:58
    AB Informer...

    Citaat uit bovenstaand artikel..Ein Sprecher von Audi sagte: "Der Kauf von Nokia Here beeinflusst nicht die weitere Verwendung von Daten des Unternehmens Tomtom. Im Volkswagen-Konzern kommen sowohl Daten von Nokia Here als auch von Tomtom zum Einsatz."
  7. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 20:58
    Part II

    Updating the maps via the cloud

    It looks also TomTom. Together with the automotive supplier Bosch, Dutch company wants to measure exactly the German motorways until the end of 2015. The cards according to Bosch in the future should consist of several layers: for navigation, localization, and planning. The calculation of the route from A to B with the roads to be ridden, achievements through the navigation layer Bosch explains. Based on the isolation layer, the vehicle detect its exact position in the lane. Furthermore, information about objects that would win over the environment sensors would comparing with the corresponding data in the layer. The planning layer in turn contained data about road markings, road signs and speed limits and road geometry. So choose an automated vehicle, for example, when it changed the track.

    TomTom also plans an accuracy in the decimetre range. With such cards the Bosch test vehicles are highly automated in public roads since early 2013, a Bosch spokesman at the request of Golem.de said. Apart from the latest such accuracy is sufficient. GPS signals would only used to locate a vehicle after the start of the system and before an automated drive roughly. This is sufficient for a precision in the range. The GPS signals were later used to plausibility the precise card data.

    Road users upload their own sensor data
    But what good is the most accurate material, and what often occurs, there is a new guidance when suddenly a construction site blocking the way? 'Information about traffic jams, accidents, hiking site, or speed limits must be the highly automated vehicle currently and timely available. Only then it can choose the best driving strategy ahead", Bosch writes. To detect such short-term changes, TomTom will use not only its own fleet of mapping, but plans according to own statements together with Bosch "use another vehicle fleets with corresponding sensors on board". What fleets should be, is currently still.
    A different approach, however, Nokia here with its "living streets" (live roads). The company has developed an interface specification, which defines how sensor-based data of different vehicles in a cloud can be processed. This specification was in June 2015 the automotive industry via a CC license free of charge. "The generated data can be summarized in a standardized form in the cloud, processed and analyzed to design a detailed real time picture of road and traffic", Said here. On the basis of the information collected card information could also match and improve. Moreover, warnings about damage to roads or building sites could be given.

    Each light must be accurately recorded
    However, the resulting volume of data may be very large. According to a forecast of by market research company SBD, 33 million crosslinkable vehicles will be sold up to the year 2020 per year. This generated more than 163 million terabytes per year of data. Here trust that the use of the vehicles the network technology will have evolved, a spokesman on request. Then, for example, the mobile phone standard 5 G could be ready for the market. Google is betting its autonomous cars that they sign non-mapped traffic signs to the Central.
    The requirements for the cards are still significantly higher, if automated cars want to leave the highway and driving around in the city. Since it is required that every zebra crossing and each traffic light is captured and recognized. The cars need to know exactly where and to what extent are the relevant traffic lights. While Google shows with its test vehicles in the United States, that even urban transport is in principle automatically to dominate. However are the approximately 6.6 million kilometers of road in the United States until a year ago, only a few thousand Google mapped been. The entire mapping of the United States was still not "fearsome task", said the head of Google-car, Chris Urmson.

    "Cities must change"
    In this context, it is not excluded that a manufacturers such as Audi in the United States relies on Google maps. The next generation of the Audi A8 to 2017 with the first highly automated functions like a traffic jam drivers be equipped. "We can now say used navigation data in two to three years in our vehicles for the U.S. market", a spokesman said. At the present time could not even be said, "when we get high resolution maps for the first time in connection with highly automated functions to use". That is to say: may the A8 in the United States first only on the basis of the sensor data drives. In case of a traffic jam pilots that would be but not so crucial, because the car then easily with could swim in the traffic.
    Given the problems yet to be solved, German manufacturers assume that in 15 years vehicles in all traffic situations autonomously on the road can be complete. Currently, they are still the view alone with better cards not to achieve this goal. "In an urban environment we expect autonomous cars until the year 2030. The cities must change", BMW development head, said Huber. Traffic lights could be then able to communicate with the vehicles. Google, however, has continued to insist that this step takes place much earlier. Currently eleven year old son should do more no driving test at the age of 16, Urmson said. Google should really achieve this goal, the German competition would have first bad cards.
    In a four-part series of articles, Golem.de represents the current state of development of autonomous vehicles. In other articles, let's examine whether and in what way autonomous vehicles can be made more secure by wireless connection to the Internet or other vehicles. Recent hacker attacks have shown that the networked cars can be also a great security risk. In addition, we want to illuminate what political steps on the way to the autonomous driving are still required, unless by legal regulations and standards or help with the infrastructure and test tracks.
  8. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 21:04

    TimCh schreef op 7 september 2015 20:58:

    AB Informer...

