Mondriaan schreef op 13 december 2018 10:34: to invest 1.3 billion euros in "deep tech" start-ups
Its plan to develop these breakthrough technologies will be discussed at the Innovation Council on Thursday 13 December.
This is a new term that we will have to get used to. The words "deep tech" refer to projects involving so-called breakthrough technological innovations, often stemming from basic research, that promise to revolutionize the uses of the sector it concerns but whose development is long and costly. To help finance them, the public investment bank Bpifrance already has three programs in place, but we must go further and faster, in the manner that allows DARPA in the United States, the advanced research agency. defense projects. Bpifrance will launch a "deep tech" plan that will be endowed with 1.3 billion euros. One billion euros must come from funds of funds, in particular through the Investments for the Future Program (PIA), and 300 million euros. euros will be directly injected by Bpifrance, said Wednesday Paul-Francois Fournier, executive director innovation of the public investment bank. By leverage from private venture capital funds, the global envelope devoted to French deep tech could amount to 5 billion euros.
In addition, Bpifrance will inject, in addition, 150 million euros per year over 5 years in incubators hosting start-ups in this category, which concerns both biotechnologies as artificial intelligence or innovative storage means Energy. "Our goal is to create and fund more than 2,000" deep tech "start-ups by 2023," said Paul-François Fournier.
Innovation Council
This plan is on the agenda of the Innovation Council, which meets for the second time this year. Chaired by Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Finance, and Frédérique Vidal, the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, this Council brings together around government members six qualified individuals from the world of research, innovation capital and business to discuss innovation support priorities and avoid unnecessary "dusting".
The board proposes to allocate 55 million euros to strengthen Bpifrance's tools in favor of "deep tech" and must give its approval on arbitrations retained by Bpifrance for its plan, before its detailed presentation early next year.
The council will also select two new "big challenge" projects, each with a budget of € 30 million from the Innovation and Industry Fund. Last July, the first major challenges were related to artificial intelligence (their program directors are appointed Thursday). This time, the selected projects are linked to the ecological transition. Finally, it will establish a short list among the 56 candidates for the competitiveness cluster label, before the final choice of the Prime Minister.
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