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Sayona Mining

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  1. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 14 juni 2023 09:32

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 14 juni 2023 08:11:


    Anders gezegd: je kan ze beter niet meer kopen.
    Nee, klopt niet.
    Die stelling wordt zelfs in twijfel genomen.
    Opgeteld zijn momenteel de AU fondsen (nog) meer waard, dus.

    - de emissie en de uitbreiding aandelen heeft veel remming en een horizontale beweging veroorzaakt
    - het geld $130 milj (van de 200 milj) wordt besteed voor de uitbreiding NAL + Moblan: Li-CO3 en Li-OH refining (NAL refining plant is er al, maar moet afgebouwd worden en geïnitieerd worden).
    - productie NAL loopt en rond 1 juli volgen de eerste verkooporders (shipments)
    - nieuwe klanten worden op korte termijn bekend gemaakt
    - Moblan geeft al een immense LI voorraad weer in de bodems
    - SAY is en wordt de enige Li-producer in Canada/Noord Amerika
    - heel veel batterijbedrijven, EV fabrieken e.m. gaan zich vestigen in Quebec (dus rondom Sayona).

    Uitgezonderd de eerste, veel katalytische factoren die dit bedrijf een succes kunnen maken.
    Ze zijn op de goeie plek op het goeie moment.
    Het zal natuurlijk effe zijn tijd moeten hebben.
    Maar, dat ze al produceren en dit ook gaan uitbreiden in NAL is goed.
    De refiners (2026 + 2027 actief) zullen het completeren.

    Je kunt er op twee manieren tegenaan kijken, positief of negatief.
    Alle investeringen en alle acties die daar in Quebec gedaan worden, geven mij een beeld dat het moet gaan lukken. Ook kijkend waar ze vandaag zijn gekomen afgelopen jaren. Het milieutechnische aspect met de leefomgeving rondom de mijnen en de fabrieken, de Canadese regering die erin zit (40% in Moblan). Trudeau die er op bezoek is geweest. Het kan toch geen fake zijn, anders valt er niks meer te geloven, indien wel.
  2. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 16 juni 2023 15:13
    The hunt for lithium is heating up in the Pilbara and these stocks have snagged some tenure - Stockhead
    Emma DaviesJune 16, 2023

    Sayona and Morella have a stake right next door

    Right next door to Wildcat is Sayona Mining (ASX:SYA), who’ve got Pilbara leases covering 1,016km2 in the Pilgangoora lithium district.

    The company also has a joint venture with Morella Mining (ASX:1MC) in the Mallina project, exploring lithium rights over six of the Pilbara tenements.

    In late May, 1MC intercepted ‘significant’ pegmatite with six out of 35 holes hosting spodumene more than 10 metres in width, and 18 showing visible pegmatites.

    “This program has significantly enhanced Mallina’s appeal due to the favourable thickness of the pegmatites, combined with their relatively shallow depths,” Morella MD James Brown said at the time.

    Assays from the program are expected to come out before the end of June.

    Reminder: eind 2022
    Morella completes all requirements for Pilbara lithium assets to advance Sayona earn-in agreement
  3. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 21 juni 2023 08:39
    Update Li-CO3 refining plant NAL. Huiswerk goed gemaakt. Medio 2026.

    21 June 2023

    • Positive preliminary technical study for lithium carbonate production at North American Lithium (NAL) operation in Québec, with fully integrated pre-tax NAL NPV now exceeding A$5 billion, including NAL DFS (refer ASX release 14 April 2023)
    • Standalone estimated pre-tax net present value (NPV) (8% discount) for lithium carbonate production of A$3.2B (pre-tax); standalone carbonate plant pre-tax IRR of 60%
    • Total earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) over 16-year project life for standalone carbonate plant of A$7.5B, based on life of plant production of 372,000 tonnes lithium carbonate
    • Sayona to advance definitive technical study for lithium carbonate plant’s restart, targeting production as early as 2026, amid focus on North American supply chain for battery/EV sector.

    North American lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited (“Sayona”) (ASX:SYA; OTCQB:SYAXF)
    announced today a positive preliminary carbonate technical study (preliminary study) for its flagship North American Lithium (NAL) Project in Québec, Canada, confirming the benefits of moving into downstream processing. NAL is a subsidiary of Sayona Québec, owned by Sayona (75%) and Piedmont Lithium (ASX:PLL 25%).
    Study highlights included an estimated, pre-tax NPV (8% discount) for the standalone carbonate plant of A$3.2 billion, with a pre-tax IRR of 60%. Total earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) over the 16-year project life of the carbonate plant amount to A$7.5 billion (exchange rate C$1 = A$1.10, as at 20 June 2023).
    Based on the positive study, Sayona now plans to commission a definitive technical study for the production of battery-grade lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) from spodumene (lithium) concentrate. Subject to the study’s timing and outcomes, the carbonate plant could be commissioned as early as 2026.

  4. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 21 juni 2023 09:56
    Sayona Mining and Piedmont Lithium buoyed by positive NAL upgrade study results
    June 21, 2023

    Sayona Mining (ASX: SYA) and its JV partner Piedmont Lithium (ASX: PLL) have obtained robust study results confirming the downstream processing upside at the North American Lithium (NAL) project in Québec, Canada.

    Earlier this year, Sayona and Piedmont became the darlings of the Canadian critical minerals sector with their successful developments at the NAL operation which was anointed as North America’s leading hard rock lithium producer.

    The project gained initial headlines in January when it successfully produced 400 tonnes of spodumene ore as part of the project’s concentrator commissioning, an important step in the process to restart the critical minerals operation.

    In early March, the project achieved two other major milestones with the initial first successful production of 70 tonnes of lithium concentrate, quickly followed by the maiden processing of 1,200 tonnes of saleable spodumene (lithium) concentrate.

    Study highlights project upside

    The new study results have confirmed the key role NAL can play in supporting the US and Canadian government’s desperate push to develop home grown battery metal projects.

    In particular, the positive preliminary technical study for lithium carbonate production at NAL have highlighted the commercial benefits of moving further into downstream processing.

    The study has estimated that the Québec operation has a fully integrated pre-tax NPV now exceeding $5 billion.

    It also identified a standalone estimated pre-tax net present value (NPV) for lithium carbonate production of $3.2 billion, while total earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) over a 16-year project life for a standalone carbonate plant forecast to earn $7.5 billion.

    Managing director, Brett Lynch, said that following the receipt of the positive results, Sayona has elected to advance a definitive technical study for the lithium carbonate plant’s restart, targeting production as early as 2026.

    “This study shows the outstanding value we have generated from our strategy of acquiring a brownfields plant with existing assets. With an accelerated pathway to lithium carbonate production, we are rapidly advancing our goal of becoming a fully integrated producer of lithium chemicals,” Mr Lynch said.

    Rising lithium demand in North America

    “Significantly, NAL is set to become the only lithium operation with a concentrator and carbonate plant all on the same site in North America.”

    The growth of the NAL operations comes at a time when Lithium demand is accelerating in North America on the back of significant electric vehicle demand forecast.

    The development has the ability to answer the Canadian and US governments intentions to develop a North American supply chain, from mining to processing and manufacturing.

    “Québec has shown a clear vision of becoming a leader in this new industry, maximising the benefits of its sustainable hydropower, world-class infrastructure and proximity to key battery markets,” Mr Lynch said.

    “A new lithium carbonate plant will make a significant contribution in creating a green and sustainable supply chain, delivering new jobs and investment for local communities, together with a low carbon footprint.”

    History of NAL acquisition

    Sayona (75%) and Piedmont Lithium (25%) acquired the NAL assets in 2021.

    Included in the purchase were historic mining and concentrator facilities, a lithium carbonate process plant, and waste and tailings management facilities.

