dutchamazone schreef:
Logica will deliver clinical arbeidsflateløsning to Health South-East - dataportal are to be more efficient operations and better pasientbehandlingen Health South-East RHF has entered into a four-year framework agreement with Logica Norway on the purchase and maintenance of a clinical arbeidsflateløsning which can simplify access to pasientdata and improve pasientbehandlingen if they serve in the region that take solution in use. Health South-East is the biggest helseregion, and includes 11 health enterprises and five Private hospital with a total 65 000 employees. Helseforetakene in the region has responsibility for spesialisthelsetjenester to nearly 2.7 million inhabitants. Easier access to computer tools that doctors and nurses use in everyday life, sharing of information on across hospital and efficient workflow in the organization is hovedmålsettingene with project clinical free.