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  1. forum rang 5 gbakl 19 februari 2019 13:51
    belastingfraude is strafbaar, belastingontduiking wordt toegejuichd (zeker in de VS) als zijnde slimmer dan de belastingdienst en gebruikmakend van alle mazen in het overbelaste belastingnet.
    ook als je daarbij gebruik maakt van dure corrupte advocaten,stromannetjes en maffiamaatjes.
    ook als daarbij anderen geintimideerd worden of nog veel erger (moeilijk aantoonbaar en nog moeilijker te herleiden naar de opdrachtgever...).
    en zeker als je trump heet en het schoolvoorbeeld bent van iemand die
    alleen maar kapitalen uitgeeft aan corrupte raadgevers en advocaten en zijn
    handen wast in hypocriete corrupte onschuld.

    en wat vreemd toch dat een onderzoek naar corruptie dan ZO lang duurt :)
  2. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 15:14
    Former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe told the “Today” show on Tuesday morning that he plans to bring a civil lawsuit against the Department of Justice over his firing, which was directed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions just hours before he was set to retire from a 20-plus year career in the agency.
    During the interview with “Today’s” Savannah Guthrie, McCabe criticized the inspector general report that fueled his removal, which suggested he lied about leaks to the media. He said it was part of his motivation for suing the department.

    “I read that report very closely myself, I’ve been writing and reading investigative reports for over 20 years and that report was unlike anything I had ever read before,” he said. “So I have big problems with that report, I disagree with the conclusions they drew and that is something I’ll be raising in a civil lawsuit that I’ll be bringing against the Department of Justice.”

    McCabe didn’t give further details, but said he was “about” to file the lawsuit and said he believes he was “fired because I opened a case against the President of the United States.”
  3. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 15:30
    trump tweet:

    As I predicted, 16 states, led mostly by Open Border Democrats and the Radical Left, have filed a lawsuit in, of course, the 9th Circuit! California, the state that has wasted billions of dollars on their out of control Fast Train, with no hope of completion, seems in charge!

    (note: It's the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, not the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.)
  4. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 17:39

    We had to cut this for length, but McCabe told me that his guess is that the White House "immediately knew the steps I took after Jim got fired, and the cases I opened" because of Nunes. "When I was surprised to see Nunes at the briefing, I knew it would happen very quickly."

    And here is what McCabe says about this in the book: "Now that the Gang of Eight was a crowd of two dozen in the room, I thought, the chance of this not getting back to the president was basically zero. Then Devin Nunes walked in, and the chance was less than zero."
  5. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 17:46
    WASHINGTON (AP) — House panel launches investigation into White House push to share nuclear power technology with Saudi Arabia.
  6. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 17:50
    Justice Clarence Thomas called Tuesday for reconsidering the Supreme Court’s landmark decision making it more difficult for public officials to claim defamation as the court turned down a request from an accuser of Bill Cosby.


    he launched a detailed critique of the landmark libel ruling, which he said was a “policy-driven” decision “masquerading as constitutional law.” No other justice joined his concurrence.

    But President trump has also expressed support for making it easier to sue for defamation, most often directing criticism at the news media. Over the weekend, he complained about a “Saturday Night Live” skit and wondered about “retribution.”

    Thomas said the court may have intruded into a space in which it was not needed with the New York Times decision.

    “We should not continue to reflexively apply this policy driven approach to the Constitution,” Thomas wrote. “Instead, we should carefully examine the original meaning of the First and Fourteenth Amendments. If the Constitution does not require public figures to satisfy an actual-malice standard in state-law defamation suits, then neither should we.”

    The media for decades has depended on New York Times v. Sullivan as a shield for reporting on public figures. But Thomas said the late Justice Byron White had also expressed concern after he was in the majority in the case.

    “Like Justice White, I assume that New York Times and our other constitutional decisions displacing state defamation law have been popular in some circles, ‘but this is not the road to salvation for a court of law,’ ” Thomas wrote, quoting White. “.?.?. We did not begin meddling in this area until 1964, nearly 175 years after the First Amendment was ratified. The States are perfectly capable of striking an acceptable balance between encouraging robust public discourse and providing a meaningful remedy for reputational harm.”

    Ok then ?

  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 februari 2019 18:44

    Roger Stone heeft maandag op instagram bedreigende foto(met crosshairs) en tekst richting rechter geplaatst.
    Donderdag 21/2 om2:30pm EST(ned tijd 20:30) moet hij zich bij de rechtbank verantwoorden in verband met overtreding van zijn gagorder.
  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 februari 2019 19:13
    Democratic led House panel has launched inquiry over concerns about the White House plan to build nuclear reactors across Saudi Arabia.
    Trump discussed 12 2 2019 with nuclear power developers to discuss building plans In the Middle East.

    Eind februari gaat Jared Kushner naar het Midden Oosten. Wil van Arabische Staten financieel steun krijgen voor vrede tussen Palestijnen en Israel.

    Misschien dat de ontwikkeling van kern energie in Saudi Arabia een rol speelt bij de reden van zijn bezoek.


  9. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 19:14
    Flynn-backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to Saudis may have broken laws, say whistleblowers
    Investigators fear President Trump is still considering the plan, which was pushed by Flynn and Trump friend Tom Barrack.

    WASHINGTON — Whistleblowers from within President Donald Trump's National Security Council have told a congressional committee that efforts by former national security adviser Michael Flynn to transfer sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia may have violated the law, and investigators fear Trump is still considering it, according to a new report obtained by NBC News.

    The House Oversight Committee has formally opened an investigation into the matter, releasing an interim staff report that adds new details to previous public accounts of how Flynn sought to push through the nuclear proposal on behalf of a group he had once advised. Tom Barrack, a prominent Trump backer with business ties to the Middle East, also became involved in the project, the report says.

    Just days after Trump's inauguration, backers of the project sent documents to Flynn for Trump to approve, including a draft Cabinet memo stating that the president had appointed Barrack as a special representative to implement the plan and directing agencies to support Barrack's efforts, the report says.

    Career national security officials objected to the plan, citing what they deemed Flynn's conflict of interest, and also that the proposal sought to bypass a policy review that is required whenever nuclear technology is transferred to another country, the report says.

    En steeds maar weer dezelfde namen...
  10. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 19:23
    WASHINGTON — As federal prosecutors in Manhattan gathered evidence late last year about President Trump’s role in silencing women with hush payments during the 2016 campaign, Mr. Trump called Matthew G. Whitaker, his newly installed attorney general, with a question. He asked whether Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York and a Trump ally, could be put in charge of the widening investigation, according to several American officials with direct knowledge of the call.

    Mr. Whitaker, who had privately told associates that part of his role at the Justice Department was to “jump on a grenade” for the president, knew he could not put Mr. Berman in charge, since Mr. Berman had already recused himself from the investigation. The president soon soured on Mr. Whitaker, as he often does with his aides, and complained about his inability to pull levers at the Justice Department that could make the president’s many legal problems go away.


    Mr. Whitaker, who earlier this month told a congressional committee that Mr. Trump had never pressured him over the various investigations, is now under scrutiny by House Democrats for possible perjury.

  11. Al Kipone 19 februari 2019 19:39

    Al Kipone schreef op 19 februari 2019 19:14:

    Flynn-backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to Saudis may have broken laws, say whistleblowers
    Investigators fear President Trump is still considering the plan, which was pushed by Flynn and Trump friend Tom Barrack.

    WASHINGTON — Whistleblowers from within President Donald Trump's National Security Council have told a congressional committee that efforts by former national security adviser Michael Flynn to transfer sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia may have violated the law, and investigators fear Trump is still considering it, according to a new report obtained by NBC News.

    The House Oversight Committee has formally opened an investigation into the matter, releasing an interim staff report that adds new details to previous public accounts of how Flynn sought to push through the nuclear proposal on behalf of a group he had once advised. Tom Barrack, a prominent Trump backer with business ties to the Middle East, also became involved in the project, the report says.

    Just days after Trump's inauguration, backers of the project sent documents to Flynn for Trump to approve, including a draft Cabinet memo stating that the president had appointed Barrack as a special representative to implement the plan and directing agencies to support Barrack's efforts, the report says.

    Career national security officials objected to the plan, citing what they deemed Flynn's conflict of interest, and also that the proposal sought to bypass a policy review that is required whenever nuclear technology is transferred to another country, the report says.

    En steeds maar weer dezelfde namen...
    Tangible and terrifying selling of our security (Kushner, Flynn, Barrack all players) for personal gain. Explains WH Khashoggi response. Lobbyists benefit from end of Iranian deal. + Barracks comments in SA.

  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 februari 2019 20:13

    Fox News is de staatszender van Donald Trump.

    Fox had echter ook andere communicatie, met name ook Twitteraccounts . Ieder verschillend Fox twitter account had verschillende doelgroepen en daar door ruim bereik bij het publiek.

    Echter rond en na de mid terms zijn maar liefst 19 Fox accounts op twitter ermee gestopt tweets te versturen. De vraag is waarom. Misschien in verband met Mueller onderzoek.

    overzicht 19 Fox accounts met datum dat zij gestopt zijn tweets te verzenden.

  13. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2019 20:52
    Trump goed te spreken over onderhandelingen met China

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump is goed te spreken over de onderhandelingen die de VS voeren met China.

    Volgens Trump verliepen de gesprekken afgelopen week "erg, erg goed".

    Donderdag en vrijdag gaan de gesprekken tussen de twee kampen verder.

    De Chinese vicepremier Liu He reist af naar Washington waar hij en zijn team onder meer de Amerikaanse handelsgezant Robert Lighthizer en minister van Financiën Steven Mnuchin zal ontmoeten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2019 21:50
    US solar jobs down for second year as Trump tariffs weigh

    Reuters reported that the number of jobs in the US solar industry dropped by 3.2 percent in 2018, a second year of losses, as the Trump administration's tariffs on foreign panels and state-level policy changes hit demand for installations. The job losses reflect how changing trade and environmental policies can alter the trajectory of an industry that was among the fastest-growing segments of the US energy industry.

    The report said that the number of solar energy workers fell by 8,000 to 242,000 in 2018, according to the Solar Jobs Census, released annually by the non-profit research firm The Solar Foundation, following a loss of 10,000 jobs in 2017. But jobs are expected to rise next year.

    In early 2018, President Donald Trump imposed 30 percent tariffs on imported solar panels to boost domestic manufacturing, the opening salvo in what has become a wide-ranging trade war. The move led developers to cancel or freeze billions of dollars of investments in large-installation projects because most of the solar panels used in the United States are made abroad.

    On the manufacturing side, there is little evidence so far of a boost. Jobs in the industry's manufacturing sector - a small slice of the overall industry - fell 8 percent in 2018, according to the report.

    Policies of US states are also critical to solar growth, and changes in incentives and rates for projects in large markets led to job losses there, according to the report.

    In California, utility procurement slowed because power companies have fulfilled near-term renewable energy procurement requirements. The state's commercial market also slowed due to a shift to rates that are less favorable to solar. In Massachusetts, the commercial market stalled ahead of the introduction of a new incentive scheme at the end of the year.

    The Solar Foundation said it expects a rebound in jobs of 7 percent next year, however, due to recent declines in solar panel prices that have made them more affordable.

    China last year slashed subsidies for solar installations, unleashing a flood of low-cost Chinese-made panels onto the international market and pushing prices below what they were before the tariffs were imposed.

    Installation will receive the biggest bump, more than 9 percent, the report said, while manufacturing will rise 4 percent, the report said.

    JinkoSolar Holding Co Ltd, Hanwha Q CELLS, and some others are opening US factories to avoid US tariffs.

    Source : Reuters
  15. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2019 01:13
    Nog meer goed nieuws, this time they fucked with the wrong family!


    Jeff Bezos huilde afgelopen week nog tranen met tuiten omdat hij zelf onderwerp was van negatieve berichtgeving. Ondertussen is de man verantwoordelijk voor de grootste fake news krant van Amerika die onlangs een volstrekt onschuldige jongen voor het leven probeerde te beschadigen (en waar alle linksgekkies hier ook van harte aan meededen). Maar deze familie pikt het niet en gaat achter ze aan. Heel goed!
  16. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2019 01:14
    Donald J. Trump
    Verified account

    The Washington Post is a Fact Checker only for the Democrats. For the Republicans, and for your all time favorite President, it is a Fake Fact Checker!

    Geen woord van gelogen!
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