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  1. forum rang 10 voda 23 juni 2021 11:17
    HydrogenPro, H2V & Mitsubishi Power to Develop Hydrogen Projects

    HydrogenPro, H2V Industry and Mitsubishi Power Europe have entered into an MoU forming a consortium that will develop and deliver green industrial hydrogen projects. This MoU will form a long-term partnership, combining the value proposition and expertise of H2V Industry, HydrogenPro and Mitsubishi Power Europe supporting the European and French initiatives to reach the decarbonisation goals. Through this MoU the consortium partners will develop and deliver large scale hydrogen projects, including currently on-going projects.

    H2V Industry will take on a lead role in the development phase, whereas HydrogenPro and Mitsubishi Power Europe will contribute with their expertise in the design, engineering, system and components, as well as their procurement competence. The current projects are founded on HydrogenPro´s 100MW high pressure modular system and represent the first large industrial scale projects, positioning the partnership in a global leading position. The partnership will also establish schemes to provide significant European supply content. An investigation has been started to determine European sourcing, manufacturing and/or assembly in France.

    H2V Industry, owned by the French based Samfi Invest group (Samfi) is a leading player in the hydrogen space in France. H2V Industry is actively pursuing several green industrial scale hydrogen projects, on top of the present ones, where HydrogenPro has been contracted to supply the electrolyser installations for these sites.

    HydrogenPro was founded in 2013 and the Company’s principal business is to provide customised turn-key plants for large-scale production of green hydrogen to global industrial clients. The Company’s activities include design, engineering and optimization of such plants, purchasing of parts, components and sub-systems for integration into complete plants and systems for hydrogen production. The activities also include commissioning and testing of such plants before they are accepted by clients of the Company. As part of its business model, the Company will also seek to secure service and maintenance agreements related to such hydrogen production plants.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 4 StartendeBelegger 24 juni 2021 20:53

    nine_inch_nerd schreef op 24 juni 2021 20:28:

    Ja, dik. Drama, dik verlies. Ze heten nu PowerTap Hydrogen Capital Corp. zoals je weet...Meer de focus nu op H2 waterstof stations.
    Wachten...op meer H2 stations.

    Gelukkig niet een mega bedrag erin zitten, maar toch niet heel fijn. Ik blijf vertrouwen houden en ik hou ze vast tot minimaal 2025.
  3. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 25 juni 2021 09:46
    Watersof (FD)
    Honda stopt er mee. Productie van de Clarity, de waterstofauto van het Japanse merk, wordt gestaakt. De auto was in Nederland nooit te koop, maar was wel al jaren ‘gereed voor de Europese introductie’. Het zal er nooit van komen.

    Gelukkig maar, want de waterstofauto is een misbaksel. Zeker in een dicht bekabeld land als Nederland is rijden op waterstof nergens voor nodig. Waterstof moet geproduceerd worden, bij voorkeur uit groene stroom en wordt daarna in de auto via een brandstofcel weer omgezet in elektriciteit. Het is veel efficiënter om met die groene stroom direct de auto aan te drijven. De schaarse groene waterstof dan worden ingezet voor processen die veel moeilijker te elektrificeren zijn. Bijvoorbeeld in de chemische- en staalindustrie.

    Toch blijft de overheid de twee laatste waterstofauto’s op de markt, de Hyundai NEXO en de Toyota Mirai fiscaal voortrekken. Ook al kosten ze minimaal €65.000, ze vallen geheel onder de voordelige bijtelling. Voor gewone elektrische auto’s met een accu geldt dat lage tarief slechts tot €40.000. Zo stimuleert de overheid de verkeerde technologie.
  4. Radikal 25 juni 2021 10:26
    eentje voor DZR... ;-)

    Fossil-free hydrogen initiative by Ovako, Volvo Group, Hitachi ABB Power Grids Sweden, H2 Green Steel and Nel Hydrogen

    The new hydrogen plant in Hofors will make Ovako the first in the world to heat steel with hydrogen prior to rolling, and is the next major step towards climate-neutral steel production. The technical solution will also enable large-scale and cost-effective production of hydrogen for applications like fossil-free freight using fuel-cell trucks. With installations at multiple locations, this could enable a network with locally produced fossil-free hydrogen available for the transport sector.


  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 25 juni 2021 11:50
    Mathijs Bouman 00:30

    Honda stopt er mee. Productie van de Clarity, de waterstofauto van het Japanse merk, wordt gestaakt. De auto was in Nederland nooit te koop, maar was wel al jaren ‘gereed voor de Europese introductie’. Het zal er nooit van komen.

    Gelukkig maar, want de waterstofauto is een misbaksel. Zeker in een dicht bekabeld land als Nederland is rijden op waterstof nergens voor nodig. Waterstof moet geproduceerd worden, bij voorkeur uit groene stroom en wordt daarna in de auto via een brandstofcel weer omgezet in elektriciteit. Het is veel efficiënter om met die groene stroom direct de auto aan te drijven. De schaarse groene waterstof dan worden ingezet voor processen die veel moeilijker te elektrificeren zijn. Bijvoorbeeld in de chemische- en staalindustrie.

    Toch blijft de overheid de twee laatste waterstofauto’s op de markt, de Hyundai NEXO en de Toyota Mirai fiscaal voortrekken. Ook al kosten ze minimaal €65.000, ze vallen geheel onder de voordelige bijtelling. Voor gewone elektrische auto’s met een accu geldt dat lage tarief slechts tot €40.000. Zo stimuleert de overheid de verkeerde technologie.
    Over Bouman & Dijkman

    Elke doordeweekse dag reflecteren journalisten Mathijs Bouman en Anna Dijkman kort en krachtig op de actualiteit in het FD. Reageren? Stuur uw mail naar opinie@fd.nl
  6. forum rang 6 'belegger'' 25 juni 2021 12:52

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 25 juni 2021 11:50:

    De schaarse groene waterstof dan worden ingezet voor processen die veel moeilijker te elektrificeren zijn. Bijvoorbeeld in de chemische- en staalindustrie.
    +1 voor groene waterstof in de industrie.
  7. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 26 juni 2021 09:02
    SunHydrogen zou de oplossing zijn voor de kreet: "The goal: hydrogen through solar energy"

    Producing Hydrogen Using Less Energy
    June 22, 2021

    The international research team describes the complete reaction path for electrocatalytic hydrogen generation

    The way in which a compound inspired by nature produces hydrogen has now been described in detail for the first time by an international research team from the University of Jena and the University of Milan-Bicocca. These findings are the foundation for the energy-efficient production of hydrogen as a sustainable energy source.

    Nature as a model

    There are naturally occurring microorganisms that produce hydrogen, using special enzymes called hydrogenases. “What is special about hydrogenases is that they generate hydrogen catalytically. Unlike electrolysis, which is usually carried out industrially using an expensive platinum catalyst, the microorganisms use organometallic iron compounds,” explains Prof. Wolfgang Weigand from the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Jena. “As an energy source, hydrogen is naturally of great interest. That’s why we want to understand exactly how this catalytic process takes place,” he adds.

    In the past, numerous compounds have already been produced worldwide that are chemically modelled on the naturally occurring hydrogenases. In cooperation with the university of Milan, Weigand and his team in Jena have now produced a compound that has yielded entirely new insights into the catalysis process. “As in nature, our model is based on a molecule that contains two iron atoms. Compared with the natural form, however, we changed the chemical environment of the iron in a specific way. To be precise, an amine was replaced by a phosphine oxide with similar chemical properties. We therefore brought the element phosphorus into play.”

    Detailed insight into electrocatalytic hydrogen production

    This enabled Weigand and his team to better understand the process of hydrogen formation. Through autodissociation, water forms positively charged protons and negatively charged hydroxide ions. “Our goal was to understand how these protons form hydrogen. However, the proton donor in our experiments was not water, but an acid,” Weigand says. “We observed that the proton of the acid is transferred to the phosphine oxide of our compound followed by a proton release to one of the iron atoms. A similar process would also be found in the natural variant of the molecule,” he adds. In order to balance the proton’s positive charge and ultimately produce hydrogen, negatively charged electrons were introduced in the form of electric current. With the help of cyclic voltammetry and simulation software developed at the University of Jena, the individual steps in which these protons were finally reduced to free hydrogen were examined. “During the experiment, we could actually see how the hydrogen gas rose from the solution in small bubbles,” notes Weigand.

    “The experimental measurement data from the cyclic voltammetry and the simulation results were then used by the research team in Milan for quantum chemical calculations,” adds Weigand. “This enabled us to propose a plausible mechanism for how the entire reaction proceeds chemically to produce the hydrogen – and this for each individual step of the reaction. This has never been done before with this level of accuracy.” The group published the results and the proposed reaction pathway in the renowned journal ACS Catalysis.

    The goal: hydrogen through solar energy

    Building on these findings, Weigand and his team now want to develop new compounds that can not only produce hydrogen in an energy-efficient way, but also use sustainable energy sources to do so. “The goal of the Transregio Collaborative Research Centre 234 ‘CataLight’, of which this research is a part, is the production of hydrogen by splitting water with the use of sunlight,” Weigand explains. “With the knowledge gained from our research, we are now working on designing and investigating new catalysts based on the hydrogenases, which are ultimately activated using light energy.”
  8. forum rang 10 voda 26 juni 2021 10:20
    TA: 3 kansen in waterstof
    Door Jacob Tromp op 25 juni 2021 16:20 | Views: 3.966

    TA: 3 kansen in waterstof
    De zoektocht naar alternatieven voor fossiele brandstoffen is in volle gang. Naast elektrisch rijden begint ook waterstof een belangrijke rol te spelen in de energietransitie. Ik bespreek deze keer 2 aandelen van bedrijven die helpen nieuwe toepassingen van waterstof te ontwikkelen en een groene ETF.

    Plug Power
    De Amerikaanse waterstofspecialist, Plug Power, weet technisch bezien verder op te klaren. Vanaf medio februari heeft de koers fors onder druk gestaan en heeft het concern flink wat terrein moeten prijsgeven.

    Nu de koers de dalende fase achter zich weet te laten weet Plug Power de verkoopdruk van zich af te schudden en zien wij wat ruimte vrijkomen voor herstel. Bovendien heeft de koers recent weer een hogere bodem achtergelaten, wat toenemende vraag signaleert onder beleggers.

    Dit wordt ook bevestigd door de moneyflow (zwarte lijn onder grafiek). De moneyflow is een indicator die afgeleid is van het volumeverloop. De oplopende moneyflow van Plug Power wijst er op dat er nieuw geld in de markt komt

    Eerstvolgend koersdoel hanteren wij op 48,35 dollar (top van 11 maart). Steun vinden wij op 28,40 dollar (bodem van 16 juni).

    Ballard Power Systems
    Ballard Power Systems is een Canadese producent en ontwikkelaar van waterstofcellen. Het concern richt zich voornamelijk op energieproducten voor zware voertuigen, zoals vrachtwagens, bussen en treinen. Als wij een blik werpen op de grafiek dan weet ook Ballard verder uit te bodem.

    Na een zwakke periode heeft het concern de neerwaartse fase van de afgelopen maanden verlaten en weet de koers wat te stabiliseren. Een herstelbeweging lijkt hiermee in de maak. In tegenstelling tot Plug Power zien wij echter dat de moneyflow wat begint te haperen, wat een gebrek aan kracht signaleert.

    Indien de koers boven de top van juni weet te breken zal Ballard zijn weg kunnen vervolgen naar 25,59 dollar (top van 5 april). De steun ligt op 16,42 dollar (bodem van 21 juni).

    Global Clean Energy ETF
    Beleggers die op zoek zijn naar meer spreiding, kunnen de Global Clean Energy ETF overwegen. De iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ISIN: IE00B1XNHC34) is in dat geval een mooie tracker; een duurzame investering met een brede spreiding.

    Deze ETF is opgebouwd uit ongeveer dertig wereldwijde ondernemingen die actief zijn in de (schone) energiesector, met belangen in windenergie, zonne-energie en uiteraard waterstof.

    Technisch bezien ligt de ETF er goed bij. De weg omhoog is ingeslagen nadat de laatste koerspiek werd gebroken. Eerder al verliet de Global Clean Energy ETF de dalende trend en werd een hogere bodem op de grafiek achter gelaten. Koersdoel voor de Global Clean Energy ETF hanteren wij op 12,37 euro (top van 12 maart). Steun zien wij op 10,38 euro (bodem van 10 juni).

    Jacob Tromp is technisch analist bij Tostrams Groep en IEX. Hij schrijft zijn columns op persoonlijke titel. De informatie in zijn columns is niet bedoeld als professioneel of particulier beleggingsadvies of als aanbeveling tot het doen van bepaalde beleggingen.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  9. forum rang 10 voda 26 juni 2021 10:42
    H2Global Foundation Starts with 16 Founding Members

    16 key players from the German energy, mechanical engineering, logistics and finance sector have joined the H2Global Foundation as founding members. Founding companies include: Siemens Energy Thyssenkrupp, VNG, Deutsche Bank, Salzgitter, Uniper, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik, Neuman & Esser, Reederei F. Laeisz, Viridi RE, Enertrag, Nordex, Green Enesys, MAN Energy Solutions, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH and Linde. H2Global is developed as a new instrument with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi by an interdisciplinary team of experts under the leadership of the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH in cooperation with the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association DWV

    The H2 Global Program is designed to promote the market run-up for renewable hydrogen. It is focusing on the regions with best conditions to produce and export renewable hydrogen to supply the EU’s and Germany’s economy. H2Global is a mechanism for auction-based promotion of a timely and effective global market ramp-up of green H2 and PtX products on an industrial level.

    H2Global is currently focusing in particular on item 37 of the federal government's economic stimulus program, according to which foreign trade partnerships are to be established with countries in which, due to their geographical location, H2 can be produced efficiently. It also addresses the goals of establishing green technologies "Made in Germany" in the partner countries, supporting the local energy transition and countering Germany's massive import demand for green H2 and its derivatives.

    A market for green hydrogen is to be developed using the H2Global instrument. The H2 Global concept envisages bringing supply and demand together via a double auction mechanism. On the supply side, long-term purchase contracts and on the demand side short-term resale contracts are to be concluded. The Federal Ministry of Economics is providing 900 million euros and thereby balancing the existing difference between supply and and asking price. In this way, the funding program offers the investment security required for the market participants involved for the first time in the market introduction phase.

    The foundation is open to other companies at any time and should soon include up to 70 companies.

    Investments in electrolysis capacities of approx. 500 MW will be stimulated this year and the corresponding products will be available to German industry (e.g. steel, Chemistry) are available for decarbonization.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 26 juni 2021 10:45
    Bakken Energy & Mitsubishi Power Form Hydrogen Partnership

    Bakken Energy LLC and Mitsubishi Power Americas Inc have signed a strategic partnership agreement to create a world-class clean hydrogen hub in North Dakota. This hub will be composed of facilities that produce, store, transport and consume clean hydrogen. It will be connected by pipeline to other clean hydrogen hubs being developed throughout North America.

    Developing infrastructure for hydrogen enables decarbonization of sectors such as energy, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing that are targeting net zero carbon emissions. Hydrogen is a carbon-free energy carrier and a carbon-free fuel. The most common forms of clean hydrogen are green and blue. Green hydrogen is created from water using renewable energy and electrolysis. Blue hydrogen is derived from natural gas with the carbon dioxide emissions captured and sequestered. The hub in North Dakota will focus on blue hydrogen production.

    The Bakken Energy partnership to create a clean hydrogen hub joins Mitsubishi Power’s portfolio of innovative partnerships and cross-sector teams accelerating hydrogen technology realization. Mitsubishi Power has been developing a hydrogen hub with Magnum Development in Utah to support the western U.S., and in May signed an agreement to develop hydrogen storage solutions with Texas Brine across the eastern U.S. The company also has numerous hydrogen projects and collaborations across North America.*

    Bakken Energy, supported by Mitsubishi Power, is currently working with Basin Electric Power Cooperative and its subsidiary Dakota Gasification Company on the potential acquisition and redevelopment of the Great Plains Synfuels Plant located near Beulah, North Dakota. The redevelopment would make the facility the largest producer of clean hydrogen in North America. The project is in due diligence, and specific details are confidential until that phase is complete.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 26 juni 2021 21:20

    Pillars of Progress: Mobility – Hydrogen technology for cleaner skies from 2035
    Joanna Sampson

    Hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft could come into service in just 15 years. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has started the ball rolling with three research projects that will help reach this milestone.

    Modern aircraft, powered by polluting kerosene, emit more than 900 million tonnes of CO2 globally each year, putting the aviation industry under intense pressure to decarbonise. Hydrogen, which can be produced sustainably using renewable energy, is emerging as a game-changing clean and viable solution, not just as an alternative to kerosene but also to synthetic fuels and biofuels.

    A Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking and Clean Sky Joint Undertaking study predicts short-range hydrogen-powered aircraft could enter into service by 2035.

    Significant progress towards using hydrogen to power aircraft, is being achieved in a series of FCH JU-supported projects. HYCARUS developed a flight-ready fuel cell based auxiliary power unit system, including a high-pressure hydrogen tank, adequate for pressurised passenger aircrafts, while FLHySAFE is developing an emergency power unit for flight controls, linked hydraulics and flight-critical instrumentation in case of emergency. The HEAVEN project is producing a modular high-power fuel cell system for propulsion of a small aircraft, in combination with a cryogenic hydrogen storage system.

    Innovating toward the first test flights

    Planned flight tests and validation of the technology by these projects underpin expectations that the first prototype fully-hydrogen-powered aircraft could be approved for take-off by 2028. This will mark an important moment in aviation’s green transition and will raise awareness in the aeronautics sector globally of the potential of hydrogen. FCH JU’s progressive approach to supporting innovation spans key applications from propulsion and auxiliary power to safe hydrogen storage that are set to play a significant role in accelerating decarbonisation of the industry.

    Decarbonising aviation

    The aviation industry needs commercially viable, clean alternatives to fossil fuels in order to decarbonise and reduce its environmental impact.

    To support the development and testing of hydrogen-powered aviation solutions, the FCH JU brought together research institutions and leading companies in aviation and hydrogen technology.

    The goal? To demonstrate the commercial viability of hydrogen-powered aircraft and raise awareness of hydrogen’s potential to help the aviation industry decarbonise.
  12. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 27 juni 2021 13:16
    Power plants can kickstart Australia's hydrogen economy, GE says
    Sonali PaulJune 17, 20217:09 AM CESTLast Updated 11 days ago
    The logo of U.S. conglomerate General Electric is pictured at the site of the company's energy branch in Belfort, France, February 5, 2019. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler
    MELBOURNE, June 17 (Reuters) - Interest in using hydrogen in gas-fired power plants is growing in Australia, where one project last month got the go-ahead, which could drive early demand for green hydrogen, General Electric Co (GE.N) executives said.

    GE in May won a contract to supply a turbine for a A$300 million ($229 million) expansion of a gas-fired plant owned by Australia's third-largest power retailer EnergyAustralia, which will be the country's first commercial power plant able to use both gas and hydrogen.

    "What we're effectively doing through this project is kicking off the hydrogen economy in Australia," GE's Australia head, Sam Maresh, told Reuters in an interview.

    "There's a lot of talk about hydrogen. But here the rubber hits the road with this project."

    A bigger project, a A$1 billion gas-fired plant planned by mining magnate Andrew Forrest, is also looking to be able to run on hydrogen, but has yet to reach a final investment decision.

    Maresh and GE Gas Power Asia Pacific head Aaron Scott declined to comment on whether GE is in talks with Forrest's Australian Industrial Energy on that project.

    "Virtually every customer that we are working with is asking about hydrogen," Scott said. "There is significant interest right across the industry."

    Australia's gas producers who are working on plans to produce hydrogen say one of the big challenges is to ensure that there is demand for the product.

    Projects like EnergyAustralia's Tallawarra gas plant expansion, which will take 200 tonnes a year of hydrogen, will help spur demand, which in turn will help drive down prices for the product which is currently uncompetitive with gas.

    "The challenge from an industry perspective is that hydrogen as a fuel is still expensive at this point in time. So the focus needs to be on growing the volume of hydrogen available, but also being able to deliver that hydrogen at a competitive price," Scott said.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 28 juni 2021 08:16
    Galp Plans to Produce Green Hydrogen at Sines Refinery

    Portugal's Galp reportedly plans to install a 100-megawatt electrolyser to power its refinery in Sines with green hydrogen by 2025. The company’s Chief Executive Andy Brown told news agency Reuters in an interview that the project could be expanded to up to 1,000 MW and be worth around EUR 1 billion. He told “Galp wants to gradually produce zero-carbon green hydrogen through a process of electrolysis using renewable solar energy. At the moment, this process is more expensive than producing hydrogen by using heat and chemical reactions to release it from coal or natural gas, but because of the cost of gas and the cost of CO2, at a certain point it can be profitable.”

    Galp’s refinery, located south of Lisbon, is Portugal's biggest consumer of hydrogen from natural gas, but Galp wanted to gradually produce the zero-carbon fuel through a process of electrolysis using renewable solar energy. Such hydrogen is now more expensive to extract than the heavily polluting conventional method of using heat and chemical reactions to release it from coal or natural gas, known as brown and grey hydrogen, respectively.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 29 juni 2021 08:59
    BRICS Virtual Green Hydrogen Summit Organized

    India’s largest energy integrated company NTPC Ltd anchored a two day workshop on Green Hydrogen, one of the most popular and demanding fields in the current times and considered to be the next carrier of energy. The online event saw leading experts from the Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa countries share their insights and professional views on the subject as well as the latest developments going on in their countries in the area of green hydrogen. India’s Ministry of Power Secretary Mr Alok Kumar in his key note address said “Government and industry must work together to ensure existing regulations are not an unnecessary barrier to investment. Trade will benefit from common international standards for the safety of transporting and storing large volumes of hydrogen and having appropriate certificate of origin. BRICS countries could work together on these aspects. India has launched an ambitious National Hydrogen Mission to introduce hydrogen purchase obligations for fertilizers, refineries involving private sector in transparent & competitive manner to produce green hydrogen”.

    The key note speakers from BRICS virtual summit were, Ms Agnes M da Costa (Ministry of Mines & Energy, Brazil), Mr Kovalev Andrey (Russian Energy Agency, Russia), Dr Prakash Chandra Maithani, (Scientist G, MNRE, Government of India), Ms Fu Tianyi (National Energy Administration of China), Mr Makgabo H Tsiri ( International Relations, National Department of Energy, South Africa).

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 29 juni 2021 09:19
    Wärtsilä & GEV to Develop on Propulsion for Hydrogen Vessel

    The technology group Wärtsilä has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Global Energy Ventures of Australia, a company specialised in delivering compressed shipping solutions for transporting energy to regional markets. The two companies will cooperate on the inclusion of Wärtsilä propulsion systems in GEV’s compressed hydrogen C-H2 ships. The MOU was signed in Sydney in Australia. The cooperation aims at advancing GEV’s Approval in Principle (AiP) application for its new 430-ton C-H2 vessel. It is also intended to demonstrate the availability of a highly efficient, low-emissions propulsion system for the vessel.

    Compression delivers a proven, simple, and efficient method for transporting green hydrogen. It is a preferred solution for marine hydrogen transport but is often overlooked due to its lower volumetric energy density. The parties to the agreement believe that the C-H2 project will eliminate the technical barriers and deliver a solution which is superior to other transport alternatives.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
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  1. 03 februari

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