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  1. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 15:15
    Snap ook niet wat de Russen hier willen doen, het Westen is toch de oorzaak van al het kwaad in de wereld (en van wat Rusland overkomt)?
    Dus waarom bij je 'vijand' op bezoek gaan ....


    E.U. to suspend visa agreement with Russia, but not ban Russian tourists

    European Union countries have reached a political agreement to suspend a visa facilitation accord with Russia, making it more difficult and expensive for Russian tourists to get visas, but the move falls far short of the blanket ban some leaders are demanding.

    The compromise decision, reached at a ministers meeting in Prague on Wednesday, comes after weeks of calls from Ukrainian officials and some E.U. leaders for a ban. Though the 27-member bloc has already banned Russian flights from E.U. airspace and imposed sanctions on more than 1,000 people linked to the war, the question of tourism is deeply contested, underscoring an enduring divide over how to respond to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

    Announcing the agreement, officials noted that countries could take additional measures at a national level. Ahead of the meeting, the five E.U. countries that share land borders with Russia — Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — said they would take action if the E.U. did not.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and some E.U. leaders have argued that restricting Russian visitors would strengthen the bloc’s sanctions, improve security and send a message to Russians about the costs of full-scale invasion.

    Opponents, including Germany and France, say a blanket ban would unfairly punish all Russians. They are concerned that limiting visas would keep Kremlin critics from escaping. And they worry that a ban would play into Putin’s hands by lending credence to his claims of Western Russophobia.

    The E.U.’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said Wednesday that an uptick in tourists from Russia convinced member states that something had to be done. “We have seen many Russians traveling for leisure and shopping as if no war was raging in Ukraine,” he told reporters in Prague.

    The suspension will significantly reduce the number of new visas issued, Borrell said. “It is going to be more difficult, it’s going to be a longer process. Consequently, the number of new visitors will be substantially reduced.”

    The full suspension of the 2007 visa facilitation accord, which was partially suspended at the outset of the war, will mean that wait times and costs will probably go up for Russian tourists. The cost will reportedly jump from 35 euros to 80 euros (roughly the same in dollars). But vacationing, for many, can continue.

    The countries calling for a full or nearly full ban see the suspension of the facilitation accord as a first step but will be pushing hard for additional measures at the E.U. level.

    With flights banned, most Russian tourists are driving to neighboring countries, particularly Finland and Estonia. From there, they are able to travel anywhere in the 26-country visa-free travel zone known as the Schengen Area.

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis has said that absent an E.U.-wide solution, Russia’s neighbors may team up to reduce the number of tourists entering the bloc.

    In a joint statement circulated ahead of Wednesday’s talks, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania said that until the European Commission proposed measures to “decisively decrease” the number of Russians entering the E.U. and Schengen areas, they would consider “temporary measures” at the national level. These measures should include exemptions for “dissidents as well as other humanitarian cases,” the statement said.

    Lithuania is among several countries, including Estonia, Latvia and the Czech Republic, that have stopped issuing most short-stay visas to Russian citizens.

    Estonia has said it will invalidate previously issued short-stay visas. Latvia is requiring Russian travelers entering with existing visas to sign statements opposing the war with Ukraine — an idea Landsbergis also broached.

    Finland, which shares an 830-mile border with Russia, has announced that it will cut the number of visas issued to Russians by 90 percent starting this week.

    Ukrainian officials, meanwhile, remain focused on more-restrictive measures. “Let them live in their own world until they change their philosophy,” Zelensky said in an interview with The Washington Post this month. “This is the only way to influence Putin.”

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba tweeted Wednesday that “travel to the EU has had zero transformative effect on Russia.”

    “Since visa facilitation in 2007, Moscow has attacked Georgia, launched a war on Ukraine, committed multiple crimes — all of it with overwhelming popular support,” he continued. “To transform Russia, shut the door on Russian tourists.”

