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China, Economische Wondere Wereldmacht

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  1. [verwijderd] 23 september 2004 15:59
    23.09.2004 08:51:00 GMT
    China expects GDP to hit USD 4.5 trillion by 2020, per capital GDP at USD 3,150

    Beijing. (Interfax-China) - China's population is forecast to reach 1.36 bln by 2010 and 1.43 bln by 2020. The country's total GDP is expected to reach USD 222.5 bln by 2010 and USD 4.5 trillion by 2020, with per capita GDP hitting USD 1,640 by 2010 and USD 3,150 by 2020, according to Liang Youcai, an official with the State Information Center.

    Liang says it is highly possible that China's GDP will maintain an average 8% annual growth rate from 2001 through 2010 and a 7.5% annual growth rate from 2010 through 2020. His most conservative projection is that China's GDP will grow by 7.5% year-on-year from 2001 through 2010 and by 7.3% year-on-year from 2010 through 2020.

    "Even based on the most conservative projections, China's GDP will quadruple by 2020," said Liang.

    Liang based his argument on eight major factors:

    1. China's per capita GDP in 2003 of USD 1,000 is still only 20% of the world average, leaving "huge space" and potential for growth.

    2. Further development of China's rural regions and higher levels of income for farmers will stimulate rural consumption.

    3. China's abundant cheap labor, coupled with a good economic environment and a stable social and political environment, will continue to attract a steady stream of foreign direct investment.

    4. Macro-economic controls adopted by the central government will keep development at a good pace in the future.

    5. Political power has been handed down to a new generation of state leaders.

    6. With China's WTO entry, the Chinese enterprises have become global, meaning Chinese firms will be able to source supplies internationally and run at optimum levels.

    7. China's reform and opening-up policy has proven valuable and will continue to boost China's economy.

    8. China's economy is mainly driven by domestic demand, and thus world economic fluctuations have little impact on the country's development.

    Liang believes China's comprehensive economy will exceed that of France in 2004 to become the worlds fifth largest and surpass that of the UK in 2006 to become the fourth largest in the world. By 2011, Liang expects China to become the third largest economic power, surpassing Germany. In 2036, Liang believes China will surpass Japan to become the second largest economic power in the world.

  2. [verwijderd] 25 september 2004 14:03
    China overtreft VS met investeringen

    China was vorig jaar voor het eerst aantrekkelijker als investeringsland dan de Verenigde Staten. China trok 53 miljard dollar (44 miljard euro) aan directe investeringen aan tegen 40 miljard dollar voor de VS.

    Dat blijkt uit cijfers die de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) maandag naar buiten heeft gebracht.

    De dertig OESO-landen zagen 28 procent minder aan investeringen binnenkomen dan in 2002. Het totaalbedrag kwam uit op 384 miljard dollar (317 miljard euro). In 2000, op het hoogtepunt van de internethype, was dat nog bijna 1,3 biljoen dollar
  3. [verwijderd] 30 september 2004 15:38
    $ daalt en dat is goed voor de Chinese export.

    Binnenkort samenkomst van de G7 + China, aan de Yuan wordt gewerkt, en het volume van de Hang Seng is hoger dan gewoonlijk => ideaal voor chinese warrants.

    De 13.000 punten is weer in tact en ik hoop dat we vertrokken zijn.

    The Artist

  4. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2004 00:25
    Kijk uit voor oververhitting... En het financiele systeemis nog bij lange na niet stabiel genoeg; banken crisis etc. kan het hele feestje bederven!

