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Aperam naar 40 euro in 2016.?

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  1. [verwijderd] 3 augustus 2016 19:54

    voda schreef op 29 juli 2016 19:11:

    Een fijne Aperam week hoor! :-)

    Aperam* 37,425 +8,71%
    Refresco Group* 13,965 +7,92%
    TomTom* 7,644 +7,63%
    NSI 3,959 +6,74%
    Intertrust* 20,320 +5,64%
    WDP 92,220 +4,76%
    TKH* 32,645 +3,95%
    PostNL* 3,436 +3,87%
    Delta Lloyd* 3,195 +3,00%
    Wessanen* 10,910 +2,68%
    BAM* 3,510 +2,66%
    BESI* 26,570 +1,90%
    Vastned 37,530 +1,71%
    Eurocommerc... 39,600 +1,54%
    Flow Traders* 31,710 +1,47%
    GrandVision* 24,345 +0,62%
    Sligro* 34,100 -0,16%
    Wereldhave 43,280 -0,23%
    Corbion* 21,520 -0,67%
    Fugro* 15,810 -1,13%
    IMCD* 37,925 -1,37%
    Air France-KLM 5,190 -3,66%
    OCI* 13,660 -4,24%
    ASMI* 34,880 -5,36%
    Arcadis* 11,975 -12,85%

    Heel fijn aandeel idd, ik ben benieuwd wanneer er nu eens gecoverd gaat worden..?
  2. forum rang 10 voda 4 augustus 2016 16:02
    Beursblik: Aperam kan groeien via overnames

    Risico's beheersbaar volgens RBC Capital.

    Aperam heeft de middelen om dure overnames te doen en zo verder te groeien. Dit schreven analisten van RBC Capital donderdag, die een Outperfom advies voor het fonds hanteren met een koersdoel van 45,00 euro.

    Volgens de marktvorsers is de producent van roestvast staal daarnaast goed gepositioneerd in Zuid-Amerika, ondanks de economische tegenwind in Brazilië. De margedruk is volgens RBC beheersbaar.

    De analisten stelden dat mogelijke toenames van de staalinvoer uit landen die niet door Europese antidumping maatregelen worden getroffen, een risico kunnen vormen voor de resultaten van Aperam. China en Taiwan hebben reeds te maken met dergelijke invoerheffingen.

    Het importrisico zal volgens RBC echter binnen de perken blijven, gezien de toegenomen inspanningen van Europa om de eigen staalmarkt te beschermen. Daarnaast wordt het marktaandeel van Aperam beschermd door het sterk geïntegreerde distributienetwerk van de fabrikant.

    De analisten noemden ook het risico dat Europese producenten hun volumes gaan opvoeren om zo de vruchten te plukken van een hogere bezettingsgraad. De marktvorsers denken echter nog steeds dat de Europese fabrikanten van roestvast staal zich in eerste instantie zullen richten op het verhogen van de basisprijzen.

    Op een groen Damrak noteerde het aandeel Aperam donderdag 2,1 procent hoge op 37,69 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  3. [verwijderd] 24 augustus 2016 22:36
    Dicht bij de € 39,00 vertoont Aperam duidelijk vermoeidheidsverschijnselen.
    Ook bij ArcelorMittal is het heilige vuur onder het staal er wel uit.
    Misschien is de beurs verlamt in afwachting van de toespraak van Yellen.
    Ik vraag mij werkelijk af of de AEX binnenkort nog boven de 458 kan stijgen.
    Het is dus afwachten of Yellen een toverformule heeft om de beurs positief te prikkelen, maar eerlijk gezegd begin ik daaraan enorm te twijfelen.
    Hierbij de daggrafiek.

    Tot nu toe is quoteweb nog steeds positief over Aperam
  4. forum rang 10 voda 26 augustus 2016 18:45
    Het maand resultaat van Aperam t.o.v. andere AMX fondsen:

    PostNL* 3,968 +20,72%
    BAM* 4,035 +16,69%
    Delta Lloyd* 3,536 +14,06%
    Corbion* 24,235 +12,72%
    OCI* 15,955 +12,44%
    Aperam* 37,790 +9,05%
    Refresco Group* 14,650 +8,68%
    TomTom* 8,199 +7,39%
    BESI* 28,435 +7,04%
    GrandVision* 25,500 +6,85%
    TKH* 34,190 +4,00%
    Eurocommerc... 40,610 +3,32%
    Wessanen* 10,995 +1,34%
    Intertrust* 19,600 -0,66%
    Wereldhave 42,425 -1,44%
    IMCD* 37,795 -1,58%
    Vastned 36,750 -1,74%
    NSI 3,796 -1,91%
    WDP 87,320 -2,17%
    Sligro* 33,320 -2,19%
    Air France-KLM 4,860 -6,81%
    Fugro* 14,300 -8,98%
    ASMI* 33,380 -12,27%
    Arcadis* 11,895 -13,52%
    Flow Traders* 26,830 -16,14
  5. forum rang 10 voda 26 augustus 2016 18:46
    En het YTD resultaat: (ik blijf dit een super aandeel vinden)

    BESI* 28,435 +53,21%
    Wessanen* 10,995 +17,59%
    Aperam* 37,790 +14,90%
    PostNL* 3,968 +13,37%
    IMCD* 37,795 +10,95%
    Corbion* 24,235 +8,60%
    WDP 87,320 +7,48%
    Eurocommerc... 40,610 +2,05%
    Sligro* 33,320 +0,06%
    Intertrust* 19,600 -3,26%
    NSI 3,796 -4,50%
    Fugro* 14,300 -5,05%
    Refresco Group* 14,650 -7,63%
    ASMI* 33,380 -7,69%
    GrandVision* 25,500 -7,81%
    TKH* 34,190 -8,68%
    Vastned 36,750 -13,22%
    Wereldhave 42,425 -17,94%
    BAM* 4,035 -21,35%
    TomTom* 8,199 -29,35%
    OCI* 15,955 -30,02%
    Air France-KLM 4,860 -30,77%
    Delta Lloyd* 3,536 -35,06%
    Arcadis* 11,895 -35,93%
    Flow Traders* 26,830 -40,83%
  6. forum rang 10 voda 2 september 2016 20:03
    De 40 euro komt naderbij !

    BESI* 28,360 +52,80%
    Wessanen* 11,165 +19,41%
    Aperam* 39,095 +18,87%
    PostNL* 4,006 +14,46%
    WDP 89,800 +10,54%
    Corbion* 24,490 +9,75%
    IMCD* 36,835 +8,13%
    Eurocommerc... 41,355 +3,92%
    Sligro* 33,630 +0,99%
    Intertrust* 20,270 +0,05%
    NSI 3,795 -4,53%
    ASMI* 34,095 -5,71%
    Refresco Group* 14,810 -6,62%
    Fugro* 13,960 -7,30%
    TKH* 34,650 -7,45%
    GrandVision* 25,470 -7,92%
    Vastned 37,800 -10,74%
    Wereldhave 43,550 -15,76%
    BAM* 4,064 -20,78%
    Air France-KLM 5,041 -28,19%
    TomTom* 8,299 -28,49%
    OCI* 15,590 -31,62%
    Delta Lloyd* 3,691 -32,21%
    Arcadis* 12,185 -34,37%
    Flow Traders* 27,935 -38,39%
  7. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2016 18:54
    Een historisch moment!!! De 40 euro is gehaald!! :-)

    Laatste 40,165 176 17:35:12
    Verschil 0,985 2,51 %
    Bied 40,16 364 17:37:24
    Laat 40,165 800 17:37:14
    Hoogste 40,225 17:29:56
    Laagste 39,14 10:18:19
    Cum. volume 308.481
    Open 39,295 09:00:04
    Indicatieve opening 40,165
    Vorige handelsdag: slot / dagomzet 39,18 211.403 06-09-2016
    Gemiddelde dagomzet 352.496
  8. Azoia 12 september 2016 09:08
    Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
    Three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $4.63/lb . Indicators at 6:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.01/lb higher. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose on Wednesday and now total just over teh 367,850 tonne level. Market is still waiting word from the Philippines about more potential mine closures. Mining Weekly reporting Indonesia may be getting ready to loosen their export laws on unprocessed ore. And Norilsk has apparently sprung a leak and turned a entire river bright red. Our next update will be Monday so we wish all our readers a safe and relaxing weekend.
    Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $4.52/lb
    Average price of LME traded nickel in 2015 - $5.37/lb / 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
    (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
    Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
    Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
    Reuters metals morning - London copper hovers near 2-wk high; China data in focus - more
  9. Azoia 12 september 2016 11:29
    Nickel rally cooling down after pick-up in Indonesian ferronickel supply
    Updated: September 6, 2016 23:05 IST | NAVEEN MATHUR

    From being the worst performer with a 42 per cent loss in 2015 to being the second best in 2016 (YTD), nickel has come a long way. The silvery white metal has gained around 14 per cent (y-t-d), being second only to zinc.

    The metal started the year at $8,800/tonne and went as high as $11,030 in August before settling down currently near 10,000 levels on the LME.

    Stainless steel production accounts for about two-thirds of nickel demand and hence, muted demand from the stainless steel industry has hurt the metal. Falling Chinese demand hurt nickel prices in 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, after which the metal surged sharply in May 2016.

    Chinese nickel ore imports in the first four months of 2016 were 4.16 million tonnes (mt), a 38 per cent decline compared to the same period last year. In May, the Philippines dominantly supplied 3 mt, the highest level in seven months, taking the total to 7.16 mt and taking care of 97 per cent of the China’s total purchases.

    In June and July also, Chinese imports from the Philippines have been more than 3 mt. Despite this, imports of ore in the first seven months of 2016 fell to 14.5 mt — down about 26 per cent.

    In August, prices regained momentum and crossed the 11,000 mark on the LME after the new Philippine Government elected Regina Lopez, a passionate environmentalist, to head the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

    Right at the outset, she warned completely against the use of open pits to extract minerals, thereby threatening to potentially disrupt supplies and limit ore exports. This came as a big blow to China as the Philippines is the largest nickel ore supplier to China after Indonesia imposed a ban in 2014.

    However, the impact was quite short-lived as the biggest producer, Nickel Asia, which accounts for 40 per cent of the Philippine nickel ore production, complied with international mining standards along with three other major producers. Also, the fineprint of Chinese import figures show that there has been a big jump in shipments of ferronickel, an intermediate stage of the metal that contains both nickel and iron.

    The China factor
    China’s imports of ferronickel from Indonesia were 74,493 tonnes in July — more than five times the amount taken in the same month a year earlier — and more than four-fold increase in the y-t-d imports, giving the nation a 70 per cent share of Chinese imports of the intermediate.

    The nickel content in ferronickel exports from Indonesia is equal to about 4 mt, slightly less than the 4.13 mt ore export loss in the Philippines so far this year. So, rising ferronickel exports from Indonesia is an indication that China is already changing the form in which it imports the metal much before the anticipated shortage.

    Talking about inventories, nickel stocks at the LME have been stable near 370,000 levels since July. The stocks just moved 1.2 per cent higher in August and 16.5 per cent in 2016 (y-t-d).

    Hence, we expect nickel prices to trend lower from a two-month perspective and LME nickel (CMP: $10,070/tonne) might turn lower towards $9,750 while MCX nickel (CMP: ?670/kg) will head down towards ?630.

    The writer is Associate Director, Commodities & Currencies Business, Equity Research & Advisory, Angel Broking. Views are personal.

  10. Azoia 12 september 2016 19:25
    EU stainless steel raw materials index up $25 after nickel rise
    Metal Bulletin’s weekly raw materials index for Europe-origin grade-304 stainless steel rose by $24.77 per tonne this week, following a rise in the average nickel price last week.

