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  1. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:05
    Chinese crude steel output falls in September confirming demand peaking

    Chinese steel output dropped by 3% YoY in September to 66.12 million tonnes. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that steel output in the first nine months of 2015 fell by 2.1% to 608.94 million tonnes

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:06
    Jobs at risk as Caparo steel goes into partial administration

    UK based steelmaker Caparo Industries is set to file for administration, according to an industry source familiar with the situation who said this could put up to 1,700 jobs at risk in a worst-case scenario.

    The source said "This is not like SSI, there's parts of the company not affected by steel prices, they are viable parts of the business, they could get sold.”

    Administrators Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) said they have been appointed to run some parts of Caparo group empire. PwC has taken over 16 out of 20 units within the group in the UK. Mr Matt Hammond, PwC lead administrator and partner, said "We will be rapidly assessing all options for the businesses."

    Source : BBC
  3. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:08
    BaoSteel executive hints at steel production cut in China

    Nwitimes reported that at the World Steel Association conference in Chicago last week, a Chinese steel executive acknowledged overcapacity in Chinese mills. Mr Dongying Wu, president of economics and management research for Boasteel Group Corp, foresees a wave of consolidations in China's steel industry to take more capacity offline.

    He said "The supply is much bigger than the demand. Economic committees have slowed down the industries that consume steel, as well as the steel plants themselves. They face an issue of overcapacity, and we must adjust our structure."

    He said “China is cutting back on production and was likely to take capacity offline because of mergers and acquisitions, which would result in less dumping. The government is carrying out reforms of state-owned enterprises. You will see a lot of mergers and acquisitions. But it will take a long time to reduce overcapacity. Korea and Japan took 20 years to get rid of overcapacity. It will take 10 years at least."

    State supported Chinese steelmakers are disrupting the global market by dumping steel they can't sell at home in countries across the world, which often then unload their own unsold steel for less overseaes. Exports from China are on pace to hit 110 million tonnes this year

    Source : nwitimes
  4. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:14
    Odisha caps 75 mn tonnes iron ore despatch for 2015-16

    Business Standard recently reported that Odisha has capped iron ore desptach from the Joda and Koira circles at 75 million tonnes for 2015-16 on the back of improved infrastructure in mining circles. Iron ore despatch for Joda circle is capped at 44.35 million tonnes, while the limit for the Koira circle during 2015-16 is 30.65 million tonnes. A notification in this regard would be brought out soon

    The decision to cap the despatch was taken by a committee under the chairmanship of chief secretary after several rounds of meetings.

    Joda and Koira are two of the most prolific ore producing sectors spread across the mineral-rich Keonjhar and Sundargarh districts in the state.

    As of now, only 46 out of 143 iron ore mines are operational in the state. Of the 46 operational mines, eight are captive mines while the rest 38 are merchant mines. The merchant mines have a combined production capacity of 106.07 million tonnes a year.

    Iron ore production in Odisha crashed to 47.35 million tonnes in 2014-15 compared to 77.91 million tonnes in 2013-14 as several key mines remained under shutdown due to the Supreme Court's order.

    Source : Business Standard
  5. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:14
    Arrium’s iron ore shipments slide in Q3 of 2015

    Business Spectator reported that Arrium has seen its quarterly shipments fall after the mothballing of a key operation, but says it is progressing towards a significant resetting of its cost base. Shipments came to 2.19 million dry tonnes in the September quarter, a 20 per cent decline on the June period’s 2.74 million tonnes, due largely to the mothballing of the Southern Iron operation.

    Arrium reported ore sales of 2.09 million dry tonnes for the quarter and is eyeing a ramp up of sales to between 9 million tonnes and 10 million tonnes for fiscal 2016.

    The company said the average realised price over the quarter was around $US48 a dry tonne, a $US4 decrease on the June quarter.

    The miner said it has made significant progress on resetting its cost base as it works towards a targeted average cash break-even price for fiscal 2016 of around $US47 per tonne.

