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Posted byu/DonaldHuyDucLe
3 hours ago
My take on CYDY this morning
Last year, when everyone yelled "Sinking ship, abandon ship", I bought RCL at $26, CCL at $8, and NCLH at $8. I still now have these companies' shares almost a year later. I see the same scenarios here now, and I have to go through my checklist again before I make my next move. I feel much better today than I was last week. Last week, I held CYDY hoping and praying that Leronlimab will work on CoVid, and now I know for sure Leronlimab works on Covid. Here are my checklists:
* Does Leronlimab work on CoVid? Yes, and check. Leronlimab can save lives at the rate that no other drug on the planet can at this point.
* Did CD12 failed its primary endpoint, mortality? Yes, but comes very close to statistically significant on the subset, critical, and had proven Leronlimab work. Check
* Did CD12 failed its secondary endpoints? Yes, but comes very closed and had proven Leronlimab work. Check
* Did CD12 trial ended? No, the trial will continue since it is an adaptive trial and can change as needed to get to statistically significant. Check
* Did FDA, MHRA, Health Canada, Brazil, Philippines shut the door on CYDY and Leronlimab yet? No, and as a matter of fact, they all are working with CYDY to get Leronlimab to statistically significant. Check
* Is FDA corrupted? Yes, only at the top level. Most people who work at FDA have families too, and their family members could catch CoVid as well. So, most likely they will want the best drug for their family members just in case. That is why they still try to work with CYDY to get Leronlimab to statistically significant. Besides, corruption is everywhere, at every level, and in every society around the world. So, expected, accepted, and move on. Check.
* Do big pharmaceutical companies have power over FDA? Yes, of course, whoever has money will always have power, and that's just life. It was that way 1,000 years ago and it will be 1,000 years from now. Expected, accepted, and move on. Check.
* Did FDA slow walk CYDY to protect their buddies at BP? Yes, at the top level. Obviously, CYDY did not have any lobbying money or grease to smooth the process. This is where CYDY needs to partner with a BP just like BioNTech with Pfizer. CYDY needs to learn and play the game in order to excel to the next level. Expected, accepted, and move on. Check. (FYI, lobbying from big pharmaceutical companies is around $233 million per year. Google it and you can read it yourself)
* Will 140 more patients get Leronlimab to statistically significant? Yes, and most likely because now the scientists at CYDY already know how to get there and will design the trials to get there. Check.
* Will the scientist at CYDY have the capability to complete the trial? Yes, and check. (Management 101, if you have smarter people working for you, keep your mouth shut, leave them alone and let them do what they do best. Just sit back, enjoy, and share the reward with them.)
* It will take maybe 3 more months the finish this slow walk trial provided by FDA, does CYDY has the capability to finish this trial technically and financially? Yes, and absolutely.
* Will FDA throw another checklist at CYDY again and keep slow walk the Leronlimab again? Possible, but it will be much harder to do when Leronlimab shows statistical significance. At this point, most likely MHRA, Health Canada, Brazil, the Philippines, and other countries will already approve and take the entire inventory of Leronlimab. It is sucked to be working for FDA when the news hit the wire “American drug but FDA lets American die”.
* Is there any other drug on the market that can have the same efficacy on CoVid as Leronlimab at this point? No, and check
* Did Leronlimab work on HIV? Yes, and check
* Will Leronlimab get approved for HIV later this year 2021? Most likely and check. This alone will make me very happy and will act as a safety net.
* Will Leronlimab work on other indications i.e. cancer, NASH, etc.? Who knows and who cares at this point. Check.
* Can I wait for another 3 to 9 more months to find out if CYDY is successful or not? Yes, and why not. Check. If I can hold other stocks for almost a year now and have no plan to sell any of them anytime soon, so absolutely the answer is yes, I can hold CYDY.
* Did I do careful research on CYDY before I buy? Yes, and I will stick with my research and my conviction all the way through.
* What is the chance of CYDY goes bankrupt? Zero, check. Leronlimab had proven to work on CoVid and HIV. Most likely, it will work on other similar indications. It is just they must patiently go through the bureaucratic paperwork, the corruption, and BS of the world that a typical small company must go through. Worst-case scenarios, I must wait until the end of the year for HIV approval. In better scenarios, one of the big pharmaceuticals will join forces with CYDY to bring Leronlimab to the market and eventually buy out CYDY.
* If CYDY completely failed, will I go through financial hardship? No, and check
So, what is my next move? Nothing. I will sit and watch for the bottom, and I will buy more shares.