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ArcelorMittal meest logische koper voor ILVA

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 15 maart 2018 16:10
    Onderzoek overname Ilva door ArcelorMittal weer verlengd
    Brussel verschuift deadline naar 25 mei.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones)Brussel heeft de deadline voor het onderzoek naar de voorgenomen overname van het Italiaanse staalbedrijf Ilva door ArcelorMittal met nog eens een maand uitgesteld tot 25 mei. Dit maakte de Europese Commissie donderdag bekend.

    De Europese Commissie had aanvankelijk tot 23 maart 2018 om een beslissing over de voorgenomen acquisitie te nemen, maar Brussel gaf eerder al aan meer tijd nodig te hebben om tot een besluit te komen. De deadline werd toen verschoven naar 23 april. Nu blijkt het onderzoek met nog een maand te zijn verlengd.

    Er bestaan zorgen bij de Europese toezichthouder dat door de overname er minder concurrentie over blijft voor bepaalde staalproducten, waardoor de prijzen mogelijk zullen stijgen. Brussel zei dat ArcelorMittal, één van de grootste staalbedrijven ter wereld, via de overname zijn marktaandeel flink zal uitbreiden, aangezien Ilva tot de grootste staalfabrieken in Europa behoort.

    ArcelorMittal maakte in juni bekend Ilva over te zullen nemen met behulp van een consortium waarin ook Marcegaglia zit. ArcelorMittal heeft een belang van 85 procent in dit samenwerkingsverband.

    Het aandeel ArcelorMittal koerste donderdag 0,2 procent hoger op 26,52 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  2. forum rang 10 voda 22 maart 2018 19:17
    ArcelorMittal verloor 3,8 procent. L'Echo schreef dat het staalbedrijf mogelijk activiteiten in Luik van de hand moet doen, als voorwaarde om de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva over te nemen. De details over de eventuele desinvestering zijn nog niet bekend. Daarover zal het concern op 21 mei een besluit nemen.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 23 maart 2018 13:58
    ArcelorMittal to give up sites in Liège following Ilva purchase - Report
    Steel News - Published on Fri, 23 Mar 2018

    The Brussels Times reported hat ArcelorMittal Director-General Manfred Van Vlierberghe announced on Thursday that following the acquisition by the steel giant of the Ilva integrated site in Italy, the European Union will force it to give up some of its sites, including those in Liège, to avoid a monopoly situation.

    A consortium headed by ArcelorMittal, Italy’s Marcegaglia and the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank had been selected in June 2017 by the Italian Government to take over Ilva, which had Europe’s biggest steelworks in Tarento, for 1.8 billion euro. This sum was coupled with 2.4 billion euro in investments to relaunch the company, which had been placed under guardianship of the State since 2015.

    Within the framework of this operation, Europe felt ArcelorMittal could not have a monopoly for certain lines and decided that it had to give up some of them. These include those located in Liège. According to union sources, galvanization line 4, which was about to be launched, and galvanization line 5 are among the operations targeted, along with Eurogal in Ramet.

    The decision should be confirmed by late May.

    Christopher Vincent

    Source : The Brussels Times
  4. forum rang 10 voda 28 maart 2018 16:23
    Overname Ilva vereist desinvesteringen voor ArcelorMittal - media
    Staalmaker zou meerdere fabrieken in Europa gaan verkopen.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones)Om goedkeuring van Brussel te krijgen om de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva over te nemen, gaat ArcelorMittal meerdere activiteiten in Europa van de hand doen. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg op basis van Platts, een aanbieder van data op het vlak van energie en grondstoffen.

    ArcelorMittal zou volgens een anonieme "seniore bron" in de sector faciliteiten moeten verkopen in het Belgische Luik, Italië, Roemenië, Tsjechië en Luxemburg.

