France Drops Unilateral Transaction Tax Plan, Handelsblatt SaysFrance has dropped plans to impose a financial transaction tax on its own and instead favors only applying a stock transfer tax, Handelsblatt reports today, citing an unidentified official at a large French bank.
The French finance ministry held talks in recent days with banks, which threatened to move much of their business to London if a tax was imposed, the newspaper said.
Germany Mulls European Union-Wide Stamp Tax to Win U.K. SupportGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel may revise her call for a financial transaction tax by backing
a U.K.-style, European Union-wide stamp duty on share purchases to lure Prime Minister David Cameron back into the European fold.
Germany sees adoption of a stamp duty as a means to win U.K. support for a levy that covers the whole EU, German Economy Minister Philipp Roesler said today in an advance copy of an interview with the Rheinische Post newspaper. Germany has a “special interest” in having Britain involved, he said.
“In the context of the current negotiations, special attention will certainly be paid to talks with the British side,” German Deputy Finance Minister Hartmut Koschyk said in an interview in Berlin. Germany wants an agreement to include all 27 EU member states, he said.
An EU-wide tax on share transactions, like that in force in the U.K., would help Merkel appease voters frustrated with the role of banks in the financial crisis and end a conflict with her Free Democratic Party coalition partner, which has resisted a levy in the EU that doesn’t include the U.K.