  5. [verwijderd] 8 oktober 2004 23:13
    Metaalprijzen stijgen tot recordhoogte

    RIJSWIJK (ANP) - De enorme groei van de Chinese economie leidt niet alleen tot hoge olieprijzen. Ook metalen als koper en aluminium kosten de laatste tijd steeds meer. Deze week kwamen de prijzen op recordniveaus.
    Als de productie niet snel toeneemt, kunnen tekorten ontstaan. De industrie ondervindt daarvan de grootste hinder. Consumenten lijken zich voorlopig minder zorgen te hoeven maken.
    Aluminium, waarvan onder meer bierblikjes worden gemaakt, is dit jaar 14 procent in prijs gestegen tot 1850 dollar per ton. Bij koper bedroeg de stijging 30 procent tot 3000 dollar. Begin dit jaar kwamen de prijzen op recordhoogten, daarna zakten ze iets terug en nu zitten ze boven het oude recordniveau. Daarin lijkt voorlopig geen verandering te komen.
    Als de olieprijs omhoog gaat, wordt vrijwel direct duidelijk wat dat voor de consument betekent. Die moet aan de pomp meer betalen en houdt daardoor minder geld over voor andere zaken. Bij metaal is dat verband minder direct.
    De industrie ondervindt duideijk hinder van de hoge grondstoffenprijzen. Eind vorige maand zag de Zweedse fabrikant van witgoed Electrolux zich gedwongen met een winstwaarschuwing te komen omdat de metaalprijzen de pan uitrijzen. In verband met de concurrentie in de witgoedbranche wordt de prijsstijging niet doorberekend in de verkoopprijs van bijvoorbeeld een wasmachine.
    Ook de auto-industrie kan haar borst natmaken. De metaalproducenten hebben voor volgend jaar een prijsverhoging van zo’n 20 procent in het vooruitzicht gesteld. De winstmarges zullen dan kleiner worden. Ook hier is de kans groot dat het daarbij blijft en dat de aanschaf van een auto niet duurder wordt, zegt analist Richard Keizer van onderzoeksbureau Iris (Rabobank/Robeco).
    Hoewel net als bij de oliehandel sprake is van speculaties, hangt de prijsstijging bij metalen vooral samen met de grote vraag in China. Dat land alleen al is goed voor 30 procent van de vraag naar ijzererts en 20 procent van de vraag naar koper.
    Dat zijn enorme hoeveelheden. Het wel en wee van China heeft dan ook direct zijn weerslag op de metaalprijzen. Toen de regering in Peking eerder dit jaar stappen nam om de snelle economische groei af te remmen, gingen de prijzen omlaag. Toch lijkt China dit jaar weer af te stevenen op een groei van 9 procent. De metaalprijzen stijgen navenant.
    Volgens Keizer is in de metaalsector momenteel sprake van een "fragiel evenwicht" tussen vraag en aanbod. Op een aantal markten, zoals die van nikkel, is zelfs sprake van tekorten.
    "In landen als Australië en Brazilië wordt weliswaar een grotere productie van metalen en andere grondstoffen zoals ijzererts voorzien, maar voordat die goed en wel van de grond komt zijn we wel een paar jaar verder", aldus de analist. Een groot deel zal afhangen van China. Als dat land zo hard blijft groeien als nu is de kans groot dat er inderdaad meer tekorten ontstaan, met alle gevolgen van dien.
    De staalproducenten zijn voorlopig de lachende derde, want die varen wel bij de hogere prijzen. Op de Amsterdamse effectenbeurs is de koers van het Nederlands-Britse Corus dit jaar 84 procent gestegen. Het bedrijf is daarmee een van de best presterende fondsen op het Damrak.
  6. [verwijderd] 22 oktober 2004 11:01
    China says economy on course for steady growth
    By Financial Times reporters
    Published: October 22 2004 03:16 | Last updated: October 22 2004 03:16

    China released a series of key data on Friday which appeared to suggest that the economy was on a steady path of growth.

    Gross domestic product for the first nine months of the year expanded a healthy 9.5 per cent, allaying fears of a sudden slow-down in the economy.

    GDP growth for the three quarters was 0.6 per cent higher than the same period last year. Separate data for the third quarter was not available.

    The national bureau of statistics said in a statement: “Through intensifying and improving macro-economic controls, certain unstable and unhealthy factors in the economy have been curbed ... Major fluctuations in the economy have been prevented while steady growth is maintained.”

    Retail sales grew 13 per cent in the three quarters while the consumer price index rose 4.1 per cent compared with the same nine months last year. CPI for the month of September was 5.2 per cent higher than a year ago, 0.1 per cent slower than the previous month. While the figure remained above the sensitive 5 per cent level, the bureau said it appeared that a trend of month-to-month expansion was beginning to change.

    CPI growth in China to around the level of the one-year lending rate offered by commercial banks has prompted a debate over whether and when Beijing could raise interest rates. A slowdown in inflation would buy the government more time, analysts said.

    Meanwhile, fixed assets investment growth slowed to 27.7 per cent, down 15.3 per cent from the first quarter and 0.9 per cent from the second quarter. Sectors which have seen the most signs of over-heating cooled visibly. Investment in the steel and cement sector fell 65.6 per cent and 43.4 per cent from the previous quarter while investment in the aluminium industry fell 6.5 per cent. Investment in property development rose 28.3 per cent, 12.8 per cent slower than the previous quarter.

    Growth in industrial production remained fast, up 17 per cent in the nine months to September compared to the same period last year.

    The Art is China
  7. [verwijderd] 22 oktober 2004 12:01
    De eerste (mooie) Chinese auto's met BMW en audi look alike zijn al gesignaleerd.
    Te koop in China voor rond de € 10.000.
    Het zal wel niet meer zolang duren voordat ook deze auto's van Chinese afkomst, in Rotterdan aan land gaan!

    Gelukkig wordt globalisering wordt nog steeds omhelst door de politiek!

    Zelfs door Staatssecretaris "Rutte" vcan onderwijs.

    Deze naieve staatssecretaris denkt kennis in huis te halen door Aziatische studenten naar Nederland te halen met veel subsidie (200 miljoen euro) om hier te gaan studeren om dan natuurlijk te blijven.
    Afgestuurde Chinese studenten zullen m.i. het eerste vliegtuig richting thuis kiezen inclusief bull.
    Dag...centjes...dag know how.
  8. [verwijderd] 25 oktober 2004 19:18
    Vorige week vrijdag waren er macro-economische cijfers in China.

    En wat bleek => er is geen sprake van een harde landing laat staan een zachte landing, m.a.w. geen landing => enkel een verschroeiende harde groei.

    Toch hebben ze in China op de juiste plaatsen de groei doen vertragen.

    Bepaalde sectoren waren oververhit en deze zijn wel afgekoeld.

    Dat is fantastisch nieuws.

    Neem daarbij dat de dollar enorm aan het verzwakken is en dat dat erg goed is voor de Chinese export.

    Ook de olieprijs valt vandaag wat terug.

    Het lijkt erop dat de rally op de Hang Seng gaat vertrekken.

    Let vooral op Lenovo, den trekker van de Beurs.

    The Artist
  9. [verwijderd] 27 oktober 2004 16:02
    De china index is nu op het punt gekomen van augustus .
    Dus we lopen weer twee maanden achterop .
    Maar een optimist zo als jij, maakt mij dag weer goed :)

  10. [verwijderd] 28 oktober 2004 00:36
    Hey,artist,niet meer op het cash forum??
    Legend(Lenovo) dan toch in stijgende trend!
    Heb je nog colruyt?waarschijnlijk wel :-)) of andere pareltjes?
    veel vragen hé,het is dan ook maanden geleden dat ik nog iets van jou gelezen had,was dan ook vooral bezig op boursorama en alstom,mooie rally trouwens,nu denk ik aan versatel,op KT zit er wel wat in.

  11. [verwijderd] 28 oktober 2004 10:27

    Yellowcab schreef:

    De china index is nu op het punt gekomen van augustus .
    Dus we lopen weer twee maanden achterop .
    Maar een optimist zo als jij, maakt mij dag weer goed :)

    het optimisme kan nergens meer stuk, de afkoeling van de olieprijs kan vonken geven, de sterke groei in China die niet wil afgeven en afkoelt waar ze moet afkoelen, en loskoppeling van de Chinese munt t.o.v. de dollar wat meer evenwicht zal geven op de financiële markten en tis bingo.

    De verplichting van de USA om te blijven groeien om hun schulden af te betalen, is een ideaal scenario voor China, ze hebben hier een gedroomde afzetmarkt.

    Amerika leent bij Chinezen, Chinezen werken voor de wereld, maar ze verdienen eraan.

    De interne groei van China wordt dank zij de strenge en eenrichtingsverkeer denkende Chinese leiders goed en streng beteugeld, de groei wordt als het ware geleid van bovenaf.

    Daar waar nodig worden straffen of doodstraffen uitgedeeld, het zij zo.

    De Hang Seng komt uit zijn kleine correctie, terug naar boven richting naar boven de 20.000 punten.

    Lenovo zit tegen zijn vorige recentste topkoers 2.8 HKD, hier "Live" bijgekocht aan 2.1 HKD.

    Colruyt de dappere zwaan zit ook aan zijn topkoers 114 eur voorlopig nog rustig, maar als de jaarresultaten en de "winst per aandeel" bekendgemaakt zullen zijn, gaat weer iedereen uit het dak.

    Weten we nog die "slijmerige" paniek van de zogenaamde oververhitting in China.


    The Artist

    De beuk erin.
  12. [verwijderd] 28 oktober 2004 10:52
    Is China next tech superpower? Entirely possible

    Thursday, October 28, 2004 - Page B13

    China is still an up-and-coming player in high tech. Its domestic IT market, at $28-billion, is only 7 per cent that of the United States.

    But it's got momentum, a gigantic domestic market being pump-primed by global technology players, low labour costs, and -- most importantly -- aggressive entrepreneurialism. China could emerge within a decade as the next technology superpower.

    Here are some interesting figures:

    With 300 million subscribers, China is the world's largest mobile phone market.

    Its domestic market for electronic information products of all sorts leapt from $20-billion in 1999 to $77-billion in 2002.

    It makes 60 per cent of the world's DVD players.

    China builds 21 per cent of the world's PCs. This year it is expected to buy more than a quarter of the world's notebooks.

    Check out the back plate of just about any high-tech gear; chances are it's made in China (my laser printer touchingly advises it's from Gold Garden Industry, Nan Ling Village, Shenzhen). But that's not good enough for the Chinese as long as the front badge doesn't denote one of their manufacturers.

    This will change, soon. China is tackling the problem on many fronts.

    First, human resources. In 2003, China had 337,000 engineering graduates, the largest number in the world (India was second largest, with 316,000, while the United States typically graduates a mere 50,000).

    Second, as did the Japanese in the 1960s, Chinese manufacturers are closing the quality gap. According to an IndustryWeek survey released two weeks ago, Chinese manufacturers' on-time delivery rate is 99 per cent, compared with 96 per cent for U.S. manufacturers. Chinese manufacturers meet product specifications 98 per cent of the time on the first attempt, versus 97 for U.S. manufacturers. And 53 per cent of Chinese manufacturers provide more than 20 hours of training to each new employee, compared with only 35 per cent in the United States.

    Third, domestic firms in key IT and communications sectors control big chunks of the Chinese market. Many have global ambitions.

    Lenovo (with market share of 26 per cent) and Founder Electronics (11 per cent) dominate the country's PC market. Dell pulled out of China's consumer PC market this summer, routed by competitors selling cheap machines.

    Global players such as Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson created the Chinese cellphone boom. Then a couple of years ago domestic players such as Ningbo Bird Co. and TCL Mobile Communication Co. changed the rules with cheap phones and sales networks that extended into remote rural areas. In 2003 they captured 46 per cent of the market. The big global firms continued to dominate high-end, fashion-oriented, innovative markets. Now they've adopted low-end strategies to compete with the indigenous firms. But the domestics are bound to move up-market, too.

    Huawei Technologies Co. is the country's $3.8-billion (U.S.) technology flagship: a challenger to global telecommunications firms such as Nortel and Cisco. It plans to spend $500-million on research and development this year -- about a quarter what Nortel spends, but enough to pay 10,000 engineers at Chinese rates.

    Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC) wants to be one of the world's six biggest car companies by 2020 -- and what's a car these days if not a pack of computers on wheels? It's springboarding from partnerships with General Motors and Volkswagen that produced more than 600,000 cars last year. Industry analysts think SAIC will pull off its plan.

    China may be the world's biggest and most dynamic market, with the most engineers -- but is this enough to become a global leader?

    Not quite, say prognosticators like BusinessWeek magazine. China's "bid to become an economic superpower will ultimately depend more on its fecundity in basic research than on its ability to engineer me-too or me-slightly-better products. World-changing innovations are hard to arrive at -- the American scientific and engineering culture that brought forth such miracles as colour TV, Kevlar, the laser, gene-splicing, and the Internet took decades to build." Not to worry, says the publication to its American readers. China is at least a decade and "possibly much more" away from serious competition with the world's innovation leaders.

    Poppycock, say I. Ten years is nary a blink of an eye for China, whose then prime minister, Chou En-Lai, famously told U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in 1972 that "it's too early to tell" whether the 1789 French Revolution benefited humanity.

    If you think the BusinessWeek view has merit, consider this fourth prong of the Chinese game plan: the technology standards wars. China is trying to set the standard in areas from garden variety operating systems (a Chinese version of Linux) to next wave cellphone protocols (the 100 megabit per second, high resolution video capable 4G standard). Given the size and growth rate of its domestic market, it has the clout to succeed at least some of the time.

    Owning standards makes business sense for cost-sensitive Chinese manufacturers. AVS, China's proposed audio-video encoding standard, carries a licence fee of 1 yuan (15 cents) compared with $3 for MPEG, the dominant global standard. And owning a dominant standard can lead to massive paybacks, as the histories of IBM, Microsoft, and countless others illustrate.

    Some standards also have geopolitical ramifications. China recently delivered crucial support to Europe on the Galileo standard for satellite positioning systems. Galileo is a response to the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS).

    Although it is capable of pinpoint accuracy, the U.S. military limits civilian-accessible accuracy of GPS measurements to within a metre or so and keeps the tighter measures for itself. Galileo, once it is operational in 2008, will solve this problem and tilt a key information balance away from the United States.

    China the next technology superpower? Entirely plausible.


    The Artist

  13. [verwijderd] 5 november 2004 10:21
    China's Power Brands
    Bold entrepreneurs are producing the mainland's hot consumer products. But the multinationals are fighting back. Who will the big winners be?

    How do you get rich in China these days? Build a brand. That's what 35-year-old Huang Guangyu has done. The Guangdong native started out at 18, renting a market stall in Beijing and hawking cheap plastic appliances. Today, his GOME Electrical Appliances is China's top consumer-electronics chain, with well over 100 stores, $2 billion in sales, and the kind of high-plateau brand recognition that Circuit City (CC ) and Best Buy (BBY ) enjoy in the U.S. Advertisement

    And thanks to a backdoor stock listing in Hong Kong this summer, Huang's net worth is at least $830 million. Just one hitch, though. China's domestic retail players, including GOME, are already worried about the impact of foreign competition next year, when Beijing will open the entire country to retailers from abroad.

    This little tale neatly sums up the story of China's emerging brands today. Tremendous excitement about the brands, but a good dose of fear about their staying power. Global business executives are certainly agog at the prospect that the next stage of China's superfast development will be the establishment of power brands in everything from retailing to white goods to autos and more -- brands strong enough both to dominate at home and thrive overseas. "They are definitely going global," says Glen Murphy, the Shanghai-based managing director of ACNielsen in China. "With their resources and production base, they are large enough to reach out to the world."

    There are plenty of well-known local names besides GOME. Haier Group, of course, is the granddaddy, a $10 billion maker of refrigerators, washing machines, and more, with global ambitions nurtured by its well-known boss, Zhang Ruimin. Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., with $1.2 billion in sales, is the top vendor of bottled water. TCL Corp., with $3.4 billion in revenue, is so powerful in TVs and other electronics that it reached a deal to merge its television business with that of France's Thomson (TMS ) last year and took control of Alcatel's (ALA ) cell-phone business this year. Lenovo Group Ltd. (LGHLY ), formerly known as Legend, with $3 billion in revenue, is No. 1 in China's PC market. Li-Ning Co. Ltd., founded by a Chinese athlete, is the top seller of athletic footwear and apparel: It went public this year, too. The roster goes on and on.

    But China brand watchers wonder, is this impressive enough? They see the capacity overhang in Chinese industry, the tendency to skimp on innovation, the ever-growing presence of multinationals on the mainland, and the continuing popularity of foreign brands on the mainland. Share prices for many of China's consumer brand companies are way off this year. Brand awareness of Chinese companies among U.S. and European consumers is, by and large, low. And for every China brands enthusiast, there's a skeptic. "Export their brands successfully?" asks Tom Doctoroff, CEO for Greater China at U.S. ad agency J. Walter Thompson (WPPGY ). "Chinese companies are light years away from it."

    Then again, so were the Koreans when they set out 20 years ago to join the stable of world-class brand companies -- and no one could have predicted that Samsung, LG, and Hyundai would be the up-and-coming global brands they are now. Like the Koreans, the Chinese are certainly going to stumble many times as they build their brands. But with all the furious activity going on in the marketplace, some of these brands will emerge as real winners, both at home and abroad. Unlike the nationalist Japanese, some will hook up with foreign companies to get a boost -- and some will even use the brand name of their foreign partner when they market abroad, as TCL will with RCA, Thomson's big brand in the U.S., and the Thomson brand itself, in Europe. China's huge domestic economy gives these contenders the chance to cut their teeth in the most competitive market on earth, and to build up a war chest of revenues for efforts abroad. "Market shares will go up and down. Some Chinese companies will lose. It's a learning process," says Paul Gao, a principal in the Shanghai office of McKinsey & Co. "But there is no doubt that world-class Chinese brands will emerge." The learning process will involve both making better products and selling them more effectively. Ogilvy & Mather Chairman and CEO Shelly Lazarus recently led a conference of more than a dozen Chinese companies at the former estate of agency founder David Ogilvy. Lazarus was impressed both by their lack of knowledge and their hunger. "Most Chinese companies don't yet understand even what we mean by 'positioning' a brand," Lazarus told BusinessWeek. "But they are anxious to know. They can't suck it in fast enough. They are going to figure this out. You can see it in their eyes."

    Who will those winners be? China brand watchers pick TCL, Haier, and SVA, a top TV maker. But at this stage in China's tumultuous economy, it's hard to say for sure. Overcapacity has reached 30% in many industries, including televisions, washing machines, and refrigerators, putting tremendous pressure on margins. "Home electronics appliance prices are decreasing 10% to 15% annually," says Chen Kaixun, vice-president of Hisense Electric Co. Ltd., an appliance maker and rival to Haier. "For the price war, the only thing we can do is decrease our costs." Hisense managed 2% profit growth in the first half. The price war has also hit Haier hard; its Shanghai-listed arm pulled off only 6% profit growth for the first half, despite sharply rising sales. And it's not just white goods. Auto prices have fallen 7% in each of the past two years and are expected to drop at least 10% this year. The television glut is especially severe -- and an aggressive export drive has triggered anti-dumping suits from the U.S. and Europe.

    Another menace is the profusion of copycat products that spring up as soon as a brand gains popularity. Products from Tsingtao beer to Li-Ning shoes all compete with knockoffs. Often the only way for the big Chinese and foreign brands to drive the counterfeiters out of business is to slash prices even further -- a strategy that runs counter to developing brand equity.

    In this punishing environment, the until-now mediocre record of Chinese companies in innovation is a liability. It's rare for Chinese companies to meet the international norm of spending 5% or more of revenues on research and development. This spending gap can give multinationals the edge.

    That's what has happened in cell phones. Between 2000 and 2003, local handset brands like Bird, Amoi, Panda, and TCL beat Nokia (NOK ), Motorola (MOT ), and other global brands on price and flashy features like TCL's gem-studded phone, a big success with the nouveaux-riches. The locals went from a zero share in handsets a few years ago to almost 50%. "We take our Chinese competitors seriously," says Maurice Tan, marketing manager for Nokia China. "They are like a wolf pack."

    Yet the wolf pack has been retreating of late. In the past year or so, Motorola, Nokia, and Sony Ericsson have rolled out a raft of phones with fancy new functions, pushed aggressively into new markets, and slashed prices. Nokia, for example, has added Chinese handwriting functions, and expanded its relationships with the thousands of small retailers that sell mobile
  14. [verwijderd] 5 november 2004 12:12
    Alweer een bewijs dat er voor westerse bedrijven niets te verdienen valt in China!
    Problemen in China voor Numico
    Door een onzer redacteuren (NRC 4 nov.)

    ROTTERDAM, 4 NOV. Het voedingsconcern Numico, bekend van Olvarit, overweegt te stoppen met de verkoop van babyvoeding in China en Brazilië. Numico maakt er een verlies van 10 miljoen euro op een omzet van 12 miljoen.

    Dat heeft bestuursvoorzitter J. Bennink vanochtend gezegd bij de presentatie van de cijfers over het derde kwartaal. Ondanks de jarenlange sterke groei van de economie in China en de 1,2 miljard inwoners draait Numico er een beperkte omzet van 5 à 10 miljoen euro. De exacte verkopen wil het bedrijf niet bekendmaken.

    ,,We vragen ons af of we in China de goede strategie hebben, de goede fabriek en de goede producten'', zei financieel bestuurder J.-M. Huët. Begin volgend jaar hakt Numico de knoop door. ,,Zeker is dat we iets moeten doen, want daar zit iets fout'', vertelde Bennink. Numico kan besluiten tot een grote reorganisatie.

    Het bedrijf overweegt zich ook terug te trekken uit Brazilië. Bennink maakte geen cijfers per land bekend, maar zei dat Numico in China en Brazilië samen slechts voor 12 miljoen euro aan babyvoeding verkoopt, 26 procent minder dan vorig jaar. Op die omzet lijdt het concern een verlies van 10 miljoen euro. Begin 2005 neemt het ook de definitieve beslissing of Brazilië zal worden afgestoten.

    Het bedrijf al geheel groeit op ongeveer hetzelfde niveau als het eerste halfjaar. De verkoop van babyvoeding steeg 5 procent tot 276 miljoen euro en de omzet van ziekenhuisvoeding nam toe met 11 procent tot 153 miljoen euro. Door de betere marge droeg ziekenhuisvoeding bijna evenveel bij aan het bedrijfsresultaat (vóór afschrijvingen) van 81 miljoen euro. De nettowinst was 44 miljoen, tegen een verlies van 457 miljoen euro in het derde kwartaal van 2003.

    Vooral buiten Europa verkocht Numico meer babyvoeding, gemiddeld 12 procent, door introductie van nieuwe producten. Zo heeft Numico de laatste tijd flesjes babyvoeding op de markt gebracht en opgroeimelk voor kinderen tussen de één en drie jaar.

    Voor dit jaar verwacht Numico 8 à 9 procent meer omzet te boeken, iets hoger dan eerder werd gezegd. Ook kondigde het bedrijf aan dat het in 2006 betaling van dividend hervat. Door de verliezen met de voormalige vitaminebedrijven was Numico daartoe niet in staat. De koers van het aandeel Numico was vanochtend op de beurs van Amsterdam vrijwel onveranderd op 26,30 euro.

  15. [verwijderd] 5 november 2004 13:36

    The artist schreef:

    China's Power Brands


    Yet the wolf pack has been retreating of late. In the past year or so, Motorola, Nokia, and Sony Ericsson have rolled out a raft of phones with fancy new functions, pushed aggressively into new markets, and slashed prices. Nokia, for example, has added Chinese handwriting functions, and expanded its relationships with the thousands of small retailers that sell mobile

    => deel 2

    Yet the wolf pack has been retreating of late. In the past year or so, Motorola, Nokia, and Sony Ericsson have rolled out a raft of phones with fancy new functions, pushed aggressively into new markets, and slashed prices. Nokia, for example, has added Chinese handwriting functions, and expanded its relationships with the thousands of small retailers that sell mobile phones across China. Because of the counterattack, TCL has seen its branded handset market share slip from 8% to 6.1% in the last year and a half: Sales of its mobile phones at its Shenzhen-listed arm dropped almost by a third in the first half, while Bird's sales dropped almost 20%. Overall, domestic vendors have seen their handset sales slip from 42% of the market last year to 37% in the first half of 2004. Says Patrick Kung, general manager of Motorola's handset business in North Asia: "The locals did very well in the past three years. But starting this year, their growth rate has stalled big time." And there are still 37 local handset makers slugging it out.

    Foreign manufacturers such as Hitachi and Samsung have also won back share in high-end plasma and flat-screen TVs, while Panasonic and LG have recovered some of the sales they lost in microwaves to local brand Galanz. In autos, the Koreans and Japanese are expected to introduce more affordable models in China. "The next several years will be difficult for local carmakers," predicts Yale Zhang, director of emerging-markets vehicle forecasts at CSM Asia Corp. in Shanghai. General Motors (GM ), Ford (F ), and Volkswagen already offer budget models for less than $10,000. That could spell trouble for Geely Auto, a six-year-old brand that has quickly captured 4% of the market with cars that sell for as little as $3,500. Geely can't match the foreign brands for quality.