    L'Echo schreef vorige week ook al dat het staalbedrijf mogelijk onderdelen in Luik zou moeten verkopen. Volgens de krant zal Mittal op 21 mei een besluit nemen over deze desinvestering.

    De deadline voor het onderzoek van de Europese Unie naar de overname van Ilva werd recent twee keer uitgesteld met een maand en is nu vastgesteld op 25 mei. Ilva is één van de grootste staalfabrieken in Europa en met deze overname zou ArcelorMittal zijn marktaandeel flink uitbreiden waardoor de concurrentie voor bepaalde staalproducten afneemt.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  5. forum rang 10 voda 12 april 2018 18:26
    ArcelorMittal verkoopt zaken in Luik

    Gepubliceerd op 12 apr 2018 om 18:18 | Views: 0

    ArcelorMittal 17:29
    26,30 +0,36 (+1,37%)

    LUIK (AFN/BELGA) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal zet de zogenoemde galvanisatielijnen 4 en 5 in Flémalle bij Luik te koop. Ook productie-eenheid Ferblatil in het Luikse Tilleur wortd van de hand gedaan, zo melden de vakbonden in België.

    De beslissing komt er in het kader van de overname van het Italiaanse Ilva en onder druk van de Europese Commissie. Door de overname riskeerde ArcelorMittal namelijk een monopolie te bezitten op bepaalde lijnen.

    In maart had ArcelorMittal al meegedeeld dat het staalconcern een aantal activiteiten zou moeten verkopen.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 20 april 2018 16:07
    ILVA Race - EC will ensure that Sidex Galati will remain open - Mr Bogdan Chiritoiu

    Bursa reported that if ArcelorMittal decides to sell Sidex Galati, the European Commission will ensure that the new buyer will not close the plant and that the production will continue. Competition Council president Bogdan Chiritoiu said “It is a case handled by the European Commission as it affects many Member States. Mittal wants to buy a big mix in Italy, and the European Commission says Mittal would become too big in Europe, and then Mittal offers to give up more active in European countries, including the Sidex combination from us. The decision is not yet taken, but it does not take long.”

    According to him, before deciding to authorize the transaction, the European Commission will consult with all competition authorities in the countries concerned. The Competition Council will submit its opinion to the Commission next week at the meeting of the Brussels Advisory Committee.

    He said "No matter what decision the Commission will take, whether or not it accepts Mittal's commitments or whether it accepts Mittal's commitments, the Commission will insist that Sidex continues to work well. The Commission's analysis is to avoid distorting competition in the European Union through this transaction So if they say that Mittal is too big and has to sell an asset, they (European Commission officials - no) will ensure that the asset is sold to an operator who has the capacity. Here the interest of the European Commission is the same as that of Romania Both the EC and Romania want this combination to continue to function well.”

    According to Chiri?oiu, the Romanian side will be able to intervene, if it has arguments, on the new owner.

    The ArcelorMittal steel group has offered to sell more European steelmakers, including the Gala?i plant, to obtain the necessary EU anti-trust approvals for the acquisition of Italian steel producer Ilva, Europe's largest steelmaker. The ArcelorMittal Piombino, the only galvanizing line in Italy, ArcelorMittal Galati, Romania, ArcelorMittal Skopje, Macedonia, ArcelorMittal Ostrava, Czech Republic, ArcelorMittal Dudelange, Luxembourg, and the galvanization lines number 4, 5 from Flemalle; pickling, cold rolling lines and coated metal packaging in Tilleur, all from the Liege plant in Belgium.

    Source : Bursa
  7. forum rang 10 voda 20 april 2018 16:09
    ILVA Race -Czech government concerned about future of Ostrava steelmaker

    Radio Czech reported that the biggest Czech steelmaker and its home city of Ostrava are concerned they could be hit by a major ownership upheaval in the European steelmaking sector. And the Czech government is keeping close tabs on talks surrounding the fate of ArcelorMittal Ostrava.

