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ArcelorMittal say [YES] [No]VEMBER

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  1. forum rang 5 uitzender 15 november 2019 13:24
    ik ga er nog steeds van uit dat we vandaag minimaal 4 procent in de plus gaan met al dit goede nieuws een positieve outlook op diverse terreinen en volgende week dik boven de 16 euro staan.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 november 2019 13:32
    ArcelorMittal mag eindelijk Indiase miljardendeal afronden

    Staalfabrikant ArcelorMittal MT€15,03+1,66% kan na een strijd van ruim anderhalf jaar een miljardendeal in India afronden. Het Indiase hooggerechtshof heeft het bedrijf toestemming gegeven om zijn failliete branchegenoot Essar Steel in te lijven voor €5,3 mrd.

    Dat melden persbureaus Bloomberg en Reuters. Met de aankoop betreedt ArcelorMittal de snelgroeiende Indiase markt. Het bedrijf doet dat bovendien op een gunstig moment: de Indiase overheid is bezig om omgerekend tientallen miljarden euro's in infrastructuur te investeren, wat de vraag naar staal verder zal stimuleren.

    Slepende overnamestrijd
    Essar, de nummer vier op de Indiase staalmarkt achter onder meer Tata Steel, bezweek eind 2017 onder een miljardenschuld. ArcelorMittal troefde vervolgens in een biedingenstrijd een consortium rond de Russische bank VTB af.
    De oprichters van Essar Steel, de broers Shashi en Ravi Ruia, weigerden zich daar echter bij neer te leggen en trachtten de verkoop via de rechter tegen te houden. Ook werd de zaak vertraagd door een juridische strijd tussen schuldeisers over de verdeling van de verkoopopbrengst.

    Nieuwe faillissementswet
    Het Indiase hooggerechtshof maakt nu een einde aan dat laatste conflict. Het hof heeft ArcelorMittal toestemming gegeven om de overnamesom voor Essar te betalen.
    €1 mrd
    ArcelorMittal betaalt circa €5,3 mrd voor de aankoop van Essar Steel. Daarna heeft het toegezegd nog een €1 mrd in de Indiase staalfabriek te investeren.

    De uitspraak pakt gunstig uit voor Indiase banken, die gezamenlijk ruim €6 mrd aan het bedrijf hadden geleend. Zij krijgen nu zo'n 90% van hun geld terug, achtergestelde schuldeisers moeten het doen met een fors lagere uitkering.
    De kwestie is in India van groot belang, omdat de afwikkeling van het faillissement van Essar Steel een van de eerste zaken is onder een nieuwe faillissementswet. De uitspraak van het hof schept dus een belangrijk precedent voor andere faillissementen en voor de verhoudingen tussen verschillende typen schuldeisers.

    Italiaans conflict
    De overname van Essar is een welkom succes voor ArcelorMittal. Het bedrijf heeft te kampen met verliezen door afnemende vraag en lage prijzen in Europa. Ook is het bedrijf in conflict beland met de Italiaanse regering over de overname van staalbedrijf Ilva.

    ArcelorMittal blies de aankoop van de Ilva-fabriek in Zuid-Italië onlangs af, omdat het Italiaanse parlement Arcelor niet langer juridische immuniteit wil geven voor eerder milieuovertredingen door Ilva. Dat kwam het bedrijf op felle kritiek uit Rome te staan.
    Ook hier dreigt een juridische strijd te ontstaan. De Italiaanse regering heeft gezegd ontbinding van het contract via de rechter te willen voorkomen. Arcelor heeft zelf dinsdag een rechtszaak aangespannen om het verkoopcontract juist ongedaan te maken.

  3. [verwijderd] 15 november 2019 13:37

    de volharder schreef op 15 november 2019 13:22:


    Dit heb ik in de afgelopen 10 jaar al heel vaak gelezen, vooral dat van die trein
    Ooit krijgt iemand gelijk die dat roept.
  4. [verwijderd] 15 november 2019 13:38
    Je kunt het beeldscherm wel uitdoen v.w.b. AM.
    Eind van de dag ongeveer 15,00
    Ik heb nog een verkooporder op 15,18 staan, voor het geval de koers nog even opstijgt.
  5. [verwijderd] 15 november 2019 13:44
    Ik heb geen verstand van optie’s en expiratiedatums enz maar zie wel al jaren dat het de koers soms erg tegenhoud. Hoe komt het eigenlijk dat het nooit andersom is of merk je het dan niet?
  6. [verwijderd] 15 november 2019 14:45
    Is dat bedrag van 5,3 miljard al door AM betaald in het verleden of moeten ze dat nog gaan betalen en lopen de schulden dus eerst weer hard op?
  7. Archie Steelman 15 november 2019 15:48

    pcvd schreef op 15 november 2019 14:45:

    Is dat bedrag van 5,3 miljard al door AM betaald in het verleden of moeten ze dat nog gaan betalen en lopen de schulden dus eerst weer hard op?
    Het moet nog betaald worden. Het hof heeft ArcelorMittal toestemming gegeven om de overnamesom voor Essar te betalen
  8. forum rang 5 uitzender 15 november 2019 16:07
    die 4 procent stijging vandaag die ik eerder al zei vandaag gaat er nog wel komen denk ik de koers loopt nu langzaam op.
  9. forum rang 5 uitzender 15 november 2019 16:13
    De vraag is wanneer moet AM betalen voor de Essar deal?
    Gezien bovengenoemde bedragen hoop ik niet direct en dan moeten we Ilva zeker lozen. Beide alsnog moeten doen dan kan het E woord wel weer eens in de lucht komen en dat zal de koers hard doen dalen.
    Hopelijk snel duidelijkheid over Ilva en Essar qua financiele consequenties
  10. forum rang 10 voda 15 november 2019 16:45
    Court OK to complete Essar Steel deal

    Nov. 15, 2019 9:26 AM ET|About: ArcelorMittal (MT)|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

    India's Supreme Court has removed the last legal hurdle for ArcelorMittal's (NYSE:MT) $6B takeover of Essar Steel, upholding key provisions of the three-year-old bankruptcy code in a critical test of the country's new debt resolution process.

    The fight among Essar Steel's creditors, who were owed a combined $7B, over distribution of the proceeds from MT's acquisition had upended the takeover process last summer.

    The court decision not only ended tycoon Lakshmi Mittal's long wait to enter the world's second biggest steel market, but also comes as a reprieve for Indian banks which are struggling with bad loans worth $140B.

    MT +1.3% pre-market.

  11. irikk 15 november 2019 16:46

    uitzender schreef op 15 november 2019 16:13:

    De vraag is wanneer moet AM betalen voor de Essar deal?
    Gezien bovengenoemde bedragen hoop ik niet direct en dan moeten we Ilva zeker lozen. Beide alsnog moeten doen dan kan het E woord wel weer eens in de lucht komen en dat zal de koers hard doen dalen.
    Hopelijk snel duidelijkheid over Ilva en Essar qua financiele consequenties
    goei vraag,deze had ik in begin van het bod op essar ook gevraagd.
    Er wedt doen gezegd dat het uit eigen middelen betaald zou worden.Wat ik toen al niet echt geloofde.Immers de winst is sinds dien flink gedaalt.
    En nu?

    mooie vraag voor de specialisten,hoor het graag

  12. [verwijderd] 15 november 2019 16:46

    uitzender schreef op 15 november 2019 16:07:

    die 4 procent stijging vandaag die ik eerder al zei vandaag gaat er nog wel komen denk ik de koers loopt nu langzaam op.
    Ben jij in Oostenrijk mop ?
  13. finance2u 15 november 2019 16:46
    [quote alias=uitzender id=11951571 date=201911151613]
    De vraag is wanneer moet AM betalen voor de Essar deal?
    Gezien bovengenoemde bedragen hoop ik niet direct en dan moeten we Ilva zeker lozen. Beide alsnog moeten doen dan kan het E woord wel weer eens in de lucht komen en dat zal de koers hard doen dalen.
    Hopelijk snel duidelijkheid over Ilva en Essar qua financiele consequenties
    Dit meen je toch hopelijk niet serieus?? ArcelorMittal heeft al uitvoerig laten weten hoe de overnames gefinancierd gaan worden en zelfs de reeds verstrekte kredietlijn met percentages erbij..staat allemaal uitgebreid in hun verslagen bij de cijfers(die lees je toch neem ik aan als je belegger bent??) En dan lukraak over emissie beginnen?
  14. forum rang 10 voda 15 november 2019 16:49
    ArcelorMittal’s $6bn takeover of Essar Steel has last hurdle removed
    India’s Supreme Court upholds key provision of bankruptcy code on priority claims

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    Amy Kazmin in New Delhi 3 HOURS AGOPrint this page0
    India's Supreme Court has removed the last legal hurdle for ArcelorMittal’s $6bn takeover of debt-ridden Essar Steel, upholding key provisions of the three-year-old bankruptcy code in a critical test of the country’s new debt resolution process.

    In its highly-anticipated ruling, the court upheld the bankruptcy code provision for financial creditors’ claims to have priority over unsecured, operational creditors — a principle common in western countries. 

    The bitter infighting among Essar Steel’s creditors, collectively owed $7bn, over distribution of the proceeds from ArcelorMittal’s acquisition had upended the takeover process last summer. 

    The ruling on Friday paves the way for the deal’s completion, giving Lakshmi Mittal, ArcelorMittal’s India-born chairman and chief executive, a long-sought foothold in a large economy where demand for industrial metal is projected to boom. 

    Analysts say many legal precedents set in the long-running battle over Essar should also make dealing with future cases faster and easier. 

    “It’s a huge boost to the financial system,” said Amit Tandon, founder and managing director of Institutional Investor Advisory Services. “Now you can say that the bankruptcy code is a truly effective legislation.” 

    Touted as one of the biggest reforms of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, the bankruptcy code was intended to strengthen the hands of India’s state-dominated banking system in dealing with politically influential defaulters, long accustomed to forbearance and debt rollovers. 

    But pushing indebted companies through the new resolution process proved slower and more painful than expected, as powerful tycoons — and rival creditor groups — challenged every aspect of the new bankruptcy law in court.

    The battle over whether financial creditors should have precedence over operational creditors was seen as particularly critical for India’s ability to deal with its huge backlog of stressed assets.

    “This is an important step in the direction of developing a mature insolvency process,” said Aurodeep Nandi, India economist at Nomura. “For a long time, India’s insolvency situation was like the Hotel California: you could check out any time you like but you could just never leave.

    “The process of leaving hasn’t been easy and India is now reforming it.” 

    The Essar Group, a business empire built by brothers Shashi and Ravi Ruia, was one of 12 huge debt defaulters that India’s central bank had ordered to be put into bankruptcy proceedings back in 2017. 

    Last year, Essar’s heavily-indebted steel arm, whose assets include the prized Hazira steel facility, one of the world’s largest steel plants, was auctioned to ArcelorMittal, which was eager to establish a presence in India, but which had struggled to set up its own greenfield projects. 

    But ArcelorMittal’s plans to take over Essar were thrown into disarray in July, when the National Company Law Tribunal unexpectedly took issue with bankruptcy code provisions dictating the distribution of proceeds from the sale. 

    India’s bankruptcy law adopts the common western practice giving top priority to the claims of banks and other secured creditors, who sit together in a creditors’ committee to decide how monies recovered should be distributed. 

    But the NCLT judge, who had little expertise in bankruptcy or commercial law, ordered that all of a troubled company’s creditors — not just its bankers — be treated equally, infuriating both banks and foreign distressed debt funds that had already bought up much of Essar’s debt. 

    In its ruling on Friday, the Supreme Court set aside the NCLT order, saying the court could not interfere with commercial decisions made by the creditors’ committee, a huge relief to banks. ArcelorMittal has also expressed its satisfaction. 

    “We are very pleased with the judgment that our resolution plan has been approved,” a company spokesman said. “We look forward to the closing of the acquisition soon.”

  15. [verwijderd] 15 november 2019 16:59

    voda schreef op 15 november 2019 16:49:

    ArcelorMittal’s $6bn takeover of Essar Steel has last hurdle removed
    India’s Supreme Court upholds key provision of bankruptcy code on priority claims

    Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at www.ft.com/tour.

    Amy Kazmin in New Delhi 3 HOURS AGOPrint this page0
    India's Supreme Court has removed the last legal hurdle for ArcelorMittal’s $6bn takeover of debt-ridden Essar Steel, upholding key provisions of the three-year-old bankruptcy code in a critical test of the country’s new debt resolution process.

    In its highly-anticipated ruling, the court upheld the bankruptcy code provision for financial creditors’ claims to have priority over unsecured, operational creditors — a principle common in western countries. 

    The bitter infighting among Essar Steel’s creditors, collectively owed $7bn, over distribution of the proceeds from ArcelorMittal’s acquisition had upended the takeover process last summer. 

    The ruling on Friday paves the way for the deal’s completion, giving Lakshmi Mittal, ArcelorMittal’s India-born chairman and chief executive, a long-sought foothold in a large economy where demand for industrial metal is projected to boom. 

    Analysts say many legal precedents set in the long-running battle over Essar should also make dealing with future cases faster and easier. 

    “It’s a huge boost to the financial system,” said Amit Tandon, founder and managing director of Institutional Investor Advisory Services. “Now you can say that the bankruptcy code is a truly effective legislation.” 

    Touted as one of the biggest reforms of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, the bankruptcy code was intended to strengthen the hands of India’s state-dominated banking system in dealing with politically influential defaulters, long accustomed to forbearance and debt rollovers. 

    But pushing indebted companies through the new resolution process proved slower and more painful than expected, as powerful tycoons — and rival creditor groups — challenged every aspect of the new bankruptcy law in court.

    The battle over whether financial creditors should have precedence over operational creditors was seen as particularly critical for India’s ability to deal with its huge backlog of stressed assets.

    “This is an important step in the direction of developing a mature insolvency process,” said Aurodeep Nandi, India economist at Nomura. “For a long time, India’s insolvency situation was like the Hotel California: you could check out any time you like but you could just never leave.

    “The process of leaving hasn’t been easy and India is now reforming it.” 

    The Essar Group, a business empire built by brothers Shashi and Ravi Ruia, was one of 12 huge debt defaulters that India’s central bank had ordered to be put into bankruptcy proceedings back in 2017. 

    Last year, Essar’s heavily-indebted steel arm, whose assets include the prized Hazira steel facility, one of the world’s largest steel plants, was auctioned to ArcelorMittal, which was eager to establish a presence in India, but which had struggled to set up its own greenfield projects. 

    But ArcelorMittal’s plans to take over Essar were thrown into disarray in July, when the National Company Law Tribunal unexpectedly took issue with bankruptcy code provisions dictating the distribution of proceeds from the sale. 

    India’s bankruptcy law adopts the common western practice giving top priority to the claims of banks and other secured creditors, who sit together in a creditors’ committee to decide how monies recovered should be distributed. 

    But the NCLT judge, who had little expertise in bankruptcy or commercial law, ordered that all of a troubled company’s creditors — not just its bankers — be treated equally, infuriating both banks and foreign distressed debt funds that had already bought up much of Essar’s debt. 

    In its ruling on Friday, the Supreme Court set aside the NCLT order, saying the court could not interfere with commercial decisions made by the creditors’ committee, a huge relief to banks. ArcelorMittal has also expressed its satisfaction. 

    “We are very pleased with the judgment that our resolution plan has been approved,” a company spokesman said. “We look forward to the closing of the acquisition soon.”

    mooie kopie mop
  16. Archie Steelman 15 november 2019 17:25
    Essar deal:

    Here are 10 things to know:
    [ol start=1][li]The bench, headed by Justice RF Nariman, clarified that financial creditors enjoy primacy and the adjudicating authority cannot interfere with the decision approved by the committee of creditors.
    "No doubt the ultimate discretion on distribution is with the Committee of Creditors (CoC), whose decision should balance the interests of all stakeholders," the bench said.
    The top court said that the adjudicating authority can send back the resolution plan to the Committee of Creditors for implementation in accordance with the guidelines but cannot change the commercial decision taken by the CoC.
    The verdict came on a plea of the lenders challenging NCLAT's July 4 order in which it had approved steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal-led ArcelorMittal's Rs. 42,000-crore bid for the acquisition of Essar Steel, after it rejected a plea by the lead shareholder of the debt-laden firm challenging the eligibility of the bidder.
    The top court also relaxed the timeline of 330 days to find a resolution plan as prescribed under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.
    An amendment to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code earlier this year gave the Committee of Creditors (CoC) explicit authority over the distribution of proceeds in the resolution process and fixes a firm timeline of 330 days for resolving cases referred to the IBC.
    In its July 4 order, the NCLAT had said that financial creditors will get 60.7 per cent of their admitted claims of Rs. 49,473 crore, almost same as operational creditors.
    ArcelorMittal had told the NCLAT that it would pay Rs. 42,000 crore, including a minimum guarantee of Rs. 2,500 crore as working capital, for acquiring Essar Steel under the insolvency process.
    Essar Steel is reeling under a debt pile of Rs. 30,030 crore from financial creditors and Rs. 11,969 crore from operational creditors. State-run banks are primary financial creditors of Essar Steel while its operational creditors are vendors and suppliers.
    It is among the twelve large steel and other infrastructure companies which defaulted and were referred to the bankruptcy court in 2017.
  17. nonserver 15 november 2019 17:35
    Grote vraag waar is renee , eendagsvliegen zijn weg en de gemiddelde stukkies zijn verkocht. Het was een week van redelijke cijfers en met t goede nieuws van vandaag zijn we in de 15 gebleven met diverse koersdoelen verlaag en verhogingen. Fijn weekend allemaal.
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