    As part of the preliminary studies, investigations included identifying any modifications and upgrades needed to be made on the existing lithium carbonate plant to reach its nameplate throughput capacity.

    Results have confirmed that an upgrade is required for the hydrometallurgy section of the carbonate plant requires updating, while proposed additions to the original NAL flowsheet include a sodium sulphate crystalliser and buffer tanks.

    Successful capital raising

    Sayona is well placed to proceed with the proposed upgrades.

    In late May, it successfully raised $200 million via a two tranche placement to support a production ramp-up at the NAL operation.

    Funding from the raising has also been earmarked for further development at the company’s northern Québec lithium hub, centred on its Moblan lithium project, where a 60,000m drilling campaign is currently underway.

  5. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 21 juni 2023 11:08

    Sayona's vertically integrated NAL NPV now exceeds A$5bn
    Finance News Network
    Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA) Finance Manager Dougal Elder discusses key takeaways from the recent lithium carbonate study, improvement in operation total value, and steps to get to first production in 2026.
  6. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 21 juni 2023 12:50
    Korte opsomming en highlights.
    Zie bijlage.

    - Wachten op subsidie van Canadese staat (extra input) voor bouw Li-CO3 refining plant. Technische studie begin 2024 klaar.
    - Huidige productie NAL gaat volgens planning en in juni eerste shipment.
    - Binnen enkele weken bekendmaking 2e klant voor deze NAL productie.

    To be continued.
  7. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 29 juni 2023 15:09
    Day 2/3 of THE Mining Investment Event of the North 2023
    THE Event is Canada’s Only invitation-only Tier I Conference for Mining Companies, accredited investors, institutions, and funds. THE Event will showcase the best of Canadian mining to a global audience and will feature a mix of exploration, development, royalty companies, and producers representing all commodities.

    Min 24:55 Sayona Mining Limited

  8. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 4 juli 2023 09:46
    4 July 2023

    • 30,000 tonnes of spodumene (lithium) concentrate produced by North American Lithium (NAL) operation, ahead of schedule; average concentrate grade 5.5% Li2O
    • Stockpile building at port ahead of first planned shipment in July 2023
    • NAL continuing successful ramp-up amid focus on safe and sustainable production, supporting North
    America’s electrification drive.

    North American lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA; OTCQB:SYAXF) has achieved a new production milestone at its North American Lithium (NAL) operation in Québec, Canada with more than 30,000 tonnes of spodumene (lithium) concentrate produced ahead of target.
    As of 25 June 2023, the average grade of all spodumene concentrate produced by NAL was approximately 5.5% Li2O, with all key parameters in line with offtake specifications. During the ramp up phase at NAL, an assessment of determining the optimal product lithium grade versus recoveries from the process plant was undertaken.
    Mine production and process plant output to date has shown that the current spodumene concentrate product grade of circa 5.5% Li2O delivers higher recoveries and more tonnes of spodumene concentrate, therefore maximising profitability to the NAL joint venture.
    On 6 June 2023, NAL hit a new daily production record, with output of 643 tonnes at 5.67% Li2O, with a 71% recovery rate. A stockpile of approximately 26,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate is being stored at the port, ahead of the first shipment planned for this month. All of the concentrate has been transported to port via rail since the start of June 2023.
    In achieving this production milestone, Sayona has maintained its focus on safety under its Zero Tolerance policy, together with its commitment to the highest environmental standards and on benefitting local communities. The Company is targeting total NAL spodumene concentrate production of between 85,000 tonnes and 115,000 tonnes during the first half of fiscal 2024.

  9. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 5 juli 2023 18:47
    Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA) Non-Executive Directors Being Recruited in Governance Revamp
    Brisbane, July 5, 2023 AEST (ABN Newswire) - North American lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA) (DML:FRA) (SYAXF:OTCMKTS) is undergoing a corporate governance revamp, with plans to recruit new independent Non-Executive Directors, including an independent Chairman. The Company will also establish key governance committees and review Board and executive remuneration to ensure alignment of corporate governance practices with leading practices of S&P/ASX200 listed companies, including gender diversity.