    General manager of ArcelorMittal Ostrava, Ashok Patil, met with Czech minister for industry and trade, Tomas Huner, and gave what assurances he could about the situation. He told ?We assured the minister that even in the case of a divestment scenario, Ostrava steelworks would continue to operate in full. There is no threat of a reduction of capacity and related jobs. We agreed with the minister that we will be in close touch and work on the subsequent steps as we work more on that decision. Of course, subsequent steps would be supervised and be under the guidance of the European Commission, but we will be in close touch with the minister to discuss the steps and have a constant dialogue.?

    Mr. Patil later elaborated that one of Brussel’s targets should be to see a thriving Ostrava steelworks in whoever’s hands it might end up. He told ?When the Commission is reviewing the process of the remedy, they want to see more competition on the European market which covers the investments and the divestments. The units in the divestment need to be able to run fully and stand alone in the European market and compete.?

    The Ostrava steelworks and its subsidiaries employ around 7,250, paying above average wages, in a city and region still suffering from a higher than average jobless rate. And the fate of other key local employers, such as coking coal producer OKD, are also closely tied to the steel plant.

    Source : Radio Czech
  8. forum rang 10 voda 23 april 2018 16:52
    ArcelorMittal likely to gain EU approval for Ilva acquisition - Report

    Reuters quoted two people familiar with the matter as saying that ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steelmaker, is on track to win EU antitrust clearance to acquire Italian peer Ilva after agreeing to sell a number of significant assets across Europe. As per report ArcelorMittal has offered to sell its only galvanized steel plant in Italy, as well as units in Romania, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg and in Belgium.

    Sources said that is a far bigger package of sales than originally planned as the company bowed to regulatory demands in its quest to buy Europe’s biggest capacity steel plant. The galvanized steel plant in Italy, Piombino mills, for example, makes 800,000 tonnes a year of the product.

    The EU competition enforcer has been concerned that the deal may reduce competition in some flat carbon steel products and result in higher prices for customers in southern Europe.

    The European Commission is scheduled to decide on the deal by May 23

    Steel service center S.Polo Lamiere said it had provided industry feedback on ArcelorMittal’s concessions to the Commission. Mr Tomasso Sandrini CEO told Reuters that “The global feedback was that those remedies were considered sufficient by the different operators in the market, so the feedback the Commission received from stakeholders was positive.”

    The size of the divestments has prompted worries in some countries where the businesses to be sold are located.

    Source : Reuters
  9. forum rang 10 voda 7 mei 2018 16:15
    Update: Brussel akkoord met overname Ilva door ArcelotMittal
    Goedkeuring wel onder voorbehoud van voorwaarden.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie heeft onder voorwaarden goedkeuring gegeven aan de overname van de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva door ArcelorMittal. Dit meldde de Commissie maandag.

    Het besluit volgde na een diepgaande evaluatie van de overname, waarbij de commissie zich met name zorgen maakte over de prijseffecten op warmgewalst, koudgewalst en gegalvaniseerd plat koolstofstaal voor Europese klanten. De uit de overname ontstane entiteit zou verantwoordelijk zijn voor meer dan 40 procent van de productiecapaciteit van het warm- en koudgewalst en gegalvaniseerd plat koolstofstaal en bovendien een veel groter marktaandeel hebben dan enig andere concurrent in Europa, zoals Tata Steel, Thyssenkrupp en Voestalpine.

    De Commissie heeft uiteindelijk zijn goedkeuring aan de deal gegeven, mits een reeks desinvesteringen worden gedaan om de concurrentie op de Europese staalmarkt te behouden.

    ArcelorMittal stelde eerder al voor om onderdelen in onder andere België, Italië, Roemenië, Tsjechië, Macedonië en Luxemburg te verkopen. Daarnaast stelde de staalreus voor een aantal distributie-assets af te stoten in Frankrijk en Italië. Ook zal ArcelorMittal geen belang vergaren in Marcegaglia. Deze maatregelen konden op goedkeuring in Brussel rekenen.

