They refused to supply SaabPublished June 15, 2011 10:09GOTHENBURG. "We do not deliver".
GT has the list of creditors who have gone to the bailiff to recover their money from Saab. One of them is Kongsberg Automotive in Mullingar which manufactures gear levers to Saab Automobile in Trollhättan.Trollhättan factory is stationary and the reason is all the subcontractors were not paid by Saab. Without money, there are no car parts.
- The situation is extremely serious, "said Sven-Ake Berglie, president of Automotive Component Group. You obviously have no short term solution. The question is whether real estate sales are of a size that it is enough?
The requirements plummets into the stewardThe requirements plummets into the enforcement service in Uddevalla. Yesterday afternoon, a total of 54 submissions lodged with the Authority. All have come in the past two months, three of which as recently as yesterday. In total there are over 23 million. The total debt is many times greater.
Kongsberg factory in Mullingar, once an old Saab factory, manufactures gear levers to Saab and is a requirement of around 4.3 million, one of the highest amounts.
Production of the Saab is just a small part of the Norwegian group's activities. Gear levers account for just under five percent of the total deliveries from the factory in Mullingar.
Concern for Saab goes bankrupt- That we move on to the bailiff's because we want our place in the queue if it would be bankrupt, "explains Communications Director Hans Jorgen Morland.
- We are in negotiations with Saab, "he continues. The goal is for us to maintain our collaboration. We have no interest in Saab's bankruptcy.
The same attitude has other Swedish suppliers, believes Sven-Ake Berglie.
- No company stands or falls with Saab, "he says. The largest creditors are abroad. For example, GM.