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  1. the legend 13 november 2009 20:13
    Kronans Droghandel chooses Logica as a supplier of new apotekslösning
    2009-11-11 09: 03
    Logica, Sweden’s largest it-tjänstföretag, has signed an agreement with Kronans Droghandel concerning the delivery and operation of a new apotekslösning. Kronans Droghandel is a new entrant on the omreglerade Swedish pharmacy market and is one of the first players to choose system support for their new future pharmacies.
    Already last year was begun planning with a thorough mapping of the future behovsbilden for Kronans Droghandel. The aim is to be one of the first to be independent of Apoteket AB's old solutions and to come over in a new and more commercial platform. Emphasis has been put on to find a modern and fully integrated platform with a complete functionality both as regards safe receptexpedition and a cost-effective business support in the background.

    The choice was Pharma Logica, a solution from Logica where a new receptexpeditionsstöd with integration to pharmacies Service AB's all services is in place. The solution based on proven technology in the form of Microsoft Dynamics hub for the basic affärsstödet, supplemented by a solution for retail-LS Retail. Logica will also deliver operation of the entire solution and roll-out and monitoring of all funds and with at both headquarters and local pharmacies.

    -We now have to choose Logica as the main supplier for an initial period of six years received a comprehensive support for our streamlined processes for both prescription medicines and supplementary commodities, "says Juha Alskog, CIO of newly formed Kronans Droghandel AB. We will fully be able to use the aid for advanced customer service in pharmacy as an established detaljhandelsplattform gives, fully integrated with the other Turnkey business-administration processes for the creation of a flexible and cost-effective solution.

    The new solution is ready to be in production as soon as Kronans Droghandel takes over existing apotekskluster or nyöppnar pharmacies in its cooperation with COOP. Kronans Droghandel intends to swiftly to establish itself as the leading new apoteksaktören

  2. the legend 13 november 2009 20:15
    12-11-2009 14:37 Politie kiest Strict/VKA voor projectmanagement
    De combinatie Strict/Verdonck, Klooster & Associates (VKA) heeft een raamovereenkomst getekend met vtsPN (voorziening tot samenwerking Politie Nederland) voor de inzet van project- en programmamanagers op het gebied van ict. De raamovereenkomst heeft een looptijd van maximaal vier jaar.

    Met het sluiten van de raamovereenkomst tussen vtsPN en Strict/VKA, mag de combinatie als voorkeursleverancier personeel leveren aan zowel vtsPN als aan een groot aantal politiekorpsen. Het gaat dan om project- en programmanagers en projectleiders.

    Het contract is tot stand gekomen via een Europese aanbesteding van vtsPN, waarop twintig marktpartijen hadden ingetekend. Uiteindelijk is het contract gegund aan drie mantelpartijen: naast Strict/VKA gaat het om Capgemini en Logica.

    Naar schatting (op basis van de afname van 2008) zal de politie jaarlijks voor 238.000 uur inhuren aan project- en programmamanagement. De omzet hieruit bedraagt bij benadering zo'n twintig miljoen euro

    Read more: www.computable.nl/artikel/ict_topics/...
  3. the legend 13 november 2009 20:16

    Politie wil ruim 1,8 miljoen uur inhuren
    De politie is nog steeds afhankelijk van extern ingehuurde ict'ers. Ict-organisatie vtsPN (voorziening tot samenwerking Politie Nederland) heeft de gunningen bekendgemaakt van een nieuwe raamopdracht met een geschatte omvang van 1,848 miljoen uur per jaar. Dat is gebaseerd op het aantal uren dat de organisatie in 2008 aan ict-personeel inhuurde. Destijds leverde dat een kostenpost van 150,9 miljoen euro op. Voor zes percelen zijn in totaal elf verschillende partijen aangetrokken.

    De vtsPN is een samenwerkingsorganisatie van de politieregio's (inclusief het Korps Landelijke Politiediensten) die de gemeenschappelijke ict-voorzieningen regelt en de gezamenlijke inkoop verzorgt. Aanleiding voor de Europese aanbesteding van ict-dienstverlening is het aflopen van het bestaande raamcontract. De nieuwe raamovereenkomst heeft een looptijd van twee jaar met de optie van verlenging van tweemaal één jaar.

    De vtsPN stelt in de begeleidende documenten dat het onder andere als taak heeft een landelijk gestandaardiseerde ict-architectuur voor de politie te realiseren, met daarbinnen tal van specialisaties. De organisatie heeft echter, hoewel het zo'n 1800 eigen medewerkers telt, te weinig expertise in huis om de werkzaamheden zelf uit te voeren. De vtsPN constateert dat het een beroep moet doen op de tijdelijke inhuur van externe medewerkers, omdat het aanbod vanuit de arbeidsmarkt te krap is om zelf voldoende specialisten binnen te halen. Dit geldt voor zowel de nog niet ingevulde vaste formatieplaatsen als voor (nieuwe) projecten en de opvang van piekbelastingen.

    GunningenDe vtsPN schat in dat het voor de komende twee jaar (met een optie tot verlenging met tweemaal één jaar) op jaarbasis 1,848 miljoen uur aan inhuur nodig heeft. Daarvan nemen de politiekorpsen 10 procent af. Deze geschatte omvang is gebaseerd op het aantal uren dat in 2008 is ingehuurd. Uit het jaarverslag van de vtsPN blijkt dat de organisatie vorig jaar 150,9 miljoen euro kwijt was aan externe personeelslasten. Omgerekend betekent dit een gemiddelde uurprijs van 81,67 euro.

    De ict-organisatie van de Nederlandse politie kampt al langer met het probleem van torenhoge inhuurlasten. Het eerste half jaar van 2009 huurde de vtsPN voor 77 miljoen euro in. Er lopen ruim duizend extern ict'ers rond. Bovendien kampte de vtsPN met een rammelende administratie waardoor een goed overzicht op het inhuren van ict-personeel ontbrak. De organisatie zoekt uit welke diensten het de komende jaren het beste kan bemensen met interne medewerkers en welke met extern personeel. De vtsPN was nog niet in staat een reactie te geven op de vraag of al duidelijk is geworden hoe het de inhuur wil terugdringen.

    Gegunde percelen
    De aanbesteding voor het inhuren van mantelpartners bestaat uit zes percelen. Die zijn als volgt gegund, met daarbij aangegeven het aantal ingeschatte uren die vtsPN denkt af te nemen van de mantelpartijen en een globale waarde op basis van het gemiddelde uurtarief:

    - Systeemontwikkeling (300.000 uur; 24,5 miljoen euro): Atos Origin, Capgemini, Inter Access, Logica, Ordina
    - Technisch beheer, infrastructuurontwikkeling en onderhoud (650.000 uur; 53,1 miljoen euro): Atos Origin, Capgemini, Logica, Ordina, T2
    - Testen, beveiliging en kwaliteitsbewaking (80.000 uur; 6,5 miljoen euro): Capgemini, Ordina, VX/Jenrick
    - Broker/makelaar & payroll-constructies (500.000 uur; 40,1 miljoen euro): IT Staffing Bariton, Logica, Source Automation
    - Programma- en projectmanagement, projectleiding & implementatie (238.000 uur; 19,4 miljoen euro): Capgemini, Logica en Strict/VKA
    - Projectbegeleiding en projectondersteuning (80.000 uur; 6,5 miljoen euro): Capgemini, Conclusion, Logica

    Read more: www.computable.nl/artikel/ict_topics/...
  4. Forecast2006 17 november 2009 21:18
    Logica finalist at The Economist's Carbon Economy Summit
    16 November 2009
    The Economist recognizes Logica’s emission monitoring solution as one of ten game-changing solutions to combat climate change

    The emission monitoring solution, ‘EMO’ developed by Logica, a leading IT and business services company was recognized by The Economist as one of ten game-changing solutions to combat climate change. Logica has been invited to present the solution at The Economist’s Carbon Economy Summit in Washington DC. ‘EMO’ was identified by The Economist as an innovative solution that can improve energy efficiency and make a positive impact on the carbon economy.

    EMO is a real-time monitoring system of vehicular emissions that uses a plug-in device that connects to the onboard computer of the vehicle and wirelessly transmits the emission values from the vehicle to the central office. Emission data from EMO is used to provide differential fuel pricingto drivers. The solution enables gas stations to offer prices tailored to individual vehicles and associated driving behaviours, and therefore incentivizes ‘greener’ driving behaviours. If the driving behaviour is green, the fuel is priced lower and conversely if the driving behaviour is poor. “This is just another example of collaborative innovation which is an integral part ofLogica’s culture and role in bringing consumers, legislatures, businesses and breakthrough technologies together in an ecosystem that can address important issues such as climate change,” said Amanda Mesler, Chief Executive - Logica North America. Read more about the EMO solution and view the EMO video.

    Commenting on the recognition, GBS Bindra, Global Innovation Director at Logica, who will present the solution and its benefits on November 18, 2009 at the summit said, “We are absolutely delighted with this prestigious recognition from The Economist. EMO is truly a solution that can help every individual make a positive impact on climate change. We are working with governments, regulatory bodies and retail oil companies in a collaborative framework to create an ecosystem where EMO, coupled with progressive policy-making, drives the overall societal good.”

    The Economist’s Carbon Economy Summit takes place November 17-18, 2009 in Washington DC.

    About Logica
    Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 40,000 people. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.

    Press contacts: Suma Boby, s.boby@logica.com +44 (0) 7595 612180
    Mimi Reilly, mimi.reilly@logica.com 713-376-7486

    Kind regards,
  5. Forecast2006 18 november 2009 21:58
    Greenlight Technologies Partners with Logica for Implementation of TRAC Solutions in EMEA Region
    18 November 2009
    Greenlight Technologies, Inc. and Logica Management Consulting, the consulting arm of leading IT and business services company, Logica, today announced their partnership for sales and implementation of Greenlight’s Real-Time Adapter (RTA) Design Studio™ and ResQ™ in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). The partnership, announced at the SAP Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) 2009 Conference this week, enables Logica to implement Greenlight’s software products for SAP and other customers in the region. Both Greenlight and Logica are SAP-certified partners.

    RTA Design Studio automates enterprise-wide business controls for governance, risk and compliance (GRC), to prevent or reduce risks of fraud, create transparency, improve accuracy and speed in financial and compliance audit functions, as well as comply with various world-wide governmental regulations. The solution is modular, equipping organisations with the flexibility to begin implementing the highest-priority applications and adding others as time and resources allow. The Greenlight approach is preventive, so that violations can be stopped real-time.

    In addition, RTA Design Studio allows continuous monitoring of sensitive transactions across non-SAP application systems. Greenlight’s Design Studio simplifies the complex capture and analysis of the pertinent GRC data across all of the enterprise’s diverse Application systems, including SAP, Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, Custom and Legacy, enabling reliable continuous assessment of risks and preventive warnings.

    Commenting on the partnership Anand Adya, Greenlight’s CEO, said “We look forward to working with Logica to extend our cross-application risk reduction and compliance solution to European, Middle Eastern and African customers. Logica has a fine track record and we are very impressed with their expertise in GRC.”

    Greenlight’s automated controls in the RTA Design Studio include:

    Access and Security controls, master data change controls and transaction monitoring
    Financial and Operational Risk Management
    Business Specific Controls (Procure to Pay, Order to Cash, Hire to Retire, GL, etc.)
    Industry Specific Controls (FCPA, FDA, NERC, Basel II, etc.)
    Internal and External Controls, including Fraud, Forensic, and Revenue Recognition
    Sébastien Brasseur, Director, SAP GRC business at Logica, said “With this partnership we become Greenlight’s first certified implementation partner in EMEA. Combined with our expertise in the GRC arena, we have a winning combination and will be able to provide customers with a complete and integrated GRC approach across all application systems in their enterprise.”

    The other component of Greenlight’s TRAC solution suite, ResQ, is also part of the partnership. ResQ addresses one of the top audit issues by automating the management of the full user access / provisioning process for Oracle and PeopleSoft, including super-users. ResQ provides control, tracking and documentation of user activities while enabling the business to quickly grant temporary or emergency ERP access within enterprise security and compliance policies.

    About Greenlight Technologies, Inc.
    Greenlight Technologies is a leading provider of integrated Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) business controls solutions to global enterprises, preventively reducing risks of fraud, security, and errors. Greenlight extends compliance to existing, heterogeneous enterprise application systems, providing a unified, continuously monitored compliance framework. Greenlight provides the industry’s most comprehensive library of pre-defined business controls content for over 25 of the most common ERP and non-ERP systems. The library is important for saving significant implementation costs, on-going time and resource utilization as well as, reducing audit and IT costs. Greenlight has enjoyed rapid growth each year since inception, due to strong market acceptance of its comprehensive, affordable approach. For more information see www.greenlightcorp.com or email info@greenlightcorp.net.

    About Logica:
    Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 40,000 people. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.

    In the frame of Governance, Risk management and compliance, Logica is one of the leaders for SAP GRC implementation. More information is available at www.logica.com/grc or email sap@logica.com

    About Logica Management Consulting:
    Logica Management Consulting has a network of 3,000 consultants located throughout Europe. Logica's consultants help drive the success of clients’ transformation projects. They stand apart through their European culture, ability to work closely with customers, and unique blend of sector-based, functional and technological expertise. More information is available at www.logica.com/consulting

    Press contacts:

    Suma Boby
    Group PR manager
    Tel: +44 (0) 7595 612180
    Email: s.boby@logica.com

    Kathleen Kinka
    PR manager
    Tel: 609 883 2371
    Email: Kathleen.kinka@greenlightcorp.net

    FYI Kind regards,


  6. Forecast2006 18 november 2009 22:00
    Novell, Inc. partners with Logica for bringing combined governance, risk and compliance offering with SAP
    18 November 2009
    Novell, Inc. and Logica Management Consulting, the consulting arm of leading IT and business services company, Logica, today announced their partnership for bringing a combined governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) offering with SAP to the market. The partnership, announced at the SAP GRC 2009 Conference this week, enables Logica, to provide an enterprise-wide risk management approach. Both Novell and Logica are SAP-certified partners.

    Regulatory requirements and financial market pressures increase with firms’ necessity of transparency about risk management. Today, the IT infrastructure is a mass of incompatible systems with unique risk controls and policies, making compliance and risk management complex, time-consuming and costly. To address this issue, Novell, SAP and Logica are collaborating on the integration of GRC solutions that deliver the following:

    Performance - by improving predictability and automating and enforcing common controls while providing transparency to business processes across the enterprise
    Assurance - by lowering overall risk and increasing external and internal compliance
    Simplification - by eliminating resource silos and inefficiencies and by automating the process of discovering and remediating high-risk business problems
    Logica helps clients to implement three main modules of SAP GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) - Access Control, Process Control and Risk Management. Logica is the first worldwide partner of SAP on SAP GRC solution, except for external auditors. These SAP modules enable companies to centralize information coming from applicative environments in order to bring in transparency on company-related risks. Integrating risk management and process control into information systems enables a centralized and transverse procedure, placing risk management at the heart of business processes. This systematic procedure will ensure real time monitoring of risks resulting in the ability to identify key risk indicators before an incident occurs.

    Commenting on the partnership Markus J. Krauss, Vice President Identity & Security Management, Novell EMEA said "We are delighted to work closely with Logica on bringing a combined GRC offering for SAP customers to the market. This offering includes integrated governance, risk and compliance solutions to help bridge the gap between business processes and IT security and controls. Logica´s industry knowledge, technical excellence, delivery expertise and focus on evolving business as well as IT processes will ensure that our customers reduce risk, lower costs and improve their business performance by deploying these solutions. We are committed to maximize the leverage of our customer´s SAP investments.”

    Sébastien Brasseur, Director, SAP GRC business lead at Logica, said “With Novell, we will ideally extend our end-to-end approach. Most of our clients are looking to integrate their access management and Identity Management solutions. In partnership with Novell, we will be able to provide a comprehensive enterprise-wide risk management approach and we look forward to bringing these benefits to our clients.”

    About Novell
    Novell, Inc. (Nasdaq: NOVL) delivers the best engineered, most interoperable Linux platform and a portfolio of integrated IT management software that helps customers around the world reduce cost, complexity and risk. With our infrastructure software and ecosystem of partnerships, Novell harmoniously integrates mixed IT environments, allowing people and technology to work as one. For more information, visit www.novell.com.

    About Logica
    Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 40,000 people. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.

    In the frame of Governance, Risk management and compliance, Logica is one of the leaders for SAP GRC implementation. More information is available at www.logica.com/grc or e-mail sap@logica.com

    About Logica Management Consulting
    Logica Management Consulting has a network of 3,000 consultants located throughout Europe. Logica's consultants help drive the success of clients’ transformation projects. They stand apart through their European culture, ability to work closely with customers, and unique blend of sector-based, functional and technological expertise. More information is available at www.logica.com/consulting

    Press contacts

    Suma Boby
    Group PR manager
    Tel: +44 (0) 7595 612180
    Email: s.boby@logica.com

    Ulrike Beringer
    PR Manager Novell EMEA
    Tel: +49 173 5876680
    Email: uberinger@novell.com

    FYI Kind regards,

  7. Forecast2006 18 november 2009 22:01
    Logica Wins Green “Business Travel” Award
    18 November 2009
    Logica’s environmental travel strategy rewarded in business accolade

    Logica, a leading IT and business services company, announced that it has been named a winner of the Business Green Awards in the category of Business Travel. The award recognises leadership in low carbon mobility and companies undertaking progressive travel practices that have realised real reductions in Greenhouse Gas (GHG). Logica was also highly commended in the “Emissions Reduction, Achievement and Ambition” category and a finalist in the “Emissions Reporting and Accounting” awards category.

    Supported by ENDS, ENDSCarbon and Management Today, the Green Business awards recognise the work done by UK businesses to implement innovative and ambitious initiatives to achieve environmental sustainability.

    The accolade was awarded to Logica for the introduction of a series of measures to reduce business travel-related carbon emissions. A target was set to reduce absolute GHG emissions from travel by 3.3% per annum from 2006 to 2010. However having achieved this two years earlier, Logica has now increased the target to 6% per annum from 2008 with the aim of halving emissions by 2020.

    Other factors leading to Logica’s success in this category, was the implementation of processes to encourage staff to use non-travel methods for meetings. It increased its spending on video, audio, live meeting, web-streaming, mobile telephony and office communicator technologies to £1m a year with usage of these non-travel communication technologies increasing rapidly over the past three years. Total users rose by 225% from 2006 to 2008. Logica also introduced smart working policies, including arrangements for employees to work from home to avoid commuting.

    Logica also managed to cut its total business travel significantly over this period. Air travel fell from over 18.5 million miles in 2006 to 11 million miles in 2008 and car travel was reduced from over 16 million miles to just over 9 million miles in 2009. Pam Chase, UK HR Director and Chair of the UK Environmental Steering Committee, at Logica, commented: “We are delighted to have been recognised by the Green Business Awards. Our carbon reduction efforts have allowed us to switch to greener travel methods. Key to this success was the implementation of conferencing technologies by Managing Information Systems and Knowledge Management and the embedding of smart working, helping to cut travel by 24% per employee in 2 years and saving £7m in the process.”

    Commenting on Logica’s approach to business through sustainable services, she added: “Logica continues to be a practitioner of sustainable technologies and an organisation that strives to reduce its carbon footprint whilst enabling its clients to achieve its business goals. Our leadership position demonstrates that industries can enable sustainable prosperity by sharing our experience; learning’s and tools to help every business reduce its global environmental imprint.”

    This award follows on from a series of other sustainability awards including Logica being recognised as one of the UK’s top 20 Best Green Companies in the Sunday Times awards in 2008 and 2009. Other accolades include Logica confirmed as a leading IT Services company globally on the Carbon Disclosure Project Climate Leadership Index and ranked 3rd in Europe on the Black Book of Green Outsourcing.

    About Logica
    Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 40,000 people. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.

    Press contacts

    Rima Awad
    UK Head of PR and Media Relations, Logica
    Tel: +44 7799 477 158
    Email: rima.awad@logica.com

    Nadia Nandi
    UK PR Manager, Logica
    Tel: +44 7921 932 363
    Email: nadia.nandi@logica.com

    FYI kind regards,

  8. the legend 19 november 2009 19:38
    19 November 2009

    Swedish make-up brand enlisted Logica to implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV and LS Retail to effectively manage its growing supply chain.

    Make Up Store is a leading make-up brand in Sweden founded in Stockholm by Mika Liias less than a decade ago. Today it is one of the fastest growing companies in Scandinavia, with over 130 shops in 20 countries. On average, its opens up two to four new stores every month.
    Inevitably, this positive development has created new demand for control over the product supply chain. Such expansion involves changing needs and requirements, with new challenges appearing at the same rate as the company grows. Culture and legislation varies from one part of the world to another and all such elements must be taken into account.

    “We needed an effective tool to manage our supply-chain,” says the company’s CFO Kerstin Karphed. “Therefore, we looked for a total solution that would give us the means to control things centrally yet would be flexible to use in stores in business environments around the world – a solution that could be used all the way for the chain, from the supplier through the stock and POS to the customer.”

    After a careful selection process, Make Up Store selected Microsoft Dynamics NAV together with the retail solution LS Retail to meet its needs. UK-based IT and business services company Logica supplied, set up and installed the systems.

    “Together with LS Retail, Microsoft Dynamics NAV reaches a completely new level,” says Anders Enström at Logica. “Together, the two make an unbeatable solution for retail. This combination of two systems, each one a leader in its area, provides a comprehensive solution: the NAV financial system with all its strengths and then LS Retail with all the retail specific functionality. The POS functionality automatically updates the inventory when a product is sold, which again generates order proposals for new purchase orders. This ensures optimal balance of capital tied up in inventory and orders and minimal risk of empty shelves in the stores. Ordering levels are based on detailed information about each specific product.”

    With the new system, Make Up Store can extract a large variety of data to analyse purchasing behaviour and customers, giving a solid basis for good strategic decision-making. Additionally, Microsoft Dynamics NAV together with LS Retail now gives the company a central overview of processes. The tools it now has for shrinkage control and detailed handling of returns, for example, makes it easier to assess why a particular item is returned more often than it should be. “The solution gives us huge benefits,” says Karphed. “There is an enormous amount of information to retrieve and we can create all kinds of reports to draw important policy conclusions.”

    So far Logica has installed Microsoft Dynamics NAV and LS Retail in Make Up Stores across Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Canada, the US, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Russia and Lithuania. More countries are expected to be added to this list soon and under its ongoing contract, Logica will continue to streamline Make Up Store’s stock handling in the broadest sense through support, management and development.

  9. the legend 23 november 2009 16:32
    Logica awarded HR & payroll services contract
    23 November 2009

    Five year contract to deliver BPO service based on Oracle Pay as You Go

    Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announced it has been appointed by the Bank of England to participate in the on-going development of its HR services following a competitive tender process. The five year HR services contract will see Logica work with the Bank to help drive continuous improvement in the delivery of HR services for its 1,750 employees and 7,000 pensioners.

    Logica will supply its innovative Oracle HCM pay as you go offering performance management, recruitment, time & attendance, flexible benefits and self-service, HR analytics and a bureau payroll service. The service will be delivered using its fully managed software service.

    Logica’s services will bring greater automation and standardisation to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness as well as a better supporting platform to deliver improved employee services.

    The implementation will be phased with the service scheduled to go live in 2010. The benefits of the Oracle HCM system to companies include:

    Cost savings and rapid return on investment
    Robust and secure software administration and infrastructure delivered as a per employee per month service
    Increased efficiency in HR Services
    Better management of interviews through i-Recuitment
    Reduced duplication of effort and less manual intervention
    Shared service centre staff focusing less on administration and more on value-added activities
    More accurate reporting aiding better employee information and predictive reporting
    "We are delighted to have been chosen to help the Bank of England with its on-going development in HR services. We were keen to demonstrate our flexibility by proposing a solution that would meet long-term, business requirements with flexible system and service options" said Patricia Taylor, UK Director of BPO, Logica.

    Logica provides payroll outsourcing and HR services to more than 850 organisations across a range of platforms including Oracle, SAP, and the company’s own developed solutions. This latest contract follows other recent HR and payroll outsourcing contracts with Channel 4, KPN, Martinair and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

    About Logica
    Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 40,000 people. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.

    Press contacts
    Rima Awad
    Head of PR and Media Relations,Logica
    Email: rima.awad@logica.com
    Tel: 07799 477 158

  10. Forecast2006 24 november 2009 12:23
    Logica partners with Microsoft on “Cloud” Business Productivity for large Enterprises
    23 November 2009

    Logica, a leading IT and business services company, and Microsoft today announced that Logica will be a key partner in enabling enterprises with more than 5,000 employees to use and leverage Microsoft’s Business Productivity Online Suite-Dedicated (BPOS-D) “ Cloud” service.

    This agreement puts Logica in a select group of international IT and business consultancies with the necessary skills to migrate IT-systems in large companies to Microsoft’s BPOS-D services, which includes online access to Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and other Microsoft applications.

    Commenting on the partnership, Thomas Breuer, Managing Director, Alliances, Logica said, "The agreement is in line with our strategy to be the trusted advisor and implementer of choice for clients who want to take advantage of the commercial and solution benefits of cloud computing. Microsoft’s portfolio of cloud services offers a cohesive and complete implementation and we look forward to leading our clients to implement solutions that help them collaborate, communicate and use content in effective and truly innovative ways.“

    Logica offers complete migration services to clients including the ability to modernise their existing collaborative and messaging environments. In particular, the partnership will also address complex intra-departmental workflow challenges, incorporating rich experiential user interfaces.

    Eron Kelly, senior Director of Marketing for Microsoft Online Services said, “Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important to large corporations to drive business efficiency and enhance collaborative networks. By combining our technology with Logica’s expertise we are confident that customers will now be able to leverage a compelling solution that addresses many common IT challenges.”

    The BPOS-D agreement is the first in a series of agreements between Microsoft and Logica, aimed at providing the most complete cloud computing ecosystem in the industry.

    About Logica
    Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 40,000 people. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.

    Press contacts
    Suma Boby
    Group PR manager
    Tel: +44 7595 612180
    Email: s.boby@logica.com

    FYI and kind regards,

  11. the legend 24 november 2009 14:24

    24-11-2009 14:05 | Door Rik Sanders | Tags: MKB, Gemeenten, Aanbesteding, Raamovereenkomst, Financiën | Gerelateerde bedrijven: ICT~Office,
    LogicaLogica is een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van ICT-diensten en zakelijke dienstverlening.
    Bekijk bedrijfsprofiel van LogicaAlle artikelen over Logica
    Logica, MKB Nederland, VNO-NCW | Er zijn nog geen reacties op dit artikel | Permalink
    Logica wint tender e-facturen
    Logica gaat vijf ministeries ondersteunen bij het elektronisch bestellen en factureren. Daarvoor heeft de automatiseerder een raamovereenkomst van een jaar met maximaal zes keer een verlenging van een maand gesloten met het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK). Het contract heeft een geraamde waarde van 3,2 miljoen euro. BZK coördineert ook nog een rijksbrede aanbesteding voor het inrichten van een elektronisch inkoopplatform.

    Het interdepartementale programma EBF (Elektronisch Bestellen en Factureren) voorziet in brede geautomatiseerde inkoopmogelijkheden voor de ministeries. Voor de ict-ondersteuning loopt een aanbesteding (EBF2 genaamd). Medio 2010 zullen de eerste resultaten van dit programma beschikbaar komen.

    Een aantal ministeries beschikt echter al over een aantal e-procurementvoorzieningen. Het betreft de ministeries van Defensie, OCW, V&W, VWS en Financiën. De ondersteuning hiervan loopt eind 2009 af. Om de bestaande dienstverlening te continueren is na een aanbesteding Logica aangetrokken. Die dienstverlener levert ondersteunende diensten totdat het nieuwe EBF-programma is afgerond.

    AanjagenHet ministerie van Economische Zaken stelde vorig jaar een 'ambassadeur e-facturen' aan in de persoon van Marco Pastors om de overstap naar elektronisch factureren bij overheidsinstellingen te versnellen. De overheid ontvangt 10,5 miljoen facturen per jaar. Pastors wil dat in 2010 tien procent van de inkomende facturen van de overheid digitaal kan worden afgehandeld.

    In april van dit jaar tekenen de overheid (de drie staatssecretarissen Bussemaker van VWS, De Jager van Financiën en Heemskerk van Economische Zaken), VNO-NCW, MKB Nederland, ICT~Office, de Manifestgroep (van Uitvoeringsorganisaties van de overheid), en de Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten een convenant ter bevordering van het gestructureerd elektronisch factureren tussen markt en overheid.

    reageer print stuur door
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    Read more: www.computable.nl/artikel/ict_topics/...
  12. [verwijderd] 25 november 2009 13:56
    Ook op andere news agencies doorgedrongen!!!

    'Logica wins Dutch govt billing contract'
    Wednesday 11/25/2009 5:55 AM ET - Dmeurope.com
    Logica has won a contract to provide five Dutch ministries with support for electronic ordering and billing, Computable reports. The company signed a one-year framework agreement, which can be extended up to six times by one month, with the interior ministry. The contract is worth an estimated EUR 3.2 million.

    Distributed for DMeurope.com via M2 Communications (www.m2.com)

    Alle beetjes helpen en ze zijn goed bezig met het binnenhalen van orders.

    en..... de overheid is een goede betaler.
  13. the legend 2 december 2009 08:41
    Logica and SPP creates next-generation pensionshanteringssystem of Sweden's municipalities
    2009-11-30 14: 26
    Logica, Sweden's largest it-tjänstföretag, has signed a partnership with SPP to introduce a new pensionshanteringssystem of Sweden's municipalities. The Parties have established a cooperation with the aim of jointly deliver a market-leading system support for local government pension administration and over time to develop the service and delivery more effectively. The agreement is long-term and means that approximately 30 of SPP's employees are released for Logica.
    Logica has earlier this year has invested in a new platform – Business Pension Municipality – in order to be able to offer a full-scale pensionsadministrativ service for municipalities in Sweden. The service involves pension administration and a related system support which supports administration daily work and will supply customers with a modern and flexible online-system.

    The investment will now be strengthened further by establishing a close cooperation with SPP and together with them deliver the new to the SPP's existing kommunkunder. SPP stands for brand, kunddialogen and product offering, Logica for an effective and standardised administrative, customer service and IT operations.

    -We have for some time now known a great need for us to develop our pensionshanteringssystem for our customers in the municipalities. To develop its own new system had become both time-consuming and costly and it feels both very good to find partners to cooperate with in this area, "says Hans 10, head of SPP Municipality. In that way, we can provide our customers a new and market-leading system for pensionshantering and thus for providing the municipality’s contact person a more efficient and better support for their work
  14. the legend 2 december 2009 08:44
    Logica signs outsourcing agreement with LFV
    2009-12-01 09: 04
    Logica, Sweden’s largest it-tjänstföretag, has signed an outsourcing agreement with CAA (LFV). Within the framework of this Agreement shall Logica provide a single solution to the it-operation and support of LFV's central systems and to 14 employees are offered employment at Logica. The Agreement extends to December 2012, with the possibility of extension, until 2015.
    In strong competition with ten players chose LFV in a process Logica as a strategic partner to manage application-and server operation and support.

    -A combination of price, performance, security of supply and competence led to the choice finally fell on Logica, "says Åke Halvdanson, IT Manager at LFV. In addition to Logica working for the environment, with the forthcoming environmental certification, is something we are looking very positive. We ensure with this partnership is a long-term skills supply, scalability and flexibility of our it-operation.

    The agreement means that Logica takes over operation of approximately 60 system and 200 servers. The systems governing most functions at the airport, as check-in, X-rays and panels, which is used on a daily basis of staff, and all the thousands of others travellers on a daily basis are at the airports.

    By means of outsourcing of it-operation and support of systems to Logica, LFV streamlining its focus on its core business and strategic it-development.

    Through to outsource their it operations calculates LFV to reduce costs by 30%, by the standardization and consolidate systems and infrastructure, and achieve economies of scale. At the same time, to create a more efficient service with a higher quality than in the past.

    -We are very pleased with the confidence that we had to supply operation-and support services for the systems that LFV's employees and all thousands travellers use every day, "says Fredrik Ahlstedt, Managing Director of infrastructure management Logica Sweden. In December beginning 14 new employees from LFV with us in Logica, which we look forward to.

  15. Forecast2006 3 december 2009 17:52
    Logica en COIN optimaliseren nummerportabiliteit
    03 december 2009
    Overzetten telefoonnummers voortaan accurater door nieuw systeem voor telecomaanbieders

    COIN, het samenwerkingsverband van alle in Nederland actieve telecombedrijven, en ICT-dienstverlener Logica hebben onlangs een nieuw en verbeterd platform voor nummerportabiliteit gelanceerd. Met dit nieuwe systeem wordt het proces van het overzetten van een nummer van de ene naar de andere provider verder geoptimaliseerd. Het overzetten van nummers verloopt hiermee sneller en met een kleinere foutenmarge.

    Daarnaast introduceert Logica M-PRES, de opvolger van T-PRES. Dit nieuwe systeem slaat de brug tussen de interne systemen van de telecomproviders en alle centraal geregelde processen binnen COIN. Met M-PRES kunnen de processen rond lijn- en nummerportabiliteit eenvoudig worden uitgevoerd. Handmatig met de zogeheten Grafische User Interface (GUI) of geautomatiseerd met een uitgebreid scala aan aanvullende programma’s. Hierdoor kunnen lijn- en nummerportabiliteitsprocessen optimaal aangesloten worden op de interne werkprocessen, ook als COIN het protocol, zoals de taal of proces, verandert. Doordat de invoer van nieuwe gegevens direct wordt gecontroleerd is de kans op fouten veel kleiner. Vervolgens is er direct inzage in de status van een wijziging, waardoor klanten beter kunnen worden geholpen.

    Cees Pannekoek, directeur van de Vereniging COIN: ‘Met het centrale platform dat samen met Logica is gebouwd faciliteren we al heel veel telecomproviders. Met deze upgrade zal het proces van nummerportabiliteit sneller en met minder fouten kunnen worden doorlopen. We streven ernaar alle providers eind juni 2011 overgezet te hebben op het nieuwe systeem.’

    ‘De aansluiting van het platform op M-PRES maakt het mogelijk om geheel custom made oplossingen te bieden’ volgens Rob Leijn, Managing Director Energy, Utilities and Telecom bij Logica. ‘Met gebruik van deze technologie kunnen telecomproviders hun nummer- en lijnportabiliteit sneller en nauwkeuriger uitvoeren.’

    Meer informatie:



    Kind regards,

  16. the legend 8 december 2009 21:24
    08-12-2009 15:06 | Door Rik Sanders | Tags: Systeemontwikkeling, Centric,
    LogicaLogica is een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van ICT-diensten en zakelijke dienstverlening.
    Bekijk bedrijfsprofiel van LogicaAlle artikelen over Logica
    Het Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau (CJIB) heeft naast Ordina ook Logica, BT, Atos Origin, Capgemini en Sogeti aangetrokken als it-dienstverleners. Het zijn mantelpartners voor de percelen ict-exploitatie en systeemontwikkeling. Het derde perceel van de grote aanbesteding, de makelaarsfunctie, is nog niet afgerond. Het CJIB verwacht de komende vijf jaar voor 85 miljoen euro aan ict-diensten te moeten inhuren.

    De aanbesteding van ict-diensten die het CJIB dit jaar uitschreef, bestaat uit drie percelen: exploitatie, systeemontwikkeling (inhuur en projecten) en een makelaarsfunctie. Voor het eerste perceel (exploitatie) heeft de uitvoeringsorganisatie Logica, Ordina en BT geselecteerd. De geraamde waarde voor dit perceel de komende vijf jaar is vijftien miljoen euro.

    Als mantelpartijen van het tweede perceel (ontwikkeling) zijn Atos Origin, Capgemini, Logica, Ordina en Sogeti gekozen. CJIB denkt in de periode 2010-2014 voor zestig miljoen euro aan opdrachten weg te zetten.

    Het derde perceel, de makelaarsfunctie, is nog niet gegund. De omvang hiervan is tien miljoen euro.

    AfvalllerHet CJIB werkt al met voorkeursleveranciers die na een aanbesteding zijn geselecteerd. Dat zijn Atos Origin, BT, Capgemini, Centric, Logica en Sogeti. De raamcontracten met deze partijen lopen eind 2009 af. Ten opzichte van de nieuwe selectie is Centric afgevallen en Ordina nieuwkomer, tenzij Centric nog het makelaarsperceel wint.

    De uitvoeringsorganisatie met ruim duizend medewerkers, voorziet dat het de komende jaren veel hulp van marktpartijen nodig heeft door de vernieuwing van de informatiehuishouding. Het CJIB krijgt er steeds meer (innings)taken bij, ook voor andere overheden dan het ministerie van Justitie.
  17. [verwijderd] 8 december 2009 21:53

    dutchamazone schreef:

    08-12-2009 15:06 | Door Rik Sanders | Tags: Systeemontwikkeling, Centric,
    LogicaLogica is een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van ICT-diensten en zakelijke dienstverlening.
    Bekijk bedrijfsprofiel van LogicaAlle artikelen over Logica
    Het Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau (CJIB) heeft naast Ordina ook Logica, BT, Atos Origin, Capgemini en Sogeti aangetrokken als it-dienstverleners. Het zijn mantelpartners voor de percelen ict-exploitatie en systeemontwikkeling. Het derde perceel van de grote aanbesteding, de makelaarsfunctie, is nog niet afgerond. Het CJIB verwacht de komende vijf jaar voor 85 miljoen euro aan ict-diensten te moeten inhuren.

    De aanbesteding van ict-diensten die het CJIB dit jaar uitschreef, bestaat uit drie percelen: exploitatie, systeemontwikkeling (inhuur en projecten) en een makelaarsfunctie. Voor het eerste perceel (exploitatie) heeft de uitvoeringsorganisatie Logica, Ordina en BT geselecteerd. De geraamde waarde voor dit perceel de komende vijf jaar is vijftien miljoen euro.

    Als mantelpartijen van het tweede perceel (ontwikkeling) zijn Atos Origin, Capgemini, Logica, Ordina en Sogeti gekozen. CJIB denkt in de periode 2010-2014 voor zestig miljoen euro aan opdrachten weg te zetten.
    hallo Dutch,
    bedankt voor dit.

    Het derde perceel, de makelaarsfunctie, is nog niet gegund. De omvang hiervan is tien miljoen euro.

    AfvalllerHet CJIB werkt al met voorkeursleveranciers die na een aanbesteding zijn geselecteerd. Dat zijn Atos Origin, BT, Capgemini, Centric, Logica en Sogeti. De raamcontracten met deze partijen lopen eind 2009 af. Ten opzichte van de nieuwe selectie is Centric afgevallen en Ordina nieuwkomer, tenzij Centric nog het makelaarsperceel wint.

    De uitvoeringsorganisatie met ruim duizend medewerkers, voorziet dat het de komende jaren veel hulp van marktpartijen nodig heeft door de vernieuwing van de informatiehuishouding. Het CJIB krijgt er steeds meer (innings)taken bij, ook voor andere overheden dan het ministerie van Justitie.

  18. the legend 11 december 2009 08:09
    Tele2 selects services from Logica for an international Enterprise Data Warehouse solution
    10 December 2009
    Data warehousing solution and business intelligence to improve Tele2’s efficiency

    Logica, a leading IT and business services company, has signed a framework agreement with telecom operator Tele2, one of Europe's leading alternative telecom operators, to deliver services for an international Enterprise Data Warehouse platform.

    The Enterprise Data Warehouse solution also includes business intelligence functionality, which enables companies to collect and analyse customer data to reduce churn, develop new attractive offerings and increase customer profitability. In addition, the implementation of a new common data warehouse platform will result in cost reductions for maintenance and development.

    Logica was chosen for its reliable track record in the telecommunications industry and expertise in data warehousing and business intelligence solutions.

    “This is a major win for Logica, which demonstrates our competence within the data warehousing and business intelligence domain together with our global delivery capability. We are looking forward to further extend our partnership with Tele2 and support their aggressive international expansion”, said Stefan Gardefjord, CEO of Logica in Sweden.

    The new platform is based on IBM technology including InfoShpere, Cognos and DB2. The implementation is scheduled to end in Q4, 2011.

    About Logica
    Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 40,000 people. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.
  19. the legend 11 december 2009 10:12
    Logica may continued confidence through new outsourcing agreement with the IT company Applicate
    2009-12-09 09: 08
    Logica, Sweden’s largest it-tjänstföretag, has signed a renewal of the contracts with the IT company Applicate. Within the framework of the Agreement, which is the extension of a far cooperation, shall Logica provide a cost-effective it-operation and kapacitetstjänst. Through the operation of one to outsource Logica ensures Applicate cost savings, and get a modern, scaleable and flexible it environment. The Agreement extends to 31 March 2015 and value amounts to financial.

    Based on mainly has and standardised services and processes shall Logica achieve a cost-effective it-operation of Applicates one, which is placed in Logica.

    The two companies have a long and well-functioning cooperation, which is one of the reasons for the continued confidence which Applicate now show by signing the new The outsourcing.

    -Logicas offer of services with a high level of service and quality and good cooperation will give us a positive effects on costs earlier than what we had hoped for says Yvonne Westman, President and CEO of Applicate. The agreement is very clear and well-drafted and creates opportunities for a continued very good and close cooperation.

    -We are very pleased with the continued confidence we have had to supply operation-and kapacitetstjänster to Applicate, Fredrik Ahlstedt, Managing Director of infrastructure management Logica Sweden. Applicate was an existing customer of Atos Origin, whose Nordic operations we acquired 2005. That Applicate has now chosen to extend its agreement with us is a receipt for the strategic acquisition was right and Logicas service offering is attractive on the market. The new agreement which was signed covers a modern serviceåtagande and allows flexibility and increased efficiency of Applicates future activities.

  20. [verwijderd] 17 december 2009 08:55
    Logica, Capgemini, Bull krijgen contract EUR48 mln van CNRS (Fra)
    17-12-2009 08:49:00
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--IT-bedrijven Logica plc, Capgemini en Bull Sa hebben gezamenlijk een zesjarig contract binnengesleept van het Franse centrum voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek CNRS. De waarde van het contract bedraagt EUR48 miljoen.

    Het consortium onder leiding van Capgemini, zal applicatiemanagement en IT-systemen voor finance en accounting-activiteiten voor het centrum verzorgen. Daarnaast wordt het consortium verantwoordelijk voor het human resources- en salarismanagement.

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