    ArcelorMittal heeft zich volgens de Commissie daarbij gecommitteerd aan een open en transparant verkoopproces.

    Zelf meldde de staalreus maandag dat de goedkeuring een "significante mijlpaal" is en dat afronding van de deal zo snel mogelijk zal plaatsvinden.

    Het aandeel ArcelorMittal noteerde maandag op een vlak Damrak 0,7 procent hoger op 29,19 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  10. forum rang 10 voda 7 mei 2018 19:34
    Beursblik: goed nieuws uit Brussel voor ArcelorMittal
    Jefferies handhaaft koopaanbeveling.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De goedkeuring, hoewel onder voorwaarden, uit Brussel voor de overname van het Italiaanse Ilva door ArcelorMittal is goed nieuws. Dit stelden analisten van Jefferies.

    Dit geeft de staalreus namelijk de kans om zijn aanwezigheid in West-Europa te optimaliseren. Daarbij zorgt het voor consolidatie op de Europese staalmarkt en wordt een voorheen "ongedisciplineerde concurrent" uit de markt gehaald, aldus de zakenbank.

    Jefferies herhaalde het koopadvies op ArcelorMittal met een koersdoel van 35,00 euro. Het aandeel sloot maandag 1,1 procent hoger op 29,35 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  11. forum rang 10 voda 8 mei 2018 16:57
    EC clears ArcelorMittal's acquisition of Ilva, subject to conditions

    The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the acquisition of Ilva by ArcelorMittal. The decision is conditional on the divestiture of an extensive remedy package to preserve effective competition on European steel markets to the benefit of consumers and businesses. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said ”This decision makes sure that ArcelorMittal's acquisition of Ilva, creating the by far largest steelmaker in Europe, does not result in higher steel prices – at the expense of European industries, the millions of people they employ and consumers. ArcelorMittal has proposed to sell a number of steel plants throughout Europe to one or more buyers, who will run them to compete with ArcelorMittal on a lasting basis. This will preserve effective competition on European steel markets. It goes hand in hand with decisive EU action to protect our steel industry from unfair trade distortions from third countries.

    As part of its in-depth investigation, the Commission reviewed more than 800,000 internal documents and took into account feedback from over 200 customers. These customers, including many small and medium sized companies, are active in a wide range of sectors, such as construction, car manufacturing, household appliances, tubes etc. They rely on competitive steel prices to compete with imported products in the EEA as well as on global markets.

    As a result of its investigation, the Commission had concerns that the transaction as notified would have resulted in higher prices for European customers for hot rolled, cold rolled and galvanised flat carbon steel.The merged entity would have controlled over 40% of the production capacity for hot rolled, cold rolled and galvanised flat carbon steel products in the EEA, with a far larger market share than any of its competitors in Europe, such as Tata Steel, Thyssenkrupp and Voestalpine. The Commission investigation showed that the merged entity's competitors in Europe would have neither the incentive nor the ability to replace the reduced competition as a result of the transaction.

    The Commission also carefully investigated the role of imports from third countries of hot rolled, cold rolled and galvanised flat carbon steel. It found that imports can play a significant role on the European market for hot rolled steel, particularly in those geographic areas and product grades where ArcelorMittal and Ilva compete. To a lesser extent, imports can also be relevant for the European markets for cold rolled and galvanised steel. However, imports are not a sufficiently strong and stable alternative to fully offset the likely negative effects on price due to the loss of competition between Ilva and ArcelorMittal.

    Finally, the Commission also looked at certain other products, including metallic coated steel for packaging. However, the Commission concluded that there were no concerns relating to these products, in particular due to the limited presence of Ilva and the very strong role played by other competitors.