    Citaat uit bovenstaand artikel..Ein Sprecher von Audi sagte: "Der Kauf von Nokia Here beeinflusst nicht die weitere Verwendung von Daten des Unternehmens Tomtom. Im Volkswagen-Konzern kommen sowohl Daten von Nokia Here als auch von Tomtom zum Einsatz."
    Mooi stukje tekst inderdaad !! :)
  9. dipity 7 september 2015 21:04
    Artikel zet TomTom en Here als gelijkwaardige spelers voor HAD neer: is winst vergeleken met vroegere berichtgeving. Plus (!!):
    keiharde bevestiging in het artikel: Volkswagen en Audi blijven TomTom afnemers, naast Here. Zoals door seren (Ict industriespecialist) meermalen gesteld: opdrachtgevers willen minimaal twee opties voor cruciale functionaliteiten.
    @Informer: vette AB.
  10. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 21:12
    Dank je.

    Je kan mij ook volgen via Twitter.
    Vici en ik zijn denk ik het actiefst op dit geweldige medium.. !!

    Twitter account is:

    Het forum kan wel wat humor gebruiken.
    Check mijn laatste tweet ! :)
  11. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 21:26

    dipity schreef op 7 september 2015 21:04:

    Artikel zet TomTom en Here als gelijkwaardige spelers voor HAD neer: is winst vergeleken met vroegere berichtgeving. Plus (!!):
    keiharde bevestiging in het artikel: Volkswagen en Audi blijven TomTom afnemers, naast Here. Zoals door seren (Ict industriespecialist) meermalen gesteld: opdrachtgevers willen minimaal twee opties voor cruciale functionaliteiten.
    @Informer: vette AB.
    Als het artikel het als gelijkwaardig ziet..
    De waarheid is zelfs dat TT voor op loopt met de realisatie van realtime maps.

    Remember this saying..
    TomTom is not Here, TomTom is already there" Alain de Taeye

  12. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 21:30

    Informer schreef op 7 september 2015 21:12:

    Dank je.

    Je kan mij ook volgen via Twitter.
    Vici en ik zijn denk ik het actiefst op dit geweldige medium.. !!

    Twitter account is:

    Het forum kan wel wat humor gebruiken.
    Check mijn laatste tweet ! :)
    aha, ik vroeg me al af wie @eddysoft was, idd heel veel "informatieve" tweets!!
  13. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 21:45

    seren schreef op 7 september 2015 21:30:

    aha, ik vroeg me al af wie @eddysoft was, idd heel veel "informatieve" tweets!!


    Kwestie van de juiste mensen / bedrijven toevoegen aan je contacten.

    Vandaag werd ik zowaar toegevoegd door.
    Imtech Traffic & Infra

    Ik vraag mij dan sterk af wie daar dan 'nog' achter de twitter knoppen zit.

    Is dat iemand van Egeria ?
    Of is het stiekem Harald.. LOL !!!
  14. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 21:52

    xynix schreef op 7 september 2015 21:45:

    Thanks,Informer. AB.
    Het artikel is zelfs van 2 september.
    5 dagen oud al.

    Dat betekend dat het hele IEX forum 5 dagen niet op de hoogte is.. :)

    Sorry.. maak maar een grapje.
    Twitter is KING !

    Wat dacht je van dit opgepoetste artikel (vermoedelijk in opdracht van Here gepubliceerd.)

    Highly detailed and up-to-date 3D maps are needed, so that the cars in the right lane on the road.

    De naam TomTom komt in 6 pages er niet in voor, terwijl het toch gaat over HD Realtime maps...
    Knap van de schrijver om TT te ontwijken toch.
  15. [verwijderd] 7 september 2015 22:10
    AB Informer.
    Dit werpt wat mij betreft ook nieuw licht op nog onbenoemde criss-cross samenwerking tussen alles en iedereen en de tijdsspanne die genoemd wordt.
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