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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 2 juli 2022 15:33

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 2 juli 2022 15:14:


    Oekraïne krijgt geen HIMARS-raketten met een bereik van 300 km.
    ziet er naar uit dat jij gelijk hebt ;

    The Himars that Washington is providing to Ukraine will have a range of about 50 miles (80km), a US official told reporters.

    Himars units carry one preloaded pod of six 227mm guided missiles (the M270 carries two pods), or one large pod loaded with an Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) tactical missile.

    >>>>The US will not supply Ukraine with the ATACMS, which has a range of 300km.

    The GPS-guided missiles the Himars shoots have a range about double that of the M777 howitzers ( bereik van 40 km ) that the US recently supplied to Ukraine forces.

    At roughly 80km it generally puts Himars out of range of Russia’s own artillery, while placing the Russian batteries at risk.

  2. forum rang 5 asti 2 juli 2022 15:38

    Advocaat van de Duivel schreef op 2 juli 2022 14:00:



    Poetin is gewoon op zoek naar het oude USSR rijk....niets meer en niets minder. (...)
    Onzin. Poetin is namelijk gewoon van plan om de hele wereld te veroveren.
  3. forum rang 5 asti 2 juli 2022 15:42

    tomtom100 schreef op 2 juli 2022 08:54:


    Helemaal akkoord met uw inzichten Theo1.
    Theo zijn betoog begint al met twee onjuistheden.

    1. Niemand zou hebben voorzien dat Rusland heel Oekraïne niet zou kunnen veroveren/bezetten.

    2. De wereld zou er nu achter zijn gekomen dat Rusland geen schijn van kans maakt tegen de NAVO.

    Dit zijn de feiten:

    1. Er zijn wel degelijk mensen die hebben voorzien dat Rusland geheel Oekraïne niet zou kunnen veroveren. Door deze personen - vooraanstaande experts - is aangegeven dat het aantal ingezette troepen en materiaal bij verre na niet in de buurt kwam/komt met wat naar algemene bekendheid nodig zou zijn om geheel Oekraïne te veroveren.

    2. Het is niet zo dat de wereld er nu achter is gekomen dat Rusland geen schijn van kans maakt tegen de NAVO. De wereld (wellicht met uitzondering van Theo en jij) wist dit al. Poetin heeft circa twee weken voor 24 februari nota bene zelf uitgesproken dat Rusland in beginsel natuurlijk geen kans maakt tegen de NAVO.
  4. forum rang 8 Succes 2 juli 2022 16:17

    matad schreef op 2 juli 2022 11:17:


    Even terugkomen op de Krimbrug.
    Zit me een beetje dwars dus expert gemaild.
    Heeft de bruggen bekeken en vertelde het volgende.
    Eerst de spoorbrug dan de weg.
    Geen probleem om te vernietigen met twee bommen waarvan een behoorlijke zware.

    Tot zover.
    De Krimbrug daargelaten, de vraag blijft (mijns inziens) waarom Oekraïne in het algemeen niet meer aanslagen pleegt in Rusland. Op een paar branden na (waarvan de oorzaak niet duidelijk is) valt het mij op/tegen dat Oekraïne niet meer gebruikt maakt van het ontregelen van de Russische maatschappij.

    Dit hoeft niet eens gepaard gaan met slachtoffers, door je bv -in eerste instantie- te richten op de energie/water voorzieningen, wegen/spoorwegen en wellicht zaken zoals een datacentra.
    Dit zal de oorlog meer onder de aandacht brengen van de gewone rus in Rusland en de positie van Putin (denk ik) veel meer onder druk zetten (dan tot nu toe het geval is). Waardoor de oorlog wellicht kan worden verkort!
  5. forum rang 8 Succes 2 juli 2022 16:36
    Ukraine Has Exposed Russia as a Not-So-Great Power

    In times of peace, much of what anyone says about national power is guesswork. Different claims can be based on hopes, prejudices, or even simple self-interest. Analysts and experts can speak confidently about how some states are undoubtedly great powers while others are weak, that some countries are led by strategic geniuses and others by corrupt incompetents. The statements can sound eminently plausible as facts, even be downright persuasive, because there is no way of knowing the truth.

    Until, that is, a war breaks out. The Russia-Ukraine war is now cutting through much of the nonsense that dominated the discussion of international power politics, posing particular challenges to blasé assumptions about what makes a state powerful, and what makes a country’s leadership effective. This reassessment doesn’t just concern the question of debatable prewar military analysis of Russia and Ukraine, or theories of international relations. Instead, it is aimed at the whole way we think about how countries interact with one another, about national power, and about leadership.

    The best place to start is the widespread notion going into the war that we were witnessing a clash between a great power controlled by an experienced, savvy—some even said brilliant—leader and a small state weakened by national division and led by a second-rate former comedian. This great power–small power dynamic was accepted practically universally among a group of scholars and analysts who have proclaimed themselves “realists.”

    Maybe the most famous realist in the world is Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. secretary of state and a longtime believer in the notion of great leaders and great powers. Kissinger, who met regularly with Vladimir Putin, has been arguing for forcing Kyiv to make concessions such as the handing over of the Crimea, internationally recognized as part of Ukraine but annexed by Moscow in 2014, to the Russians. To Kissinger, it has been important that the United States treat Russia as a “great power” and that it accepted Moscow’s claim to have a special interest in Ukraine.

    Academics, too, subscribe to this notion. In lectures, media appearances, and articles in the months before the invasion, well-known figures such as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt described the Russia-Ukraine relationship as operating in the well-worn great power–small power framework. In this analysis, Putin was the clever strategist with a strong grasp on what he wanted, while the Ukrainians were weak, and it would be better for the world if their status was determined by the strong. Russia was, in Mearsheimer’s view, one of only “three great powers” in the world, and Putin was a rationalist, just wanting to secure a buffer state on his border, something Ukraine would have to deal with. Meanwhile, as Walt put it, Ukraine would have to accept the oppression and subjugation of its people to Russian interests because “great-power war is worse and brings much more suffering.” Other analysts, such as Samuel Charap, even believed that Russia was so strong, and would crush a weak Ukraine so easily, that the West should provide no support for Kyiv, because it would all be wasted when the Russian steamroller attacked.

    This all sounded eminently reasonable, but then Russia invaded Ukraine and the great power–small power dichotomy was revealed to be the opposite of realism. The fundamental problem was that Russia was exposed at the start as not a “great” power at all. Having sent in almost all of its frontline military units, the Russian army has seized only 20 percent of Ukraine—a far cry from its initial efforts to take Kyiv and subjugate the entire country—and is suffering horrific losses in casualties and equipment. It’s already desperately trying to regenerate its forces by finding soldiers wherever it can, even allowing citizens as old as 49 to enlist, while throwing more and more older, second-rate equipment into the fight.

    Russian strength has shown itself to be so overrated that it gives us an opportunity to rethink what makes a power “great.” Going into the war, Russia’s military capabilities—including a large nuclear stockpile and what was thought to be one of the biggest and most-advanced armed forces in the world—were pointed to as the reason for its strength. What this war might be showing us, however, is that a military is only as strong as the society, economy, and political structure that assembled it. In this case, Russia was nowhere near a great power, but in fact a deeply flawed, in many ways weakening, state.

    Lees verder:
  6. forum rang 8 Succes 2 juli 2022 16:44
    How Russian musicians are raising money for Ukraine

    Since 2008 the JetLAG Festival has showcased Russian, Slavic and East European music in New York's Catskill Mountains. The organizers considered canceling the gathering this year, a move two other Russian diaspora musical gatherings made this summer on the east coast. But after resolving to raise funds for relief efforts in Ukraine, they decided to carry on with the show.

    Several subcultures collide at JetLAG. Every summer major Russian acts - performing rock, reggae and cabaret, are flown in to play. But this year they weren't able to get visas to perform at the festival.

    "That is a shame," said JetLAG's creative director, Pavel Lion, who performs as Psoy Korolenko. Lion used to be based in Moscow.

    Around 2,800 people attended this year, many from the New York and Boston areas. 500 of the attendees were performing artists, volunteers or people running workshops in crafts, theater and yoga.

    Tents and RVs were set up and kids rode around the 300-acre campsite on bicycles, all a stone's throw from the East Branch of the Delaware River, which was icy cold but not deep enough to swim in.

    At night, festival-goers were decked out in see-through, colorful rain gear and instruments for The Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band were decorated with LEDs as they played in the dark.

    Two performers at the festival decided to flee Russia because of the war in Ukraine. Alyosha Levstein, 24, left his job as a graphic designer in Moscow and now he lives on a farm in Maryland with friends of his grandmother, a prominent lawyer.

    Lees verder:
  7. forum rang 6 matad 2 juli 2022 16:52
    Even ophouden succes.
    Drie maal een hit achter elkaar is wel erg veel succes, hi.:)
  8. forum rang 6 matad 2 juli 2022 17:12
    Men leest veel over de russische ziel. Onlangs iets gelezen dat heel typerend is voor de huidige situatie. Even in ogenschouw nemen dat Rusland een verschrikkelijke hekel heeft aan het Westen of lees NAVO. Merkel schrok zelfs toen Poetin zijn afschuw uitsprak over onze democratie.
    Neem nu de NAVO , Rusland en China en houdt die in gedachte.
    Wij staan voor een raadsel waarom Poetin de Oekraïne binnenvalt. Er bestaat een beroemd Russisch sprookje omtrent dit gedrag.Op een dag stuit een arme dorpeling bij toeval op een pratende tovervis die bereid is een wens voor hem te vervullen. De dorpeling is dolblij en weegt zijn opties af: “misschien een kasteel? of nog beter duizend goudstaven? Waarom geen schip om de wereld mee rond te varen?” Wanneer de dorpeling op het punt staat een besluit te nemen, onderbreekt de vis hem om te zeggen dat er een belangrijke bepaling is: wat de dorpeling ook krijgt, zijn buurman krijgt er twee van. Daarop zegt de dorpeling zonder ook maar een moment te aarzelen: “Steek in dat geval aub een van mijn ogen uit”.
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 2 juli 2022 18:10
    Het gas booreiland in de Zwarte zee staat nog steeds in brand
    Al 10 dagen wordt het vuur

    Een Oekrains gasbooreiland dat na de verovering van de Krim in Russische handen kwam

    Satellite imagery from today shows that a fire on a drilling platform in the Black Sea is still burning after more than 10 days.

    satelliet foto


  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 2 juli 2022 18:53
    Kherson regio zuid Oekraine

    In southern #Ukraine, Ukrainian forces continue to make gains & frustrate Russia's attempts to consolidate their defenses.

    Today Russian forces were forced to leave village of Ivanivka - Kherson region.

    This is open flat terrain & hard for Russians to defend.


    Ivanivka ligt vlak boven Davydiv Brid ( 47.28,33.23 co-ordinaten )

  11. forum rang 8 Succes 2 juli 2022 19:04
    Actuele en interessante video door VICE - aan het huidige Kharkiv front.


    The New Phase Of The War In Ukraine

    Who is actually winning the war in Ukraine has changed almost weekly. Just five months ago, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine looked very different. Putin launched a three-prong nation-wide assault, raining down cruise missiles, surrounding the capital and taking small villages and towns. But very quickly, Ukrainian forces held their defense lines and forced the Russians, who had come unprepared for a long fight, to pull back. Now, the war is a battle of positions, with the Ukrainian forces on the defensive in the Donbas region, trying to slow the Russian advance down. VICE News travels to the Kharkiv and Donbas regions of Eastern Ukraine to gain a clearer understanding of an ever-changing and volatile frontline in one of the world’s most brutal ongoing conflicts.

  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 2 juli 2022 19:11

    closer schreef op 2 juli 2022 15:17:

    Russian-backed separatists say they have ‘completely’ encircled Lysychansk – reports

    Andrei Marotchko, a spokesman for the pro-Russian separatist forces, told Russian state-owned news agency, Tass:
    "Today the Luhansk popular militia and Russian forces occupied the last strategic heights, which allows us to confirm that Lysychansk is completely encircled."

    Lysychansk represents the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance to Moscow’s forces in the Luhansk region, and has been under constant Russian artillery bombardments and airstrikes for weeks.

    Serhiy Haidai, the governor of the Luhansk region, wrote on Telegram:
    "Private houses in attacked villages are burning down one by one. With such a high density of shelling, we only have time to shelter the injured. Fires simultaneously in several places. We barely have time to eliminate large-scale fires in Lysychansk."

    Oekraïners ontkennen vooralsnog al volledig omsingeld te zijn

    Ukraine forces are enduring intense Russian shelling in eastern city of Lysychansk, but say they're not surrounded.

    "We barely have time to put out the major fires" said Luhansk governor Serhiy Haidai. Pic showing a wrecked ambulance tells its own story.

  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 2 juli 2022 19:50
    A Russian T-72 series tank was hit by a Ukrainian ATGM ( Anti Tank Guided Missile ) in previously unseen footage. The cope cage flight adds extra flair.

    In de eerste seconde zie je het projectiel links bij het begin van de weg richting de tank gaan

    video 0:06 minuut

  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 2 juli 2022 19:53

    luchtschip schreef op 2 juli 2022 19:50:

    A Russian T-72 series tank was hit by a Ukrainian ATGM ( Anti Tank Guided Missile ) in previously unseen footage. The cope cage flight adds extra flair.

    In de eerste seconde zie je het projectiel links bij het begin van de weg richting de tank gaan
    video 0:06 minuut
    videoLink werkt niet.
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