    The increasing competition in retail will also hurt, at least in the short run. Today, Chinese companies have an edge in developing relationships with the thousands of small stores and kiosks where most Chinese shop. But with the World Trade Organization-mandated opening of all China to foreign retailers coming at the end of the year, multinationals such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT ) and Carrefour will further expand their franchises, making those ties less important. "As the distribution model changes, it is becoming less and less suited to domestic brands, making it easier for foreign companies to penetrate China," says Qu Honglin, general manager of Local Strategy, a Shanghai brands consultancy.

    A final issue that Chinese companies have to struggle with is the depth of management. Many of China's best brands were conceived by heroic entrepreneurs like GOME's Huang or 59-year-old Zong Qinghou. Zong, who spent years laboring in the rice paddies during the Cultural Revolution, is founder of Wahaha, a beverage group that had profits of $196 million last year. (French company Groupe Danone (DA ) owns 30%.) A hands-on leader, Zong will lead his managers on a tour of street vendors to see how beverages get sold in China's sprawling sidewalk markets. But he scorns market research, and it's not clear how Wahaha would fare without its charismatic founder. That's also true of other Chinese companies, says Local Strategy's Qu.

    These are all formidable problems. Yet for every setback, the Chinese find a way to move forward. Indeed, losing a few rounds in the most competitive market on earth is excellent training. Look at Lenovo. Several years ago the computer maker hatched big plans to branch out into PDAs, mobile phones, and other areas beyond its expertise in laptops, PCs, and servers. The company pushed its global expansion as well. Bad idea. The loss of focus started costing Lenovo -- as Dell Inc. (DELL ) stepped up the pressure in China. Lenovo had to lay off 5% of its workforce last spring. But to its credit, the company has refocused its priorities in the China market, and profits rebounded 24% in the first quarter of its fiscal year. Investors need to keep a watch, though. Lenovo is now going into investment banking -- not exactly a core competence.

    Other companies are realizing they can't skimp on research. Over the next few years, TCL will ramp up R&D from 3% of sales to 5%. Television maker SVA Group spends 6%. "We must invest and develop new products," says Chen Hong, SVA's vice-president in charge of overseas markets. "If we focus on price alone, we don't have a future." SVA sells only flat-screen and plasma televisions in the U.S. and has hired McKinsey to do consumer research to tailor its branded products.

    If foreign connections will help, so be it. SVA has a new joint venture with NEC to manufacture LCD panels. TCL, by acquiring Thomson-RCA's TV line and Alcatel's cell-phone business, has acquired Western brand names, distribution networks in Europe, and a bundle of Western technology. Strong sales in televisions in China and abroad helped push up TCL'S first half earnings by 44%, despite its serious setback in cell phones at home.

    One brand that has seen its global future and acted on it is telecom equipment maker Huawei Technologies Co. It already spends more than 10% of its revenues on research -- and is not only competing successfully against outfits like Cisco in telecommunications gear but could emerge as a consumer brand as well. It now makes handsets and set-top boxes for TVs. Its formidable research machine could give it a winning hand.

    Other companies are building up better knowledge of foreign markets. Haier has been criticized for not grasping what it takes to succeed globally. "One of the steps that many of the Asian companies have missed is the huge investment that's required to build brand equity," says David L. Swift, executive vice-president of Whirlpool Corp.'s (WHR ) North American region, which competes with Haier. In the U.S., Haier's greatest success is with budget items such as compact refrigerators.

    Yet Haier already spends 4% of revenues on research and is creating local product-development teams in Tokyo and the U.S. to differentiate its line and move upmarket. In Japan, for instance, Haier offers washers that use less water, are quieter, and are narrow enough to fit cramped Japanese homes. "In the past, we tried to design our products in Qingdao and sell them to the U.S. and Japan," says 55-year-old CEO Zhang. "They didn't meet overseas consumers' needs and didn't sell well." Today, Haier has 22 factories overseas, including a refrigerator plant in Camden, South Carolina. Revenues from Haier's overseas operations are up 53% to $1.3 billion in the first eight months of 2004.

    Back home, many parts of the Chinese market are still up for grabs, thanks to the vastness of the country. Wahaha, for example, has built up its market by avoiding head-on confrontations with PepsiCo Inc. (PEP ) and Coca-Cola Co. (KO ) and focusing on less-developed markets. It is now a big force in provincial capitals like Kunming, Yunnan. "We have a huge advantage in second-
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