    ArcelorMittal proposed a set of commitments, which fully address the Commission's concerns on hot rolled, cold rolled and galvanised flat carbon steel. In particular, ArcelorMittal offered to divest an extensive package of production assets in Belgium (Liège), in the Czech Republic (Ostrava), in Luxembourg (Dudelange), in Italy (Piombino), in Romania (Galati) and in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Skopje). Furthermore, ArcelorMittal offered to divest a number of distribution assets in France and Italy.

    As regards hot rolled steel, the remedy package contains production capacity at the integrated steel plants in the Czech Republic (Ostrava) and in Romania (Galati), covering a significant part of the overlap created by the addition of the Taranto facility to ArcelorMittal's portfolio. The Commission found that the remedy is sufficient to reduce the market power that ArcelorMittal would have achieved, also taking into account that the competitive constraint from import is particularly strong for hot rolled commodity products in Italy and Southern Europe. Furthermore, as regards Galati, ArcelorMittal also committed to provide funding to incentivise the expansion of the hot rolled steel production under a new buyer.

    As regards cold rolled steel, the divested assets cover the vast majority of the parties' overlap in production capacity. This concerns in particular the finishing plants in Belgium (Liège), in Italy (Piombino) and in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Skopje), and the integrated steel plant in Romania (Galati).

    Finally, as regards galvanised steel, where competition between ArcelorMittal and Ilva is the strongest, the divested assets cover the parties' overlap in production capacity in full. This concerns in particular the finishing plants in Belgium (Liège), in Luxembourg (Dudelange), in Italy (Piombino) and in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Skopje), and the integrated steel plant in Romania (Galati).

    The Commission also found that the divested assets constitute viable businesses that would enable a suitable buyer(s) to effectively compete with the merged entity in the long-term. Furthermore, the divested assets cover the entire value chain, from primary steel-making capabilities to distribution assets, matching what both ArcelorMittal and Ilva currently do.

    Finally, ArcelorMittal proposed to remove Marcegaglia (a significant Italian competitor for the production of galvanised flat carbon steel) from the consortium purchasing Ilva and committed not to acquire shares in Marcegaglia as part of the transaction. This avoids that competition could be weakened further by a strengthening of structural ties between the three companies.

    On this basis, the Commission concluded that the proposed transaction, as modified by the commitments, would no longer raise competition concerns and would ensure that competition is preserved on European steel markets, in the interest of European manufacturing industries and consumers. The decision is conditional on full compliance with the commitments.

    ArcelorMittal has committed to organise an open, non-discriminatory and transparent sales process of the divestiture package open to all potentially interested buyers. ArcelorMittal will then notify to the Commission its choice of one or more buyers for the assets. The Commission will assess whether the buyer(s) has/have the ability (i.e. expertise, financial resources etc.) and incentives to continue operating and developing the production assets in order to replicate Ilva as an active competitor of the merged entity on a lasting basis. In other words, the sale of a plant to a buyer, which would plan to subsequently close it down, would not be an acceptable solution.

    As always, it is the responsibility of the companies involved in a merger, i.e. in this case ArcelorMittal and Ilva, to engage in a social dialogue with its workers and keep them informed of the process.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 mei 2018 09:50

    'Hier wonen is alsof je Russische roulette speelt'

    De gigantische staalfabriek Ilva houdt de Zuid-Italiaanse stad Taranto in een wurggreep. Ze biedt 14.000 mensen werk, maar maakt de stad ziek. De nieuwe regering in Rome moet een oplossing zien te vinden.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 22 mei 2018 16:50
    5 Star lawmaker meets steel unions on Ilva steel plant future

    Reuters reported that a prominent 5-Star Movement lawmaker met unions at Italy’s Ilva steel plant on Monday, saying afterward he had made headway toward a solution for the factory, due to be bought by ArcelorMittal with several thousand job losses, which his party wants eventually to close. Lorenzo Fioramonti, who was 5-Star’s proposed Industry Minister before the March 4 vote which ended in a hung parliament, said on Twitter “We held an informal dialogue with Ilva’s unions to come up with a shared path toward long-term solutions for what has become an economic, environmental and health disaster.”

