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Ablynx - Januari 2016

266 Posts
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  1. Pelikapuntzak 29 januari 2016 18:36
    Ruim 17k in de veiling en meer dan 11% van het dagvolume. Uitzonderlijk voor Ablynx volgens mij. Hopelijk wordt februari beter dan deze maand.
  2. Spreidstand 30 januari 2016 00:18

    Cees01 schreef op 29 januari 2016 21:21:

    Abbvie 4Q results 2015 Earnings Call Transcript
    About Ablynx p.e. page 11-12
    So moving on to ABT-122 and Ablynx, those are in mid-stage trials, and we'll see data from ABT-122 mid-year, and from Ablynx towards the back end of the year. And once we have those data, then that'll be the time to make decisions about next steps, so we'll be sharing those data as soon as it's reasonable to do so after we get them.

    Mark J. Schoenebaum - Evercore ISI

    What are the hurdles for success in those trials?

    Michael E. Severino - Executive Vice President, Research & Development and Chief Scientific Officer

    Well, our general approach has been that we believe we need to raise the standard of care. So what we're going to want to see is something that is over and above the level of efficacy that can be achieved with comparable agents, if you will. So ABT-122 combines 17 in TNF, so you're going to want to see something in the disease populations we've studied in RA and in psoriatic arthritis. It's better than one can get with those mechanisms alone. And Ablynx is another approach at IL-6, you'll see something that's better than the existing therapies that are out there. Now, obviously, these aren't comparative studies, but we'll have the data, we believe, to make those assessments and to determine whether we will advance those programs this year, as I've said.
  3. aston.martin 31 januari 2016 11:25

    Misschien is nog niet iedereen ervan op de hoogte dat je regelmatig kan deelnemen aan een bedrijfsbezoek bij Ablynx.
    Uiteraard zeer warm aan te bevelen zo'n bezoek.

    Individual investors can meet with the Ablynx management team at Ablynx’s Quarterly Shareholders’ Clubs organised at Ablynx.

    The next events in Dutch will take place on:

    9 March 2016 at 5.45pm
    18 May 2016 at 5.45pm
    14 September 2016 at 5.45pm
    7 December 2016 at 5.45pm

    To attend an event, please register via email: investors@ablynx.com, mentioning your name and preferred day.


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Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 03 februari

    1. Beurs Shanghai gesloten (Chinees nieuwjaar)
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de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht