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Q3-draadje Fugro voor iedereen.

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  1. forum rang 7 Greyhounds 21 juli 2022 17:59

    Henkie 1960 schreef op 21 juli 2022 17:44:

    Shorters zijn weer teruggekomen nu voor de cijfers,wat werd er soms geschreven ,shorters zitten dichter bij het vuur dan ons.Jammergenoeg.Ik stap ,mogelijk straks weer in als alles op 28 juni bekend is,nu doe ik het niet.Sorry,het is op dit moment meer een gok aandeel.
    Goedenavond alle, Henkie je maak weer dezelfde fout als vorige keer.
    Toen doken de shorters er ook op voor de cijfers en de rest is geschiedenis.
    De cijfers komen op 28 juli dus dan gaan we het zien, ik blijf zitten waar ik zit en heb zelfs het portie van 11,55 gisteren niet verkocht.
    Heb er alle vertrouwen in en als het tegen valt blijf ik tot 2030 zitten.
    Succes met jou beslissing.

    Fijne avond.
  2. forum rang 5 IQ 21 juli 2022 18:21

    Greyhounds schreef op 21 juli 2022 17:59:

    [...]Goedenavond alle, Henkie je maak weer dezelfde fout als vorige keer.
    Toen doken de shorters er ook op voor de cijfers en de rest is geschiedenis.
    De cijfers komen op 28 juli dus dan gaan we het zien, ik blijf zitten waar ik zit en heb zelfs het portie van 11,55 gisteren niet verkocht.
    Heb er alle vertrouwen in en als het tegen valt blijf ik tot 2030 zitten.
    Succes met jou beslissing.

    Fijne avond.
    Dapper om zelfs geduld op te brengen tot 2030, maar denk meer als grapje bedoeld, ga er vanuit dt die 20€ van Visboer eerder op de borden verschijnt, binnen twee jaar denk ik, als er telkens weer zware cijfers geproduceerd wordt en natuurlijk het herfinanciering probleem opgelost wordt.
  3. forum rang 6 Jalen 21 juli 2022 19:03

    Greyhounds schreef op 21 juli 2022 17:59:

    [...]Goedenavond alle, Henkie je maak weer dezelfde fout als vorige keer.
    Toen doken de shorters er ook op voor de cijfers en de rest is geschiedenis.
    De cijfers komen op 28 juli dus dan gaan we het zien, ik blijf zitten waar ik zit en heb zelfs het portie van 11,55 gisteren niet verkocht.
    Heb er alle vertrouwen in en als het tegen valt blijf ik tot 2030 zitten.
    Succes met jou beslissing.

    Fijne avond.
    Blackrock stond 2 weken voor de trading update ook nog aardig short in Fugro. Ze hebben de wijsheid niet in pacht Henkie. Als t meer dan 1 partij zou zijn, zou ik me zorgen maken. Maar geen enkele andere partij volgt Citadel, tenminste niet boven de meldgrens. Zegt ook wel wat. Succes met je beslissing.
  4. forum rang 4 nr36 21 juli 2022 19:04
    21 juli

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources voted to advance U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy’s (R-LA) Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies & Ecosystems (RISEE) Act on Thursday, which would increase funding from offshore energy revenue sharing that Louisiana uses for coastal restoration. The bill would also amend the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) to, among other things, remove the revenue sharing cap which could bring billions of additional dollars to Louisiana and the Gulf Coast region.

    Currently, Gulf of Mexico energy royalties are shared by four Gulf energy-producing states, including Louisiana, with the U.S. Treasury. Louisiana uses this funding for conservation, restoration, and environmental protection projects to preserve and restore its eroding coastline, however, offshore wind revenue is excluded from the program. Cassidy’s RISEE Act would also create a new national revenue sharing from offshore wind.

    “This is another step in getting the $50 billion Louisiana needs to restore our coastline. This is important for our state and for our country,” said Dr. Cassidy. “There is much more to do, but every step gets us closer to protecting our communities and our people.”

    This legislation is also cosponsored by U.S. Senators Angus King (I-ME), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Chris Coons (D-DE), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Brian Schatz (D-HI), John Kennedy (R-LA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

    The bill amends GOMESA by:

    Eliminating the state revenue sharing cap, currently at $375 million.
    Lifting the Land & Water Conservation Fund’s state side funding cap of $125 million.
    Creating a new national offshore wind revenue sharing program with revenues divided as follows: 50% to the Treasury, 37.5% to states, 12.5% to the National Oceans & Coastal Security Fund. How eligible states will receive dollars from offshore is determined by a formula contained in the legislation.
    Making eligible any offshore wind leases auctioned beginning January 1, 2022, which means the NY/NJ and Carolina lease sales will be eligible for revenue sharing under this agreement.
    Enhancing transparency on how states fund projects.
    Clarifying funding cannot be used on projects “primarily for entertainment purposes.”
    Eliminating the administrative fee to increase the federal revenues available for inland producing states.
    The bill now heads to the full Senate for consideration.


    Current law requires all revenues generated from federal offshore wind leases and production beyond state waters be deposited in the U.S. Treasury. The bipartisan compromise reached on the RISEE Act sends 37.5% of offshore wind revenue to adjacent states where offshore wind farms are developed. The state share is based on a formula developed by the Secretary of Interior to ensure states are receiving revenues from wind energy development off their coasts.

    The state funds can be used:

    For coastal restoration, hurricane protection, or infrastructure;
    To mitigate damage to fish, wildlife, or other natural resources, including through fisheries science and research; and
    To implement a marine, coastal, or conservation management plan.
    In addition, 12.5% of offshore wind revenues would serve as a further dedicated funding source for the National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund. This Fund includes dollars to States based on a formula and also provides competitive grants to coastal and Great Lakes communities to respond to coastal erosion and sea level rise, restore coastal habitat, and make improvements to coastal infrastructure.

    In Louisiana, supporters include:

    House Speaker Pro Tempore Tanner Magee
    State Senator Bret Allain
    Terrebonne Parish President Gordon “ Gordy” Dove
    House Appropriations Chair Jerome “Zee” Zeringue
    State Representative Ryan Bourriaque
    Northshore Legislative Delegation
    St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper
    St. John the Baptist Parish President Jaclyn Hotard
    Cameron Parish Policy Jury President Scott Trahan
    Lafourche Parish President Archie Chaisson
    St Bernard Parish President Guy McInnis
    Plaquemines Parish President Kirk Lepine
    Tangipahoa Parish President Robby Miller
    Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission
    St. Tammany Parish Development District
    LA-1 Coalition
    Bayou Industrial Group
    St. Tammany Parish Council Government
    St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce
    Jefferson Parish Chamber of Commerce
    Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana
    Morganza Action Coalition
    Nicholls State University
    North Lafourche Levee District
    GNO Inc
    Iberia Parish Government
    River Region Chamber of Commerce
    Cameron Parish Port, Harbor and Terminal District
    Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District
    Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District
    Plaquemines Association of Business and Industry
    Greater Lafourche Port Commission
    Parish Presidents of Louisiana Association
    Parishes Advocating for Coastal Endurance
    South Central Industrial Association
    Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
    Port Association of Louisiana
    Assumption Parish Police Jury
    Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
    Chenier Plain Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
    Coastbuilders Coalition
    Restore the Mississippi River Delta Coalition
    Bayou Lafourche Fresh Water District
    Lafourche Chamber of Commerce
    Ponchartrain Conservancy
    St. Tammany Parish Council
    Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association
    The RISEE Act is also supported by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, National Audubon Society, American Sportfishing Association, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, Ørsted, American Clean Power Association, National Wildlife Federation, National Marine Manufacturers Associations, Coastal States Organization, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, American Shore & Beach Preservation Association, National Ocean Policy Coalition, Trust for Public Land, The Nature Conservancy, City Parks Alliance, National Recreation and Park Association, and Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, National Ocean Industries Association, Fugro, and Citizens Climate Lobby.
  5. forum rang 6 Jalen 21 juli 2022 19:05

    Bergonzi schreef op 21 juli 2022 18:54:

    aantal vacatures schiet omhoog naar 566, er is veel te doen de komende tijd
    Zo is het. En Biden gaat publieke werken financieren o.b.v. crisiswetgeving. Goede vooruitzichten.
  6. forum rang 4 nr36 21 juli 2022 19:06
    Maar ook voor beleggers die bij dalende koersen de kat liever uit de boom kijken, blijven er mogelijkheden om te investeren. Tussen de aandelen die wij volgen, zitten namelijk ook koopwaardige aandelen uit eigen land die het dit jaar gewoon prima doen. De AEX (KPN, Shell), AMX (Fugro, Boskalis, Galapagos) en AScX (ECP, Wereldhave) tellen samen zeven fondsen die dit jaar op winst staan én waarvan wij goede verwachtingen hebben voor het komende jaar.
  7. JJJS 21 juli 2022 19:08

    Henkie 1960 schreef op 21 juli 2022 17:44:

    Shorters zijn weer teruggekomen nu voor de cijfers,wat werd er soms geschreven ,shorters zitten dichter bij het vuur dan ons.Jammergenoeg.Ik stap ,mogelijk straks weer in als alles op 28 juni bekend is,nu doe ik het niet.Sorry,het is op dit moment meer een gok aandeel.
    Ik dacht dat er maar 1 shorter was? En of die nou dichter bij het vuur zit dan wij, betwijfel ik zeer.

    Mij bekruipt meer het gevoel dat deze shorter gewoon die Ray Dalio probeert te imiteren. Deze ging voor 7 mrd massaal short in Europa, in fondsen als Total en ik denk ook Shell. Deze sukkel denkt dat moet met minder geld in een vergelijkbaar fondsje als Fugro ook wel lukken. Een betere verklaring zou ik niet kunnen verzinnen. En shorters verdienen niet per definitie altijd maar geld, ze verliezen ook......

    Hoop op goede cijfers, al hou ik mijn hart een beetje vast voor de marges. Toegenomen vraag naar personeel kan op veel opdrachten duiden, maar ook op veel verloop (of beiden.....:))

    Anyway, nog een week en we weten het.
  8. forum rang 4 nr36 21 juli 2022 19:08
    Zwolle – Als voorbereiding op de versterking van de Stadsdijken Zwolle is Dijkteam Zwolle op maandag 18 juli alvast met werkzaamheden op het terrein van Scania gestart. Dit verkleint de kans op een verstoring van het productieproces tijdens de uitvoering van de dijkversterking die eind van het jaar begint. De werkzaamheden duren vier weken en vinden op verzoek van Scania plaats tijdens de zomersluiting van het bedrijf. Dat meldt het Waterschap WDODelta.

    Slimme planning door afstemming
    Op deze manier kan er tijdens de daadwerkelijke dijkversterking grotendeels buiten de hekken van het Scania-terrein worden gewerkt. Dit draagt bij aan de veiligheid, voorspelbaarheid en efficiëntie van de uit te voeren werkzaamheden. Ook zorgt deze aanpak ervoor dat de kans op inkomensschade voor Scania zo klein mogelijk blijft.

    Tijdens de zomersluiting gaat Dijkteam Zwolle het parkeerterrein bij de haven ophogen en opnieuw inrichten. Verder worden er rondom het parkeerterrein damwanden geplaatst en hekwerk vervangen. Na de zomersluiting kunnen dan buiten de hekken nog werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd, zoals het plaatsen van damwanden langs het Zwolle-IJsselkanaal en het versterken van het dijktalud.

    Stadsdijken Zwolle
    De Stadsdijken in Zwolle worden de komende jaren versterkt. Het gaat hierbij om een bijzonder traject: van het landelijke Westerveld langs de woonwijk Holtenbroek tot en met industrieterrein Voorst. Iedere locatie vraagt om een andere oplossing om de dijk ook in de toekomst sterk te houden. Hiervoor werkt Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta (WDODelta) als Dijkteam Zwolle samen met aannemerscombinatie Dura Vermeer-Ploegam, met ondersteuning van advies- en ingenieursbureaus TAUW, Fugro en H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten. Deze marktpartijen zijn al sinds de start van de planuitwerking aan boord. Dat maakt het mogelijk om nu al deze werkzaamheden uit te voeren.

    Stadsdijken Zwolle is onderdeel van het landelijke Hoogwaterbeschermingsprogramma (HWBP). Hierin werken waterschappen en Rijkswaterstaat samen aan de grootste dijkversterkingsoperatie ooit sinds de Deltawerken. Minimaal 1.500 kilometer dijken en daarnaast 500 sluizen en gemalen worden de komende dertig jaar versterkt
  9. forum rang 4 visboer 21 juli 2022 21:44

    nr36 schreef op 21 juli 2022 19:06:

    Maar ook voor beleggers die bij dalende koersen de kat liever uit de boom kijken, blijven er mogelijkheden om te investeren. Tussen de aandelen die wij volgen, zitten namelijk ook koopwaardige aandelen uit eigen land die het dit jaar gewoon prima doen. De AEX (KPN, Shell), AMX (Fugro, Boskalis, Galapagos) en AScX (ECP, Wereldhave) tellen samen zeven fondsen die dit jaar op winst staan én waarvan wij goede verwachtingen hebben voor het komende jaar.
    Ook jet kan nog wel eens snel herstellen
  10. forum rang 6 Jalen 22 juli 2022 01:13
    Het is een latertje vanavond - maar ik vond zeer goed goed nieuws dat ik niemand wil onthouden. De cijfers van sectorgenoot PGS zijn uit - en die zijn zeer positief. Hieronder de resultaten over q2:

    Link: www.pgs.com/investor-relations/ir-new...

    Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Results
    July 21, 2022

    Improving Financial Position in a Recovering Market
    View results | View presentation | Audiocast

    Takeaways Q2 2022

    Revenues and Other Income of $273.6 million, compared to $185.9 million in Q2 2021
    EBITDA of $193.3 million, compared to $118.5 million in Q2 2021
    EBIT (ex. impairments and other charges) of $57.8 million, compared to a loss of $7.6 million in Q2 2021
    Cash flow from operations of $43.7 million, compared to $81.4 million in Q2 2021
    Cash and cash equivalents of $219.8 million, compared to $155.4 million in Q2 2021
    Successful private placement secured approximately $85 million in new equity
    Obtained commitments for $50 million of new, senior secured debt
    Leveraged multiyear Equinor frame agreement with several projects for the 2022 summer season
    Secured large MultiClient campaign in the North Sea and expanding MultiClient coverage offshore Canada
    Awarded large 4D contract offshore West Africa, securing utilization for one vessel until summer 2023
    Awarded the Smeaheia carbon storage acquisition contract by Equinor

    “We continue to see an improving marine seismic market. We delivered the second highest quarterly revenues since Q4 2014 and a positive net income for the quarter.

    Our Q2 MultiClient late sales revenues almost doubled from Q1 and increased 65% year-over-year. Significant MultiClient sales, including high transfer fees, are a confirmation that our MultiClient library is highly attractive to customers and that investment in exploration seismic is again increasing. Higher exploration interest further enabled us to secure strong pre-funding for new MultiClient surveys, including our first large scale MultiClient survey in the Norwegian Sea since 2020 and a significant survey in South Bank, offshore Canada.

    All our six active 3D vessels came back in operation during Q2. The contract acquisition market continued to improve in the quarter and dominated our vessel activity. However, contract revenues were impacted by steaming and standby early in the quarter, and by mobilization on two surveys where production and revenue impact primarily will be in Q3 and Q4.

    We successfully completed a private placement in the quarter securing approximately $85 million of new equity and obtained commitments for $50 million of new senior secured debt. In addition, the subsequent offering of approximately $14 million was completed last week. The transactions increase our liquidity going forward by close to $150 million. With the improved funding position and an improving market and better cash flow generation, I believe we are well positioned to refinance ahead of Q3 2023.

    Our New Energy business continues to gain momentum. We have been awarded four carbon storage acquisition surveys for 2022, most recently over the Smeaheia carbon storage site for Equinor. Further we secured access to the market leading P-cable system, which we believe will be valuable in the offshore wind and other applications requiring ultra-high resolution.

    We increased our order book by almost 15% during the quarter, our fleet is fully booked through Q3 and the winter season is already firming up with activity and pricing continuing on a positive trend.”

    Rune Olav Pedersen,

    President and Chief Executive Officer

    PGS expects global energy consumption to continue to increase longer term with oil and gas remaining an important part of the energy mix, as the global energy transition evolves. Offshore reserves will be vital for future energy supply and support demand for marine seismic services. With high oil and gas prices, the seismic market has entered a recovery phase, and the positive trend is expected to continue due to increasing investments among energy companies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has significantly increased the general focus on energy security and, combined with several years of low investment in new oil and gas supplies, has further increased oil and gas prices and investment pressures on energy companies.

    The seismic acquisition market is likely to benefit from a significant reduction of operated vessel supply over several years. In 2022 we see an increasing demand for seismic acquisition services related to carbon capture and storage projects and currently expect to generate revenues of approximately $30 million relating to our New Energy business for the full year.

    PGS expects full year 2022 gross cash costs to be approximately $500 million, an increase from the approximately $475 million guided earlier due to increased project activity.

    2022 MultiClient cash investments are expected to be approximately $125 million.

    Approximately 65% of 2022 active 3D vessel time is expected to be allocated to contract work.

    Capital expenditures for 2022 is expected to be approximately $60 million.

    The order book totaled $359 million on June 30, 2022. On March 31, 2022, and June 30, 2021, the order book was $315 million and $410 million, respectively. Please note that the Company’s order book is now disclosed on a basis consistent with IFRS 15. This is a change compared to the order book disclosed in financial reports before 2022. Reference is made to Note 1 and Appendix.
  11. 83M 22 juli 2022 09:09

    Jalen schreef op 22 juli 2022 01:13:

    Het is een latertje vanavond - maar ik vond zeer goed goed nieuws dat ik niemand wil onthouden. De cijfers van sectorgenoot PGS zijn uit - en die zijn zeer positief. Hieronder de resultaten over q2:

    Link: www.pgs.com/investor-relations/ir-new...

    Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Results
    July 21, 2022

    Improving Financial Position in a Recovering Market
    View results | View presentation | Audiocast

    Takeaways Q2 2022

    Revenues and Other Income of $273.6 million, compared to $185.9 million in Q2 2021
    EBITDA of $193.3 million, compared to $118.5 million in Q2 2021
    EBIT (ex. impairments and other charges) of $57.8 million, compared to a loss of $7.6 million in Q2 2021
    Cash flow from operations of $43.7 million, compared to $81.4 million in Q2 2021
    Cash and cash equivalents of $219.8 million, compared to $155.4 million in Q2 2021
    Successful private placement secured approximately $85 million in new equity
    Obtained commitments for $50 million of new, senior secured debt
    Leveraged multiyear Equinor frame agreement with several projects for the 2022 summer season
    Secured large MultiClient campaign in the North Sea and expanding MultiClient coverage offshore Canada
    Awarded large 4D contract offshore West Africa, securing utilization for one vessel until summer 2023
    Awarded the Smeaheia carbon storage acquisition contract by Equinor

    “We continue to see an improving marine seismic market. We delivered the second highest quarterly revenues since Q4 2014 and a positive net income for the quarter.

    Our Q2 MultiClient late sales revenues almost doubled from Q1 and increased 65% year-over-year. Significant MultiClient sales, including high transfer fees, are a confirmation that our MultiClient library is highly attractive to customers and that investment in exploration seismic is again increasing. Higher exploration interest further enabled us to secure strong pre-funding for new MultiClient surveys, including our first large scale MultiClient survey in the Norwegian Sea since 2020 and a significant survey in South Bank, offshore Canada.

    All our six active 3D vessels came back in operation during Q2. The contract acquisition market continued to improve in the quarter and dominated our vessel activity. However, contract revenues were impacted by steaming and standby early in the quarter, and by mobilization on two surveys where production and revenue impact primarily will be in Q3 and Q4.

    We successfully completed a private placement in the quarter securing approximately $85 million of new equity and obtained commitments for $50 million of new senior secured debt. In addition, the subsequent offering of approximately $14 million was completed last week. The transactions increase our liquidity going forward by close to $150 million. With the improved funding position and an improving market and better cash flow generation, I believe we are well positioned to refinance ahead of Q3 2023.

    Our New Energy business continues to gain momentum. We have been awarded four carbon storage acquisition surveys for 2022, most recently over the Smeaheia carbon storage site for Equinor. Further we secured access to the market leading P-cable system, which we believe will be valuable in the offshore wind and other applications requiring ultra-high resolution.

    We increased our order book by almost 15% during the quarter, our fleet is fully booked through Q3 and the winter season is already firming up with activity and pricing continuing on a positive trend.”

    Rune Olav Pedersen,

    President and Chief Executive Officer

    PGS expects global energy consumption to continue to increase longer term with oil and gas remaining an important part of the energy mix, as the global energy transition evolves. Offshore reserves will be vital for future energy supply and support demand for marine seismic services. With high oil and gas prices, the seismic market has entered a recovery phase, and the positive trend is expected to continue due to increasing investments among energy companies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has significantly increased the general focus on energy security and, combined with several years of low investment in new oil and gas supplies, has further increased oil and gas prices and investment pressures on energy companies.

    The seismic acquisition market is likely to benefit from a significant reduction of operated vessel supply over several years. In 2022 we see an increasing demand for seismic acquisition services related to carbon capture and storage projects and currently expect to generate revenues of approximately $30 million relating to our New Energy business for the full year.

    PGS expects full year 2022 gross cash costs to be approximately $500 million, an increase from the approximately $475 million guided earlier due to increased project activity.

    2022 MultiClient cash investments are expected to be approximately $125 million.

    Approximately 65% of 2022 active 3D vessel time is expected to be allocated to contract work.

    Capital expenditures for 2022 is expected to be approximately $60 million.

    The order book totaled $359 million on June 30, 2022. On March 31, 2022, and June 30, 2021, the order book was $315 million and $410 million, respectively. Please note that the Company’s order book is now disclosed on a basis consistent with IFRS 15. This is a change compared to the order book disclosed in financial reports before 2022. Reference is made to Note 1 and Appendix.
    Doet niks positiefs met de fugro koers
  12. forum rang 6 Jalen 22 juli 2022 09:17
    Ik vind het lastig te doorgronden. ik had het idee dat SBM, Shell en CGG allemaal 'meedaalden' met Fugro gisteren. Alleen staan die nu in de plus, en Fugro bungelt weer onderaan..
  13. JJJS 22 juli 2022 09:39
    Ik heb ook geen idee. Citadel kan er vanochtend gelijk weer een paar aandeeltjes tegenaan gegooid hebben, of met hun eerdere acties iedere animo die er schoorvoetend voor dit aandeel was, eruit geslagen hebben.

    Ben benieuwd naar de short percentages en vooral wat donderdag ons brengen gaat......
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