    Fioramonti confirmed that the prospective coalition government wants to close and reconvert the plant, not this year, but not in 20 or 30 years either.

    The Fim-Cisl union was skeptical about the value of Monday’s talks. Its said “For years we’ve heard talk about alternatives to steel in Taranto. 5-Star had seemed generic and vague and they didn’t give details.”

    Ilva, based in the city of Taranto in Italy’s heel, is Europe’s largest steel plant. It has been dogged by charges of corruption and environmental crime for years - charges that it denies. In 2012, Italian authorities ruled that emissions from the plant had caused deaths, tumors and respiratory diseases. The state took full control in 2015 and about half Ilva’s annual 11 million-tonne capacity was eventually mothballed. ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steelmaker, won European Union antitrust clearance to acquire Ilva this month, including two smaller sites in northern Italy, after promising to sell a string of businesses across Europe.

    Source : Reuters
  14. forum rang 10 voda 12 juni 2018 15:40
    Uncertainty hoovers over Italy's huge Ilva steel plant

    Xinhua reported that the fate of one of Europe's largest steel smelters is becoming a central issue for Italy's new government. The Ilva steel plant in the southern Italian city of Taranto has long been under scrutiny for the pollution it produces for years. As long ago as 2005, the plant was seen as producing 90 percent of the dioxin in Italy and almost a tenth of Europe's dioxin. Dioxins are toxic byproduct of some kinds of industry and tied to nervous system problems, damage to human immune systems, fertility and healthy development for children. Cancer rates around Taranto are also higher than the rest of the country.

    Ilva employs nearly 14,000 workers and it produces around 13,000 metric tons of steel per day. It also has net financial losses of around 30 million euros (36 million U.S. dollars) every month. The plant, which has been run under state control since 2015, is reportedly set to run out of money within the next 60 days.

    A year ago, Luxembourg-based steel conglomerate ArcelorMittal offered to buy Ilva for 1.8 billion euros (2.2 billion US dollars), and to invest another 2.4 billion euros (2.9 billion US dollars) to clean up and modernize the plant. But now the sale is on hold.

    This week, Beppe Grillo, the comedian-turned activist who founded the Five-Star Movement, said Ilva should be shut down and turned into a kind of industrial museum. But Luigi Di Maio, who succeeded Grillo as leader of the Five-Star Movement, was quick to state that Grillo was expressing his personal opinion and that no formal decision on Ilva would be made without careful consideration.

    The Five-Star Movement is the larger member of the two-party government coalition which was installed June 1. Taranto, the city where Ilva is based, is part of a stronghold for the Five-Star Movement, which won 48 percent of the vote there in the March 4 general election.

    Nicola Borri, an economics and finance professor at Rome's LUISS University, told Xinhua that "This is shaping up to be a big internal problem for the Five-Star Movement. Leadership would normally be in favor of closing down a dirty plant like Ilva. But Di Maio recognizes the political consequences of doing that to a major employer in a place like Taranto."

    Source : Xinhua
  15. forum rang 10 voda 14 juni 2018 17:17
    ILVA and Gela pollution killed 12,000 in 8 years - Report

    ANSA reported that pollution from 45 toxic waste-producing plants including the oil refinery at Gela in Sicily and the ILVA steel plant at Taranto in Puglia has killed over 12,000 people in eight years.

    Higher Health Institute in a report said those living in areas polluted by asbestos, refineries, and chemical and metal industries have a death risk 4-5% higher than the general population. Over the eight-year period, the report said, there was an excess mortality of 11,992 people, of which 5,285 for tumours and 3,632 for cardio-circulatory diseases.

    Source : ANSA
  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 juni 2018 16:51
    Italy delays handover of Ilva steelworks to ArcelorMittal

    Reuters reported that Italy’s new government, led by 5-Star Movement, which governs in coalition with far-right League, has postponed its planned handover of the heavily polluting Ilva steel plant to ArcelorMittal by two and a half months to September 15 as Rome seeks more time to rejig the terms of the deal. New coalition government of Italy, chaired by Giuseppe Conte, plans to revise the terms of the deal with ArcelorMittal, concluded a year ago by the government of Gentiloni. Industry Minister Luigi Di Maio, whose party has long campaigned to close the plant, said on Tuesday evening the handover would be delayed. He said “I am evaluating every possible impact related to the decisions I will have to make, impact on environmental, social, economic and employment terms.”

    Di Maio said Ilva would not need a bridge loan to cover its production costs in the coming months.

    5-Star has campaigned for years to close Ilva, but rather than tear up the deal with ArcelorMittal, he has begun talks with business leaders, local officials and trades unions. The discussions point to the kind of compromise 5-Star will have to make with the pro-business League, which wants the plant to remain open, to maintain their partnership.

    The plant in southern Italy has been under state-supervised special administration since 2015, after magistrates said it must be cleaned up or closed. As previously reported, in June 2017, the Italian government agreed to sell the largest in Europe metrocombine Ilva company Am Investco, a joint venture of the transnational corporation ArcelorMittal and the Italian Marcegaglia. The offer of Am Investco provides for an investment of EUR 2.4 billion, of which EUR 1.25 billion will be invested in technology, and EUR 1.15 billion in environmental projects. The purchase price of Ilva's assets will be EUR 1.8 billion, as well as an annual rent of EUR 180 million. At the same time, the plan provides for a reduction in the number of personnel in 2018 to 9407 people with a further decrease to 8480 by 2023. At the moment, the company employs 14220 workers, as well as 4,100 people on outsourcing.

    Source : Reuters and uaprom.info
  17. forum rang 10 voda 29 juni 2018 16:37
    ArcelorMittal site sales to go-ahead despite Ilva delay - Report

    Luxembourg Times reported that the Italian government's decision to delay ArcelorMittal's acquisition of Italian rival Ilva will not impact the sale of the Dudelange site in south Luxembourg, a spokesman for the steel giant confirmed.

    The newly-elected government in Italy announced on Tuesday it would postpone the takeover of Europe's largest flat steel plant until mid-September due to environmental and employment concerns.

    Source : Luxembourg Times
  18. forum rang 10 voda 20 juli 2018 17:06
    2nd ILVA jobs proposal under discussion - Industry Minister

    ANSA reported that Italy’s deputy prime minister and labor and industry minister Luigi Di Maio said Wednesday that another proposal for the ILVA steel plant in Taranto was currently under discussion. Di Maio, while speaking at the Italian House of Representatives on the situation of the crisis talks at the Ministry of Economic Development, said”On the previous proposal, this government was not satisfied with the employment and implementation plans and thus asked ArcelorMittal for an improved proposal, which is currently under discussion and analysis by commissioners and ArcelorMittal.”

    Di Maio had said the Italo-Indian consortium's previous plan for an environmental clean-up at the highly polluting steel plant was not satisfactory and that we need guarantees from the company that will ensure an environmental improvement as well as guarantees concerning employment.

    Source : ANSA
  19. forum rang 10 voda 22 juli 2018 16:46
    ArcelorMittal to unveil improved proposal for Ilva

    Jul. 20, 2018 4:11 PM ET|About: ArcelorMittal (MT)|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

    ArcelorMittal (NYSE:MT) says it will present improved proposals in the coming days for its planned takeover of Italian steelmaker Ilva, as the new government questioned how it was awarded the deal.

    MT - which already has promised to invest €4.2B in Ilva, including €1.2B to improve productivity and €1.15B to curb pollution - "pledges to increase the environmental and jobs plan, which will improve the original commitments and strengthen the environmental performance of Ilva and its support to local communities."