  2. forum rang 8 josti5 1 september 2022 15:25

    Succes schreef op 1 september 2022 15:15:

    Snap ook niet wat de Russen hier willen doen, het Westen is toch de oorzaak van al het kwaad in de wereld (en van wat Rusland overkomt)?
    Dus waarom bij je 'vijand' op bezoek gaan ....



    Een flink deel komt hier om de beest uit te hangen, natuurlijk!

    Je hebt blijkbaar nog nooit Russen meegemaakt in een vakantieplaats, of op een cruiseschip.
    Nou, ik wel, en het is bepaald geen pretje.

    Het begon al vlak na die Wende, in 1992, in Berlijn, op een urologencongres, waarvoor het eerst Russen bij waren.
    De Russen stonden vooraan in de rij bij het buffet, liepen per persoon met een aantal borden volgestapelde etenswaren weg, en halverwege de rij was het buffet leeg.

    Dezelfde ervaring op een Middellandse Zeecruise met de aantekening, dat de Italianen er in dit opzicht óók wat van kunnen.

    In Portugal maak ik ze ook mee: onbeschoft, lawaaiig, meestal zo lam als een deur, analoog overigens aan Nederlands, Engels en Zweeds jongerentuig.
  3. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 15:40
    Michail Gorbatsjov Resignation Speech (RIP)

    Wat een gemis -voor Rusland- ... een echte leider!
    Helaas, zijn nu alle goede ontwikkelingen in de kiem gesmoord ... terug naar af

    Fate had it that when I found myself at the head of the state it was already clear that all was not well in the country. There is plenty of everything: land, oil and gas, other natural riches, and God gave us lots of intelligence and talent, yet we lived much worse than developed countries and keep falling behind them more and more.

    The reason could already be seen: the society was suffocating in the vise of the command-bureaucratic system, doomed to serve ideology and bear the terrible burden of the arms race.


    We live in a new world. The Cold War has ended, the arms race has stopped, as has the insane militarization which mutilated our economy, public psyche and morals.


    We opened ourselves to the world, gave up interference into other people’s affairs, the use of troops beyond the borders of the country, and trust, solidarity and respect came in response. We have become one of the main foundations for the transformation of modern civilization on peaceful democratic grounds.


    I think it is vitally important to preserve the democratic achievements of the past years. They have been paid for by the suffering of our whole history, our tragic experience. They must not be given up under any circumstances or any pretext, otherwise all our hopes for the better will be buried. I am saying all this straight and honest. It is my moral duty.


  4. [verwijderd] 1 september 2022 15:41

    josti5 schreef op 1 september 2022 15:25:



    Om de beest uit te hangen, natuurlijk!

    Je hebt blijkbaar nog nooit Russen meegemaakt in een vakantieplaats, of op een cruiseschip.
    Nou, ik wel, en het is bepaald geen pretje.

    Het begon al vlak na die Wende, in 1992, in Berlijn, op een urologencongres, waarvoor het eerst Russen bij waren.
    De Russen stonden vooraan in de rij bij het buffet, liepen per persoon met een aantal borden volgestapelde etenswaren weg, en halverwege de rij was het buffet leeg.

    Dezelfde ervaring op een Middellandse Zeecruise met de aantekening, dat de Italianen er in dit opzicht óók wat van kunnen.

    In Portugal maak ik ze ook mee: onbeschoft, lawaaiig, meestal zo lam als een deur, analoog overigens aan Nederlands, Engels en Zweeds jongerentuig.
    Alleen de Russische maffia kan zulks zich veroorloven, het geld wordt veelal binnengehaald door delen van een stad zogenaamd te beschermen en daarvoor van de zelfstandigen een flinke reguliere duit te eisen, maar halen ook veel binnen door drugsdeals.
    Het is de meest asociale bevolkingsgroep en het allergrootste tuig.
    De Russische maffia_meiden klakken met hakken en strakke kuiten zodat een ieder opkijkt als dat tuig nadert.
  5. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 15:52
    Rusland is een fascistische staat aan het worden

    Rusland is geleidelijk aan een fascistische staat aan het worden, denkt de Russische hoogleraar politieke filosofie Grigori Joedin. Het ergert hem dat West-Europeanen denken dat ze in Europa hiervoor veilig zijn. Na de totale depolitisering van de samenleving brengt Poetin nu de politiek weer op het toneel. De oorlog veronderstelt immers juist een mobilisatie van het land voor een hoger doel: de denazificatie van Oekraïne. Maar in werkelijkheid heeft Poetin een compleet andere wereldorde op het oog, vertelde de filosoof aan Rutger van der Hoeven van De Groene Amsterdammer.