    The index, which is based on a typical grade-304 slab from European mills, closed at $1,093.41 per tonne on Monday September 12, down from $1,068.64 per tonne a week ago. The average of the London Metal...
  11. Azoia 14 september 2016 08:59
    Rolling LME/SHFE price report 14/09: Nickel rises ahead of Philippines mine audit result
    Welcome to the rolling base metals price report, tracking the Shanghai Futures Exchange and London Metal Exchange markets on Wednesday September 14.

    Update at 11:15 Shanghai time: The Philippines’ Department of Natural Resources (DENR) is expected to announce the results of its nationwide mines audit on September 15. "The audit has already resulted in the closure of around 10 mines and the bar on acceptable standards has...
    Zal mijn I log weer even opzoeken zodat ik de berichten gebeld kan plaatsen.
  12. Azoia 15 september 2016 11:39
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    Nickel Asia to sell Taganito stake to Japan's Sumitomo
    Warren de Guzman, ABS-CBN News
    Posted at Sep 15 2016 03:25 PM

    MANILA - Nickel Asia Corp. said Thursday it would sell more than half of its stake in Taganito HPAL Corp. to Japan's Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. for $42 million.
    The sale of the 12-percent stake in the downstream nickel processing plant, the second of its kind in the country, will help the company focus more resources on renewable energy and mining operations, Nickel Asia told the stock exchange.
    The government is inspecting Nickel Asia for compliance with safety standards as part of Environment Secretary Gina Lopez's industry-wide audit.
    Lopez earlier said Nickel Asia took "too much" nickel ore from Manicani Island off Leyte Gulf and shipped around 400,000 tons to China, "disturbing the ecology" of the place.
    Nickel Asia welcomed the audit, adding it was compliant with environment standards.
    Nickel Asia shares were down 3.21 percent to P6.63 on Thursday.
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    Read More: Nickel Asia mining environment Taganito Gina Lopez
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    Nickel Asia says 2015 shipment volume at record high
    Posted at Jan 14 2016 11:22 AM

    MANILA - Nickel Asia Corp., the Philippines' top nickel ore producer, said on Thursday it saw a 10 percent rise in shipment volume last year from its four operating mines to a record 19.7 million wet metric tonnes (WMT).
    The shipment value, however, was lower versus 2014, because of weak nickel prices, the company said in a statement.
    The Philippines is a key nickel ore supplier to China.
    Last year's shipments were valued at an estimated 14.4 billion pesos ($302 million) compared with shipments valued at 23.7 billion pesos the year before.
    "In spite of the current low prices, our operations continue to remain profitable," Nickel Asia President and CEO Gerard Brimo said.
    "Our position as a low-cost producer in our mining operations will help the company ride-out the challenges in the current down cycle," Brimo added.

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    Read More: Nickel Asia mining nickel ore
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    Nickel Asia energy unit to get P2.6B in additional funding
    ABS-CBN News
    Posted at Apr 18 2016 04:05 PM

    Nickel Asia's renewable energy unit will get P2.16 billion in additional funding to expand its portfolio, its parent company said Monday.
    This includes P660 million in additional equity contribution and a P1.5-billion three-year term loan to Emerging Power Inc., Nickel Asia Corp said in a disclosure to the stock exchange.
    Emerging Power, which is 66-percent owned by Nickel Asia, plans to build 105 megawatts in additional capacity this year, primarily from a 100-megawatt solar farm in Subic port north of the capital, Manila.
    The remaining five megawatts was expected to come from a geothermal plant on Biliran Island, the company said.
    "EPI is determined to develop all of these clean energy projects in the soonest possible time," NAC president and chief executive officer Gerard Brimo said.
    Nickel Asia shares were down 0.97 percent to 5.10 pesos in late trading.

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    Read More: Nickel Asia mining clean energy Emerging Power fund


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  13. Azoia 18 september 2016 21:51
    NEW DELHI, Sep 16 (PTI) Nickel prices moved up by 0.15 per cent to Rs 649.90 per kg in futures trade today, supported by firming global cues and rising demand from alloy-makers in domestic spot markets.

