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Cannabis aandelen

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  1. Sub!et 28 juli 2020 22:18
    Marijuana dispensaries make billions of dollars in sales but still can't use banks

    State legalization of cannabis has posed many challenges to policymakers and law enforcement. In Arizona alone, nearly 250,000 patients were able to continue accessing their medications during the unprecedented pandemic crisis after medical dispensaries were deemed essential.

    As attention turns to repairing the economic damage wrought by the virus, federal policymakers must focus on an issue vital to a state’s public health and safety.

    The call for access to banking and financial services, currently out of reach to an industry responsible for 15,000 jobs in Arizona, and more than $4 million every month in transaction privilege taxes, is essential for the continued need to address the elimination of criminal enterprises which can penetrate an unregulated industry.

    In this case, we are dealing with billions of dollars in untracked cash.
    Arizona's senators can help

    Arizona is in a unique position in that both Sens. Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema are important voices on the United States Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. McSally and Sinema are well-positioned to champion an issue that has broad support among the electorate, the public and policymakers at every level of government.

    By advocating for banking access, not only will there be a decrease in the criminal attraction to an all-cash business, thousands of families across Arizona will have the opportunity to be viewed by lenders and financial institutions as legitimate business operators and employees.

    Ancillary businesses, such as law firms, accounting firms, and public interest groups servicing the legal cannabis industry, have also lost banking services.
    SAFE Banking bill helps in 5 key ways

    For the health and safety of the public, as well as the economic stability of this industry, SAFE Banking must be addressed. Support for SAFE Banking is not an accommodation nor a signal of policy support for the cannabis industry. It is an accountability measure relating to U.S. monetary policy.

    Specifically, SAFE Banking:

    Is an anti-money laundering initiative.
    Keeps money within the system so that it can be tracked and accounted for.
    Separates state legal operators from illicit criminal enterprises.
    Protects consumers and keeps billions of dollars of cash off of the streets.
    Supports rule of law and diminishes criminal activity.

    Cannabis businesses are forced to operate in all cash, making them targets for violent criminals. This vulnerability is a major reason why a bipartisan group of state attorneys general, including Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, have supported passage of SAFE Banking.
    It'd mean more cash into our system

    Addressing SAFE Banking supports the overall economic recovery of our state and country. As of January, this industry accounted for almost 30,000 cannabis businesses and 250,000 jobs across the country. Cannabis job growth is anticipated to outpace every other industry.

    Allowing cannabis businesses to bank the same way that other legal businesses can, would mean an influx of cash into the regulated U.S. monetary system.

    We respectfully call upon Sens. McSally and Sinema, as key Banking Committee advocates, to recognize that SAFE Banking is an essential service for the thousands of people it employs.

    SAFE Banking is critically important to ensure the public safety of all Arizonans, to allow Arizona businesses and employees to lawfully contribute to the U.S. banking system, and to support the millions of dollars cannabis operators pump into local economies across the Grand Canyon State.

  2. [verwijderd] 29 juli 2020 16:04
    Cijfers Aphria


    Aphria Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2020 Results
    July 29, 2020

    twitter sharing button
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    Results Adult-Use Cannabis Revenue Increases 27% From the Prior Quarter and Fifth Consecutive Quarter of Positive Adjusted EBITDA

