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Campbell Resources

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  1. forum rang 7 lucas D 9 maart 2009 19:33
    Mmm. Campbell mogelijk opnieuw in de picture bij beleggers, goud en koperprijzen zijn stijgende en zullen er mogelijk voor zorgdragen dat de mijnen weer geopend worden.

    Het wachten is op het heropenen van de eerste mijn. :~)

    lucas D
  2. [verwijderd] 10 maart 2009 21:40

    HonkyTonkGal schreef:.......ik ben op de IEX-forums verbannen voor 6 maanden, maar in Maart ben ik er weer..........


    Is het al Maart ?

  3. [verwijderd] 14 maart 2009 04:37

    smith&jones schreef:

    Geef toe dat je ook benieuwd bent!

    Benieuwd niet, maar dit aandeel heeft de hulp van 'n marketentster nodig, 'n aanvoerster, 'n leidster, a cheerleader.

    En wie kan dat beter ?

  4. forum rang 7 lucas D 14 maart 2009 17:26
    [Mmm. de vraag is of het aandeel hulp nodig heeft of de aandeelhouder die wacht op een stevige opleving van de koers.

    Mogelijk dat beiden binnen redelijke termijn gerealiseerd worden.

    De berichten op een Canadese site lezende (wat er van waar is weet ik niet, maar waar rook is, is vuur) zal het Gouvernement eisen dat Campbell met mogelijk zelfs een andere directie de mijnen heropend, daar er honderden mijnwerkers werkeloos zijn in de regio, en de mijnen wel degelijk rendabel blijken te zijn, en met de huidige grondstofprijzen zelfs behoorlijk winstgevend.

    Er spelen dus meerdere belangen mee (werkeloosheid regio, investeringen door het Gouvernement)buiten het onderzoek wat naar de oude directie ingesteld is, wat tot op heden als voorlopige uitkomst heeft, dat niemand begrijpt waarom de mijnen eigenlijk gesloten zijn?

    lucas D

  5. smith&jones 15 maart 2009 21:19

    Amor Arrows schreef:

    Geef toe dat je ook benieuwd bent!


    Benieuwd niet, maar dit aandeel heeft de hulp van 'n marketentster nodig, 'n aanvoerster, 'n leidster, a cheerleader.

    En wie kan dat beter ?

    Wie had dit van jou gedacht Amor....

  6. forum rang 7 lucas D 23 maart 2009 18:17
    March 20, 2009 - 3:06 PM EDT

    Campbell Resources anticipate not being able to fulfil its Continuous Disclosure Obligations
    MONTREAL, March 20 /CNW Telbec/ - Campbell Resources Inc. (the "Corporation") (NEX CCH, OTC Bulletin Board: CBLRF) is currently in a process of restructuration and subject to an ordinance issued by the Court under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36) (Ref.: Press release dated January 28, 2009), wishes to inform its securities holders that it will not be able to fulfil its Continuous Disclosure Obligations with regards to the filing of its annual financial statements and auditor's report, the filing of its interim financial statements, of its management's discussion and analysis as well as the Annual Information Form and the documents pertaining to the Management Proxy Circular in relation to the annual shareholders meeting until such time as it has presented a plan of arrangement to its creditors and elaborated a restructuration plan.

    The Corporation intends to comply with the alternative information guidelines contained in Policy Statement 12-203 as long as its remains in default of its Continuous Disclosure Obligations and, in particular, to disclose to the applicable Canadian Securities Administrators the same information it provides to its creditors as well as any other material information concerning its business that has not been generally disclosed.

    Certain information contained in this release contains "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and is subject to certain risks, assumptions and uncertainties, including those "Risk Factors" set forth in the Campbell's current Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2007, which may cause actual future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement. Such factors include, but are not limited to: differences between estimated and actual mineral reserves and resources; changes to exploration, development and mining plans due to prudent reaction of management to ongoing exploration results, engineering and financial concerns; and fluctuations in the gold price which affect the profitability and mineral reserves and resources of Campbell. The key assumptions underlying the forward looking statements contained in this release are that the gold and copper prices remain equal to or above the prices disclosed herein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. Forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

    %SEDAR: 00001579EF %CIK: 0000718053

    Source: Canada NewsWire (March 20, 2009 - 3:06 PM EDT)

    News by QuoteMedia

    lucas D
  7. forum rang 7 lucas D 19 april 2009 20:35
    Heropenen mijnen binnenkort een feit.:~)

    'China is wakker geworden,' verklaart Nobu Su, hoofd van de in Taiwan gevestigde TMT group. 'Het Westen is een zwart gat geworden, door al het geld wat erbij wordt gedrukt. Daarom is China nu begonnen met het opkopen van grondstoffen - een veel betere manier om hun $ 1,9 biljoen grote valutareserves te gebruiken.' Het lang verwachte keerpunt lijkt inderdaad bereikt: China is de dollar aan het loslaten en investeert niet langer in Amerikaanse staatsobligaties, maar in het opbouwen van een enorme voorraad grondstoffen en industriële metalen.

    Volgens Nobu Su wil China zich zo snel mogelijk van de dollar bevrijden.

    Daarom koopt het land enorme voorraden koper, aluminium, zink, nikkel, titanium, indium (gebruikt in LCD-schermen), rhodium (katalysatoren) en praseodymium (glas) op, véél meer dan het land zelf nodig heeft. 'Ze krijgen er tien keer zoveel voor terug als het nu kost, en kunnen er 50 jaar mee vooruit,' aldus Nobu Su.

    Jim Lennon, hoofd grondstoffenmarkt bij de Macquarie Bank, is het met Nobu Su eens. 'China is inderdaad bezig met het opkopen van metalen en is zich uit de dollar en Amerikaanse staatsobligaties aan het terugtrekken.' Volgens John Reade van de UBS bank heeft Peking de strategische beslissing gemaakt om grondstoffen en metalen te gaan verzamelen, als alternatief voor buitenlandse staatsobligaties. 'We zijn enorm verrast door de Chinese vraag. Ze kopen bijvoorbeeld veel meer koper dan ze dit jaar nodig hebben. Als dit strategisch is, dan is er geen grens aan, want China's portemonnee is goed gevuld.'

    Zhou Xiaochuan, de directeur van de Chinese Centrale Bank, riep vorige maand op om een nieuwe wereld-reservemunteenheid in te voeren, gebaseerd op de 'Bancor', een idee dat John Maynard Keynes naar voren bracht tijdens 'Bretton Woods' in 1944. Deze 'Bancor' zou op 30 grondstoffen en metalen gebaseerd moeten worden, niet alleen op goud. Volgens Zhou zou de 'Bancor' de extreme, op krediet gebaseerde excessen, die de huidige financiële crisis hebben veroorzaakt, kunnen voorkomen.

    Als Zhou's ideën overeenkomen met die van de Communistische Partij in China, dan verklaart dat de bizar grote hoeveelheden grondstoffen die China de laatste weken aan het opkopen is. De koperprijs is er al 49% door gestegen, ondanks het feit dat de vraag naar koper dit jaar, door de malaise in de bouw, met 15 tot 20% terugloopt. De stijging van de koperprijs wordt dan ook met name veroorzaakt door de Chinese recordimporten: 329.000 ton in februari, en 375.000 ton in maart. Dat is véél meer dan de Chinese industrie nodig heeft. Daarnaast is de Chinese export in maart juist met 17% gedaald.

    Eén ding is duidelijk: China vermoedt dat de Amerikaanse FED met het bijdrukken van enorme hoeveelheden geld een heimelijk faillissement over de Amerikaanse staatsschuld aan het voorbereiden is. Premier Wen Jiabao gaf afgelopen maand niet voor niets een flinke waarschuwing af aan de VS, dat China begint te twijfelen aan de betrouwbaarheid van de Amerikaanse staatsobligaties.

    China's slaat met haar nieuwe tactiek, waarbij haar enorme buitenlandse valutareserves -die vooral bestaan uit dollars en Amerikaanse staatsobligaties- worden gebruikt voor het opkopen van gigantische hoeveelheden grondstoffen en metalen, meerdere vliegen in één klap. Het voorkomt dat de Chinese munteenheid, de Yuan, in waarde stijgt, zonder dat Washington kan klagen over Chinese valutamanipulaties. Daarnaast zijn metalen makkelijker op te slaan dan olie, en is de verwachting dat de waarde van al deze grondstoffen de komende jaren flink zal gaan stijgen. Maar bovenal verzekert China zich van een voortgaande industriële revolutie, terwijl het Westen zich geconfronteerd zal zien met een bevoorradingscrisis.

    De regering in Peking kan ook nog besluiten om goud in te gaan slaan, maar dat is tot nu toe nog niet gebeurd. Het aandeel goud in de valutareserves is juist tot onder de 1% gedaald, ver beneden de historische norm in Azië. Maar als er ooit een nieuwe reservemunteenheid als de 'Bancor', wordt ingevoerd, die al het papiergeld zal gaan vervangen, dan zal deze net zozeer op koper en andere grondstoffen en metalen gebaseerd zijn, als op goud.

    Bron: Telegraph Finance

    lucas D
  8. forum rang 7 lucas D 20 april 2009 17:42
    I get emails from Pinnacle Digest..

    www.pinnacledigest.com/ - this is the site...I can't find this article on the site but I got it in an email today.

    EXCERT - " ...many expect a short term pull back in the price of copper, somewhere in the range to $1.80 - $2 per pound. These are still extremely profitable copper prices as many mines can produce for close to a dollar a pound."

    The question I have is...Why does Campbell need USD2.50?


    "In last week's newsletter we proclaimed that the coming week (April 13th to 17th) would be a turning point in this bear market and by many accounts it was. The overwhelmingly positive reports derived from major US banks allowed the markets to rise for its sixth week in a row.

    The world markets are being hit with positive news (a pleasant change) and most investors are beginning to believe the fundamentals needed for growth have fallen into place. The NASDAQ is on fire and the S&P 500 has exploded 29% from its low on March 9th which we predicted was the bottom of this bear market.

    The future is bright for investors looking to take advantage of this opportune moment.

    Do you remember the China of 2 years ago which had us all believing the commodity bull market would roll on for 20 years? That same China is coming back with a vengeance and has made announcements in the past few weeks which have the international community bursting with optimism.

    China Key Fact #1: First quarter new loans more than tripled to a record 4.58 trillion Yuan. This followed the removal of lending restrictions by the Chinese government which urged banks to support its 4 trillion Yuan stimulus plan.

    China Key Fact #2: It was also reported that by the end of March, China's bad loans had shrunk to 2.04% of total credits. Mr. Liu Mingkang (China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman) said that, "These bad loans will continue falling this year as banks improve their capital adequacy and increase their scrutiny on lending."

    China Key Fact #3: China Investment Corp.'s $200 billion sovereign fund has stated that it is considering investing in Europe in 2009. The Chairman, Lou Jiwei, stated that, "With the removal of these conditions, we will seriously consider making decisive and prudent investments overseas this year, including in Europe."

    China Key Fact #4: China has been a key contributor to the increase in copper demand and has stated that the country will continue to buy copper as part of its stockpiling program. There is a reason China has not stopped accumulating this metal. They believe it is trading at a significant discount and their economy is continuing to expand furiously.

    The bottom line is this: The markets are building a base and many of the world's leading nations and economic indicators are pointing to a recovery. As banks continue to release earnings we believe they will be relatively positive and our economy will move towards positive growth.


    The Relevance of Copper

    Copper is a leading economic indicator and by far the most important when it comes to base metals and commodities. It is often referred to as "Dr. Copper" because of its ability to measure the temperature of the economy. As copper prices rise, so will the activity within our economy.


    Copper has soared 56% in 2009, gaining more momentum and attracting more demand with each passing week. The brass metal touched $2.24 this past week and closed at $2.1975 a pound in New York. It has risen to its highest price since Oct. 20th 2008. Our team believes this steady rise to be very symbolic as copper almost always mirrors economic expansion and foreshadows continued growth. With that said, many expect a short term pull back in the price of copper, somewhere in the range of $1.80 - $2 per pound. These are still extremely profitable copper prices as many mines can produce for close to a dollar a pound.

    Don't Forget About Gold

    As deflation threats fade away, the real threat of inflation is approaching. The Fed has warned of this and we at Pinnacle have prepared you for a dramatic surge in inflation, which will lead to an increase in precious metal prices. The value of gold is expected to increase by many commodity traders and analysts across the globe. We are looking to position ourselves in the mid-major producers and the gold mines of tomorrow. There are select gold deposits which are only a few steps away from production or a potential buyout. These junior companies will get top dollar for their efforts as this modern day gold rush is about to break open.

    Key Fact: Several near term producers of gold only need $500 an ounce to be profitable.

    Tech Is Leading The Way

    The technology sector has been a strong focus at Pinnacle Digest in recent months. The Obama Administration is the most tech savvy group of politicians ever to take the White House. A wireless and broadband grant of $6 billion has been included in the House Appropriations Committee American Recovery & Reinvestment Bill. President Obama will be pushing our technology industry very hard and this will only increase growth and transactions in this industry. The NASDAQ has been on a tear. There is no other way to put it. It has risen from a low of 1280 to close at 1673 Friday.


    Technology has been picked by many of the top analysts in the world to lead our economies out of this recession. The transfer of information and infrastructure associated with our nation's ever expanding wireless and computing demands has created dozens of multi-billion dollar industries within the tech sector. Taking the time to educate yourself on specific companies and sectors could be the difference between hundreds of percentage points in your portfolio.

    Revenue based, growth companies operating in the technology sector have become a major focus for our team at Pinnacle Digest. A few undiscovered and undervalued companies on the brink of profitability are pushing for major company changing contracts and partnerships.

    In regards to the market, a small pull back should be expected. The S&P 500 has exploded 29% since March 9th and has just completed its first sixth straight weekly rise since May of 2007. This is the fastest increase since 1938 and comes after more than $12 trillion in government stimulus....

    (the article finishes with info re: Pinnacle Digest).

    After reading the above, one would think that CAMPBELL is well positioned.... GO FIGURE!

    lucas D
  9. forum rang 7 lucas D 25 april 2009 22:31
    Mmm. De voor en tegenstanders van Campbell hekelen elkaar niet alleen in Canada, jammer maar het zei zo.
    Het moge duidelijk zijn dat ik niet zomaar opgeef, neen niks tegen beter weten in, want dat (junior) Campbell er boven op komt, met almaar oplopende prijzen van grondstoffen kan niet anders. Want het is Campbell die de mijnen in bezit heeft.:~)

    Onderstaand een bericht van een Canadees forum,..... schieten maar.:~)

    Re: uncertainties resolve - CCH above $1 – commentary with additional observations
    KlrKt (a good guy) looks forward to a CCH / CBLRF share price of above $1.00.


    Meggymoo questions any positive analysis or positive comments at all – just like you would expect from a shareholder (sarcasm). And just like you would expect from “Fordster”, another “large shareholder” (more sarcasm), who hates his shares so much that he spends all day posting trash on the pubic message board.


    Here is my answer to the question at hand….

    When Insiders buy at 17 cents (this happened in 2008)….

    When Institutional Investors are so eager for a piece of a private placement (at a price somewhere above 10 cents a share – I forget the exact price)… when the Institutions are so interested in a piece of the private placement that the private placement has to be expanded in size 2 times before closing (This really happened in 2008) ….

    These are proven signs that the “people in the know” expect a share price that is very likely up in that dollar range that KlrKt wrote about.

    Listing the uncertainties is not necessary – the large Institutional Investors certainly don’t see many uncertainties here. They have held their share tightly through “thick and thin”.

    The only thing that matters is the discussion of over 1 million ounces of GOLD and hundred of thousands of pounds of HIGH GRADE copper in the ground, and the mines (already built) that are capable of producing at a very large profit.

    With CCH/CBLRF at under a penny a share, the comparison is with all of the other Junior Miners that are out there. The other Juniors ones have no mines, no mills, and will have no production (cash flow) for 5 – 7 years.

    André Fortier, meanwhile, is likely to be in the last few months of his CEO tenure. I have information that some locals are counting the days to his retirement. And Nuinsco can’t wait much longer for Corner Bay production to start. Nuinsco’s recent purchase of a royalty on Corner Bay production proves that very well.

    And in the background, some Québec Government officials that have backed Campbell, with the intention of creating jobs in the Chibougamau area, are getting angrier and angrier at the Campbell Board of Directors. I state this as fact – it was revealed to me via phone conversation.

    Many, many people in the Chibougamau area are talking now… I have trouble seeing any scenario where M. Fortier is not on the defensive now.

    Nuinsco would sooner put their funds into one of their other Development projects if they thought the Corner Bay royalty would stay “dry” for much longer. They have all the info (their CEO served on the Campbell Board). The funds for Nuinsco’s royalty purchase came from Investor’s buying Nuinsco Rights… They obviously expect the royalty to generate income very soon.

    When you buy a Junior, you are making a purchase decision on a forward looking analysis. When you compare any other Junior to (Campbell) a company with 4 mines already built and ready to produce, that forward looking comparison weighs sharply in Campbell’s favor.

    And every day, more buyers are showing up to demonstrate exactly what I have written here.

    lucas D

  10. forum rang 7 lucas D 1 mei 2009 23:16

    lucas D schreef:

    Mmm. Campbell mogelijk opnieuw in de picture bij beleggers, goud en koperprijzen zijn stijgende en zullen er mogelijk voor zorgdragen dat de mijnen weer geopend worden.

    Het wachten is op het heropenen van de eerste mijn. :~)

    lucas D
    Mmm. gezien het toenemende volume in de handel van aandelen Campbell, die in de miljoenen loopt, zou het item in de laatste regel van bovenstaand bericht wel eens dichterbij gekomen kunnen zijn.:~)

    lucas D
  11. forum rang 7 lucas D 16 mei 2009 21:08
    Zomaar even een berichtje van de andere kant van de oceaan.

    Article from Chibougamau paper and comments on Nuinsco and Campbell/Corner Bay
    There are lots of new Readers here. I hope everyone got a chance to read this newspaper article (from a few months ago).

    Here is a direct link:


    And did people see that stupid reply (to a different post) from Meggymoo on the CCH public message board. Nuinsco has a serious problem… they need to come up with $5 million by June… and Meggy is posting that Nuinsco is going to sweep the floor for “dingleberry size” pieces of gold”.

    They will have trouble getting that scrap transported, processed (milled) and sold by the time the $5 million is due. Is Ocean Partners going to take a month shipping it across the pond?

    My post (you can find Meggy’s reply yourself):


    If Nuinsco is that broke (short on cash), how will Nuinsco advance any of their other projects and pay operating costs and overhead? Nuinsco shareholders have already been diluted again and again.

    And these Bashers are all connected with Nuinsco in one way or another. Look how eager Meggy was to defend Nuinsco. Notice how Meggy doesn’t say a word about how Nuinsco could help by pushing for the re-opening of the Corner Bay mine.

    [Change of subject to Campbell]

    I hope everyone realize that at Corner Bay in mid-2008, Campbell was operating the mine (mining copper and gold), and they had not even completed the bulk sample (worth millions of dollars), when Management gave the order to just “drop their tools” and stop mining. They can’t use the excuse that the copper price dropped, because that happened much later in 2008.

    And look at the production results yourself (from Corner Bay in mid 2008) … the Corner Bay mine has Gold too, but Management never wants to talk about it.

    In reality, they had no excuse to stop mining – it looks like Management (but we cannot prove their intent) just didn’t want the cash coming in, so that the Campbell share price would be further weakened (the CCH share price would drop).

    Metal price were “sky high” in 2007 and most of 2008, and none of Campbell’s mines were operated according to widely published Operating plans. Tens of millions of dollars were left in the ground, while Campbell Management cried “we are broke”. And Nuinsco is to blame for most of this – they were being paid an outrageous amount in Consulting fees to be “Operational Consultants”.

    But every time that Management announced a low priced private placement, a certain group of Institutors would immediately line up and buy every share they could.

    Now they throwing up excuses whey they can’t restart even one of their mines.
    If they even restarted Merrill Island, Campbell would have MILLIONS of dollars of Cash in the Treasury by the end of the summer.

    lucas D
  12. forum rang 7 lucas D 17 mei 2009 22:21
    Wat krabbels van de ander zijde.:~)

    This “secured creditor” story looks like total bullsh*t.... look at this...
    I just posted new research that shows Nuinsco is subordinate to Investissement Québec on the Copper Rand asset.

    Now read my post (and Nuinsco’s report) a little closer:


    It also says that the loan (the loan that Campbell says they borrowed from Nuinsco – but the amount is now suspicious) was secured in a manner that was subordinate to even the Convertible Debentures.

    ALERT: It is subordinate to everything!

    The debentures will EXPIRE in about a month. I am trying to figure out whether they convert to “nil” – I think so, but I am not sure.

    But what shocking here is that Nuinsco never had a “secured creditor” (higher priority) claim on anything. It was all bullshit!

    Now we see that the “$8 million loan” figure might actually be close to ZERO.

    I think that even M. Fortier that tried to help spread the “secured creditor” story, and it looks like it was bullshit. Can anyone post that email from M. Fortier again?

    If you claim to be a secured creditor (with the upper hand), and you re subordinate to the Debenture Structure (which expires soon anyway), and you are subordinate to the long term Investors in the Copper Rand mine, then what “secured powers” do you have???