    The Board has appointed international executive search firms Korn Ferry and Canadian-based Lacoste Executive Search to undertake a comprehensive global search for suitably qualified independent directors.

    Sayona has provided the search firms with details of the skills, experience and other attributes, such as gender diversity, that will support and facilitate oversight of strategy implementation, risk management, and long-term value creation for stakeholders.

    At least two suitably qualified independent directors are expected to be appointed before November's Annual General Meeting (AGM). The proposed appointments to Sayona's Board will allow for the formation of two key corporate governance committees - a combined Nomination and Remuneration and an Audit and Risk Committee, as per ASX best practice corporate governance principles.

    Sayona has also appointed a remuneration consultant to review remuneration practices and performance-based structures to ensure that remuneration outcomes are aligned with shareholder outcomes. This will include a review of remuneration for key executive management as well as Non-Executive Directors.

    Sayona is confident these initiatives will ensure that corporate governance structures and practices are aligned with leading practices of S&P/ASX200 companies and contribute to long-term value creation. The Company's current Board comprises four directors, with longstanding and highly experienced Non-Executive Directors James Brown and Allan Buckler together with Managing Director and CEO, Brett Lynch and Paul Crawford, Executive Director and Company Secretary. On 26 May 2023 the Company advised of Mr Crawford's intention to retire from the Board as at 30 June 2023. Mr Crawford has agreed to stay on the Board until the appointment of at least one independent director. He will continue in the role of Company Secretary.

    Non-Executive Director, James Brown commented: "Sayona has grown enormously over the past two years, rising from a junior explorer to become a leading North American producer of lithium and earning promotion to the benchmark S&P/ASX200 index, with current market capitalisation of around $1.8 billion.

    "The Board recognises the critical importance of strong corporate governance and is confident that the initiatives outlined will facilitate enhanced transparency, accountability, and long-term value creation, befitting our status as one of Australia's leading listed miners."

    The corporate governance initiatives follow Sayona's March 2023 commencement of spodumene (lithium) concentrate production at its flagship North American Lithium (NAL) operation in Quebec, Canada. A recent study estimated lithium carbonate production at NAL would increase the value of a fully integrated operation to A$5.4 billion (refer ASX release 21 June 2023).

    NAL's enhanced potential value adds to the increasing value of the Company's northern lithium hub centred on the Moblan Lithium Project, where an ambitious drilling program has been outlined for 2023 and feasibility studies are progressing.
  10. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 6 juli 2023 07:21
    We vergeten misschien dat Sayona een Australisch bedrijf is...

    Sayona Mining (ASX:SYA) and Morella Corporation (ASX:1MC) make further lithium finds at Mallina, WA
    ASX News, Materials

    Jonathon Davidson

    Fresh hits of mineralised lithium spodumene have been found by Sayona Mining’s (SYA) JV partner, Morella Corporation (1MC), at its Mallina project in Western Australia
    New intersections show lithium concentrations up to 1.66 per cent lithium oxide
    International lithium player Morella Corporation holds 51 per cent of the JV and it was responsible for the latest round of drilling
    The company is now preparing further drilling to shore up confidence in underground geology
    Shares in SYA last traded at 18 cents, while shares in 1MC last traded at 1 cent
    Fresh hits of mineralised lithium spodumene have been found by Sayona Mining’s (SYA) joint venture (JV) partner, Morella Corporation (1MC), at its Mallina project in Western Australia.

    New intersections show lithium concentrations up to 1.66 per cent lithium oxide, a middle-to-upper grade.

    The company extended the strike length of one known deposit by at least 300 metres in follow-up drilling with grades of up to 1.87 per cent lithium oxide.

    The new lithium spodumene was detected in extensions from known pegmatite deposits with many targets left open at depth and along strike.

    The company reported it would conduct further infill drilling to shore up confidence in where the lithium starts and stops underground.

