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Tonner Drones

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  1. forum rang 7 *voetnoot 30 april 2024 15:38

    DAGEVOS schreef op 24 april 2024 14:04:

    Weet iemand de shortposities van Tonner drones? Koers is sinds begin vd maand gehalveerd.
    Lijkt erop dat we richting uitgang gaan.
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 april 2024 17:58
    Tonner Drones Announces Strategic Repositioning

    Cannes, 16 april 2024 18:00

    Successful finalization of the capital increase ended the refinancing period
    12 months financial visibility
    Stable financial situation enables the company to intensify talks with partners for collaboration
    TonnerDrones notices a lot of interest in collaboration under its stock exchange listing
    TonnerDrones recently ended Equity-line product with Yorkville and has no interest in entering into new variable price financing
    Tonner Drones will continue to update the market about its new future.

    Tonner Drones’ successful capital increase ends a challenging financial restructuring period for the company that included cost cutting measures and addressing numerous legacy issues that management inherited upon their arrival in June of 2023. Tonner’s refocused strategy prioritizes: Maximizing the value of stakes in its holdings such as Doneclé and Elistair, broadening collaboration internally and externally, and bringing to market industry-changing products such as Countbot and Inhibitor.

    Tonner regularly receives inquiries from private companies about potential collaborations. While Tonner has long wanted to engage in actionable discussions with these companies, it was unable to do so until recently due to the company’s financial uncertainty. Following the capital increase, Tonner is now financially stable and embarking upon discussions with potential partners, targets, and collaborators.

    Tonner will carefully assess these opportunities with rigorous due diligence and stress-tests prior to formalizing any transactions. Candidates for consideration must be revenue generating, have exceptional management and technical teams, exhibit the potential to scale internationally, and add immediate synergistic value to Tonner.

    Tonner asks that its shareholders and investors recognize this fundamental repositioning as management develops this innovative organization. While Tonner is currently a smaller-cap organization, management sees an opportunity to increase the company’s market capitalization with this repositioning, particularly if Tonner can become a larger company in this fragmented industry. Leveraging its network across Europe and America, management is confident in this approach, and is priming the organization to evaluate numerous partnerships in the coming months. In case that an interesting RTO opportunity presented itself, TonnerDrones would also seriously consider this.

    “I would like to thank the historic shareholders and new investors in supporting our restructuring and strategic plans,” said Brad Taylor, CEO. “With cash reserves for the next twelve months, the company now has the stability and time to expand its business and intensify conversations with potential partners.”

    About Tonner Drones: Tonner Drones (formerly Delta Drone) develops UAVs and associated technologies for the defense and homeland security sectors. Tonner Drones holds valuable stakes in some of France's leading civilian and military drone manufacturers. Tonner Drones’ strategy is to leverage its shareholdings in these companies through active asset management, a private equity fund, and by teaming up with other private equity funds to become a significant industry consolidator. Additional revenues can be achieved through royalties from patents held by Tonner Drones to recognized manufacturers. Tonner Drones does not plan on owning a factory; however, it is determined to retain R&D for its products and systems in France.

    Tonner Drones’ shares are listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: FR001400H2X4).

    More information at www.tonnerdrones.com
    If you would like to find out more, or if you are interested in a partnership: contact@tonnerdrones.com
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 mei 2024 09:23
    Cannes April 30, 2024 — Tonner Drones today announces the postponement of the publication of its annual accounts for the 2023 financial year as well as its annual financial report.

    Initially scheduled for April 30, 2024, the publication of the annual accounts and the 2023 annual report is now postponed until June 30, 2024 at the latest. This decision was taken by the Board of Directors and the auditors in order to ensure that all financial and operational aspects of the past year are presented with the greatest precision and compliance.

    Tonner Drones is committed to doing its utmost to reduce this publication delay before June 30, 2024.

    Tonner Drones (formerly Delta Drone) develops drones and related technologies for the defense and homeland security sectors. Tonner Drones holds valuable stakes in some of France's leading civil and military drone manufacturers. Tonner Drones' strategy is to leverage its holdings in these companies through active asset management, a private equity fund and by partnering with other private equity funds to become a major consolidator of the industry. Additional revenue can be obtained through royalties on patents held by Tonner Drones from recognized manufacturers. Tonner Drones does not plan to have a factory, but it is determined to maintain R&D for its products and systems in France.

    Tonner Drones shares are listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: FR001400H2X4).
  4. forum rang 4 Rakker 1 mei 2024 10:31
    Bedankt Zwarte Ridder.

    Tonner Drones does not plan on owning a factory; however, it is determined to retain R&D for its products and systems in France.

    Ik heb me niet in de materie verdiept voordat ik de aandelen aanschafte. Eigen schuld, gelukkig geen dikke bult want €120,- kan ik wel missen. Ik begrijp uit bovenstaande dat Tonner zelf niets produceert? Wat doen ze dan wel?
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 mei 2024 10:45

    Rakker schreef op 1 mei 2024 10:31:

    Bedankt Zwarte Ridder.

    Tonner Drones does not plan on owning a factory; however, it is determined to retain R&D for its products and systems in France.

    Ik heb me niet in de materie verdiept voordat ik de aandelen aanschafte. Eigen schuld, gelukkig geen dikke bult want €120,- kan ik wel missen. Ik begrijp uit bovenstaande dat Tonner zelf niets produceert? Wat doen ze dan wel?
    Ze ontwerpen de drones en de software en laten de drones produceren bij de meest geschikte leveranciers.
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 mei 2024 13:27

    a.voordedorst schreef op 1 mei 2024 12:52:

    En gij (DZR) gleuft dat. Je kunt niet eens een adres vinden dan dit luchtkasteel.
    Onze grote investeerder Martijn Kok heeft er een miljoen ingestoken en dit bedrijf voldoet aan de voorwaarden voor een beursnotering.
    En forumgenoot Diede zit in het bestuur.

  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 mei 2024 13:34

    a.voordedorst schreef op 1 mei 2024 12:52:

    En gij (DZR) gleuft dat. Je kunt niet eens een adres vinden dan dit luchtkasteel.
    Tonner Drones S.A.
    Multiparc du Jubin 27 Chemin des Peupliers
    FR-69570 Dardilly
    Telefoonnummer: +33 0811 04 59 21
    Bron: Cofisem - laatste update: 18 Feb 2024
  8. forum rang 4 Rakker 1 mei 2024 20:17
    Dat interview in Quote is niet erg bemoedigend. Hij koopt van failliete bedrijven aandelen van 1 of 2 cent. Of het trucje nu nog een keer gaat werken (dat aandeelhouders weer instappen ) betwijfel ik, die vieren in Dubai vermoedelijk feest van onze inleg. Het is kennelijk een bekend spelletje, want Martijn klaagt dat er steeds minder te verdienen valt.

    Met zoveel haaien op de loer gaat dit bedrijf het niet redden op de beurs en zal de koers nooit meer boven de 2 cent uitkomen, want dan begint de uitverkoop weer. Het is ook een veeg teken dat het bedrijf de Q1 cijfers hebben uitgesteld. Niet ondenkbaar dat Tonner zelf meespeelt om nog privé iets uit het bedrijf te slepen. Ik pak morgen m'n verlies. Weer wat geleerd.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 mei 2024 21:13

    Rakker schreef op 1 mei 2024 20:17:

    Dat interview in Quote is niet erg bemoedigend. Hij koopt van failliete bedrijven aandelen van 1 of 2 cent. Of het trucje nu nog een keer gaat werken (dat aandeelhouders weer instappen ) betwijfel ik, die vieren in Dubai vermoedelijk feest van onze inleg. Het is kennelijk een bekend spelletje, want Martijn klaagt dat er steeds minder te verdienen valt.

    Met zoveel haaien op de loer gaat dit bedrijf het niet redden op de beurs en zal de koers nooit meer boven de 2 cent uitkomen, want dan begint de uitverkoop weer. Het is ook een veeg teken dat het bedrijf de Q1 cijfers hebben uitgesteld. Niet ondenkbaar dat Tonner zelf meespeelt om nog privé iets uit het bedrijf te slepen. Ik pak morgen m'n verlies. Weer wat geleerd.
    Je hebt helemaal niks geleerd.
  10. forum rang 4 Diede 14 mei 2024 00:11
    Tonner Drones (“Tonner Drones” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with the holders of the Fiducie A trust to end the Company’s last variable pricing instrument.


    * Agreement to terminate the Company’s last remaining variable pricing instrument
    * Reduction of potential dilution, estimated to be between 15% and 20%
    * Reduction of overall debt by an estimation of more than €1M
    * Company expects a book profit from repurchasing the Fiducie A debt at a discount
    * New selling restrictions imposed on Fiducie A to reduce their influence on the share price
    * New bonds, with fixed conversion price, are being negotiated with new investors to finance cash payments to Fiducie A
    * Company management likely to take part in the transaction to end variable pricing instrument
    * Management strives towards a simpler capital structure
  11. forum rang 4 David Fernández 14 mei 2024 19:03

    David Fernández schreef op 5 april 2024 21:36:


    Tonner Drones heeft belangen in enkele van de grootste civiele en militaire dronefabrikanten in Frankrijk.
    Dat maakt nieuwsgierig.

    Voorlopig blijf ik zelf maar zitten in dronesfabrikant Aerovironment

    En dat heeft me tot nu toe zeker geen windeieren gelegd.
    Nog steeds niet.

    Aerovironment op 5 april 2024 toen ik bovenvermelde schreef : $ 148.53
    En nu $ 194,41

    En nog verkoop ik ze niet.
  12. forum rang 4 David Fernández 11 juni 2024 16:54

    David Fernández schreef op 5 april 2024 21:36:


    Tonner Drones heeft belangen in enkele van de grootste civiele en militaire dronefabrikanten in Frankrijk.
    Dat maakt nieuwsgierig.

    Voorlopig blijf ik zelf maar zitten in dronesfabrikant Aerovironment

    En dat heeft me tot nu toe zeker geen windeieren gelegd.
    De koers van drones fabrikant Aerovironment staat vandaag weer ruim 2% hoger en is dit jaar al gestegen van $ 123,56 naar rond $ 209 -210 op dit moment van schrijven.

    Ik heb dat aandeel al diverse malen op dit forum genoemd genoemd als kanshebber.

    Op 27 juni 2024 organiseert het bedrijf een analisten- en beleggersevenement in New York City om belanghebbenden een overzicht te geven van de portefeuille van het bedrijf en de lange termijn termijndoelen.
    Sterk aanbevolen.

    Te volgen via de live webcast .

    De live videowebcast is toegankelijk via het Investor Relations-gedeelte van de AeroVironment-website, investor.avinc.com .

    Ga 15 minuten vóór het gesprek naar de site, zodat u voldoende tijd heeft om de benodigde audiosoftware te downloaden.

  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 12 juni 2024 07:30
    Nederland draagt 60 miljoen euro bij aan dronecapaciteit Oekraïne

    Nieuwsbericht | 11-06-2024 | 20:00

    Nederland draagt 60 miljoen euro bij aan offensieve dronecapaciteit voor Oekraïne. Het bedrag is onder meer bedoeld voor maritieme drones en zogeheten First Person View drones, waarbij de ‘piloot’ op afstand meekijkt. Dat maakte minister Kajsa Ollongren bekend tijdens een bezoek aan Oekraïne. Zij bezocht er de steden Kyiv en Lviv. Dinsdagavond keerde zij terug in Nederland.
    Vergroot afbeelding Een maritieme drone.
    Archieffoto van het testen van een maritieme drone.

    Drones spelen een belangrijke rol in de oorlog tussen Oekraïne en Rusland. Ze zijn een effectieve aanvulling op andere, meer traditionele, wapensystemen. Binnen het aangekondigde steunpakket van 60 miljoen euro draagt Nederland met 20 miljoen euro aan de aanschaf van First Person View drones via de internationale dronecoalitie die eerder dit jaar is opgezet.

    Van het totale pakket is 17,5 miljoen euro bedoeld voor de aanschaf van maritieme drones. Maritieme drones, zogenoemde unmanned surface vessels, zijn succesvol geweest op de Zwarte Zee. Dit type drones kan Oekraïne in eigen land produceren, waardoor Nederland met deze financiële bijdrage ook het lokale bedrijfsleven stimuleert. “Deze hoogtechnologische innovaties zijn ook voor Nederland belangrijk. Voor de onderlinge industriesamenwerking en als lessons learned voor onze eigen krijgsmacht”, aldus minister Ollongren.

    Het overige deel van de nieuwe militaire steun is bedoeld voor bilaterale leveringen van drones van verschillende types. Hier profiteert dus ook de Nederlandse industrie van.
    Productiefaciliteiten Oekraïne

    Oekraïne kan de extra dronecapaciteit goed gebruiken. Rusland probeert in hoog tempo het effect van de onbemande vlieg- en vaartuigen tegen te gaan met zogeheten jammers en andere elektronische systemen. Deze capaciteiten spelen een prominente rol in het Russisch optreden.

    De minister deed de toezeggingen voor extra offensieve dronecapaciteit in Kyiv, waar zij onder meer een onderhoud had met de Oekraïense minister-president Sjmyhal en de minister van Defensie Umerov. Zij sprak met hen over de Nederlandse militaire steun, het uitwisselen van technologische kennis en toepassingen aan het front en de aanstaande Global Peace Summit in Luzern.

    De minister bezocht het land dit keer samen met Commandant Commando Materieel & IT viceadmiraal Jan Willem Hartman. Samen gingen zij langs bij 2 bedrijven (Destinus en Magura) om meer inzicht te krijgen in Oekraïense drone-productiefaciliteiten. Op de heenreis had minister Ollongren een ontmoeting met de Oekraïense minister Oleksandr Kamyshin (Strategische Industrieën) in Lviv over het uitbouwen van toekomstige samenwerkingen tussen Oekraïense en Nederlandse bedrijven.
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 13 juni 2024 15:14
    Tonner Drones Publishes 2023 Annual Report and Audited Accounts & Convenes Shareholders’ Annual Meeting

    Cannes, 12 June 2024

    Tonner Drones (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that following the board of directors’ resolution of 7 June 2024 closing the Company’s accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023, it has published its 2023 Annual Report and Audited Accounts. These documents demonstrate the profound impact of its new management team and corporate repositioning.

    When new management was appointed and assumed board responsibilities on 5 June 2023, they inherited substantial Q1 and Q2 losses driven by legacy operational and financing practices. Tonner Drones’ newly installed task-force team led the organization through a comprehensive restructuring and refinancing period, driving down the €8,83M losses experienced in the first half of 2023 by almost 79%, to €1,92M in the second half.
    (000’s) 2023 2022 Change
    Net Sales 1.080 0.341 + 217%
    Net Result (10.748) (24.650) - 56%

    While the iterative improvements to the financial wellbeing of the company are remarkable, Tonner Drones’ management team recognizes the substantial losses experienced in 2022 and 2023. Tonner Drones assures its investors that the painful legacy left by its former management and creditors will not be repeated, and that this difficult period will not define the organization’s future.

    Additionally, Tonner Drones has successfully negotiated the lifting of all variable price financing instruments held by Fiducie A1 and Yorkville.2 The total company debt as of 5 June 2024 is estimated at €4,6M. The estimated debt held by Fiducie A is now just under €1M and is expected to be terminated in October of 2024.

    Tonner Drones further demonstrated its decoupling from the past through its successful capital increase of €5M in April 2024. This strategic and necessary injection ensured that the financial performance of 2023 had no further effect on the future of the company.

    As a result of the April 2024 capital increase, Tonner Drones confidently holds the funds necessary for operating visibility projecting out at least 12 months into the future, enabling continued repositioning and growth efforts.

    Annual Shareholders’ Meeting:

    Today, Tonner Drones has also convened its annual shareholders’ meeting (the “Meeting”) to be held at 3pm on Friday, 28 June 2024 at the Company’s headquarters located at 1, avenue Alexandre Pascal – 06400 Cannes.

    All information regarding the Meeting and the 2023 Annual Report and Audited Accounts may be found on the Tonner Drones website (https://tonnerdrones.com/) under the Finance – Shareholders General Meetings tab.

    End of press-release.
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 17 juni 2024 13:16
    Update on Core Assets and Strategies

    Cannes, 14 June 2024 8:00

    Following the publication of its 2023 Annual Report and Audited Accounts, Tonner Drones (“Tonner Drones” or the “Company”) provides this update on its core assets and strategies.

    Since new management was appointed and assumed board responsibilities just over a year ago, the Company has stabilized its operations and secured its future funding. Significant cost reductions, coupled with the termination of the Company’s dependence on legacy variable pricing financing instruments, have ensured that Tonner Drones is in a stable financial condition as it enters the second half of 2024.

    With this financial restructuring behind it, management is now focused on generating shareholder value through the Company’s minority stakes in French drone companies, the Inhibitor military drone and associated patents, Countbot, potential acquisitions, and the legacy inventory left over from Delta Drone. Towards those ends, the Company provides the following updates:

    Minority Stakes in French Drone Companies. Tonner Drones holds minority stakes of between 8% to 15% in several non-listed drone companies located in France, including Donecle, Diodon, and Elistair. Tonner Drones is evaluating which of these companies it will continue to support given an alignment of strategic objectives, and which of these companies it will sell due to disparate strategic objectives. Following the implementation of this strategy, the Company aims to generate between €1 million and €2 million in cash in the next 12 months while maintaining a portfolio that could reach valuations in excess of € 5 million in the next years in those French drone companies.

    Inhibitor. When new management arrived on June 5, 2023, it brought with it the Inhibitor military drone technology that had been developed since 2018 at a cost of more than £ 8 million,1 and included the associated recoil elimination technology patent (that ensures the stability of the drone when firing a projectile) granted in Germany, and several patents pending in other countries. This company and its Inhibitor technology were valued in October of 2021 at more than £ 17 million. Companies associated with Jean-François Ott (Ott Heritage) and Bradley Taylor (Courcelette Holdings) sold Tonner Drones SAS, the company that owned the Inhibitor technology, German patent, and pending patents, to the Company for only € 2 million payable in seller financing through notes convertible into shares and associated earn outs.2 Since then, an additional recoil elimination technology patent was granted in the United Kingdom,3 and just last week on 5 June 2024, the Company received correspondence stating that the patent had also been approved in Australia. The Company is dedicated to developing and marketing this technology and its patents with local partners and those in the regions where it has already made inroads, including Ukraine and Niger.

    Countbot. Tonner Drones is working closely with engineering partners to evaluate its Countbot warehouse logistics robot with the goal of updating and enhancing its capabilities. This robot, developed by Delta Drone prior to the new management’s arrival, has solid potential and customer demand, but is not currently meeting the high product standards required by the new management team. Following the engineering audit of the Countbot technology, the Company’s aim will be to develop the new Countbot with our engineering partners.

    Potential Acquisitions. The Company is regularly contacting and meeting with various companies, in France and internationally, operating in the drone and drone-related technology space, to discuss potential acquisitions or reverse takeovers. At present, despite numerous constructive and promising discussions, Tonner Drones has not entered into any term sheets or letters of intent with any of these potential targets but aims to close on at least one transaction before the end of 2024.

    Legacy Parts Inventory. Over the past few weeks, Tonner Drones has successfully consolidated the legacy inventory that it inherited from Delta Drone when new management arrived in June of 2023, and that was located in various places, into the Company’s central facility in Cannes. This now allows Tonner Drones, along with its engineering partners, to evaluate the inventory in a single location to determine what inventory continues to be of use and what inventory is obsolete or of no strategic use to the Company such that it can be sold. The Company’s aim is to strategically reduce the amount of stored inventory it currently holds through the sales of redundant assets, ultimately supplementing its short-term operational cash requirements.

    As set forth in its press release of 4 March 2024,1 Tonner Drones became the controlling shareholder of the Swiss company Aero41 via the conversion of its outstanding debt into equity. Aero41 was another company that Delta Drone had invested in prior to new management’s arrival and was encountering financial difficulties. Tonner Drones hoped there was a possibility of turning Aero41 around. Unfortunately, Tonner Drones has determined that Aero41 does not have sufficient turnaround potential. As such, Aero41 will enter into bankruptcy proceedings.

    Finally, Tonner Drones is pleased to confirm that after being briefly placed on the Euronext penalty bench on 7 June 2024, once it published its annual report and audited financial accounts on 12 June 2024, it exited the Euronext penalty bench on 14 June 2024.

    End of press-release.
  16. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 17 juni 2024 15:32
    About Tonner Drones:
    Tonner Drones (formerly Delta Drone) develops UAVs and associated technologies for the defense and homeland security sectors. Tonner Drones holds valuable stakes in some of France's leading civilian and military drone manufacturers. Tonner Drones’ strategy is to leverage its shareholdings in these companies through active asset management, a private equity fund, and by teaming up with other private equity funds to become a significant industry consolidator. Additional revenues can be achieved through royalties from patents held by Tonner Drones to recognized manufacturers. Tonner Drones does not plan on owning a factory; however, it is determined to retain R&D for its products and systems in France.

    Tonner Drones’ shares are listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: FR001400H2X4).

    More information at www.tonnerdrones.com

    If you would like to find out more, or if you are interested in a partnership: contact@tonnerdrones.com

    Tonner Drones
    Diede van den Ouden
    Communication financière

    Tonner Drones
    Fabrice Astre
    Relations avec la presse
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