    And the debenture value is part of this secured loan – so its real value might be close to nothing after expiration. And the amount has already been reduced by $2.5 million (in a royalty that was structured like “someone is looking out for CCH shareholders”)

    Let’s wait on the pubic message board for the answer from Meggy

    Have no fear, Campbell shareholders!!!

    lucas D

  13. forum rang 7 lucas D 17 mei 2009 22:27
    Voor degene die een forum van de andere kant wil volgen, zie onderstaand bericht.

    Het is geen moeten, maar mogelijk doe je jezelf tekort als je noiet bij blijft.

    6 New research posts posted on Serious Board
    It looks like we have been fed more bullshit, and that Campbell is in a much stronger position than we have been told.

    And it looks like the group of Creditors most interested in seeing the CCH share price do well actually does have the upper hand here.

    6 new posts on the “Serious Board” today (Sunday).


    lucas D

  14. [verwijderd] 18 mei 2009 22:25


    Ik vind die Benson (Investor Village Idiot) maar 'n hele grote lxl en vertrouw hem voor geen cent, en hij heeft ook geen verstand.

    Hij heeft net als Gung Ho en HTG door dik en dun (nou ja, alleen maar dun) dit aandeel blijven prijzen vanaf veel hogere niveaux, terwijl het voor eenieder duidelijk te zien was dat de koers van ca. 25c in 1 rechte lijn naar .0001 ging.

    Desalnietemin ;-) wat 'n prachtig woord is dat toch; DESALNIETEMIN:

    ik heb bijgekocht in Sep., Nov., en Dec. '08, verkocht in Feb. '09, gekocht en verkocht in Mar. + April '09, verkocht op 1 Mei dit jaar en

    weer bijgekocht vandaag op .05

    Kans bestaat, dat ik spoedig op breakeven sta over mijn trading van November '07 tot en met heden, en als de koers op 1 cent zou staan, dan sta ik al in de plus.



    weer bijgekocht vandaag
  15. smith&jones 19 mei 2009 00:50
    tja AA, goed dat je bent blijven traden op dit monsterlijk slechte aandeel en zo uit het moeras geklommen bent.
    Voor mij is het een enorme verliespost geweest en ben er ver vandaan gebleven nadat duidelijk werd dat over alles wat los en vast zit wordt gelogen bij CCH. Het ligt bij mij ergens in een hoek en we zien het wel...

    Van heer Benson vraag ik mij af of hij niet een rechtstreeks lijntje heeft met A.F..... Investorvillage blijft intussen bezig met het beleggingsequivalent van graancirkels, aardstralen en esotherische complottheorieën...


  16. forum rang 7 lucas D 19 mei 2009 19:13

    Amor Arrows schreef:


    Ik vind die Benson (Investor Village Idiot) maar 'n hele grote lxl en vertrouw hem voor geen cent, en hij heeft ook geen verstand.

    Hij heeft net als Gung Ho en HTG door dik en dun (nou ja, alleen maar dun) dit aandeel blijven prijzen vanaf veel hogere niveaux, terwijl het voor eenieder duidelijk te zien was dat de koers van ca. 25c in 1 rechte lijn naar .0001 ging.

    Desalnietemin ;-) wat 'n prachtig woord is dat toch; DESALNIETEMIN:

    ik heb bijgekocht in Sep., Nov., en Dec. '08, verkocht in Feb. '09, gekocht en verkocht in Mar. + April '09, verkocht op 1 Mei dit jaar en

    weer bijgekocht vandaag op .05

    Kans bestaat, dat ik spoedig op breakeven sta over mijn trading van November '07 tot en met heden, en als de koers op 1 cent zou staan, dan sta ik al in de plus.



    weer bijgekocht vandaag
    Dan zal je de langste tijd wel gewacht hebben, mischien morgen al zover, zelf heb ik een verkooporder staan op 0,08
    (bij 0,04 in de winst)

    Ik zal wel een paar weken langer moeten wachten.:~)

    lucas D
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Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.748
AMG 971 134.230
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.744
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 495
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.047
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.798
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.943
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.350
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.597
ASML 1.766 109.805
ASR Nederland 21 4.507
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.834
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.447

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 24 maart

    1. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (Jap)
    2. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (Fra)
    3. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (Dld)
    4. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (eur)
    5. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (VK)
    6. Chicago Fed index februari (VS)
    7. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (VS)
  2. 25 maart

    1. Ifo ondernemersvertrouwen maart (Dld)
    2. Case Shiller huizenprijzen januari (VS)
    3. Shell beleggersdag
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht