Beur schreef op 13 augustus 2013 12:52:
[...]een belangrijke stap maar nog niet "the much anticipated First Gas".
Men verwacht kennelijk nog wel wat aanloopproblemen ("over the next little while"). En het is eerst wachten op een stabiele productie voor een zekere periode, dan is er pas sprake van "First Gas".
"But while it’s another milestone on the way to ramping up production, initial export sales to Repsol Energy Canada Ltd. is not the much-anticipated “first gas,” according to project owner Encana Corp.
“In terms of how we see what’s happening right now it is really another step toward first gas, because there’s still going to be some ups and downs over the next little while,” company spokeswoman Lori MacLean said in an interview Monday.
“Is this another step? Absolutely. It’s important and it’s the start of being able to export gas from the platform,” she added. “When we get to steady-state, which means there’s continuous production for a period of time, that’s when we will have reached, in our view, first gas.”