    Ik ben van mening dat we sinds 24 februari een fascistisch regime hebben in Rusland. Je kunt discussiëren over wat fascisme is en ik was altijd terughoudend in het gebruik van de term. Maar ik denk dat het beschrijft wat er aan de hand is: er is in Rusland een nieuwe opvatting over de relatie tussen de samenleving, de staat en de leider.

    'We zien nu een identificatie van de leider met de staat en een identificatie van de staat met de samenleving. En dit is een klassiek fascistische opvatting. De leider is gelijk aan de staat, en de staat aan het volk. Er is geen plaats voor jou bij het volk als je geen deel uitmaakt van de staat, en er is geen plaats voor jou in de staat als je niet achter de leider staat. Dit is het gevolg van de inval in Oekraïne. Er waren eerder fascistische tendensen in Rusland, maar geen radicale wending. 24 februari betekende een soort conservatieve revolutie.'


    'Ja, depolitisering is hét kenmerk van Poetins heerschappij. Het was altijd Poetins belangrijkste strategie, vanaf het begin. Toen hij aan de macht kwam, waren de Russen gedesillusioneerd over de liberale democratie, omdat de Russische liberale democratie altijd beperkt is gebleven tot verkiezingen en tot de vrije pers, wat in de praktijk neerkwam op een strijd tussen mediabedrijven van verschillende oligarchen. Tegen het einde van de jaren negentig had er al een soort vervreemding plaatsgevonden

    'Een ander centraal onderdeel van de depolitiseringsstrategie is het primaat van de economie. Het economische heeft het politieke in Rusland opgegeten. Gezond verstand dicteert dat het enige waar iemand om moet geven zijn eigen rijkdom, zijn eigen welzijn is. Je zorgen maken om iets anders is volkomen irrationeel, want je kunt nooit, maar dan ook nooit iets veranderen. En mensen kregen ook meer kansen om hun welzijn te verbeteren. Veel mensen zijn beter af onder Poetin, vaak via hypotheken en consumptie-krediet. Een trickle-down economie, waar sommige mensen ongelooflijk rijk werden, en de grote meerderheid van de bevolking iets beter af werd.

    'Het primaat van het economische boven het politieke heeft de politieke ruimte in Rusland opgeslokt. Mensen die lijken te denken dat ze via politiek echt iets kunnen veranderen, worden als complete idioten beschouwd. En deze mentaliteit werd ondersteund door een ultraconservatief verhaal: het idee dat alle veranderingen in de menselijke geschiedenis altijd hebben geleid tot verslechtering, met name bewegingen van onderaf, die werden geïnitieerd door het volk.

    'Het idee was om mensen te laten geloven dat het leven overal ellendig is. Daarom heb je ook zo’n epidemie van Whataboutism in Rusland. Zodra je een politieke bewering doet, krijg je dat bezwaar altijd, direct. "En de Amerikanen dan?", "En de Duitsers dan?" Ze zijn niet beter dan wij. Iedereen is slecht. En laten we dus slecht blijven. Laat ons een oorlog voeren.


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  6. forum rang 6 matad 1 september 2022 15:58

    josti5 schreef op 1 september 2022 13:39:

    Tsja, als argumenten ontbreken, is er geen inhoud, en resteert slechts de aanval op de persoon.
    Jostov heb je dit wel overlegd met:
    De secretaris van mevr. von der Leyen
    Je honderden landgenoten gevlucht naar het buitenland vanwege de dictatuur in Nederland
    De vereniging van Nederlandse journalisten
    De moderator
    Je BRIC landen die nu weer je sympathie schijnen te hebben
    je mondiale medebeleggers etc. ?of heb je een mandaat gekregen?
  7. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 16:06

    Green Manalishi schreef op 1 september 2022 14:22:

    [...]Nee en dat gaat niet meer gebeuren ook.
    En dat zeg jij ...LOL... over frustratie gesproken!

    Mss moet je eens denken/houden aan je eigen woorden, dus ... hoe oud ben je? ... is dit zogenaamd stoere taal? .... bedroevend! .... een beetje waardigheid mag wel!

    En de beste opmerking 'ik ben hier weg' .... graag, arrivederci! (dat zal namelijk velen plezieren!),


    Green Manalishi schreef op 9 augustus 2022 08:24
    En tegen jou,al heb je gelijk vind je het normaal om zo te reageren ,hoe oud ben je.
    Wat heeft libido met deze verschrikkelijke oorlog te maken .Denk je dat je de Oekraïners
    helpt met deze zogenaamde stoere taal.Ik vind het bedroevend deze terreuroorlogmisbruikt voor
    Je persoonlijke frustraties.Een beetje waardigheid mag wel .Wees gerust ik ben hier weg.
  8. forum rang 6 matad 1 september 2022 16:11

    Succes schreef op 1 september 2022 16:06:


    En dat zeg jij ...LOL... over frustratie gesproken!

    Mss moet je eens denken/houden aan je eigen woorden, dus ... hoe oud ben je? ... is dit zogenaamd stoere taal? .... bedroevend! .... een beetje waardigheid mag wel!

    En de beste opmerking 'ik ben hier weg' .... graag, arrivederci! (dat zal namelijk velen plezieren!),


    Green Manalishi schreef op 9 augustus 2022 08:24
    En tegen jou,al heb je gelijk vind je het normaal om zo te reageren ,hoe oud ben je.
    Wat heeft libido met deze verschrikkelijke oorlog te maken .Denk je dat je de Oekraïners
    helpt met deze zogenaamde stoere taal.Ik vind het bedroevend deze terreuroorlogmisbruikt voor
    Je persoonlijke frustraties.Een beetje waardigheid mag wel .Wees gerust ik ben hier weg.

    Green Manalishi past de eeuwige verdwijntruc toe. Kiekeboe hier ben ik weer!
    Te belachelijk voor woorden dit infantiele gedoe van GM.
  9. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 16:26
    ,,.... New Delhi government is sending a small 75-strong military detachment to the army drills ..."

    Nou, nou ... 1,3mlj inwoners en dan 75 militairen sturen ... als ze Rusland maar niet gaan innemen! :D


    Putin Brings China and India to Russia for War Games Defying US
    Bloomberg News - 15h ago

    (Bloomberg) -- Russia is holding major military exercises involving China and India as President Vladimir Putin pushes back against attempts by the US and its allies to isolate him over his invasion of Ukraine.


    Even as the US is wooing India as a defense partner and urging it not to undermine international sanctions on Russia over the war in Ukraine, the New Delhi government is sending a small 75-strong military detachment to the army drills. They include Gurkha troops and representatives from the navy and air force, though India isn’t dispatching naval or air assets to Russia.

    India, which has previously attended the exercises, has avoided taking sides over Russia’s war in Ukraine, partly because of its reliance on Moscow as its main weapons supplier amid persistent border tensions with neighboring China and Pakistan. Still, the south Asian nation voted against Russia on the issue for the first time in a procedural vote last week at the United Nations Security Council that allowed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to address the body via video link.

    India has also shelved moves to jointly produce helicopters and put on hold another plan to buy about 30 fighters from Russia.


  10. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 16:30
    In the east, Ukraine braces to launch counter-attack

    Government forces in Ukraine are trying to seize the initiative from Russian troops before the arrival of winter. A counter-offensive is already under way in the south and the Ukrainians are now preparing to expand that in the east to take back land lost in Donbas and around Kharkiv in the north. Quentin Sommerville and camera-journalist Darren Conway have been given exclusive access to a unit of Ukrainian troops.

    The air is thick with the smell of burning sunflowers, and the pat-pat-pat of Russian cluster bombs can be heard landing across the fields, setting fire to a crop which stands, heads bowed, awaiting a harvest that's unlikely to come.

    A self-propelled gun roars through the field, its caterpillar tracks tearing up the rich Donbas earth. The National Guard hold this ground in Ukraine's east - territory that Vladimir Putin has claimed as central to his war aims. It will be taken "step-by-step", he said. But for now, Russian progress has been reduced to a crawl.

    And hanging heavy in the air, among the smoke and dust, is something else - expectation. Here in Donbas, and further north on the outskirts of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second city, the country's forces are braced for a counter-offensive.

    I recently left army positions in the south, around Kherson. It is the only city that Russian forces have captured west of the strategically important Dnipro River. Those same troops are now engaged in battle, supporting forces who have broken through Russian lines in at least three places, as part of a long-planned counter-offensive in the south. Strict Ukrainian reporting restrictions are in place as the operation is under way.


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  11. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 16:36
    Six Months of War: What Putin Wanted; What Putin Got


    In the early morning of the first day of the war on Feb. 24, President Vladimir Putin defined the objectives of the country’s "special operation" as "protecting the inhabitants of Donbas, demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine," and "bringing to justice those who have committed innumerable bloody crimes."

    Continuing a Soviet tradition — the invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 and Afghanistan in December 1979 — Putin said that he had "decided on a special military operation" in response to a request from the leaders of Donbas. And he stressed that "Russia has no plans to occupy Ukrainian territories.”

    Two and a half months later, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov complimented his boss, saying that the special military operation was “designed to put an end to the reckless expansion and the reckless course of total U.S. domination." Four months later he corrected Putin: "the geographical objectives of the 'special operation' have changed. Now it is not only the DNR and LNR [Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics], but also a number of other territories." And one of the generals even issued the enigmatic statement that "control over the South of Ukraine is another path to Transnistria [a Moldovan break-away state supported by Russia], where facts of oppression of the Russian-speaking population are also being observed."

    Ultimate goals multiplied in the statements of various Russian officials, from security chief Nikolai Patrushev and parliament chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, Sergei Lavrov and presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, and Putin himself. Now they included "preventing war from starting on the territory of Ukraine"; "restoring the statehood of the LNR and DNR within the borders of 2014”; and "achieving a guarantee of Ukraine's real neutral status."


    The cost

    And now — the cost. According to American intelligence, the irrecoverable losses of the Russian Armed Forces in the six months of the war amounted to 70-80,000: 15-20,000 dead (during the 9 years and 2 months of the Afghan war about 15,000 Soviet soldiers and officers were killed), and 60,000 wounded and captured (in Afghanistan over 110 months — about 35,000).

    Over the six months of war, the Russian army has lost 3-4,000 tanks and armored personnel carriers. Almost all the country’s high-precision weapons have been used, and the production of new missiles is held up because they can’t get microchips and semiconductors, which are under sanctions. Anti-ship missiles and Soviet Grads, which have a range of several hundred meters, are being used for strikes.

    The shortage of hardware has forced the Russian army to scavenge for weapons, transfer them by quasi-trade ships from the military base in Syria, buy drones from Iran, and even consider North Korea's offer to buy artillery from them.

    The situation with manpower is even worse. Due to their heavy losses, Russia is carrying out “voluntary mobilization.” According to various estimates, 30-35,000 volunteers have been sent to training camps with subsequent deployment in the active army. Soldiers are also being recruited from high-security prisons and deployed in private security companies. Battalions that carried out peacekeeping duties in Nagorno-Karabakh and troops from de facto annexed South Ossetia are also being sent to the front.

    Each day of the war costs taxpayers about $500 million. In July, Finance Ministry statistics showed a federal budget deficit of 892 billion rubles, a drop of 22.5% in oil and gas revenues despite high energy prices, and a nearly 30% drop in revenue from tax collection. The expected loss of GDP by the end of the year is 8%, with a further contraction of the economy over the course of a year and a half or two years. These are the calculations for the summer of 2022, when many private Russian banks can still to conduct transactions with the rest of the world and the country is not cut off from SWIFT. But there can be no doubt that the West will choke the Russian economy before it begins to be choked by its own declining level of technological development, and the Russian military-industrial complex will no longer a threat to Europe and the world.

    What Putin wants

    I am often asked why there is no widespread anti-war protest in Russia

    The ruling elite

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  12. forum rang 4 tomtom100 1 september 2022 16:37

    Succes schreef op 1 september 2022 16:26:

    ,,.... New Delhi government is sending a small 75-strong military detachment to the army drills ..."

    Nou, nou ... 1,3mlj inwoners en dan 75 militairen sturen ... als ze Rusland maar niet gaan innemen! :D


    Putin Brings China and India to Russia for War Games Defying US
    Bloomberg News - 15h ago

    (Bloomberg) -- Russia is holding major military exercises involving China and India as President Vladimir Putin pushes back against attempts by the US and its allies to isolate him over his invasion of Ukraine.


    Even as the US is wooing India as a defense partner and urging it not to undermine international sanctions on Russia over the war in Ukraine, the New Delhi government is sending a small 75-strong military detachment to the army drills. They include Gurkha troops and representatives from the navy and air force, though India isn’t dispatching naval or air assets to Russia.

    India, which has previously attended the exercises, has avoided taking sides over Russia’s war in Ukraine, partly because of its reliance on Moscow as its main weapons supplier amid persistent border tensions with neighboring China and Pakistan. Still, the south Asian nation voted against Russia on the issue for the first time in a procedural vote last week at the United Nations Security Council that allowed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to address the body via video link.

    India has also shelved moves to jointly produce helicopters and put on hold another plan to buy about 30 fighters from Russia.


    Schitterend :-) ik lig in een deuk :-)
    Jostov zal trots wezen met zijn almachtige BRIC-Leger. Nu nog 2 Brazilianen erbij en hij krijgt zowaar een harde plasser...
    lagge man :-)
  13. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 17:00
    Defensie wil 'vrijwillig dienjaar'

    Het ministerie van Defensie wil gaan experimenteren met een 'vrijwillig
    dienjaar'. Het idee is dat deelnemers zo kennis kunnen maken met de militaire
    wereld, om uiteindelijk het tekort aan personeel bij Defensie te verminderen.

    Het aantal voltijdsbanen moet daardoor in vier jaar toenemen van 47.900 tot
    54.400. In Scandinavië en Israël zijn al goede ervaringen opgedaan met zo'n
    vrijwillig dienjaar.

    Staatssecretaris Van der Maat komt nog dit jaar met een plan van aanpak. Hij
    richt zich vooral op de vakgebieden waar de personeelstekorten het grootst
    zijn, zoals techniek en gezondheidszorg.

  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 september 2022 17:19

    Succes schreef op 1 september 2022 16:26:

    ,,.... New Delhi government is sending a small 75-strong military detachment to the army drills ..." Nou, nou ... 1,3mlj inwoners en dan 75 militairen sturen ... als ze Rusland maar niet gaan innemen! :D---------
    Putin Brings China and India to Russia for War Games Defying US
    Bloomberg News - 15h ago
    (Bloomberg) -- Russia is holding major military exercises involving China and India as President Vladimir Putin pushes back against attempts by the US and its allies to isolate him over his invasion of Ukraine.

    Even as the US is wooing India as a defense partner and urging it not to undermine international sanctions on Russia over the war in Ukraine, the New Delhi government is sending a small 75-strong military detachment to the army drills. They include Gurkha troops and representatives from the navy and air force, though India isn’t dispatching naval or air assets to Russia.