    MT released its statement shortly after Italy's Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio, who also serves as industry and labor minister, questioned how the tender was awarded, calling the process a “mess.”


    ArcelorMittal promises to present improved plan for Italy's Ilva
    Angelo Amante
    3 MIN READ

    ROME (Reuters) - Steel giant ArcelorMittal (MT.AS) said on Friday it would present improved proposals for its planned takeover of Italy’s troubled steelmaker Ilva, as the new government questioned how it came to be awarded the deal.

    Ilva has been under state-supervised special administration since 2015, after magistrates said it must be cleaned up or closed. ArcelorMittal agreed last year to buy it after outbidding competitors and promised to fix the problems.

    It was due to take over the business on July 1, but the newly installed Italian government delayed the handover and has pressed ArcelorMittal to come up with a much better plan for the firm.

    In a statement issued on Friday, ArcelorMittal said it would unveil its new proposals in the coming days.

    “We have worked to increase the environmental and jobs plan, which will improve the original commitments and strengthen the environmental performance of Ilva and its support to local communities,” it said in a statement.

    “Once an agreement has been reached on the basis of this project, we are confident that all the parties, including the unions, will be satisfied and will be ready to conclude the deal quickly”, it added.

    The group said it had already promised to invest 4.2 billion euros in Ilva, including 1.2 billion to boost productivity and 1.15 billion to curb pollution. It has also told unions it plans to reduce the workforce in Ilva’s main Taranto plant to around 7,600 from 10,900 now — a proposal the unions have rejected.

    ArcelorMittal added that it had taken part in the government tender in a “clear and transparent manner”.

    It released its statement shortly after Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio, who also serves as industry and labor minister, questioned how the tender was awarded, calling the process a “mess”.

    Earlier this month, Di Maio asked Italy’s anti-corruption unit to review the bidding process. “It has confirmed that our concerns about the Ilva tender procedure were well founded,” the deputy prime minister told parliament on Friday.

    He provided no details and gave no indication that he was considering pulling the contract from ArcelorMittal, but said he would seek an internal ministry investigation into the deal.

    Di Maio’s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement had promised ahead of a March national election that it would shut down Ilva if it took power because of environmental concerns.

    Former industry minister Carlo Calenda, who oversaw the original tender, rejected Di Maio’s criticism.

    “(Di Maio) has said serious and false things in parliament,” Calenda wrote on Twitter. “If you think the bid was rigged, assume your responsibility and cancel it.”

    Writing by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Kirsten Donovan

    Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

  20. forum rang 10 voda 23 juli 2018 15:49
    ArcelorMittal to present improved plan for Ilva

    Reuters reported that steel giant ArcelorMittal would present improved proposals for its planned takeover of Italy’s troubled steelmaker Ilva, as the new government questioned how it came to be awarded the deal. In a statement issued, ArcelorMittal said it would unveil its new proposals in the coming days. It said that “We have worked to increase the environmental and jobs plan, which will improve the original commitments and strengthen the environmental performance of Ilva and its support to local communities.”

    It added that “Once an agreement has been reached on the basis of this project, we are confident that all the parties, including the unions, will be satisfied and will be ready to conclude the deal quickly.”

    The group said it had already promised to invest 4.2 billion euros in Ilva, including 1.2 billion to boost productivity and 1.15 billion to curb pollution. It has also told unions it plans to reduce the workforce in Ilva’s main Taranto plant to around 7,600 from 10,900 now a proposal the unions have rejected.

    ArcelorMittal added that it had taken part in the government tender in a “clear and transparent manner”.

    Ilva has been under state-supervised special administration since 2015, after magistrates said it must be cleaned up or closed. ArcelorMittal agreed last year to buy it after outbidding competitors and promised to fix the problems. It was due to take over the business on July 1, but the newly installed Italian government delayed the handover and has pressed ArcelorMittal to come up with a much better plan for the firm.

    Source : Reuters
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