    International lithium player Morella Corporation holds 51 per cent of the JV and it was responsible for the latest round of drilling.

    “We now have a project that has demonstrated the potential for scalability with further confirmed strike lengths as well as several exciting new discoveries to test,” 1MC Managing Director James Brown reflected.

    Sayona first became a lithium producer this year at its Canadian operations.
  11. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 7 juli 2023 23:26
    The LAN factory in La Corne is running at full speed
    30,000 tons of lithium spodumene concentrate produced

    July 05, 2023

    The LAN complex in La Corne operates at full capacity, which has allowed Sayona to anticipate its schedule for its first deliveries of lithium spoden on the market.

    Lithium North America confirms that its production of lithium spodumene at its La Corne plant exceeds the schedule for a first delivery of the product.

    The company confirms that 26,000 of the 30,000 tons of spodumene concentrate are currently stored in a port in preparation for a first shipment, scheduled for July 2023.

    "Since the start of production in March 2023, we have worked hard to ensure an acceleration of the production rate and we continue to deliver volumes ahead of schedule. This is a noteworthy achievement in the lithium industry, especially when considering recent supply chain and cost challenges, "said Sayona CEO Guy Belleau in a press release.

    LAN claims to have reached a new daily production record on June 6, 2023, with a production of 643 tons at 5.67% lithium oxide, combined with a recovery rate of 71%.

    Still in the exploration phase

    Sayona confirms that she started a drilling program at the North America Lithium Complex in 2023.

    The company plans to drill 50,000 meters on the complex site as well as on the project adjacent to the property, that of Vallée Lithium, which includes 28 claims subject to an acquisition and joint venture agreement with Consolidated Lithium Metals Inc.

    It should also be remembered that Sayona still holds the Authier and Tansim deposits, as well as 60% of the Moblan project and 100% of the Lac-Albert project, both located on the Eeyou Istchee Baie-James territory.
  12. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 11 juli 2023 08:45
    Extra boor-resultaten Moblan.

    11 July 2023


    • First results for 2023 drilling identify 750m eastern extension to flat lying South Pegmatite system; high grade results include:
    41.0m @ 1.66% Li2O from 80.8m in 1331-23-406
    42.7m @ 1.42% Li2O from 119.9m in 1331-23-416
    34m @ 2.09% Li2O from 207.3m in 1331-23-424, including 4.01% Li2O between 210-211m and 4.03% Li2O between 226-227m

    • New, near surface pegmatite identified in eastern step out drilling:
    70.4m @ 1.41% Li2O returned from 11.4m in hole 1331-23-423 and
    44.4m @ 1.55% Li2O from 15.2m in adjacent hole 1331-23-424

    • High grade results identified outside of resource pit shell model; mineralisation remains open with resource drill out continuing, as Sayona’s northern Québec lithium hub increases in size and substance.

    North American lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA; OTCQB:SYAXF) has identified a significant expansion to the lithium footprint following recent drilling at its key Moblan Lithium Project (SYA 60%; SOQUEM Inc 40%), forming the centre of its emerging northern Québec lithium hub.
    The results have continued to extend known mineralisation, including at the South Pegmatite system, first discovered by Sayona in 2022, which is typified by thick, flat lying spodumene pegmatite. The newly identified mineralisation extends outside of the April 2023 JORC resource pit shell, indicating the opportunity to expand the existing resource. These positive results will contribute to the completion of the Moblan Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS), planned for release in November 2023.



    Further Drilling - 2023
    In addition to the reported drilling results, an additional 77 drillholes for 15,122m have been completed, with assay results pending. To date, a total of 33,564m has been completed out of the planned 60,000m program for 2023.
    Recent wildfires have affected the Moblan area and drilling has temporarily paused. Drilling teams have been evacuated from the area and equipment secured. Drilling will recommence as soon as the authorities grant approval, with drilling teams expected to mobilise quickly to enable planned drilling to be completed this year.