    India, which has previously attended the exercises, has avoided taking sides over Russia’s war in Ukraine, partly because of its reliance on Moscow as its main weapons supplier amid persistent border tensions with neighboring China and Pakistan. Still, the south Asian nation voted against Russia on the issue for the first time in a procedural vote last week at the United Nations Security Council that allowed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to address the body via video link.
    India has also shelved moves to jointly produce helicopters and put on hold another plan to buy about 30 fighters from Russia.
    Ik zei het toch al: die hele oefening is nep: alle berichten hierover uit Russische bron zijn gelogen of sterk overdreven.
  15. forum rang 8 Succes 1 september 2022 17:20
    De volgende kandidaat voor sancties -liefst zo snel mogelijk - !


    China Is Quietly Reselling Its Excess Russian LNG To Europe

    One month ago, we were surprised to read how, despite a suppressed appetite for energy amid its housing crash and economic downturn (for which "zero covid" has emerged as a convenient scapegoat for emperor Xi), China has been soaking up more Russian natural gas so far this year, while imports from most other sources declined. In July, the SCMP reported that according to Chinese customs data, in the first six months of the year, China bought a total of 2.35 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) – valued at US$2.16 billion. The import volume increased by 28.7% year on year, with the value surging by 182%. It meant Russia surpassed Indonesia and the United States to become China’s fourth-largest supplier of LNG so far this year.

    This, of course, is not to be confused with pipeline gas, where Russian producer Gazprom recently announced that its daily supplies to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline had reached a new all-time high (Russia is China’s second-largest pipeline natural gas supplier after Turkmenistan), and earlier revealed that the supply of Russian pipeline gas to China had increased by 63.4% in the first half of 2022.

    What was behind this bizarre surge in Russian LNG imports, analysts speculated? After all, while China imports over half of the natural gas it consumes, with around two-thirds in the form of LNG, demand this year had fallen sharply amid economic headwinds and widespread shutdowns. In other words, why the surge in Russian LNG when i) domestic demand is just not there and ii) at the expense of everyone else?

    “The increase in Russian LNG could be a displacement of cargoes going to Japan or South Korea because of sanctions, or weaker demand there,” said Michal Meidan, director of the China Energy Programme at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

    Related: Goldman Sachs: UK Inflation Could Break 22% If Gas Prices Remain High

    One thing that was clear: China wanted to keep its arms-length gas dealing with Russia as unclear as possible, which is why the General Administration of Customs of China stopped publicizing the breakdown in trade volume for pipeline natural gas since the beginning of the year, with spokesman Li Kuiwen confirming that the move was to “protect the legitimate business rights and interests of the relevant importers and exporters”.

    Well, we now know the answer: China has been quietly reselling Russian LNG to the one place that desperately needs it more than anything. Europe... and of course, it is charging a kidney's worth of markups in the process.


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    VN spreekt van 'ernstige mensenrechtenschendingen' tegen Oeigoeren in China
    vandaag, 01:10


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  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z
Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.007
AB InBev 2 5.494
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.397
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 264
Accsys Technologies 23 10.556
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 188
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.665
Aedifica 3 902
Aegon 3.258 322.680
AFC Ajax 538 7.087
Affimed NV 2 6.289
ageas 5.844 109.887
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.048
Ahold 3.538 74.327
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.010
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.036
Alfen 16 24.458
Allfunds Group 4 1.469
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 405
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.819
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.836 242.842
AMG 971 133.173
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.686
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 487
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 14.964
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 381
Arcadis 252 8.737
Arcelor Mittal 2.033 320.629
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.288
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.725
Ascencio 1 26
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.087
ASML 1.766 106.288
ASR Nederland 21 4.452
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 484
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.644
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 12 februari

    1. Faillissementen januari (NL)
    2. TINC Q4-cijfers
    3. Siemens Energy Q1-cijfers (Dld)
    4. ABN AMRO Q4-cijfers
    5. Ahold Delhaize Q4-cijfers
    6. Heineken Q4-cijfers
    7. Randstad Q4-cijfers
    8. TINC Q4-cijfers
    9. Hypotheekaanvragen wekelijks (VS)
    10. Kraft Heinz Q4-cijfers (VS)
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht