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OCI - 2020

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  1. forum rang 4 tmaster 11 mei 2020 08:03

    Revenues increased 36% to $811 million and adjusted EBITDA 49% to $193 million in Q1 2020 versus Q1 2019
    OCI-produced volumes sold increased 62% to 2.7 million metric tons in Q1 2020 compared to Q1 2019
    Adjusted net loss of $82 million in Q1 2020 in line with a loss of $82 million in Q1 2019
    Net debt $3.97 billion as of 31 March 2020, a reduction of $94 million compared to 31 December 2019
    COVID-19 has not caused disruption to production and distribution to date, all OCI’s products deemed essential
    On track to deliver a healthy increase in volumes in 2020, in addition to the full consolidation of Fertiglobe
    In order to maximize value for stakeholders and in light of COVID-19 uncertainty, OCI postpones methanol process

  2. starter17 11 mei 2020 08:10
    Mixed bag. Forse omzetstijging uiteraard zeer positief, maar dit heeft geen enkel gevolg voor de winstgevendheid, want die is er nog steeds niet. Daarnaast verkoop methanol uitgesteld is ook niet al te positief. Op basis van deze cijfers zou je toch een redelijk rode opening moeten verwachten...
  3. [verwijderd] 11 mei 2020 08:15
    Dit zijn gewoon redelijk vlakke cijfers. Wederom een sterke stijging van de verkopen, helaas vanwege de lagere afzetprijzen niet winstgevend. Gerealiseerde EBITDA van 176 mio verrast mij positief. Jammer van de negatieve cashflow. Koers zal op deze cijfers niet veel stijgen vermoed ik.
  4. _Aurum_ 11 mei 2020 08:21
    Wisselend beeld... De prijzen zijn gewoon te laag, maar alles wat ze in eigen hand hebben, lijkt wel heel goed te gaan.
    Dat de prijzen te laag waren, wisten we al.
  5. _Aurum_ 11 mei 2020 08:23

    moneymaker_BX schreef op 11 mei 2020 08:18:

    Wat werd er precies over verkoop Methanol gezegd dan?
    Dat ze het verkoopproces uitstellen, omdat het niet in het belang van de aandeelhouders is om het tijdens de coronacrisis te verkopen (zal later waarschijnlijk hogere opbrengst hebben).
  6. Amateur 11 mei 2020 08:24
    Ik denk dat het prima is dat zij goed door draaien. De negativiteit in de koers is niet terecht geweest.
  7. [verwijderd] 11 mei 2020 08:29
    Helaas, geen +10 (of meer) op de koersen vandaag.

    Positief dat ze zich staande houden bij deze bizar lage afzetprijzen.
    Helaas weer geen goede cijfers afgeleverd en wederom geven ze weer een goede outlook af voor Q2.
    Maak het nu eens een keer waar!!

  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 mei 2020 08:29
    Statement from the Chief Executive Officer – Nassef Sawiris:

    “We reported an improved result for the quarter despite lower selling prices as we delivered a step-up in operational performance and ramped up volumes by more than 60% during the quarter. We achieved this with an excellent safety record and best-in-class 12-month rolling recordable incident rate. In addition, production has to date not been disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis.

    The nitrogen business was the main driver of the growth in sales volumes. Utilization rates of our nitrogen plants were significantly higher during the quarter than before their extensive turnarounds carried out in 2019, with particularly our Algeria and Iowa facilities reaching record rates.

    We are also expecting our methanol production to reach higher utilization rates. Following a major turnaround, OCI Beaumont is already achieving steady production levels near its maximum potential since it restarted successfully in February. We expect methanol volumes to ramp up further after completion of an on-going turnaround in the Netherlands and Natgasoline improvement activities.

    As a result, we maintain our forecast that we are on track to deliver robust volume growth in 2020.

    All OCI’s products are regarded as vital by governments to ensure uninterrupted supply of food and other essential products for everyday life. Our team has made it priority to keep our plants running and provide critical inputs for the global food supply chain, at the same time ensuring the safety and well-being of our people, partners and communities under significantly enhanced safety measures.

    Despite COVID-19 challenges across the globe, nitrogen demand is looking favourable for 2020. Our order book for the second quarter is healthy as the spring application season across our main end markets is developing well.

    In the US, spring planting is ahead of last year with the latest USDA data showing corn planting currently more than 50% complete. We expect this, coupled with forecast record corn acreage, to result in a strong increase in nitrogen demand compared to 2019. Additionally, urea imports into the US are significantly below last year, which would imply ending the season with minimal carry-over inventory.

    In Europe, the application season started towards the end of March. Weather conditions are currently optimal for growing crops which we expect to underpin strong demand in May and June in our core European nitrate markets. Similarly, Fertiglobe benefits from ongoing demand in major importing countries or regions for urea, such as Europe, South Asian & Pacific countries and our previous commitments to East Africa.

    The methanol business, which represented c.14% of adjusted EBITDA in the first quarter, has seen a decline in methanol prices as a result of COVID-19 and the significantly lower oil prices in the past few months. However, there are a number of factors that can mitigate anticipated lower demand in the near term and support the balance in the market. Many marginal cost producers, particularly in China, are already operating well below cash costs and are expected to shut down if prices continue to stay low. In addition, existing production curtailments and postponements of key projects already announced by other producers eliminate supply and will also help offset weakness in global demand.

    Furthermore, OCI is one of the lowest cost producers globally and maintains a solid competitive advantage with cash costs of production significantly below current methanol sales prices. We expect to remain a beneficiary of the current natural gas price environment in the US and Europe for the foreseeable future, especially in the Netherlands where the drop in natural gas prices this year has been the most pronounced.

    Our priority remains to optimize free cash flow generation and we remain committed to our financial policy to deleverage towards 2x through the cycle, with timing to achieve this greatly dependent on the pricing environment.

    In an environment of low selling prices, we are fully focused on what is within our control – operational and commercial excellence, volume growth and controllable costs. Our consolidated liquidity of around $1.3 billion as of the beginning of May, consisting of c.$550 million cash and c.$750 million undrawn committed facilities, is very healthy and has been helped by our strategic and refinancing actions over the past two years.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 mei 2020 08:29

    We are fortunate that we finalized our heavy-scope turnarounds for the nitrogen business last year, and that we had brought forward and finalized our major methanol turnaround activity to the first quarter this year, before the escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the remaining turnarounds planned for 2020, we have the potential to postpone some capex activities without affecting safety and reliability of operations.

    We have also identified additional c.$20 million of cash savings at Fertiglobe, to be realized over the next 3 years. In addition, we continue to evaluate our capital structure to identify further cost-effective refinancing opportunities.

    In light of recent developments, and COVID-19 volatility, OCI has decided to postpone the methanol process to H1 2021, allowing for an improved transaction environment for both the business and interested parties. OCI believes this is in the best interest of its stakeholders from a value creation perspective.“



    Internal COVID-19 taskforce established to ensure safety of our employees and business continuity
    Production at OCI’s facilities has not been disrupted by the COVID-19 challenges
    All OCI’s products deemed as essential to ensure uninterrupted supply of food and other essential products
    Supply chains and distribution channels continue to perform resiliently


    The current application season is progressing well, and our order book is healthy
    Expect strong demand for nitrogen fertilizer in our core markets this season amidst favourable weather conditions, including:
    Direct application ammonia has been strong in the US this spring, which should minimize end-of-season inventory levels
    In our core US Midwest markets, the urea and UAN application season is expected to be robust, driven by a return to normal corn planting conditions and a forecast increase in planted acreage
    The European application season is currently ongoing with healthy nitrate demand developing in our core northern European markets
    Demand in several importing countries is healthy, including India, East Africa and Australia
    Impact of COVID-19 on nitrogen demand and supply:
    In the short term, we expect some weakness in industrial nitrogen end markets as a result of GDP/industrial activity slowdown
    There is currently uncertainty regarding the outlook for ethanol demand, but whether this will ultimately result in reduced corn demand in 2021 will depend on a number of factors such as government incentives to farmers and a recovery in transport demand
    Several production curtailments and shutdowns have been announced, e.g. ammonia in Trinidad and short-term curtailment of urea production in India, and it is likely that there will be delays in completion of new projects as construction, delivery of equipment and commissioning is more difficult, resulting in less supply in short- and medium term


    A portion of global methanol demand is oil-related; methanol prices are down as a result of COVID-19 and drop in oil prices
    In the short term, global demand for methanol could be affected as a result of economic slowdown:
    However, likely curtailments of high cost methanol production and postponements of key projects already announced by other producers are mitigating factors that support supply / demand balance
    OCI is one of the lowest cost producers globally, and expected to benefit from the ramp-up of methanol capacity as well as the normalization of production and improved onstream efficiency in 2020 compared to low asset utilization rates in 2019

    Gas Markets

    We expect to continue to be a beneficiary of a low gas price environment for the remainder of 2020:

    At TTF gas forward prices (c.$2.73 / mmBtu as of 1 May 2020) for the balance of the year, OCI’s gas input costs in the Netherlands would be c.$100 million lower in 2020 on an annual basis compared to 2019, all else equal
    In the US, natural gas benchmark prices have remained at globally competitive prices below $2 per MMBtu, and current natural gas futures indicate that prices are expected to stay below $3 per MMBtu through 2024
  10. forum rang 4 ischav2 11 mei 2020 08:32
    Operationeel draait de toko goed. Schuldreductie ook positief. Outlook positief. Verwacht verdere stijging koers.
    Verstandig om de methanoldivisie aan te houden in de verwachting dat concurrentie de lage prijzen niet volhoudt en daarmee supply zal afnemen met stijgende prijzen tot gevolg.
  11. [verwijderd] 11 mei 2020 08:35

    ischav2 schreef op 11 mei 2020 08:32:

    Operationeel draait de toko goed. Schuldreductie ook positief. Outlook positief. Verwacht verdere stijging koers.
    Verstandig om de methanoldivisie aan te houden in de verwachting dat concurrentie de lage prijzen niet volhoudt en daarmee supply zal afnemen met stijgende prijzen tot gevolg.
    Afname van 94mln is peanuts....maar goed....het is iig niet meer geworden!
  12. DanielEigen 11 mei 2020 08:35
    Ik denk dat de verwachtingen hier wellicht wat te hoog waren.

    Bedrijf heeft geen last van Coronacrisis wat opzich heel positief is in deze tijd.

    Prognose blijft hetzelfde. Positief.
    1/3 meer omzet. Positief.
    Volume 60% omhoog. Positief.
    Aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) aanzienlijke verbetering. Positief.
    Onder de streep verbetering. Positief.
    Schuld omlaag. Positief.

    Prijzen omlaag. Negatief.

  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 mei 2020 08:38
    OCI zet meer kunstmest af, houdt aan jaarprognose vast

    Gepubliceerd op 11 mei 2020 08:26 | Views: 443

    OCI 08 mei
    11,60 0,00 (0,00%)

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Kunstmestproducent OCI heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal hogere volumes afgezet vergeleken met en jaar geleden. Het beursgenoteerde bedrijf houdt daarom vast aan zijn eerder afgegeven prognose voor het lopende jaar om de verkoop van kunstmest op te voeren. Verder blijft het concern relatief ongedeerd gaan door de coronacrisis. OCI had tot nu toe nog niet te maken met productieverstoringen vanwege overheidsbeperkingen om het coronavirus in te dammen.

    De omzet in het eerste kwartaal bedroeg 811 miljoen dollar. Dat was ruim een derde meer dan in dezelfde periode in 2019. OCI krikte het verkochte volume op met 60 procent. De prijzen gingen in de periode wel omlaag. Het aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) verbeterde aanzienlijk tot 193 miljoen dollar. Onder de streep bleef net als vorig jaar een verlies van 82 miljoen dollar.
  14. forum rang 4 tmaster 11 mei 2020 08:40
    besparing van 100M dankzij lagere gas prijzen verwacht in 2020. Flink hogere omzet, kleine schuld reductie allemaal positief maar nog steeds verliesgevend.

    Echter is de koers wel bijna 40% lager. Volgens mij wel redelijk koopwaardig en indien grondstof prijzen weer stijgen kan de koers snel richting de 20.
  15. [verwijderd] 11 mei 2020 08:41

    DanielEigen schreef op 11 mei 2020 08:35:

    Ik denk dat de verwachtingen hier wellicht wat te hoog waren.

    Bedrijf heeft geen last van Coronacrisis wat opzich heel positief is in deze tijd.

    Prognose blijft hetzelfde. Positief.
    1/3 meer omzet. Positief.
    Volume 60% omhoog. Positief.
    Aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) aanzienlijke verbetering. Positief.
    Onder de streep verbetering. Positief.

    Prijzen omlaag. Negatief.
    Qua productie hebben ze geen last van Corona, maar de afzetprijzen staan wel onder druk, deels door de Corona-crisis.
    In die zin hebben ze er WEL last van.....

    Ik had gehoopt op een positief resultaat.....maar met deze afzetprijzen was ik misschien wel iets te naief ;)
  16. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 mei 2020 08:43

    watergordijn schreef op 11 mei 2020 08:42:

    Heeft iemand een verklaring van de almaar dalende afzetprijzen? Ligt het probleen aan de aanbodzijde of aan de vraagkant?
    Dat komt duidelijk door de aanbodzijde.
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