    Nickel for delivery in current month moved up by Re 1 or 0.15 per cent to Rs 649.90 per kg in a business turnover of 923 lots at the Multi Commodity Exchange.

    Similarly, the metal for delivery in October contracts traded higher by 60 paise or 0.09 per cent to Rs 655.70 per kg in 33 lots.
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    Marketmen attributed the rise in nickel prices at futures trade to enlarging of positions by speculators, driven by rising demand from alloy-makers in the spot market and a firm trend in metals overseas.
    READ MORE:nickel prices|futures trade
  14. Azoia 18 september 2016 21:54
    * Nickel hits two-month low

    * ShFE closed for mid-autumn holiday, to reopen Monday

    (Recasts with nickel, updates throughout)

    By Zandi Shabalala

    LONDON, Sept 15 (Reuters) - Nickel slumped to the lowest in more than two months on Thursday after worries eased that an environmental crackdown in the Philippines would create shortages.

    Nickel is up about 12 percent this year, having hit a one-year peak in early August as authorities in the Philippines launched a campaign to close mining operations that failed to met environmental regulations.

    The metal closed 1.3 percent lower at $9,710 an ounce to levels last on July 8.

    With only several mines having been closed or suspended, worries about a blanket ban seem to have been unfounded, analysts said.

    "The scale of mining closures is not as great as was initially feared," said Caroline Bain, senior commodities economist at Capital Economics.

    "The market is definitely tightening. We still expect it to be in deficit this year but at such high stock levels it's hard to justify these prices."

    The global market deficit in nickel narrowed to 5,200 tonnes in July from a revised deficit of 12,100 tonnes the month before, taking the shortfall so far this year to 42,500 tonnes, data from the International Nickel Study Group showed. Nickel stocks in LME registered warehouses at 367,806 tonnes are down from above 450,000 tonnes in the middle of January, but they still account for a significant proportion of global consumption.

    Benchmark copper rose 0.2 percent to $4,781 an ounce, after touching its highest since Aug. 22 on a spate of upbeat Chinese data.

    "Copper prices are holding up well compared to other metals which are still under pressure, we are still trading at high levels," said Eugene Weinberg, head of commodities research at Commerzbank.

    Stocks of copper slipped 0.7 percent, or 2,275 tonnes, to 349,225 tonnes, data from the LME showed.

    Chinese financial markets are closed from Thursday to Sunday for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

    Lead retreated 0.7 percent to $1,947 per ounce.

    The global lead market saw a surplus of 22,000 tonnes in July versus a deficit of 12,000 tonnes in June, a study from the International Lead and Zinc Study Group showed. Zinc shed 1.9 percent at $2,231 while aluminium fell 0.9 percent to $1,572.

    Tin ended 0.8 percent lower at $19,045.


    Three month LME copper Most active ShFE copper Three month LME aluminium Most active ShFE aluminium Three month LME zinc Most active ShFE zinc Three month LME lead Most active ShFE lead Three month LME nickel Most active ShFE nickel Three month LME tin Most active ShFE tin (Additional reporting by Melanie Burton, editing by William Hardy)
  15. Azoia 20 september 2016 21:29
    what 50 million extra tonnes of iron ore will do to prices
    Cecilia Jamasmie | about 7 hours ago | 398 | 0
    Here’s what 50 million extra tonnes of iron ore will do to prices
    The S11D iron ore mine in the Amazon region was originally expected to generate up to 90 million metric tonnes a year. (Image by Salviano Machado/ Vale)
    About 50 million tons of iron ore will be added to the market between now and June next year, which can only mean one thing for prices — yes, they are going down.

    Despite beginning the year with a bang and climbing past $60 a tonne, seaborne prices have already weakened and are down by 9.8% over a month ago to $55.7 a tonne Tuesday according to the Metal Bulletin.
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