    Source : Business Spectator
  6. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:15
    Vedanta makes first shipment of 88,000 tonne iron ore from Goa

    Vedanta’s Iron Ore division shipped its first cargo of iron ore today after resuming mining operations at its Codli, Bicholim and Surla mines in Goa. The first shipment of 88000 tonnes is exported to China via the vessel “Ao Hong Ma”. Vedanta’s Iron Ore division is the first iron ore mining company to start operations in Goa after three years due to the ban on mining.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:17
    Vale update on iron ore production in Q3

    Iron ore production

    Excluding iron ore acquired from third parties and Samarco’s attributable production – of 88.2 million tonnes in 3Q15 was the highest quarterly production in Vale’s history. Production was 3.4% and 2.9% higher than in 2Q15 and 3Q14, respectively.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:17
    BHPB uses China compiled price index for iron ore for deal for first time

    CCTV.com reported that the China compiled price index for iron ore has been used for the first time. The China Iron and Steel Industry Association announced that Australian BHPB has applied the price index in a recent deal.

    Mr Wang Yingsheng, deputy secretary general of China Iron & Steel Association said "The Broken Hill Proprietary Company told us that on the 15th of September, the Chinese price index had been applied to a contract signed with a Chinese iron and steel enterprise. After years of development, China's iron ore index price has been increasingly recognized by the market.”

    The large iron ore companies like BHP Billiton, have traditionally only used the US Platts index based pricing system. But this system has been criticized by some, in that it cannot completely reflect the reality of global supply and demand. The price of imported iron ore to China has continuously risen over the last 10 years according to this index, except during the 2008 global financial crisis.

    Source : CCTV.com
  9. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:18
    Vale produces record 88.2 million tonnes iron ore in Q3

    Vale SA announced that it reached 88.2 million tonnes of iron ore production1 in the third quarter of 2015, representing the highest quarterly production in Vale’s history. Production in nine months of 2015, excluding iron ore acquired from third parties and Samarco’s attributable production, reached the new record of 248.0 million tonnes, 11.8 million tonnes higher than in 9M of 2014.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute

  10. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 17:25
    No end to descent – Key indicators spell further erosion in price line

    The trends in Week 42 at major exporting and importing locations, ie China, Europe, Black Sea, India and Turkey etc, reflected that price of various steel products are continuing to go down. The situation is so grim that buyers are not biting such low levels and not booking volumes, anticipating that this trend will push prices further down in coming times as Chinese steel mills wilt further to secure orders to keep their mills running. While the bottom remains elusive, market players are making guesses about extant of further deterioration from the current FOB China levels of USD 250-260 for rebar, wire rod, HR and plates. Interestingly, a doomsayer sees USD 200 as the nadir, saying that there is still a long way to go on cushion in prices from raw materials glut

    Source: Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2015 20:22
    Drone-trucks doen het zware werk in afgelegen Australische ijzermijn

    Gepubliceerd: 19 oktober 2015 22:20 | Laatste update: 20 oktober 2015 09:46

    Drone-vrachtwagens doen vanaf maandag dienst in twee Australische mijnen. De vrachtwagens elimineren gevaarlijke banen voor de chauffeurs en zorgen tegelijkertijd voor een kostenbesparing voor exploitant Rio Tinto.

    Drones komen vooral in het nieuws als bommenwerpers, maar bedrijven in de mijnbouw zijn druk doende hun operaties om te zetten naar onbemande voertuigen. Sinds maandag rijden 69 vrachtwagens hun rondjes in de reusachtige ijzerertsmijnen in de afgelegen Pilbara-regio van West-Australië.

    Het Australisch-Britse mijnbedrijf Rio Tinto heeft haar Yandicoogina- en Nammuldi-mijnen digitaal in kaart gebracht. De trucks kunnen daardoor zo goed als autonoom ladingen ijzererts verplaatsen. Manager van de eerstgenoemde mijn Josh Bennett: “Ons systeem berekent hoe de vrachtwagens door de mijn moeten manoeuvreren.”

