Toekomstbeeld schreef op 11 augustus 2017 16:29:
Wat is hier onduidelijk aan?
It appears that the Chinese authorities
don't believe the current rally in steel and iron ore is justified by fundamentals, prompting meetings this week by industry participants.
The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) held a meeting on Wednesday with its members, and a meeting hosted by the government's National Development and Reform Commission was scheduled for Thursday.
CISA said after its talks on Wednesday, which included representatives of steel companies, brokerages and consultancies,
that the recent rally was "speculative" and was "not driven by market demand or reduced market supply."
En je conclusie klopt dat ik niet geloof in deze Dalian Exchange.
Deze markt staat nog steeds in de kinderschoenen en toont derhalve kinderziektes. Die worden aangepakt en zal speculanten uit de boom schudden zodat er een betere prijs gaat ontstaan.