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  1. forum rang 10 voda 29 juni 2021 09:20
    Sinopec Targets 1 Million Tonne Green Hydrogen Capacity by 2025

    Reuters reported that China's state-controlled energy giant Sinopec aims to set up plants that can make 500,000 tonnes of hydrogen a year from renewable energy sources by 2025. The company currently has annual hydrogen production capacity of 3.84 million tonnes, with about half coming as a by-product from its refineries and a third made from coal. It wasn't immediately clear whether the 500,000 tonnes of 'green' capacity will replace some existing facilities or will be additional. Sinopec Group VP Mr Ling Yiqun said “The company will aim to boost green hydrogen production to over 1 million tonnes cumulatively during the 2021-2025 period, and will focus on developing hydrogen as a transportation fuel and green hydrogen refining.”

    The company in late May announced its first green hydrogen project, a 20,000 tonnes per annum plant located in Inner Mongolia, is expect to launch its first phase in 2022. It also plans to build another 20,000 tonne green hydrogen plant in Xinjiang. Sinopec will build more hydrogen transport pipelines to connect producers and downstream market. So far the company operates three pipelines with total length of just 99 kilometres. Most of China's hydrogen is transported by trucks, a more expensive option than operating a pipeline, reaching relatively limited markets compared with a grid of pipelines.

    Sinopec has vowed to be China's leading hydrogen company and set up 1,000 hydrogen filling stations across the country.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 4 StartendeBelegger 29 juni 2021 13:11

    nine_inch_nerd schreef op 24 juni 2021 20:28:

    Ja, dik. Drama, dik verlies. Ze heten nu PowerTap Hydrogen Capital Corp. zoals je weet...Meer de focus nu op H2 waterstof stations.
    Wachten...op meer H2 stations.

    Had het eerder moeten vragen, laatste week alweer 70% gestegen.
  3. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 29 juni 2021 19:37

    Successful alternative electrolysis solution

    As an experienced engineering service provider we are a strong partner for future investments in hydrogen solutions and have developed first of their kind hydrogen facilities in Germany over the last decade.
    At our power-to-gas pilot plant in Hamburg-Reitbrook we are testing, jointly with our project partners, an alternative electrolysis process: the so named PEM electrolysis.The project comprises the development of the first prototype PEM electrolyzer operating in the 1.5MW range. Field trials of the system are being conducted, the green hydrogen produced being injected into the local natural gas grid. In PEM electrolysis, at the electrode a semi-permeable polymer-based membrane generates hydrogen at high pressure, delivering lower energy losses and higher hydrogen purity compared with conventional systems which use a liquid alkaline electrolyte.
  4. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 30 juni 2021 17:31
    Zie dichtgedrukt citaat in onderstaand verslag ;)

    'Stijgende CO2-prijzen kunnen aandelenmarkten hard raken'
    In Nederland is de CO2-heffing sinds dit jaar €30, waarbij er wel allerlei uitzonderingen voor bedrijven zijn. In 2030 moet de prijs naar ruim €125.
    In Nederland is de CO2-heffing sinds dit jaar €30, waarbij er wel allerlei uitzonderingen voor bedrijven zijn. In 2030 moet de prijs naar ruim €125. Foto: Kathleen Flynn/Reuters
    Beleggers moeten vrezen voor forse waardedalingen van hun aandelen door stijgende CO2-prijzen, blijkt uit een analyse van Van Lanschot Kempen. Om onder de 2 graden temperatuurstijging van het Parijse klimaatakkoord te blijven, moet het uitstoten van een ton CO2 volgens de analisten minimaal $75 duurder worden. Die kosten zijn nog onvoldoende ingeprijsd, waardoor aandelen wereldwijd gemiddeld 4% kunnen dalen. Bij een CO2-heffing die ook alle indirecte uitstoot belast, kunnen de koersen zelfs een klap van 20% krijgen.

    'Gezien de risico’s waar klimaatverandering ons voor stelt, is de vraag niet óf, maar wanneer wereldwijde markten hier de negatieve effecten van gaan ondervinden', aldus Michel Iglesias del Sol, Managing Director Investment Strategy. Amerikaanse aandelen kunnen het hardst geraakt worden, met dalingen van meer dan een kwart. Europese aandelen kunnen volgens de analisten tot ruim 15% dalen.

    'Langer wachten is duurder'

    Het is geen goed idee om geleidelijk in te grijpen, om de pijn te spreiden. 'Hoe langer we wachten met het verhogen van de CO2-prijzen, hoe strenger de regelgeving zal moeten worden om de uitstoot in even sterke mate te kunnen terugdringen – en hoe groter de impact zal zijn op aandelenwaarderingen', zegt Nikesh Patel, hoofd Investment Strategy UK.

    Van Lanschot heeft nog een pessimistischer scenario uitgewerkt, omdat $75 duurdere CO2 'gezien de versnelling van het tempo waarin de aarde opwarmt' waarschijnlijk niet voldoende zal blijken. Bij $150 duurdere CO2 kunnen aandelen wereldwijd ruim 9% dalen, of ruim 40% als alle indirecte uitstoot ook wordt belast.

    Dat de prijzen fors zullen stijgen is zeker. Europese CO2-contracten zijn de afgelopen twee jaar in prijs verdubbeld naar ruim €55. De Europese Commissie verwacht dat een ton CO2 dit decennium de €85 zal aantikken, bleek dinsdag uit een EU-analyse die persbureau Bloomberg inzag.

    In Nederland is de heffing sinds dit jaar €30, waarbij er wel allerlei uitzonderingen voor bedrijven zijn, en een groot deel van de uitstoot is vrijgesteld van belasting. In 2030 moet de prijs naar ruim €125.

    Daarom maar beter duurzaam beleggen

    Daarom kunnen beleggers volgens Van Lanschot maar beter duurzaam gaan investeren, bijvoorbeeld in groene energie of voedselvoorziening. Die aandelen lopen ruim de helft minder schade op van duurdere CO2-rechten. De analisten schatten dat 'een klimaatpositieve portefeuille' de komende tien jaar zo'n 20% extra rendement kan opleveren.

    De analisten raden langetermijnbeleggers als pensioenfondsen aan over te stappen 'van standaardindices en -benchmarks naar meer duurzame alternatieven'. Pensioenfondsen staan al langere tijd onder druk om te verduurzamen.

    Vorige week berekende het dataplatform SWF Global in opdracht van actieclub Fossielvrij NL dat ABP 5% rijker was geweest, als het ambtenarenfonds vijf jaar geleden alle olie-, gas-, en kolenaandelen had verkocht en in plaats daarvan groen had belegd.
  5. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 30 juni 2021 21:32
    Kabinet: Gasunie gaat gasnetwerk ombouwen voor waterstof uit windenergie
    vandaag, 18:27


    Het kabinet wil dat Gasunie het bestaande gasleidingennetwerk gaat ombouwen tot een waterstofnetwerk. Waterstof is een gas dat kan worden omgezet naar elektriciteit zonder CO2-uitstoot. Het is de bedoeling dat in eerste instantie de zware industrie daardoor duurzamer kan gaan produceren.

    VVD-staatssecretaris Yesilgöz van Economische Zaken, verantwoordelijk voor het klimaatbeleid, zegt dat deze stap nodig is om de industrie in Nederland te kunnen behouden en tegelijkertijd de klimaatdoelen te halen. De werkgelegenheid in de grote industriële ondernemingen blijft op deze manier behouden.

    "Het gasleidingenstelsel dat we in ons land hebben is uniek. Het is een fijnmazig stelsel dat we kunnen ombouwen voor waterstof", zegt de staatssecretaris. "Het zou zonde zijn om die gasleidingen niet te gebruiken." Ze doelt daarmee op de transitie van gas naar duurzame energie, waardoor het gasleidingennetwerk op den duur overbodig zou worden.

    Gasunie spreekt van een historisch besluit. "Het is voor ons belangrijk om deze nieuwe energie te gaan transporteren maar het is voor de samenleving nog veel belangrijker", zegt Han Fennema van Gasunie. "We kunnen energie gaan transporteren die ons helpt om de klimaatambities in Nederland, Europa en de wereld te realiseren."

    Ongeveer 85 procent van de bestaande leidingen kan worden hergebruikt voor waterstof.