    Uitputting grootste risico

    De drone-vrachtwagens kunnen 24 uur per dag, 365 dagen per jaar af en aan rijden zonder dat ze naar de wc hoeven of moe worden. Uitputting was één van de grootste risico’s voor een mijnchauffeur. Komt nog bij dat Rio Tinto geld bespaart op de huisvesting van werknemers in afgelegen dorpen, kosten voor vliegtickets en faciliteiten bij de mijn zelf.

    “Het voornaamste voordeel van technologie als deze is het één-voor-veleneffect”, zegt marktanalist Guillermo Sala Tenna. “Eén persoon kan de baan van veel andere opvangen.” In het geval van Rio Tinto zit die persoon in Perth, de grootste stad in West-Australië, 1.400 kilometer naar het zuiden.

    Op termijn wil het bedrijf meer drones gaan inzetten. Ook treinen en zelfs graafmachines moeten op afstand bestuurbaar worden. Er zijn al proeven gaande met treinen en eerder begon de mijngigant al met inspectiedrone-vliegtuigjes.

  12. [verwijderd] 20 oktober 2015 23:36

    voda schreef op 20 oktober 2015 17:25:

    No end to descent – Key indicators spell further erosion in price line

    The trends in Week 42 at major exporting and importing locations, ie China, Europe, Black Sea, India and Turkey etc, reflected that price of various steel products are continuing to go down. The situation is so grim that buyers are not biting such low levels and not booking volumes, anticipating that this trend will push prices further down in coming times as Chinese steel mills wilt further to secure orders to keep their mills running. While the bottom remains elusive, market players are making guesses about extant of further deterioration from the current FOB China levels of USD 250-260 for rebar, wire rod, HR and plates. Interestingly, a doomsayer sees USD 200 as the nadir, saying that there is still a long way to go on cushion in prices from raw materials glut

    Source: Strategic Research Institute

    Men gaat waarschijnlijk meer naar de JIT Just In Time leveringen met staal, wat nu misschien een extra reductie op de vraag betekend, maar voor de projecten heeft men het staal toch nodig.

    De prijs kan niet lang omder de kostprijs blijven; de doom-verhalen vieren nu hoogtij.

    We zullen zien,

  13. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 16:43
    BHP delft meer ijzererts ondanks overaanbod

    Gepubliceerd op 21 okt 2015 om 07:59 | Views: 2.307

    MELBOURNE (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - BHP Billiton delfde in het derde kwartaal meer ijzererts dan een jaar eerder ondanks de door overaanbod fors gedaalde prijs van de ijzergrondstof. De grootste mijnbouwer ter wereld volgt daarmee in de voetsporen van branchegenoten Rio Tinto en Vale.

    De ijzerertsproductie nam met 7 procent toe tot 61,3 miljoen ton. De prijs van ijzererts is ten opzichte van een piek in 2011 met meer dan 70 procent gedaald, vooral door een afkoeling van de Chinese economie.

    De Australische overheid voorspelde dat de prijzen van ijzererts en andere delfstoffen in 2016 verder zullen dalen, gevolgd door een geleidelijk herstel in de jaren tot 2020. Dit jaar zal de prijs van een ton ijzererts uitkomen op een gemiddelde van 53 dollar. Volgend jaar wordt een prijsniveau van 51 dollar voorzien, waarna een stijgende lijn wordt verwacht naar 75 dollar in 2020.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 17:07
    Save Our Steel – The Daily Mirror campaign

    The Mirror’s Save Our Steel campaign is demanding immediate action from Mr David Cameron to step in and save the battered industry, who has watched idly from the sidelines as Italy, France, Germany and the US all took steps to support their own steel industries.

    The Mirror is calling on David Cameron to take action

    An immediate cut in business rates for the steel industry and a fairer system of valuation.

