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CTac ontwikkelingen 2016

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  1. Henri Nostradamus 7 maart 2016 11:57
    Bij bericht van de 10e is het volgende van belang:
    - bezettingsgraad (zou inmiddels boven de 90% moeten liggen gezien gunstige markt)
    - tariefsveranderingen (vooruitzichten)
    - exposure retail-markt (veel deconfitures - wordt CTAC geraakt? Mogelijk extra reservering oninbare posten.)
    - omzet België (daar waren problemen met het mgt. vorig jaar - zou nu goed lopen)
    - percentage/verhouding omzet eigen medewerkers tov inhuur (hoe minder inhuur, hoe beter ivm marge)
    - verloop personeel en instroom nieuwe medewerkers (hoeveel)
    - bedrag activatie software (alles boven nul is teveel - we hebben eerder de nadelen gezien van opkloppen softwarewaarde - wordt later toch weer afgeschreven en geeft scheef beeld van resultaat in de tussentijd)
    - percentage vaste kosten lange termijn (buiten personeel) tov omzet. Betreft lease, rente en huurverplichtingen.
    Verder zou ik wel eens willen weten of die nieuwe directeur al wat gepresteerd heeft. Ik hoor er weinig van.
    - dividendbeleid - zou inkopen eigen aandelen niet veel slimmer zijn?

    Al met al verwacht ik sterke cijfers en een zeer positieve outlook. Technisch kunnen we nu door de 2,19 heen voor een ritje tot minimaal 2,70. Qua volume voldoen we inmiddels aan de criteria.

  2. forum rang 7 Wilbar 7 maart 2016 12:37
    Analyse, het is wellicht verstandig als je je bijdragen beperkt tot het Ordina forum. Daar valt je gebrek aan kennis wat minder op als hier.
  3. analyse_A3CD 7 maart 2016 15:07
    Het kan natuurlijk ook overname zijn tegen 1,70 hahahahaha

    Volume is weer op 1 hand te tellen, al zullen ze dat hier niet willen horen en spreken over een aardig volume, vergeleken met 1 tot 50 stukjes op andere dagen!! hahahahaha
  4. Nel 7 maart 2016 15:15
    zo aardig volume vandaag al 78% hoger dan normaal en een bod van 2,70 zou wel mager zijn analyse hahaha
  5. Beate 7 maart 2016 15:38
    Dividend of inkoop eigen aandelen zou inderdaad een goede zet zijn. Om met Analyse_A3CD te spreken (kort samengevat): ha!
  6. Nel 9 maart 2016 10:02
    wat zullen de resultaten zijn morgen
    omzet rond de 85 mln
    winst rond de 2 mln(1,9-2,1)
  7. Nel 9 maart 2016 15:22
    lekker rustig naar morgen toe
    een dag zoals alle dagen zou analyse zeggen
  8. Nel 9 maart 2016 15:33
    zijn nog 2 uurtjes handel dus wei weet? we staan in ieder geval nog ver vanaf de 2,34 waar we mee begonnen dit jaar
  9. forum rang 7 Wilbar 9 maart 2016 15:35
    Ja, dat is waar, Nel. Maar ik kan me herinneren dat die ook in een paar snelle stappen zo bereikt was.
  10. Nel 9 maart 2016 15:38
    ging in ieder geval met flink volume maar dat hebben we wel vaker gezien rond de 2,20.
  11. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2016 17:42
    De laatste transactie vandaag was van mij (koop) en tevens m'n gehele positie (mini dus). Iemand wilde nog 10k kopen op € 2,04, maar dat ging niet door. Afwachten nu maar, voor mijn gevoel is de kans op slecht nieuws beperkt en anders voor mij geen ramp. Goed nieuws zou al snel tot tientallen centjes koersstijging moeten leiden, zie ook de eerdere € 2,30.
  12. forum rang 7 Wilbar 10 maart 2016 08:02
    Full-year results 2015: Ctac records 42% rise in net profit in 2015, resumes dividend (EUR 0.06 per
    donderdag 10 maart 2016

    ICT Solution Provider Ctac N.V. (Ctac) (Euronext Amsterdam: CTAC) today announces its 2015 full-year results.

    Net turnover up 3% at EUR 86.1 million
    Operating result up 27% at EUR 3.4 million
    Net profit up 42% at EUR 2.4 million
    Reduction of (net) bank debt by EUR 0.5 million to EUR 2.7 million at year-end 2015, from EUR 3.2 million at year-end 2014
    Earn-out obligations reduced to EUR 1.0 million at year-end 2015, from EUR 1.4 million at year-end 2014
    Solvency ratio improved to 33.7% at year-end 2015 compared with 31.1% at year-end 2014
    Resumption of dividend payments, with a proposal of EUR 0.06 per ordinary share
    Continuing upward trend in 2016 and further increase in results expected

  13. forum rang 7 Wilbar 10 maart 2016 08:03
    Henny Hilgerdenaar, Chief Executive Officer of Ctac:

    “The upward trend continued in 2015, despite the persistently difficult ICT services market. A strong focus on margins and costs controls has resulted in an increase in the operating result of more than EUR 0.7 million to EUR 3.4 million. We continued to expand our market know-how and specific expertise and as a result managed to further optimise our solutions and templates, in line with our strategy. The continued integration of various Ctac operations also had a positive impact on our results.

    Ctac Netherlands, by far our largest business unit, did well in 2015. The contribution from Cloud Services increased significantly. The Consultancy activities in fields such as SAP and Microsoft expertise booked improved results. In addition, the outplacement activities under Consultancy also made a positive contribution to the results. The positive development of the abovementioned activities offers a healthy perspective for 2016.

    The results of Ctac Belgium were virtually breakeven. We are satisfied with the progress made since the management was replaced in February of 2015. The weak start to the first two months was offset by the results recorded in the remainder of 2015. We expect the progress to continue in 2016.

    Ctac France booked a negative result. Some of the losses were due to our deliberate choice to relaunch Ctac France, which resulted in extra costs. The majority of the losses were due to a single project. In the course of this project, it emerged that the legal scope of various agreements reached was not worded clearly enough in the contract. Despite the fact that the contract was not closed under his responsibility, the director of Ctac France, Thierry Ouillon, has decided to continue his career outside the company. Ctac is grateful for his efforts. He is being replaced (ad interim) by Mr. Eric Mahieux.

    In response to the results we realised and the improvement in the balance sheet, we will ask the General Meeting of Shareholders to approve a dividend payment of EUR 0.06 per (ordinary) share for 2015, in line with our dividend policy.

    The continued improvement of our operational performance was visible in all four quarters of
    2015. The progress we booked last year is a solid basis to continue on our upward path in 2016. For the full year 2016, we therefore expect to book a higher result than in 2015.”
  14. forum rang 7 Wilbar 10 maart 2016 08:05

    Turnover and gross margin
    Ctac booked net turnover of EUR 86.1 million in 2015, an increase of 3.2% from the EUR 83.4 million recorded in 2014. The increase was entirely organic.

    Turnover in consultancy, hosting and management rose by 3.5% to EUR 72.2 million in 2015, from EUR 69.8 million in 2014. Due to the fact that the cost of external hiring declined by
    4.3% to EUR 16.7 million in 2015, from EUR 17.5 million in 2014, the gross margin on this activity increased to EUR 54.2 million in 2015, from EUR 51.7 million in 2014.

    Turnover from software declined by 6.0% to EUR 5.7 million in 2015, from EUR 6.0 million in 2014. The gross margin on this turnover came in at EUR 2.2 million in 2015, compared with EUR 2.4 million in 2014.

    Turnover from maintenance contracts came in 9.9% higher at EUR 8.2 million in 2015, from EUR 7.5 million in 2014. The gross margin on these activities increased by EUR 0.2 million to EUR 2.9 million.

    Turnover per employee (based on the average number of FTEs on an annual basis) came in
    1.6% higher at EUR 192,000 in 2015, from EUR 188,900 in 2014.

    Operating costs
    In 2015, staff costs increased on balance by EUR 0.7 million, or 1.7%, compared with the previous year. The average number of FTEs increased slightly to 449 in 2015, from 441 in

    Other operating costs increased by EUR 0.9 million, or 6.8%, to EUR 14.3 million, from EUR 13.4 million in 2014.

    Depreciations were up EUR 0.1 million at EUR 1.4 million.

    Operating result
    The operating result for the full year 2015 came in at EUR 3.4 million, up from EUR 2.6 million in 2014. This 26.7% increase on the previous year was almost entirely due to the gross margin, which saw a relatively greater increase than the operating costs due to more profitable turnover.

    The operating result in the fourth quarter of 2015 was EUR 1.4 million, compared to EUR 1.0 million in the same period of 2014.

    Financial income and expenses
    At year-end 2015, Ctac’s net bank debt stood at EUR 2.7 million, compared with EUR 3.2 million at year-end 2014. The related interest costs remained unchanged at around EUR 0.1 million. Other financial expenses (including the interest on earn-out obligations) came in also at around the same level as in 2014. This resulted in an unchanged charge of EUR 0.2 million in 2015 (2014: EUR 0.2 million).

    In 2015, the tax rate was 23.8%, down from 27.3% in 2014.

    Net result and earnings per share
    Ctac booked a net result of EUR 2.4 million in 2015, compared with EUR 1.7 million in the previous year. This translated into earnings per share of EUR 0.19 based on the weighted average number of 12,515,497 outstanding ordinary shares. The total number of outstanding ordinary shares was unchanged at 12,515,497 at 31 December 2015.

    Balance sheet
    The shareholders’ equity had increased by EUR 2.4 million to EUR 13.6 million at year-end
    2015, as a result of the addition of net result of EUR 2.4 million for 2015. In line with reporting standards, the shareholders’ equity was calculated without taking into account the proposal for profit appropriation.

    Trade receivables and other receivables increased by around EUR 3.1 million to EUR 20.6 million at year-end 2015. The balance sheet total had increased by EUR 4.3 million to EUR 40.4 million at year-end 2015, from EUR 36.1 million at year-end 2014.

    The solvency ratio (shareholders’ equity / total assets) improved to 33.7% at year-end 2015, from 31.1% at year-end 2014.

    Ctac’s net bank debt dropped to EUR 2.7 million by the end of 2015, from EUR 3.2 million at year-end 2014. The facility agreed with ABN AMRO stood at EUR 7.3 million at the end of 2015. Ctac issued a right of lien on receivables, operating equipment and IP rights as surety.

    Cash flow and investments
    The cash flow from operations came in at EUR 2.9 million positive in 2015 (2014: EUR 4.4 million positive). The cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 2.2 million positive in 2015 (2014: EUR 3.8 million positive).

    In 2015, Ctac invested EUR 1.2 million in (in)tangible fixed assets (2014: EUR 1.7 million). The investments were largely spent on the replacement of the IT infrastructure and new computers.

    The cash flow from financing activities pertained largely to the payment of EUR 0.5 million in earn out obligations (2014: EUR 1.4 million); unlike in 2014 (EUR 0.4 million) the payments related to the share of third parties were negligible in 2015. In 2014, Ctac also paid off EUR 0.2 million of the long-term borrowings.

    The net cash flow came in at EUR 0.5 million positive in 2015 (2014: EUR 0.1 million).

    Proposal appropriation of results
    After careful consideration of the impact of a dividend payment on the net cash flow in 2016, the shareholders’ equity, the composition of same and the other balance sheet components, Ctac will ask to the General Meeting of Shareholders to approve the payment of a dividend of EUR 0.06 per ordinary share from the net profit. The aforesaid proposal is in line with the previously formulated dividend policy. The remaining part of the net profit will be added in its entirety to the (still negative) other reserves, which are recognised under shareholders’ equity.

    Events after the balance sheet date
    In the context of the further tightening of its strategy, Ctac reported on 5 January 2016 that it had sold its entire stake in IFS Probity (59.8%) to the minority shareholders at the intrinsic value.

    In accordance with reporting standards (International Financial Reporting Standards), the sale of the IFS stake has already been accounted for in the balance sheet as at 31 December 2015 in the separate lines Assets ‘Held for Sale’ and Liabilities ‘Held For Sale’.


    Ctac sees it as its mission to enable its clients to realise their ambitions by converting the advantages of information technology into actual business value. This also challenges our employees to be ambitious.

    Ctac has divided this mission into the following goals:
    unburdening (international) clients in the medium-sized and larger business segment by providing suitable and reliable ICT solutions at acceptable costs. These solutions should make a contribution to the sustainable profitability and the competitive strength of these clients to safeguard the continuity of their businesses;
    the continued transition from ERP services provider into a distinctive provider of combined ICT solutions as a Total Solution Provider;
    continued development of the Ctac organisation in line with the market potential and providing continuity for all stakeholders.
    In recent years, Ctac has adapted its organisation and tightened its strategy in such a way that it has transformed the company into a prominent Total Solution Provider. In 2016 and the years ahead, Ctac will focus on the formation of integrated – in terms of market and/or expertise – business units that are optimally equipped to provide clients with high-grade specialist solutions.

    The current organisational structure is such that the management team is responsible for the centralised and integrated management of all sales and delivery activities in all countries. In the Netherlands, our services are divided into three sectors: Consulting (including SAP and Microsoft), Cloud Services and Ctac Resourcing. The company’s sales activities are managed centrally.
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