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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 26 maart 2022 13:47

    Dmytro Kuleba, Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Oekraine :

    We are meeting our U.S. counterparts US Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Blinken and US Minister van Defensie in Warsaw together with @oleksiireznikov

    This special 2+2 format allows us to seek practical decisions in both political and defense spheres in order to fortify Ukraine’s ability to fight back Russian aggression.





  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 maart 2022 14:11

    luchtschip schreef op 26 maart 2022 12:47:

    Russische Militaire Dienst heeft een briefing gegeven over de stand van zaken

    Dit is dus hoe de Russen vertellen hoe volgens hen de oorlogssituatie in elkaar zit, op dit moment, wat het doel is en waarom en in welke fase van de strijd we zitten

    Verslag over de briefing door Polina Ivanova, Correspondent @FT covering Russia and Ukraine. ;

    foto van de briefing met kaart en posities op dit moment

    Fase I
    Firstly, the generals said Russia had always intended only to 'liberate' the Donbas, that was what it set out to do. It had two options: fight a war in the east, but allow Kyiv to replenish its forces, or start off by knocking out Ukrainian military capacities across the country.
    Fase II
    Over a month of war, Russia has knocked out most of Ukraine's military capacities, the generals claimed, so can now move on to next phase, which will only be focused on the east, which could involve heavy bombardment.
    Nooit het plan geweest Kyiv of Kharkov te veroveren
    Russia had never intended to capture Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities, the generals said - these are not setbacks in other words, it's all part of the plan.
    And the plan was to distract Ukrainian forces while Russia/ Donetsk/ Luhansk made territorial gains in the east.
    Numerous statements made about not targeting civilian infrastructure, avoiding civilian casualties.
    Defence ministry briefing also shared a new official figure for the number of Russian soldiers killed, the second statement by Russian side during the course of this war. Said 1,351 were killed - figure is far below Ukrainian and international estimates.
    Here's the full english text of the briefing per military's translation just now
    De Russen zijn aartsleugenaars en Poetin is de grootste.

    De hele overheid en de hele regering in Rusland liegen over alles waar over te liegen valt.
  3. forum rang 6 Happy is verbannen 26 maart 2022 14:31

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 26 maart 2022 14:11:

    De Russen zijn aartsleugenaars en Poetin is de grootste.

    De hele overheid en de hele regering in Rusland liegen over alles waar over te liegen valt.
    Als ze zeggen dat niet ze niet liegen geloven wij ze niet omdat ze altijd liegen.
    Als ze zeggen dat ze liegen geloven wij ze niet omdat ze altijd liegen. En liegen ze het 2 x het omgekeerde om ons op een verkeerd been te zetten.

  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 26 maart 2022 14:35

    Stand Up For Ukraine

    9 April 2022 een wereldwijde actiedag

    U2 en Bono hebben een actie gestart om geld in te zamelen voor de tijdelijke migranten wiens huis is vernietigd door de invasie van Rusland

    President Zelensky doet een oproep deze actie te steunen

    video 4:13 minuut Engels ondertiteld


    Ursula Von der Leyen op twitter :

    Dear President Zelenskyy, you asked for the international community to join in support for the people of Ukraine - we heard you.

    Today we launch #StandUpForUkraine

    A global campaign mobilizing everyone, from governments to companies and citizens, to raise funds for Ukraine.

  5. forum rang 7 JdeFL 26 maart 2022 14:54

    wiegveld schreef op 26 maart 2022 12:52:

    German Industry Powerhouse Shaken to Core by War in Ukraine

    Duitsers zijn meest getroffen: grootste maakindustrie van de EU en meest afhankelijk van Russisch Gas.
    Ze hebben dat zelf gezocht. Stekker uit kernenergie, zonder valabel alternatief. En dat voor een engineeringland. Een ex-kanselier bij Gasprom, echte voetmatten die Duitsers.
  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 26 maart 2022 15:29

    Russische radar systeem door Oekraïners veroverd

    A modern and potent Russian 1L261 radar vehicle from the 1L260 Zoopark-1M counter-battery radar complex was captured by Ukrainian forces - the radar is capable to detect a 152-155mm artillery shell at a range of 23 kilometers.

    This system only began service with Russian Forces in 2013.




  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 maart 2022 15:33

    luchtschip schreef op 26 maart 2022 15:29:

    Russische radar systeem door Oekraïners veroverd
    A modern and potent Russian 1L261 radar vehicle from the 1L260 Zoopark-1M counter-battery radar complex was captured by Ukrainian forces - the radar is capable to detect a 152-155mm artillery shell at a range of 23 kilometers.
    This system only began service with Russian Forces in 2013.
    Zoiets kun je alleen veroveren als de Russen hard weglopen.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 maart 2022 15:38
    Zonder Zelensky zou Oekraïne allang verloren hebben.
    Deze man is letterlijk goud waard voor z'n volk.
    Zijn manier van hulp zoeken en publiciteit maken is ongeëvenaard.

    Bijna iedere dag spreekt hij een andere natie of organisatie toe en iedere keer levert dat wapens en/of geld op.
  9. forum rang 7 JP Samosa 26 maart 2022 15:54

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 26 maart 2022 15:38:

    Zonder Zelensky zou Oekraïne allang verloren hebben.
    Deze man is letterlijk goud waard voor z'n volk.
    Zijn manier van hulp zoeken en publiciteit maken is ongeëvenaard.

    Bijna iedere dag spreekt hij een andere natie of organisatie toe en iedere keer levert dat wapens en/of geld op.
    Zet dat af tegen Poetin.
    Deze oorlogscrimineel kan zich nergens meer vertonen.
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 maart 2022 15:56
    A key reason Putin’s bloody invasion is faltering? He’s no match for Zelenskiy’s iPhone

    Jonathan Freedland

    The leader’s messages to his people – and the west - have been central to the heroic fightback. But now more than ever, we must stay engaged
    Zelensky TV montage

    Fri 25 Mar 2022 18.02 GMT
    Last modified on Sat 26 Mar 2022 10.40 GMT

    Ukraine has so many nightmares to contend with, but here’s one more: that Ukraine becomes Bosnia. By Bosnia I don’t mean the country itself so much as the war of a quarter-century ago and the way that conflict came to be seen from afar. For much of the 1990s, war in the Balkans was background noise, even to those who were just an hour or two’s flight away. Every now and then an especially horrible episode might propel it to the top of the news; otherwise, Bosnia was a permanent fixture on the inside pages and halfway through the TV bulletin. Bridget Jones confessed to her diary that she felt guilty for not talking or thinking about it, but it just slipped out of view. Besides, you knew the war would still be there tomorrow.

    That is the danger Volodymyr Zelenskiy faces now: that his struggle against Russian invasion becomes a long, slow war of attrition and so, with time, the world’s attention starts to wander. The war would go on; it would still be there on page 14. But newer stories would edge it aside. Soon, yellow and blue would be last season’s colours.

    Zelenskiy seems aware of this danger, and if anyone can combat it, it’s him. He’s not merely a politician with a knack for communication. Often missed in descriptions of him as a former entertainer is the fact that he made his fortune as a phenomenally successful producer of television. His core team in the presidential palace is the same group that ran his production company: his speechwriter is a scriptwriter. The Kyiv-born author of This Is Not Propaganda, Peter Pomerantsev, says of the Zelenskiy inner circle: “They’re all showrunners.”

    Note the present tense. There is nothing former about Zelenskiy and his colleagues’ vocation: they’re still producers now. Indeed, there is scarcely a gap between Zelenskiy’s two incarnations as politician and performer. His most famous hit show was called Servant of the People; his political party is called Servant of the People.

    Zelenskiy is hardly the first to grasp the tight connection between politics and storytelling. In some ways, he is merely succeeding in doing what Donald Trump longed to do: conducting a presidency like a top-rated TV series, with great visuals, shocking plot twists and plenty of action. Except Trump not only lacked Zelenskiy’s talent, he had to rely on manufactured drama and imagined enemies. The Ukrainian president is in a bloody war against an enemy who is all too real.

    Of course, the primacy of “comms” long predates Trump and Zelenskiy. In David Hare’s new play Straight Line Crazy, the urban planner Robert Moses is hailed in the 1920s as “a new kind of man … the man who believes that the way you’re written about is as important as what you do”. But Zelenskiy has taken it to a new level, not least because he has adapted everything he learned from conventional TV to the idiom of social media.
    Ukraine will not surrender one inch of land to Russia – the west must understand this
    Maria Zolkina

    He understands that in the new era, the war leader does not stand besuited at a podium, declaiming a speech packed with rhetorical flourish. Instead, Zelenskiy’s message is that he is a servant of the people because he is one of the people, no different from any of them. In his trademark short videos, he wears military olive-green, but it’s not a formal uniform, still less the ceremonial getup of a head of state. He wears exactly what a civilian volunteer would wear.

    The locations are chosen just as deliberately. If he’s not at a simple desk in a plain office, he’s just outside the presidential palace, with landmarks Ukrainians would recognise visibly in shot. As David Patrikarakos, whose book, War in 140 Characters, was among the first to identify the changing face of battle in the age of Twitter, tells me: “In those videos, Zelenskiy is literally the man in the street.” Together with a knack for demotic, unflowery soundbites – “I need ammunition, not a ride” – he has become a master of what Patrikarakos calls “digital statesmanship”. He’s Churchill with an iPhone.

    By comparison Moscow, until recently feared as the master of manipulation by social media, has looked lumbering, slow and old: “There’s Zelenskiy,” says Patrikarakos, “and then there’s this Botoxed Bond villain who won’t sit at a table with other people. All that’s missing is a trapdoor and a pool of sharks.” (As if to show he has not entirely lost his touch for fuelling culture wars in the west, today Vladimir Putin tried to cast himself as defender of JK Rowling against the western malaise of “cancel culture” – which would be convincing but for the fact that Rowling is no ally of his, but is instead spending big money protecting vulnerable children in Ukraine.)

    And yet, there are limits to Kyiv’s success in the messaging wars. For one thing, while it has made the Ukrainian president a hero in the west, it is not penetrating elsewhere. It was notable that the 35 countries that abstained on this month’s UN resolution condemning Moscow’s invasion account for half the world’s population. Zelenskiy is a hit in Paris and Berlin; in Beijing and Delhi, not so much.
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 maart 2022 15:56

    But the other obstacle is the Bosnia problem, the risk that the longer this goes on, the likelier it is that fatigue and boredom set in. Social media in particular crave novelty. Once the initial shock of footage of bombed-out buildings or distraught victims wears off, Ukraine could recede from the public mind.

    Perhaps mindful of that danger, Zelenskiy has been careful to offer variety. In his rolling series of video link addresses to the world’s parliaments – itself an innovation – he’s careful to tailor his message to his audience. Speaking to Westminster, he channelled Churchill. To Capitol Hill, it was America “the leader of the free world”. To Budapest on Thursday, he invoked the memory of the fascist massacre on the banks of the Danube. He is intensifying his language too, shaming western allies for not doing enough. “Why can’t we get weapons from you?” he asked Israeli lawmakers on Sunday, reminding them they would “have to live with” their decision. Visually, he’s mixing things up: this week saw a montage, complete with voiceover in English. It looked and sounded like a trailer for a Hollywood blockbuster.

    But canny messaging and sharp production values take you only so far. Pomerantsev says: “Sympathy is not enough. He has to take people on a journey towards something.” There has to be a concrete goal, besides day-to-day survival: maybe Ukraine’s bid to join the EU. Yana Lyushnevskaya of BBC Monitoring tells me that Zelenskiy’s great gift as a comedian was his ability to know what his audience “were scared of”: maybe his next move will be to play on global fears of a Russian nuclear, chemical or biological attack. “That would be the most logical thing for him to do.”

    In truth, this should not all be on Zelenskiy and his extraordinary team of TV maestros. Putin’s threat is not just to Ukraine, but to a wider world that has not fully absorbed the menace it now confronts: a dictator ready to obliterate cities in the heart of Europe, his head filled with fantasies of conquest and domination, happy to ward off any challenge by threatening to unleash nuclear havoc. Turning back that danger cannot be left to a small group of creatives in a bunker in Kyiv, no matter how gifted. This is a task for the world.

    Jonathan Freedland is a Guardian columnist. To listen to Jonathan’s podcast Politics Weekly America, search “Politics Weekly America” on Apple, Spotify, Acast or wherever you get your podcasts
  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 26 maart 2022 16:10

    In Rusland is een gebrek aan papier

    Oproep om voor de rechter te verschijnen gaat middels een telegram op een krantenadvertentie

    Holy shit. They’ve run out of paper at the Voronezh regional post offices and now the mail service is forced to write out telegrams (still a thing in Russia) and court summons by hand — on old newspaper advertisements. Here’s a court notice delivered in the town of Novaya Usman.

    foto van de oproep :



    Blanko A4 tjes zijn peperduur of niet meer voorradig.
    Er zijn bomen genoeg, maar uit de reacties blijkt dat er chemicaliën nodig zijn voor papier productie en die arriveren niet in Rusland door de sancties

  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 26 maart 2022 16:22

    March 26th satellite imagery from @planet showing the port of Berdyansk, and the Russian ship destroyed in a Ukrainian attack. It appears part of the deck is underwater, so it's unlikely to be going anywhere for a long time.

    satelliet foto



    De voorkant van het schip buigt enigszins naar links en er zal best wel een enorme klap geweest zijn.
    Zo op het zicht is het schip total loss

  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 26 maart 2022 16:47

    De stad uitvluchten met gevaar voor eigen leven

    Only chance and a prayer will get them through this.”

    Special correspondent Alex Crawford, Sky News, reports from Chernihiv in Ukraine which is now encircled by Russian troops, as the last escape route out of the city is shelled.
    Chernihiv ( Tsjirnihiv ) ca 100 km ten noord westen van Kyiv

    video 3:01 minuut

  15. forum rang 7 JdeFL 26 maart 2022 17:03

    luchtschip schreef op 26 maart 2022 16:22:


    De voorkant van het schip buigt enigszins naar links en er zal best wel een enorme klap geweest zijn.
    Zo op het zicht is het schip total loss

    Gezichtsbedrog. Schip wordt weggesleept en hersteld. Ergens gelezen.
  16. forum rang 8 het zwaard 26 maart 2022 17:03
    JdeFl : Zou kunnen.
    Ergens bij chernobyl was vroeger een depot met vrachtwagens. Radioactieve. Goed aangeduid. De motoren daarvan werden ook gestolen en in Kiev op de markt aangeboden.
    Je kan het zo gek niet bedenken...

    Waren die vrachtwagens radioactief besmet of bestraald ? In een kerncentrale heb je een "warme en koude zone " Al wat aanwezig is in het warme gedeelte is radioactief besmet door het radioactief stof wat daar aanwezig is.(bv gereedschap of toestellen)
    Deze laatsten kunnen gemakkelijk ontsmet worden door ze te wassen en zo het actieve stof te verwijderen, zodat het terug op een veilige manier kunnen gebruikt worden. Het is best mogelijk dat die vrachtwagens of hun motoren na een grondige reiniging terug in werking kunnen gesteld worden.
  17. forum rang 7 JdeFL 26 maart 2022 17:07

    het zwaard schreef op 26 maart 2022 17:03:

    JdeFl : Zou kunnen.
    Ergens bij chernobyl was vroeger een depot met vrachtwagens. Radioactieve. Goed aangeduid. De motoren daarvan werden ook gestolen en in Kiev op de markt aangeboden.
    Je kan het zo gek niet bedenken...

    Waren die vrachtwagens radioactief besmet of bestraald ? ...
    Dat waren o.m. degene die gebruikt werden om de ontplofte reactor op te ruimen. Geigertellers sloegen tilt.
  18. forum rang 6 matad 26 maart 2022 17:10

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 26 maart 2022 15:38:

    Zonder Zelensky zou Oekraïne allang verloren hebben.
    Deze man is letterlijk goud waard voor z'n volk.
    Zijn manier van hulp zoeken en publiciteit maken is ongeëvenaard.

    Bijna iedere dag spreekt hij een andere natie of organisatie toe en iedere keer levert dat wapens en/of geld op.
    Pas maar op. Direct vindt de een of andere trol wel dat hij ooit zijn schoonmoeders fiets ongevraagd heeft meegenomen.
  19. forum rang 7 JdeFL 26 maart 2022 17:16

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 26 maart 2022 15:38:

    Zonder Zelensky zou Oekraïne allang verloren hebben.
    Als de gewone Oekraïners zoals de afghanen waren ook.
    Elke man en vrouw telt daar in Oekraïne.
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