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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 16 oktober 2020 11:20

    Mijn Vriend schreef op 14 oktober 2020 19:53:


    Tot nu toe helemaal niemand er goed ziek van: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_COV...
    Jammer dat de leeftijden van de geinfecteerden er niet bij staan, maar zo met de natte vinger is het vreemd dat niemand in de plotgroep ziek is geweest.

    Chris Christie was not only hospitalized, but he was in the ICU for 7-days... and he got special VIP access to Eli Lily’s synthetic monoclonal antibody drug direct from the manufacturer (it’s not available to general public since it’s not FDA approved). That’s privilege.



    En ook Donald Trump is met spoed en per helicopter naar het ziekenhuis gebracht.

    Hoe de anderen het maken zullen we niet snel achter komen. Gezondheid is een privacy kwestie en slechts weinigen gaan de pers bellen om te vertellen hoe ziek zij zijn.
  2. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 16 oktober 2020 11:27
    Bevestigd: Donald Trump wist altijd al van Rudy Giuliani en het Kremlin

    Bill Palmer | 19:51 uur EDT 15 oktober 2020

    Het is moeilijk voor te stellen dat het nog erger had kunnen aflopen voor Donald Trump toen hij zijn bondgenoten een nep-New York Post-verhaal over Hunter Biden liet uitrollen. Niet alleen viel niemand buiten de basis van Trump ervoor, Twitter ging zelfs zo ver dat het artikel niet werd gepost - een vernederende mislukking voor Team Trump. Maar nu is het zelfs nog lelijker voor hem geworden.

    Als je een riskante slag maakt en mist zoals Trump net deed, is er altijd een uitval van. Nu is er iemand naar de Washington Post gelekt dat de Amerikaanse inlichtingengemeenschap Trump tien maanden geleden waarschuwde dat Rudy Giuliani het "doelwit was van een invloedsoperatie door de Russische inlichtingendienst" - en dat Rudy inderdaad samenwerkte met agenten van het Kremlin om het valse Biden-verhaal te vervaardigen.

    We weten allemaal dat als dit schandaal voor Rudy Giuliani veel heter wordt, Donald Trump Rudy egoïstisch onder de bus zal gooien in een poging zichzelf te isoleren. Maar dit nieuws van vandaag zal het voor Trump moeilijker maken om dat te doen, want nu is er bewijs dat Trump en zijn team wisten dat Rudy altijd al een aanwinst voor het Kremlin was.
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 16 oktober 2020 11:29

    US has now surpassed 8,000,000 cases of COVID19.

    Accelerated since last month—newest million only took 20 days.

    1 mil cases April 28
    2 mil cases June 10
    3 mil cases July 7
    4 mil cases July 23
    5 mil cases Aug 8
    6 mil cases Aug 30
    7 mil cases Sept 25
    8 mil cases Oct 15



  4. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 16 oktober 2020 11:31
    Donald Trump en de gastheer van het NBC-stadhuis schreeuwen boos tegen elkaar, terwijl Joe Biden presidentieel klinkt op ABC

    Bill Palmer | 20.25 uur EDT 15 oktober 2020

    Binnen de eerste vijf minuten van Donald Trump's schijnvertoning van een stadhuis vanavond, beweerde hij dat hij niet weet of hij op de dag van het debat is getest op coronavirus, en dat hij niet weet wat de infectie in zijn longen was. . Dat was al erg genoeg. Maar terwijl dit stadhuis verder is gegaan, is het nog erger geworden voor Trump - en op dit punt schreeuwen hij en de gastheer gewoon boos tegen elkaar.

    Toen gastheer Savannah Guthrie Donald Trump vroeg naar Q-anon en andere complottheorieën, reageerde Trump door boos tegen haar te schreeuwen. Toen zijn toon lelijk werd, begon ze terug te schreeuwen, zij het op een meer ingetogen manier. Op een gegeven moment zei Trump sarcastisch tegen Guthrie dat ze 'schattig' was.

    Trump is zo uitgeput en boos dat tegen de tijd dat het eerste toeschouwer hem een ??vraag stelde, hij boos in haar richting schreeuwde. Dit hele ding gaat zo slecht voor Trump, en hij is zo van streek dat we niet geschokt zullen zijn als hij wegloopt voordat het voorbij is. Ondertussen klinkt Joe Biden op ABC net zo presidentieel als altijd.
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 16 oktober 2020 12:01

    Rep. Swalwell Accuses Lindsey Graham of Committing a Federal Felony at Barrett’s Confirmation Hearing. And he did it on tape. “Hold the tape” . . . as evidence.

    zie video van 1:20 minuut tot 3:40 minuut


    Graham deed een oproep om te doneren voor zijn senaat campagne in het gebouw van de senaat.
    Het is een overtreding van de wet om dit gebouw te gebruiken voor partij politieke propaganda
  6. forum rang 5 gbakl 16 oktober 2020 12:05
    Ook in Maine en Nebraska is er nog geen duidelijke uitverkorene: daar geldt immers niet het ‘winner takes all’-principe: deze staten geven elk twee kiesmannen aan de kandidaat met de meeste stemmen en dan een kiesman per congresdistrict.

    .democratie is een rommeltje in de VS waar de reps op bijzondere wijze van geprofiteerd hebben met twee maal recent een president zonder de popular vote.

    en trump maar piepen en klagen dat hij zo onheus bejegend wordt, de idioot.
    En de echte rat in zijn entourage is Giuliani al zijn er meer die dat predikaat verdienen.

    wat een uitschot...
  7. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 16 oktober 2020 12:08
    Donald Trump has had a nightmarish twenty-four hours

    James Sullivan | 11:14 pm EDT October 15, 2020

    Despite trying to push a fake (and poorly conjured up) scandal, the Trump administration has been getting hit with some very real ones in the last 24 hours. The leaks are likely to get much worse for them in the coming weeks, particularly if former staffers become more emboldened about coming forward. Not everything revealed will necessarily be as important as what we already know and have come to expect from Donald Trump, and some stories, like Tiffany Trump’s lavish birthday amid a pandemic shutdown, could indirectly distract from more important stories that are pertinent to voters – like the unemployment report that was released on Thursday.

    Donald Trump and the GOP’s latest pathetic defense is that the economy was flourishing but then COVID shut the country down, so they can’t possibly be blamed for the appalling numbers we’re seeing right now, since no one could have foreseen a once in a lifetime pandemic. The trouble is, the Trump administration had every reason to foresee this and prepare accordingly and they’re still doing all they can to downplay the seriousness of the disease. Moreover, statistics show that the economy was falling apart before COVID was a thing, and even if Donald Trump likes to show that unemployment numbers aren’t too bad for a recession, the reality is that unemployment claims have reached their highest levels since mid-August.

    According to the Dept of Labor, 898,000 jobless claims were filed just last week alone – almost 70,000 more than what economists were predicting. With the colder weather, we’re likely to see cases climb and this number going up, as it’s clear that the Trump administration has no plan in sight, and aren’t even trying to show concern. This is just one of many reasons why we need to get rid of Donald Trump and the rest of his Republican enablers by November 3 and do all in our power to defeat them.
  8. forum rang 6 izdp 16 oktober 2020 12:55

    Vidoque schreef op 20 januari 2017 16:55:

    NewKidInTown schreef op 20 januari 2017 15:10:

    "Obama laat VS in verval, diep verdeeld en met twee keer zoveel schuld achter"

    Eerst heel veel puin ruimen en dan weer zorgvuldig opbouwen, het zal nog een hele klus worden. Vooral ook de verdeeldheid 's binnensland die Barack Houssain Obama heeft aangewakkerd maar ook het wereldwijde wantrouwen en de gezaaide haat richting Rusland.

    De belangrijkste "verdiensten" van Obama op een rijtje:

    1. Meer terrorisme
    2. Meer ernstige hacks
    3. Nog nooit zo weinig mensen aan het werk
    4. Meer armen
    5. Meer verdeeldheid
    6. Twee keer zoveel schulden
    7. Slechter onderwijs
    8. Chaos veroorzakend buitenlands beleid
    9. Gezondheidszorg onbetaalbaar
    10. Vertrouwen in overheid en media op dieptepunt


    Je vergist je, dat is het boodschappenlijstje van Trump...

    Helemaal uitgekomen.
  9. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 13:49

    gbakl schreef op 16 oktober 2020 08:47:

    An undecided voter appeared to leave President Trump blushing on Thursday night as she complimented his 'great smile' during a town hall.

    Paulette Dale – who is a registered Republican – took time to comment on the 74-year-old leader's appearance before she addressed him with a question about immigration policy.

    Before telling him that she is the granddaughter of immigrants who fled Eastern Europe due to religious persecution, Dale grinned as she said: 'Good evening, Mr. President. I have to say you have a great smile.
    (hij had last van kiespijn...) ;O))
    Paulette Dale received a smattering of applause followed by social media fame for her gushing praise for Trump’s smile.

    “Good evening Mr. President. I have to say you have a great smile,” she said. Dale is registered as a Republican but voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and is leaning slightly toward voting for Biden.

    Trump grinned widely as some in the audience appeared to agree with Dale.

    “He does; you’re so handsome when you smile,” Dale said.

    Dale went on to ask Trump about immigration policy, but social media reaction focused on Dale “shooting her shot” with the president.


    But that's exactly what happened at the tail end of tonight's event at the Perez Art Museum Miami, where Trump answered questions from South Florida voters. Paulette Dale, a registered Republican who's leaning toward voting for Trump's challenger Joe Biden, took the microphone to ask the president a question about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the policy that allows young undocumented immigrants to remain in the U.S. But first, she offered Trump a compliment that left him beaming.
    "I have to say, you have a great smile," Dale told the president. "You're so handsome when you smile."

    Her remarks lit up the internet — within moments, a fake Paulette Dale account emerged on Twitter, and her observation became an instant meme. Some television viewers noted Dale's likeness to actress Allison Janney, betting that Saturday Night Live will re-enact the moment this weekend.

    But despite her complimentary words, Dale wants it known that she does not actually like Trump.

    New Times caught up with Dale on her way home from the town hall — and she made it clear that she is no fan of 45.

    "I wish he would smile more and talk less," she quipped.

    Asked to elaborate, Dale said the president "steps in it every time he opens his mouth."

    "I think the man has a nice smile. However, I'm not a fan," she further clarified.

    At the town hall, Dale described having grandparents from Russia and Poland.

    "As the daughter of immigrants to the United States who fled Eastern Europe due to religious persecution, the United States' immigration policies are very personal for me," she said. "Surveys show that most Americans and the majority of Republicans support the Dreamers program. So my question for you, Mr. President, is: If you are elected to a second term, do you expect to pursue your previous efforts to cut the DACA program?"

    Trump gave a rambling answer about the border wall and Mexico's COVID-19 caseload.

    "We are working very hard on the DACA program and you will be, I think, very happy over the course of the next year, because I feel the same way that you do about it," the president assured Dale.

    Dale said she was pleased with Trump's response, but it wouldn't be enough to sway her vote. She plans to vote for Biden during Florida's early-voting period, which begins on Monday.

  10. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 14:01
    President Trump had an opportunity at a town hall forum Thursday night in Miami to begin to turn around his struggling candidacy. Instead, under pointed questioning from the moderator, he reverted to the confrontational style that delights his most loyal supporters but that has left him in a deficit position in his campaign against former vice president Joe Biden.

    The Miami session came two weeks after a debate performance that drew widespread criticism of the president for his belligerence and repeated interruptions, and then the contraction of the coronavirus that slowed his campaign.

    But much of the hour-long event seemed almost a repeat of what happened in the Cleveland debate, though this time he sparred not with his challenger but with the moderator, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie, over the pandemic, white supremacy, conspiracy theories and his taxes. It was not the kind of performance likely to attract support from the voters Trump needs to win.

  11. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 14:10
    Trump defended his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying, “I believe we’re rounding the corner” in bringing the virus under control. This came on a day the number of new cases hit 60,000 for the first time since August. He equivocated on the use of masks, claiming he is “okay” with that if people do so, but showing no change in his resistance to wearing one personally.

    He turned churlish when asked about his unwillingness in the past to state consistently his opposition to white supremacy. “I denounce white supremacy,” he said, and then immediately accused the media of failing to push Biden to denounce the far-left activists known as antifa. “They’re vicious. They’re violent,” he said.

    Asked why he has not distanced himself from the group known as QAnon, an organization that has promulgated conspiracy theories, he said, “I don’t know about QAnon.” But he then went on to say he knew they were against pedophilia “and I agree with that.”

    Asked about a tweet he sent out that repeated a bizarre conspiracy theory that claimed Osama bin Laden is still alive and that former president Barack Obama and Biden had had SEAL Team Six, which carried out the raid, killed: “That was a retweet,” he said, “and I do a lot of retweets and because the media is so fake and so corrupt.”

    He claimed, falsely, that thousands of ballots are being dumped in garbage cans and put into dumpsters. When Guthrie noted that FBI Director Christopher A. Wray had testified that there is no evidence of widespread fraud with mail ballots, he shot back, “Well then, he’s not doing a very good job.”

    The president was far less confrontational when asked questions by the people in the audience. But he passed up opportunities to say with any specificity what his plans for a second term would entail.

    Pressed about health care and the administration’s support for a suit now before the Supreme Court that could end the Affordable Care Act, he said his goal is to “terminate” the law and “replace it with something better” and less expensive. “That’s where we’re aiming,” he said, but could not say what that plan would look like.

    He insisted any replacement would protect coverage for people with preexisting conditions, which already exists under Obamacare.

    Asked what he would do in a second term to resolve the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) issue, the young people who were brought to the United States as children by their parents and who face possible deportation, he said, “You will be very happy” with what he will do, without anything concrete to back up the statement.

    Nor was he specific about what kind of an economic plan he would pursue in a second term to help bring the economy back, pointing to where the economy was before the pandemic and charging that a Biden presidency would mean higher taxes that could destroy any hope of a recovery.

  12. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 14:16
    trump campaign:

    “Even though the commission canceled the in-person debate that could have happened tonight, one occurred anyway, and President Trump soundly defeated NBC’s Savannah Guthrie in her role as debate opponent and Joe Biden surrogate. President Trump masterfully handled Guthrie’s attacks and interacted warmly and effectively with the voters in the room. Over on ABC it was a completely different scene, as once again Biden was kept comfortable and away from any questions that might challenge him. Americans can see that President Trump is leading the country, has built the economy to the best in the world once and is doing it again, and quite clearly has accomplished more in 47 months than Biden has in 47 years as a failed Washington politician.”

    - Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director

  13. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 14:19
    trump campaign money:

    President Trump hits final stretch with strength, resources, record & huge ground game needed to spread message and secure re-election.

    Campaign, RNC & joint committees in September:

    $247.8M raised
    $251.4M cash on hand

    POTUS has done more in 47 months than Biden in 47 years.
  14. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 14:22
    VP Biden campaign:

    You heard it from the VP: our grassroots community of donors helped us raise $383 million in September — a record. I’m proud of what you’ve been able to build, but there’s still more work to do. Here's some other things I’m proud of under the hood:

    Our success has been driven by our grassroots supporters. $203 million came from online donors. We had 1.1 million new donors last month — bringing the total to 5.5 million donors throughout this campaign. And as a result, we have $432 million in the bank.


    $383 M raised ($135M meer)
    $432 M cash on hand (181 M meer
  15. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 14:32
    WASHINGTON – NBC moderator Savannah Guthrie prodded President Donald Trump Thursday during his town hall when talking about him retweeting conspiracy theories, saying he's not just "someone's crazy uncle."

    Guthrie pressed Trump on his penchant for tweets that spread disinformation, including one post he retweeted that contained a conspiracy theory that former Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama orchestrated a cover-up that included the Navy SEAL Team Six faking the death of terrorist Osama bin Laden.

    "That was a retweet. That was an opinion of somebody and that was a retweet. I'll put it out there. People can decide for themselves. I don't take a position," Trump said in defending his tweet.

    "You're the president," Guthrie responded. "You're not someone's crazy uncle who can retweet whatever."

    's kijken wat het trump team vandaag retweet :-)

    WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump, who likes to denounce alleged "fake news," retweeted a piece of satire Friday about Twitter shutting down over reporting on Joe Biden.

    Retweeting a link entitled "Twitter Shuts Down Entire Network To Slow Spread Of Negative Biden News" – it never happened –Trump said: "Wow, this has never been done in history. This includes his really bad interview last night. Why is Twitter doing this. Bringing more attention to Sleepy Joe & Big T."

    Twitter did not do that.

    The story was the from the Babylon Bee, a satirical news site. The motto on the Bee's Twitter page says it all: "Fake news you can trust."

    :-) :-) :-)
  16. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 16 oktober 2020 14:39

    Al Kipone schreef op 16 oktober 2020 14:36:

    Dat was 1 van de ruwweg 60 tweets sinds hij wakker werd.....
    Hahahaha ik zat ze net ook te tellen. De president van Amerika zit als een verwent kind uren boos te tweeten.

  17. Al Kipone 16 oktober 2020 15:01
    Meanwhile, Ben Sasse (Sen Nebraska)

    Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, castigated President Trump in a telephone town hall with constituents on Wednesday, accusing the president of bungling the response to the coronavirus pandemic, cozying up to dictators and white supremacists, and offending voters so broadly that he might cause a “Republican blood bath” in the Senate.

    In a dire, nine-minute indictment of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy and what Mr. Sasse called his “deficient” values, the senator said the president had mistreated women and alienated important allies around the globe, been a profligate spender, ignored human rights and treated the pandemic like a “P.R. crisis.” He predicted that a loss by Mr. Trump on Election Day, less than three weeks away, “looks likely,” and said that Republicans would face steep repercussions for having backed him so staunchly over four tumultuous years.

    “The debate is not going to be, ‘Ben Sasse, why were you so mean to Donald Trump?’” Mr. Sasse said, according to audio obtained by The Washington Examiner and authenticated by The New York Times. “It’s going to be, ‘What the heck were any of us thinking, that selling a TV-obsessed, narcissistic individual to the American people was a good idea?’”

    “We are staring down the barrel of a blue tsunami,” he added.


    He spoke to constituents on Wednesday around the same time that senators on the Judiciary Committee were concluding their questioning of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Mr. Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, on Capitol Hill. Mr. Sasse, a member of the panel, had lavished praise on Judge Barrett, a favorite of conservatives who would tilt the court decidedly to the right.

    Rarely has a split screen better encapsulated the trade-offs congressional Republicans have accepted over four years of Mr. Trump’s presidency than a Republican senator exulting over his conservative Supreme Court nominee in one moment and lamenting his norm-shattering behavior — and his party’s willingness to quietly tolerate it — in the next.


    Republican Sen. Ben Sasse excoriated President Trump in a telephone conference call with constituents this week, saying he had mishandled the coronavirus response, "kisses dictators' butts," "sells out our allies," spends "like a drunken sailor," mistreats women, and trash-talks evangelicals behind their backs.

    Trump has "flirted with white supremacists," according to Sasse, and his family "treated the presidency like a business opportunity." He said Trump could drive the Senate into the hand of the Democrats and cause permanent damage to the Republican Party.

    Sasse, a possible GOP candidate for president in 2024, is up for reelection on Nov. 3 and is expected to cruise to victory.

    In an audio clip of the call, obtained by the Washington Examiner, a female constituent asks Sasse to explain “your relationship with the president” and wonders, “Why do you have to criticize him so much?”

    At first, Sasse focused on his points of agreement with Trump. But the senator soon began to unload, spending the majority of his nearly ten-minute answer assailing the president.

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