    'Veilig en betaalbaar'

    Het kabinet kiest bij deze eerste stap voor leidingbeheerder Gasunie omdat het bedrijf veel kennis en ervaring heeft en de ombouw van het bestaande netwerk aankan. Daardoor kan het veilig en betaalbaar, zegt Yesilgöz. Op termijn worden andere marktpartijen niet uitgesloten. "Bedrijven die nu bezig zijn met fossiele brandstoffen zien ook wel dat er wat gaat veranderen."

    Dat is GroenLinks met het kabinet eens. "We hebben het voordeel van een bestaand gasnetwerk en van de Noordzee voor windmolenparken", zegt Kamerlid Van der Lee. "Waterstof wordt gemaakt door elektriciteit door water te laten lopen. Die elektriciteit moet dan wel schoon worden opgewekt. Andere Europese landen investeren daar miljarden meer in."

    Van windparken op zee naar de productie van groene waterstof, tot transport via het bestaande leidingnetwerk:

    Op het moment is er nog heel weinig groene waterstof. Dat is waterstof gemaakt uit wind- en zonne-energie. Voorlopig is er vooral nog grijze waterstof, gemaakt uit aardgas. Yesilgöz: "Maar we moeten nu vast beginnen met het ombouwen van het leidingennetwerk. Op termijn moeten er meer windmolenparken op zee komen om groene waterstof te kunnen maken."

    GroenLinks wil dat Nederland op termijn ook waterstof over het omgebouwde leidingnetwerk gaat verdelen die is opgewekt met zonne-energie. "Waterstof wordt een wereldmarkt", zegt Van der Lee. "Zonnecentrales in bijvoorbeeld Zuid-Europa, Afrika maar ook Australië gaan productie van groene waterstof daar mogelijk maken. Die waterstof kunnen we importeren en via de Rotterdamse haven en het leidingnetwerk gaan doorleveren."

    Het kabinet is demissionair en moet voorzichtig opereren. Tegelijkertijd kan een volgend kabinet niet met een achterstand worden opgezadeld omdat Nederland gehouden is aan de klimaatafspraken. De zogenoemde waterstofcoalitie, met daarin onder meer energiebedrijven, de industrie en milieuorganisaties, riepen het kabinet daarom in maart op snel actie te ondernemen.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 1 juli 2021 11:04
    Nikola Invests in Wabash Valley Resources for Hydrogen

    Global leader in zero-emissions transportation and infrastructure solutions Nikola Corporation and Wabash Valley Resources LLC announced that Nikola is investing USD 50 million in cash and stock in exchange for a 20% equity interest in the clean hydrogen project being developed in West Terre Haute, Ind. The project plans to use solid waste byproducts such as petroleum coke combined with biomass to produce clean, sustainable hydrogen for transportation fuel and base-load electricity generation while capturing CO2 emissions for permanent underground sequestration. Once completed, the project is expected to be one of the largest carbon capture and clean hydrogen production projects in the United States. The focus is to produce zero-carbon intensity hydrogen with the potential to develop negative carbon intensity hydrogen in the future.

    Working together, Nikola and WVR expect to lead in the transition to clean transportation fuels for trucking operations within the Midwest, one of the most intensive commercial transportation corridors in the United States.

    This investment is anticipated to give Nikola a significant hydrogen hub with the ability to offtake approximately 50 tons a day to supply its future dispensing stations within an approximate 300-mile radius, covering a significant portion of the Midwest. Exercising its offtake right will likely require significant additional investment by Nikola to build liquefaction, storage, and transportation services.

    As part of this investment in the hydrogen economy in the Midwest, Nikola intends to build stations across Indiana and the broader Midwest to serve the region.

    The first Nikola Tre hydrogen fuel-cell prototype builds have begun in Arizona and Ulm, Germany, with testing and validation of the vehicles planned into 2022, and serial production expected to commence in 2023.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 1 juli 2021 11:11
    Powerhouse gerelateerd

    Peel NRE Signs Deal To Supply Hydrogen To Element 2 Refuelling Stations With First Planned At Protos

    Peel NRE Hydrogen 2
    Peel NRE, part of Peel L&P, has signed a Letter of Intent to supply hydrogen from its planned roll out of plastic to hydrogen facilities to Element 2‘s proposed network of hydrogen refuelling stations.

    Peel NRE is proposing to develop a hydrogen refuelling station that will make hydrogen from the consented plastic to the hydrogen facility at Protos, the company’s strategic energy and resource hub in Cheshire. This will be able to supply up to one tonne of hydrogen per day, sufficient to fuel approximately 40 HGVs, 500 buses or 2,500 cars per day. There are also plans to develop a hydrogen refuelling station at Peel NRE’s planned plastic to hydrogen facility in North Clyde, near Glasgow.

    The plastic to hydrogen facility at Protos is the first in the UK to use pioneering technology developed by Powerhouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), with Peel NRE planning to roll out the technology across the UK. The plant will take non-recyclable plastics, destined for landfill, incineration, or export overseas, and uses them to create a local source of sustainable hydrogen. The hydrogen will be used as a clean fuel for buses, HGVs, Refuse Collection Vehicles, and cars, helping to improve local air quality.

    The important role of hydrogen in decarbonising the transportation sector has been recognised by the Committee on Climate Change. The refuelling station at Protos will help to kick start the infrastructure needed to support the rollout of hydrogen vehicles which will be a vital part of the UK’s journey to net zero. Element 2 are looking to establish a network of hydrogen refuelling stations across the UK, with plans to deliver 2,000 by 2030, and is looking at further potential sites with Peel NRE.

    Richard Barker, Development Director at Peel NRE, part of Peel L&P, said: “Hydrogen is set to play an important role in our journey to net zero, particularly in hard to decarbonise sectors like transport. Protos is the first of many planned plastic to hydrogen facilities in the UK and co-locating refuelling stations will help to kick start the infrastructure needed to support the rollout of hydrogen vehicles.”

    Brendan Bilton, Chief Technology Officer, Element 2 said: “Our agreement with Peel NRE to build a hydrogen refuelling station at Protos is a big step forward as we establish the UK’s hydrogen infrastructure. We are a pure play retailer of hydrogen, keen to employ waste to hydrogen and the circular economy as we build hundreds of refuelling stations over the next ten years. We will deploy 800 pumps by 2027 and 2,000 pumps by 2030, helping the UK reach its target of net zero emissions my 2050.

    The plastic to hydrogen facility and refuelling station is part of the Plastic Park planned at Protos. The £165m Plastic Park will cluster together a variety of plastic recycling and treatment technologies, each designed to get the most value from plastic waste. A planning application for the Plastic Park is expected later this year.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 2 juli 2021 11:37
    Autorijden op waterstof is niet zo groen als we vaak denken

    Waterstof, het wordt al jaren genoemd als dé oplossing voor ons energieprobleem. Maar waarom rijden we er dan nog niet massaal op?

    Loes van Langen 28 jun. 2021
    ,,Waterstof wordt vaak genoemd als duurzaam alternatief voor benzine’’, zegt Willem Haverkort, ,,maar eigenlijk is dat niet altijd terecht. Slechts een zeer klein deel van de waterstof is op dit moment groen.’’ Haverkort werkt bij de TU Delft wél aan een duurzame vorm van waterstof en die haalt hij simpelweg uit water.

    Een watermolecuul bestaat uit twee waterstofatomen en één zuurstofatoom. Die kun je splitsen en dan houd je het brandbare gas waterstof over. Dat splitsen doen we met elektriciteit, legt Haverkort uit. ,,Door een kleine spanning op het water te zetten, geef je de moleculen genoeg energie of motivatie om uit elkaar te gaan.’’

    Als je het waterstofgas vervolgens opvangt, kun je het gebruiken om er bijvoorbeeld een auto op te laten rijden ,,Het enige wat uit je uitlaat komt is water of eigenlijk waterdamp.’’

    © Hollandse Hoogte / ANP

    Hij vervolgt: ,,Het grappige is dat we eigenlijk al heel ver waren met de ontwikkeling van duurzame waterstof.’’ Twee Nederlanders haalden het voor het eerst uit water in 1789. In de tweede helft van de 20ste eeuw werd waterstof desalniettemin steeds minder uit water gehaald, maar steeds meer uit aardgas. ,,Dat is veel goedkoper. Alleen komt daar CO2 bij vrij en dat is nu net wat we niet willen.’’

    Toch is volgens Haverkort waterstof uit water ook niet altijd 100 procent duurzaam. ,,De elektriciteit die je gebruikt om water te splitsen moet wel groen zijn, dus afkomstig zijn van bijvoorbeeld windmolens of zonnepanelen, dan pas spreek je echt van groene waterstof.’’

    Bijkomend probleem is dat je bij het omzetten van water naar waterstof een deel van de energie verliest. Waterstof neemt ook nog eens veel ruimte in beslag.

    ,,Om te voorkomen dat je met een gigantische tank rond moet rijden, persen we het samen, maar daarbij raak je ook weer een deel van de energie kwijt.’’

    Tanken bij een waterstofstation in Helmond. © Jan de Laar/WaterstofNet

    Waterstof wordt volgens Haverkort dus pas echt relevant op het moment dat we elektriciteit van duurzame bronnen over hebben. ,,Je kunt die elektriciteit dan opslaan in de vorm van waterstof en bijvoorbeeld bewaren in tanks of in zoutuitgravingen onder de grond.’’

    Waterstof functioneert dan eigenlijk als een energiedrager. ,,Net als een batterij of accu. Als je op grote schaal energie wilt opslaan voor langere tijd, is waterstof waarschijnlijk voordeliger en minder vervuilend dan batterijen.’’ Waterstof leent zich daarom ook goed voor grote schepen, vrachtwagens of vliegtuigen. ,,Die hoeven dan al die zware accu’s niet mee te nemen.’’

    Voor video, zie link:

  9. Rotel74 5 juli 2021 08:16

    Everfuel and Greenstat to collaborate on zero-emission mobility in Norway
    Herning, Denmark, 5 July 2021 – Everfuel A/S and Greenstat AS have signed a cooperation agreement for developing commercially competitive hydrogen supply for zero-emission mobility by rail, road and sea in Norway.
    Both companies are founded on making green hydrogen commercially available by establishing robust value chains from production to end-users. Greenstat has a portfolio of attractive hydrogen production projects while Everfuel is expanding its production, distribution and network of hydrogen fueling stations. The parties have identified multiple projects that they are actively pursuing together. Details on the identified projects will be disclosed as they mature.
    "Regional development is essential to get sufficient momentum on rapid implementation of hydrogen across Norway. This requires persistent hard project development work, which is exactly what Greenstat is bringing to the cooperation," says Jacob Krogsgaard, the CEO of Everfuel. “This collaboration will support the development of our Norwegian distribution network with the stated ambition to build 15-20 filling stations in southern Norway before expanding both northwards and with more stations over time.”
    "We are very pleased to formalize our already strong collaboration with Everfuel. We are firm believers in cooperation and partnerships throughout the value chain based on a common understanding of what is required to succeed. We look forward to developing robust and competitive solutions together with Everfuel making hydrogen available to an ever-growing market, " says Vegard Frihammer, the CEO of Greenstat.

    For additional information, please contact
    Jacob Krogsgaard, CEO, +45 2871 8945
    Vegard Frihammer, CEO, +47 92826952
  10. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 5 juli 2021 09:44
    Ik weet niet waarom FuelCell dit ouder artikel opnieuw via Twitter onder de aandacht brengt. "Waar rook is, is vuur (waterstofbrandje)"
    Het gaat over -PowerTap Hydrogen Capital Corp (MOVE)-

    REPEAT - Clean Power Provides Update on PowerTap’s California Hydrogen Fueling Station launch in 2021:
    January 12, 2021
    In-line with California Governor Newsom’s Proposed Stimulus Plan

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clean Power Capital Corp. (CSE: MOVE)(FWB: 2K6)(OTC: MOTNF) (“Clean Power” or the “Company” or "MOVE"). Clean Power is encouraged by and applauds the announcement by California Governor Newsom for his proposal to earmark $1.5 billion for companies to invest in the construction and maintenance of charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure as part of a $4.5 billion stimulus proposal for the 2021 state budget1.

    Governor Newsom’s announcement is aligned with PowerTap’s preparation of its hydrogen station permitting as it prepares for its rollout of initial hydrogen fueling stations in the second half of 2021. The PowerTap hydrogen stations will be completed and installed in accordance with the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) permitting guidebook2.

    As announced in Clean Power’s December 15, 2020 press release, PowerTap also plans to participate in the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (“LCFS”) Carbon Credit program, which provides PowerTap an opportunity to generate revenue from the sale of its earned LCFS credits on an on-going basis on the emission trading markets, even prior to generating any revenue from the sale of hydrogen.

    Raghu Kilambi, CEO of PowerTap Hydrogen Fueling Corp. said, “PowerTap plans to launch hydrogen fueling station rollout in the second half of 2021 and will be announcing initial rollout partners in the near term. California’s announced stimulus plans for hydrogen infrastructure supports PowerTap’s aggressive rollout strategy. In addition, with the incoming Biden Administration and the Democrats gaining control of the United States Senate with the win of control of the Senate with two key Senate runoff elections in the State of Georgia, PowerTap is optimistic that the US federal government will introduce new green initiatives that will include incentives and funding for the hydrogen infrastructure space."

    About PowerTap

    The Company invested in PowerTap on October 27, 2020 (see the Company’s news release on October 28, 2020). PowerTap is leading the charge to build out cost-effective hydrogen fueling infrastructure through its environmentally friendly intellectual property, product design for the modularized and lowest tier production cost of hydrogen, and launch plan. PowerTap technology-based hydrogen fueling stations are located in private enterprises and public stations (near LAX airport) in California, Texas, Massachusetts, and Maryland. Additional information about PowerTap and the Hydrogen Industry may be found at its website at www.powertapfuels.com


    Clean Power is an investment company, that specializes in investing into private and public companies opportunistically that may be engaged in a variety of industries, with a current focus in the health and renewable energy industries. In particular, the investment mandate is focused on high return investment opportunities, the ability to achieve a reasonable rate of capital appreciation and to seek liquidity in our investments. A copy of Clean Power’s amended and restated investment policy may be found under the Company’s profile at www.sedar.com.

  11. forum rang 10 voda 5 juli 2021 09:44
    EDP Renováveis & Reganosa Invest in Hydrogen in Galicia Spain

    EDP Renováveis and Reganosa, the Galician energy multinational, will invest 780 million euros to make a decisive contribution to the energy transition in Galicia in Spain. This joint investment, which will create more than 7,000 indirect jobs and a total of 400 effective jobs, will be allocated to production and storage projects, aiming to create a true, digital and inclusive clean energy hub in the Ferrolterra region. The investment includes the construction of an electrolysis hydrogen production plant, which will reach a capacity of 100 MW. This plant, which will use water from a lake in the region and new sources of renewable energy, will have an annual production capacity of up to 14,400 tons of H2.

    An energy storage system, with an installed capacity of 570 MW, will also be created, through a pumping hydroelectric power station with that will use the same lake and a new dam as reservoirs, maximizing the use of renewable energies.

    A wind power complex will also be developed, comprising four parks with new generation turbines, totaling more than 270 MW of installed power.

    In total, close to 1 GW of installed green power is at stake, thus embodying the most ambitious investment made so far in the decarbonization of Galicia's economy, with the objective of transforming Ferrolterra into a green energy capital. This important step is part of the Agreement for a Just Transition, signed this year in March, between EDP, the Spanish Government and trade unions with the aim of ensuring the maintenance of economic activity and employment in regions where coal-fired power stations are deactivated.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 5 juli 2021 10:01
    Installation of Hydrogen Charging Stations to Accelerate in Korea

    Business Korea reported that following a recent change, South Korea’s Ministry of Environment will take sole responsibility for approving the installation of hydrogen charging stations. Also, approval will now be given for hydrogen charging stations for commercial vehicles. This change should reduce the licensing application/approval period required to build new stations. Efforts to reduce fuel purchase costs are also ongoing through the joint purchase of hydrogen. It is expected that the construction of hydrogen charging stations to accelerate in 2H21.

    Under the control of the Ministry of Environment, 16 private hydrogen charging stations are to be built, 10 of which are to be operated by Kohygen, 2 by HyNet, and 1 each by Hyundai Steel, E1, GS Caltex, and Daedo HyGen. For reference, Hyosung Heavy Industries is the number-one domestic installer of hydrogen charging stations.

    As of Jun 18, Korea had a total of 93 hydrogen charging stations, 23 of which were installed this year. The government aims to build an additional 87 stations by yearend, bringing the total to 180. Accordingly, we expect installations to accelerate in H2 of 2021.

    Business of commercial hydrogen charging stations has only recently been launched. The two major operators of hydrogen charging stations in Korea are HyNet (established in Sep 2019) and Kohygen (Mar 2021, a specialized constructor & operator of hydrogen charging infrastructure for commercial vehicles, such as buses and trucks.

    KOGAS, a domestic hydrogen distributor, conducted its first joint hydrogen purchase for 12 hydrogen charging stations in 1H21. The joint purchase of hydrogen should lower unit prices by about 11%. In 2H21, the firm hopes to start making joint purchases for around 60 stations. Reducing fuel purchase costs will be a key factor in lowering operating deficits at hydrogen charging stations. A decrease in fuel purchase costs through joint purchases should contribute to improving operating income and expanding the hydrogen station network going forward.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 7 juli 2021 00:13
    Een ouwe...

    40 waste-to-hydrogen refuelling stations planned for the UK
    Molly Burgess Jun 22, 2021

    Element 2 and Ways2H have joined forces to deliver as many as 40 waste-to-hydrogen refuelling stations in the UK as part of Element 2’s plans to deploy over 800 hydrogen pumps in the UK by 2027, and 2,000 by 2030.

    Announcing the new partnership today (June 22), the duo said they plan to collaborate on the production and distribution of renewable hydrogen fuel for public transit and other forms of transportation in the UK, Ireland and Europe.

    Under such plans, the companies said they envision as many as 40 sites that will each provide 500kg to one tonne per day of renewable hydrogen fuel – enough for a heavy-duty truck, lorry or other heavy goods vehicles to cover 11,000 road kilometres.

    It is believed the first project is planned for a location in Scotland, UK.

    Commenting on the planned developments, Tim Harper, CEO of Element 2, said, “Our hydrogen supply agreement with Ways2H is an important step in Element 2’s plan to deliver 2,000 hydrogen refuelling stations across the UK, Ireland and Europe by 2030.

    “As we work to procure renewable hydrogen to supply our refuelling stations, we are pleased to be able to include Ways2H and their Circular Economy approach to producing hydrogen from waste as part of the Element 2 network.”

    Ways2H recycles municipal solid waste, plastic, sewage sludge and other refuse in a carbon-neutral process that converts the waste into a gas and extracts pure hydrogen that can be used as fuel for fuel-cell vehicles or power generators.

    Using the same technology as a recently completed waste-to-hydrogen facility in Tokyo, Ways2H is working to supply multiple waste-to-hydrogen facilities in the UK, Europe, the US and other regions around the world.

    On its new collaboration with Element 2, Jean-Louis Kindler, CEO of Wasy2H, said, “Scotland is a world leader in transitioning to clean hydrogen and renewables from fossil fuels to address climate change, and we look forward to working with Element 2 to supply clean hydrogen fuel for cars, trucks, buses, ferries and other transport across Scotland, the UK and Europe.”

    Did you miss this exclusive interview with Tim Harper, CEO of Element 2?

    When asked about Element 2’s ambitious goal to deploy 800 hydrogen pumps in the UK by 2027, the company’s CEO, Tim Harper, told H2 View he wants to “just get on and do it to break the whole chicken and the egg situation.”

    Clearly passionate about the UK’s hydrogen economy, and the country’s journey to net zero, Harper explained that the company’s ambitions all started over a pot of earl grey with his Co-Founder, Brendan Bilton, at the Coniston Hotel in the Yorkshire Dales.

    “I have been looking into it [hydrogen] for 20 years, and my Co-Founder Brendan Bilton, he has been involved in hydrogen and fuel cell companies. A couple of years ago we were talking about doing something together in hydrogen, but the question always stood: What shall we do?

    “With that in mind, we decided to have a meeting at the Coniston Hotel over a pot of earl grey and figure out exactly what we were going to do. I always like to map things out, and once we started mapping out our plans, we realised that there was a big link missing to connect hydrogen supply and demand in the UK – there was nobody putting the refuelling infrastructure in place.”

    Shortly after the business partners’ meeting, the infrastructure idea begun to snowball, and the company now wants to deploy more than 800 hydrogen pumps in the country within the next six years to get the hydrogen mobility ball rolling – a goal that many find extraordinary.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 7 juli 2021 08:49
    SVEVIND to Develop Wind & Solar Power for Hydrogen in Kazakhstan

    The German investor and project developer SVEVIND Energy GmbH and Kazakh Invest National Company JSC have signed a memorandum of understanding regarding SVEVIND’s plan to develop and realise mega-sized facilities for producing green hydrogen by utilising the vast resources of wind and solar power in the Republic of Kazakhstan. SVEVIND plans to install wind and solar farms with a total capacity of 45 gigawatt in mainly steppe areas in Western and Central Kazakhstan. The green electricity will feed 30 GW of electrolysers to produce about three million tonnes of green hydrogen every year. The green hydrogen can either be exported directly to the ever-growing Eurasian markets or used locally to produce high-value green products, like ammonia, steel or aluminium.

    SVEVIND presented its plans to the Kazakh Government during governmental consultations in Nur-Sultan on May 18 and 19. The overall development, engineering, procurement and financing phases are expected to take about three to five years. Construction and commissioning phases are predicted to take approx. five years.

    KAZAKH INVEST is a national investment promotion agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the unified negotiator that provides one-stop-shop services to support investment activities from the initiative all the way to project implementation stage. KAZAKH INVEST’s mission is to promote the sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan by attracting foreign investment in priority sectors of the economy and provide comprehensive support to investment projects. Since December 26, 2018 and by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Measures for Further Improvement of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” KAZAKH INVEST is owned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    SVEVIND has been developing and realising extra-large scale onshore wind power projects in Scandinavia since 1998. The “Markbygden 1101” cluster of connected wind farms in Northern Sweden, west of the city of Piteå, is the largest wind farm in Europe, having already reached the 1 GW milestone of operational wind turbines earlier this year with 1.5 GW of wind turbines under construction. SVEVIND attracted approx. EUR2.8bn of equity and long-term debt to finance those wind farms in operation or under construction. Once completed, the Markbygden 1101 wind farm cluster will provide around 8% of Sweden’s current electricity consumption.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 7 juli 2021 09:07
    Handbook for Hydrogen Fuelled Vessels Published

    A consortium of 26 leading companies and associations, led by DNV, has launched the “Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels" to address the uncertainties surrounding hydrogen as ship fuel. The MarHySafe joint development project aims to create a knowledge base for safe hydrogen operations in shipping.

    Green hydrogen could play a crucial role in the maritime industry’s journey towards decarbonization. Many in shipping recognize hydrogen’s potential as a fuel, but the barriers to realizing this potential are substantial. Led by DNV, a consortium of 26 partners and observers have come together in the MarHySafe JDP to examine these challenges. The Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels offers a roadmap towards safe hydrogen operations using proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). It details how to navigate the complex requirements for design and construction, and it covers the most important aspects of hydrogen operations, such as safety and risk mitigation, engineering details for hydrogen systems and implementation phases for maritime applications.

    Some of the main challenges for hydrogen operations in shipping include the current regulatory framework, which is open to interpretation by different stakeholders, existing knowledge gaps on the safe handling, storing and bunkering of hydrogen, as well as the unique properties of hydrogen that make it challenging to work with.

    In the summer, the MarHySafe JDP enters into Phase II. This will include pre-calculated risk assessments, experimental testing, as well as more work on hydrogen bunkering and input towards standardization. Alongside this, the Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels will be updated continually as the project progresses to reflect the current level of expertise in the industry.

    The MarHySafe Phase 1 project partners include: the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA), the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (Naval Systems, NDMA), Equinor, Shell, Air Liquide, Linde, Kawasaki, Chart Industries, Parker, UMOE Advanced Composites, Hexagon Purus, Fincantieri, Feadship, HySeas Energy, Ballard, Cummins (previously Hydrogenics), Corvus Energy, A.V.Tchouvelev & Associates, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, Redrock, Hydrogen Technology & Energy Corporation (HTEC), Memorial University, and DNV. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), the Standards Council of Canada, and the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) were observers in MarHySafe Phase 1.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
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