    Net Revenue Increases 5% from Prior Quarter and 18% from Prior Year Quarter
    Adjusted EBITDA from Cannabis Operations of $9.3 Million Increased 55% from Prior Quarter
    Cash Cost Per Gram Remained Below $1 and Decreased 5% from Prior Quarter to $0.88
  3. [verwijderd] 29 juli 2020 18:42
    Volg de hele sector sinds 2,5 jaar. Eveneens het moment dat ik grootschalig ben ingestapt op
    mijn “ niveau”. Mijn Port bestaat voor 60 procent uit cana aandelen. Voor de diehards van een Port is dit idd er over. Edoch.
    Heb vandaag , na bekendmaking van de cijfers van Aphria opnieuw ingestapt, cijfers zijn toch goed, ik doe geen diepte analyse maar keer op keer worden bij kwartaalcijfers hoge verwachtingen gecreëerd en keer op keer worden deze afgestraft. Deze keer, in de vooravond heb ik mij niet laten vangen. Kennelijk wordt er veel paniekvoetbal gespeeld, motley fool, die dikwijls mooi onderbouwd inhoudelijke artikels schrijft is volgens mij een discipel van het anti front aurora.
    Wordt de markt gemanipuleerd?
    Triggers blijven
    De legalisatie bij Joe biden,
    Een merger van aurora en aphria, hoop niet ten koste van aurora cfr 49/51 aandeel,
    De medische factor in deze Corona tijden,
    Het stilletjes uit faseren van de illegale markt qua prijs per gram en bijgevolg indien legalisatie de staat harder gaat optreden tegen illegale kweek.
    Time Will tell, paar mooie groei aandelen moeten verkopen om deze gok te wagen.
    Gelijk in de drooglegging, heeft dit tijd nodig, alleen het zijn totaal andere tijden, sommigen interpreteren, anderen gebruiken hun buikgevoel. Er zullen verliezers zijn en winnaars.
    Ik blijf optimistisch geloven in het groene goud.
    Do well, invest well, stay safe.

  4. [verwijderd] 30 juli 2020 17:35

    Sub!et schreef op 28 juli 2020 22:22:

    Vraagje : Welke broker biedt Curaleaf aan?

    Bolero biedt hem aan Trulieve niet. Jushf stap ik in was goede tip. Village farms en Aleaf zijn mijn favorieten met IIPR natuurlijk. Aphria toch grrr maar ik geloof erin en zit long. De meeste komen de komen de weken met resultaten. Hopelijk heeft iemand mijn tip van vorige week opgepikt. Aim voor komende weken...Blnk voorlopig 83 proc in een week. Ik reeds +435 in 3 maand. Miss had je nu beter kodak (1666 plus op een paar dagen).
  5. Sub!et 31 juli 2020 08:57
    $GRWG (via DeGiro)
    GrowGeneration to Report Q2 2020 Earnings on Thursday August 13, 2020
    PR Newswire

    GrowGeneration Corp. engages in the retail of hydroponic and organic specialty gardening products. It offers lighting fixtures, nutrients, seeds and growing media systems, trays, fans, filters, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, timers, instruments, water pumps, irrigation supplies, and hand tools. The company was founded by Darren Lampert and Michael Salaman on March 6, 2014 and is headquartered in Denver, CO.
  6. [verwijderd] 31 juli 2020 11:45
    Mss of Topic, maar wie zit in het waterstof en aanverwanten?
    mijn nel asa en fuel cell doen het heel goed. Frankrijk gaat voor waterstof en zijn daar heel ambitieus in, Nederland heeft zich al uitgesproken dit te doen, in de usa hebben verschillende Staten zich al uitgesproken dit te gaan doen. Het westen wil uiteindelijk van het juk van die OPEC af en wilt groener worden. Is voor de long term weliswaar.
    Nikola heeft het goed gedaan en staat mijn inziens wel aantrekkelijk gewaardeerd.
    Kodak, petat, wat is daar gebeurd? Wat een UP!
    Buiten mijn aphria onlangs toegevoegd blijf ik even af met alles wat met het groene goud te maken heeft. Bij Binck kan je trouwens niet meer handelen of een pak minder handelen met canna aandelen wegens niet ethisch. Welke filosoof dat beslist heeft laat ik in het midden.
    Do well, invest well and stay safe!
  7. [verwijderd] 8 augustus 2020 11:07
    Aphia perfect op bodemlijn 6 CAD 4.46USD. Misschien komt er nog een dubbele bodem maar we zitten aan instapkoers. Het is maar een belangrijk weetje. CBDMD INC (YCBD) 286 proc gestegen in enkele maand (cannabisolie) iipr gaat ook zeer sterk.
  8. [verwijderd] 8 augustus 2020 18:25
    Bedankt voor de altijd nuttige info kweetje.
    Komen weer een paar kwartaalcijfers aan, benieuwd wat het met de koersen gaat doen in deze eigenaardige komkommertijd.
    Kan iemand bevestigen moest Joe biden verkozen wordt, de legalisatie gaat voorspoediger in de usa. Lees op andere fora dat de Democraten meer pro zijn dan de Republikeinen. Het zou een boost kunnen betekenen, zit wel in Aurora canada en wacht nog af met het invoeren van hun producten want in de usa zijn ze over protectionistisch, laat staan de ander blockbusters van canna bedrijven die er gevestigd zijn.
    De paarden van de hoop galopperen, maar de ezels der ervaring lopen langzaam. Invest well, stay safe.
  9. forum rang 4 Rider 10 augustus 2020 14:53
    de verkopen in Canada blijven stijgen, steeds meer mensen nemen afstand van de zwarte markt
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 10 augustus 2020 14:58