    Moblan – Project Background
    Sayona acquired Moblan in October 2021 in a joint venture with SOQUEM, a subsidiary of Investissement Québec, which holds a 40% interest in Moblan. In 2022, a total of 37,000m of drilling was completed which extended the known Main Pegmatite and Moleon prospects and discovered the South Zone and the Inter zone mineralisation.
    On 17 April 2023, Sayona announced a JORC Resource for Moblan (“Moblan boosted by significant increase in lithium resource”). This major resource expansion identified a Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource of 51.4 million tonnes @ 1.31% Li2O representing one of North America’s single largest lithium resources (sensitivity analysis at 0.55% Li2O cut-off grade). The technical report with respect to such resource estimate is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.
    Flexibility for higher tonnage production was demonstrated with an estimated Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource of 70.9 million tonnes @ 1.15% Li2O (sensitivity analysis at 0.25% Li2O cut-off grade).
    The Moblan project is located about 130km north-west of the town of Chibougamau and approximately 85km from the Cree (First Nations) community of Mistissini. The project is accessible year-round via the Route du Nord. Its proximity to Chibougamau and Mistissini with their available infrastructure and access to low-cost, environmentally friendly hydropower makes it a favourable location for exploration and mine development.
  13. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 11 juli 2023 09:08
    Sayona Mining (ASX:SYA) drilling significantly expands lithium footprint at Moblan, Quebec
    ASX News, Materials

    Bianca Gimondo
    Markets Reporter
    11 July 2023 15:55(AEST)

    Sayona Mining (SYA) identifies a 750-metre eastern extension to a flat-lying south pegmatite system via initial test results from its 2023 drilling program at Moblan
    Results from the drilling include 41 metres at 1.66 per cent lithium oxide from 80.8 metres and 42.7 metres at 1.42 per cent lithium oxide from 119.9 metres
    The company reports that mineralisation remains open with resource drill-out continuing, and a resource upgrade aimed for the first half of 2024
    60,000 metres of drilling is planned at Moblan during this year, as SYA targets further resource growth capable of supporting future productions of lithium hydroxide

    Sayona Mining (SYA) has identified a 750-metre eastern extension to a flat-lying south pegmatite system via initial test results from the 2023 drilling program at its Moblan lithium project in Quebec.

    The results expand the company’s lithium footprint and include 41 metres at 1.66 per cent lithium oxide from 80.8 meters in one hole and 42.7 metres at 1.42 per cent lithium oxide from 119.9 metres in another.

    The company also struck 34 metres at 2.09 per cent lithium oxide from 207 metres, including 4.01 per cent lithium oxide between 210-211 metres.

    Sayona discovered a new, near-surface pegmatite in eastern step-out drilling, which delineated 70.4 metres at 1.41 per cent lithium oxide from 11.4 metres, and 44.4 metres at 1.55 per cent lithium oxide from 15.2 metres in an adjacent hole.

    The company anticipates a resource upgrade during the first half of 2024.

    “Moblan is shaping up as one of the leading hard rock lithium deposits in North America, advancing our planned move towards downstream processing,” SYA Managing Director Brett Lynch said.

    “Working in partnership with the Québec Government, Sayona will deliver even more speed and more tonnes faster through this expanding northern hub.”

    The company reported that mineralisation remains open with resource drill-out continuing.

    Sayona has planned 60,000 metres of drilling at Moblan during this year, with the company targeting further growth of its resource base capable of supporting future downstream processing and the production of lithium hydroxide.

    So far, the company has completed 88 holes over 18,442 metres, and an additional 77 holes for 15,122 metres have been completed with assay results pending.
  14. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 16 juli 2023 12:22
    Business Weekend, Sunday 16 July.
    Weer een interview.
    Niks nieuws, maar wel weer belangstelling en verduidelijking wat 'in het vat zit'.

    We hopen binnen enkele weken de nieuwe klanten te horen voor de afname lopende NAL productie.

    Interview rond minuut 38:50:
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