    Give the steel industry a break from green taxes and high energy bills

    Block China from dumping cheap steel on the UK market

    Buy British. Major infrastructure and construction projects and all government backed contracts should look to use British-made steel

    UK steel industry has gone under water I n last few months with following developments
    1. Closure of SSI Redcar plant
    2. TATA Steel UK restructuring
    3. Caparo layoffs

    It is estimated that one in six of Britain’s 30,000 steelworkers will have lost their jobs in just a few weeks – with many more to come. Job losses from the three announcements could soar from 5,200 to around 15,000, experts said, once contractors and supply chain firms are taken into account.

    Source : Mirror
  15. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 17:08
    UK government should hang its head in shame - Community union

    Tata Steel have confirmed that a 'handful' of jobs are to go in the North East as the company announce 1,200 job cuts at their plants in Scunthorpe and in Lanarkshire.

    Mr Roy Rickhuss, General Secretary of steel union Community, which represents the majority of workers affected, said “Our immediate thoughts are with the workers and their families who will be affected by this announcement. Community representatives will be looking to sit down with the company, to understand the detail and to look at all alternatives that save jobs and uphold our principle of no compulsory redundancies. We will also be putting in place advice and support for our members who are affected.”

    He said “The government should hang its head in shame at today’s news. UK steel making is on its knees but I know that steelworkers across the UK are determined to fight for their future for the sake of their jobs, their families and their communities."

    Source : itv
  16. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 17:09
    Alang ship breakers facing headwinds on weaker steel demand and sliding rupee

    Business Standard reported that there are concerns amid caretakers, workers and even bankers on Alang, till recently world's largest site for breaking up and disposing old ships. Work has dwindled substantially and daily wages have declined from Rs 350 in better times to Rs 250.

    A branch manager of a public sector bank says he doesn't have much to do, except for dealing with pestering co-workers who are seeking a half day's leave. His workload has halved in recent years.

    Alang, 60 km away from Bhavnagar city, was developed by the Gujarat government in 1982. At the time, 46 plots for ship breaking were active and this gradually rose to 170 plots, of which 135 were owned by ship breakers and 35 were with the Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB). Ships from 3,000 tonnes upward came for dismantling; the biggest one, a few years earlier, was 85,000 tonnes.

    However, in the past two years, 100-odd units have closed; a little over 30 remain. An estimated 25,000 workers of an earlier workforce of about 35,000 have left for their hometowns in Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar and Jharkhand. The remaining ones are working for half a day.

    What is causing this situation is the rupee's devaluation against the dollar in recent years. This had reduced shipbreakers' global competitiveness in bidding for shipbreak contracts. The rupee is down from Rs 55 to a dollar in 2013 to Rs 65.19 in 2015 (as on Tuesday), down 18.5 per cent.

    As a result, the numbers of ships arriving at Alang for breaking have fallen from 40-45 a month around two years earlier to 15-20 a month. As against 212 ships during January to August in 2014, the period this year saw 143 arrived for breaking. "We have to pay more in rupee terms to buy ships. And, fluctuation in the rate against the dollar has restricted us from taking risks (ship breakers pay the money over a six-month period)," said Ramesh Mendpara, vice-president of the Ship Recycling Industries Association of India (SRIA). Bangladesh and Pakistan are bidding at better prices as their currencies have not devalued much against the dollar.

    Also, there is lower demand for steel and this is hurting re-rolling mills. Ramesh Aggarwal, director of Hooghly Shipbreakers and secretary of SRIA, said: "Demand for ship scrap from steel re-rolling mills is very dull because of the weak steel market in India. Around three per cent of total steel consumption of India comes from ship scrap."

    According to industry sources, cheaper exports by China has affected most.

    Source : Business Standard
  17. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 17:12
    KPMG comments on job losses and closures in the UK steel sector

    Mr Stephen Cooper, head of manufacturing at KPMG in the UK, said: “The metals sector is currently facing a bigger threat than in 2009 when the global financial crisis sent shockwaves through the industry. Today we heard the news of up to 1,200 job cuts in Scunthorpe and Scotland, which follows the confirmed closure of the entire steel site in Teesside, with the loss of around 2,200 jobs. Adding to this, yesterday another site announced that 1,700 jobs were set to go. This is not only a crisis for the metals industry but a crisis that goes to the very heart of the UK’s industrial manufacturing. The negative knock on effects of this crisis for the UK economy cannot be underestimated.

    Mark Firmin, head of Restructuring at KPMG, added: “While much of the news so far has been dominated by metal producing businesses, the current crisis has much wider implications throughout the whole supply chain. Knock-on effects will be felt by steel processors, stockholders, distributors, scrap metal dealers, metal traders, maintenance providers and equipment suppliers who will all be impacted by a falling steel price in different ways. We also forecast significant distress within metal product manufacturing businesses. Whilst they will be benefiting from decreased input costs, their revenue will likely decline in turn. Survival will depend on having a niche and flexible product portfolio and associated supply chain.”

    Stephen Cooper concluded: “Companies that are highly dependent on consistently high quality grade metals, such as those in the automotive, aerospace and the oil & gas sectors need to also keep a close watch on what is happening in the market, because it could have a significant impact on their own supply chains. This ‘supplier risk’ which involves thousands of different grades of metal for key components is currently underestimated in our view.”

    The KPMG Global Metals Outlook 2015 can be found at

    Source : mhwmagazine.co.uk
  18. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 17:14
    Download gewoon dat rapport, via de link. Geen gevaar of zo. Informatief.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 17:15
    Indian Steel Association asks steel secretary to issue quality control order

    Financial Express reported that the Indian Steel Association, an umbrella body of domestic integrated steelmakers, has written to the government requesting it to issue the Steel Quality Control Order, 2015, without any further delay as it would help curb the import of substandard steel and would be in sync with the ‘Make in India’ campaign

    ISA’s secretary-general Dr Sanak Mishra wrote to steel secretary Mr Anup Pujari in a recent letter wrote “The end-user has to pay a huge replacement cost for the purchase of goods made from sun-standard grade of steel very frequently. This is causing huge loss to the consumer and the country’s economy as a whole.”

    H added “The implementation of the quality standard is also important for the Make in India campaign aimed at turning India into a global manufacturing hub. India needs to build a quality conscious society and improve the image of the country.”

    The steel ministry had published a draft notification for the Steel and Steel Products (Quality Control) Order, 2015 and it was also put on the WTO website for 16 grades of steel products including HR plates, bars, tin plates, HR and CR sheets for comments from stakeholders on June 19. However, the gazette notification has not published yet.

    The commerce ministry had also directed the steel ministry nearly two years ago to improve quality on 40 items. Subsequently, 15 items were brought under the Steel and Steel Products (Quality Control) Order, 2012 in October last year.

    Source : Financial Express

  20. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2015 17:16
    TATA Steel UK chief Mr Jha calls for government support

    Tata Steel UK chief Mr Bimlendra Jha has given his first interview since news broke that 900 jobs at the town's steelworks were being axed to Scunthorpe Telegraph. This lunchtime he told the Scunthorpe Telegraph that shortly after the news was confirmed this morning, he went to meet the workers whose jobs are at risk, describing it as “very distressing”.

    He said "The situation is quite grave when you go to the shop floor and see the faces of the employees, you don’t have to want to go through that again. The situation is difficult, we are not on a level playing field with the business rates and Chinese imports. We are really fighting for the survival of the steel industry.""

    Mr Jha said the Government should talk to the EU and see what it can do regarding business rates.

    He added: “It is part of a consultation process, every option on the table will be consulted on. We are looking at all options. I think our employees are very committed. They are really in the fight with us together, we have been communicating with them and getting their understanding and the feedback has been from the employees that they understand why Tata are doing this.”

    He added “It’s not just Tata Steel, it’s manufacturing in Britain. It’s a fight for the industry.”

    Mr Jha is calling for action on business rates this month and on energy rates by the end of the year.

    Source : Scunthorpe Telegraph
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