    G.dezwaluw schreef op 10 augustus 2020 13:12:

    Cijfers canopy
    Hopelijk kunnen alle andere bedrijven hierop ook wat stijgen
    De cijfers zijn lachwekkend: WINSTMARGE 6%.....!!!!

    First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Financial Summary

    First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Corporate Financial Highlights

    Revenues: Net revenue in Q1 2021 increased by 22% versus Q1 2020 driven by higher medical cannabis sales in Canada and Germany, strong Storz & Bickel (“S&B”) vaporizer sales and the benefit of a full quarter of contribution from acquired businesses C3 (acquired in April 2019) and This Works (acquired in May 2019) that were reflected for a full quarter in Q1 2021. Excluding the impact from acquired businesses, net sales growth increased 9% versus Q1 2020. The growth was partially offset by a decline in Canadian Recreational cannabis revenue due to restricted retail operating environment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition in dried flower-based products.

    Gross margin: Gross margin was 6%. Adjusted gross margin, excluding inventory step-up costs, was 7%, down 1,300 bps versus Q1 2020. Gross margin was impacted by lower production output as well as manufacturing variances and inventory adjustments.
    Operating expenses: Total SG&A expenses declined by 23% versus Q1 2020, driven by year-over-year reductions in Sales & Marketing expenses, partially offset by higher General & Administrative (G&A) and Research & Development (“R&D”) expenses. Sales & Marketing expense decline of 25% reflects lower compensation expenses resulting from corporate restructuring actions taken earlier in the year, delayed or cancelled marketing activities and reduced travel-related expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. G&A expenses increased 2%, while R&D expenses rose 61% mainly driven by research studies that commenced in Q2 and Q3 2020 and increased activities to support Cannabis 2.0 product development. Share-based Compensation expenses decreased 65% over Q1 2020.

    Net Loss: Net loss of $128 million in Q1 2021, a $66 million narrower loss versus Q1 2020, was driven by higher revenue and lower SG&A expenses.
    Adjusted EBITDA: Adjusted EBITDA loss was $92 million in Q1 2021, compared to a loss of $93 million in Q1 2020.
  11. forum rang 4 Rider 10 augustus 2020 15:09

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 10 augustus 2020 14:58:


    De cijfers zijn lachwekkend: WINSTMARGE 6%.....!!!!

    First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Financial Summary

    First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Corporate Financial Highlights

    Revenues: Net revenue in Q1 2021 increased by 22% versus Q1 2020 driven by higher medical cannabis sales in Canada and Germany, strong Storz & Bickel (“S&B”) vaporizer sales and the benefit of a full quarter of contribution from acquired businesses C3 (acquired in April 2019) and This Works (acquired in May 2019) that were reflected for a full quarter in Q1 2021. Excluding the impact from acquired businesses, net sales growth increased 9% versus Q1 2020. The growth was partially offset by a decline in Canadian Recreational cannabis revenue due to restricted retail operating environment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition in dried flower-based products.

    Gross margin: Gross margin was 6%. Adjusted gross margin, excluding inventory step-up costs, was 7%, down 1,300 bps versus Q1 2020. Gross margin was impacted by lower production output as well as manufacturing variances and inventory adjustments.
    Operating expenses: Total SG&A expenses declined by 23% versus Q1 2020, driven by year-over-year reductions in Sales & Marketing expenses, partially offset by higher General & Administrative (G&A) and Research & Development (“R&D”) expenses. Sales & Marketing expense decline of 25% reflects lower compensation expenses resulting from corporate restructuring actions taken earlier in the year, delayed or cancelled marketing activities and reduced travel-related expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. G&A expenses increased 2%, while R&D expenses rose 61% mainly driven by research studies that commenced in Q2 and Q3 2020 and increased activities to support Cannabis 2.0 product development. Share-based Compensation expenses decreased 65% over Q1 2020.

    Net Loss: Net loss of $128 million in Q1 2021, a $66 million narrower loss versus Q1 2020, was driven by higher revenue and lower SG&A expenses.
    Adjusted EBITDA: Adjusted EBITDA loss was $92 million in Q1 2021, compared to a loss of $93 million in Q1 2020.

    Aurora zal beter zijn.
  12. G.dezwaluw 10 augustus 2020 15:30

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 10 augustus 2020 14:58:


    De cijfers zijn lachwekkend: WINSTMARGE 6%.....!!!!

    First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Financial Summary

    First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Corporate Financial Highlights

    Revenues: Net revenue in Q1 2021 increased by 22% versus Q1 2020 driven by higher medical cannabis sales in Canada and Germany, strong Storz & Bickel (“S&B”) vaporizer sales and the benefit of a full quarter of contribution from acquired businesses C3 (acquired in April 2019) and This Works (acquired in May 2019) that were reflected for a full quarter in Q1 2021. Excluding the impact from acquired businesses, net sales growth increased 9% versus Q1 2020. The growth was partially offset by a decline in Canadian Recreational cannabis revenue due to restricted retail operating environment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition in dried flower-based products.

    Gross margin: Gross margin was 6%. Adjusted gross margin, excluding inventory step-up costs, was 7%, down 1,300 bps versus Q1 2020. Gross margin was impacted by lower production output as well as manufacturing variances and inventory adjustments.
    Operating expenses: Total SG&A expenses declined by 23% versus Q1 2020, driven by year-over-year reductions in Sales & Marketing expenses, partially offset by higher General & Administrative (G&A) and Research & Development (“R&D”) expenses. Sales & Marketing expense decline of 25% reflects lower compensation expenses resulting from corporate restructuring actions taken earlier in the year, delayed or cancelled marketing activities and reduced travel-related expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. G&A expenses increased 2%, while R&D expenses rose 61% mainly driven by research studies that commenced in Q2 and Q3 2020 and increased activities to support Cannabis 2.0 product development. Share-based Compensation expenses decreased 65% over Q1 2020.

    Net Loss: Net loss of $128 million in Q1 2021, a $66 million narrower loss versus Q1 2020, was driven by higher revenue and lower SG&A expenses.
    Adjusted EBITDA: Adjusted EBITDA loss was $92 million in Q1 2021, compared to a loss of $93 million in Q1 2020.

    Ik zeg niet dat de cijfers goed zijn, maar wel beter dan verwacht. Groot verschil, premarket ziet er alles toch grpen uit
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Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

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    6. Chicago Fed index februari (VS)
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    1. Ifo ondernemersvertrouwen maart (Dld)
    2. Case Shiller huizenprijzen januari (VS)
    3. Shell beleggersdag
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht